The Beauty in Diversity

By Krouzep929

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Where Sam is a billionaire herself and the owner of Diversity and she also comes from royalty and Mon is a fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

386 9 1
By Krouzep929


Mon was up early to get Singha ready for his playdate.Sam didn't exactly specify at what time she was arriving so Mon walking around in her mini pj bottoms and an oversized tshirt with bunny slippers.

Singha was busy chewing on a ball when he suddenly jumped up and scrambled to the door.

Morning my little baby boy Sam cooed and Singha wiggled his little body.Morning Mon Sam smiled.

Morning..uhm you're early, Mon said feeling a little embarrased at her dishelved look with Sam staring shamelesly at her.

Yea I wanted to come as early as possible, there's this thing that I still have to attend later today and you look cute by the way.

Mon blushed and smiled because she didn't know how to respond to Sam's blatant flirtation.

Anyway, I think we should be on our way,Sam bent down and called Singha who came flying like a jet into her arms and as she was getting up he wiggled out of her arms and ran back to Mon,he ran back and forth like that for a couple times, entertaining he's confused parents.

Singha,came mum Pohn voice, you're are going to wake Grandpa up,stop your running boy.

We don't know what has gotten into him Auntee,maybe I should take him on a playdate another time, Sam said trying to hide her disappoinment but Mon could tell she wasnt happy.

No he's going on that playdate honey,he's just confused,he can't decide if he should go with you or stay with Mon because he's used to go on walks with the both of you,so i suggest that you go get ready Mon and join them,that's if you don't have a problem with that Sam?

Yes,I mean no Auntee,of course I don't have a problem.Mon you are welcome to join us,Sam rambled nervously.

The only word Mon uttered was "thanks"because she didn't know what on earth just happened.

So I'm going back to bed, but before I go I just want to say something.

Yes Auntee,Yes mum the answered simultaneously.

Please don't try anything stupid while you're out there.

Oh my gosh mum, why though?..Mon facepalmed.

Mon i'm being serious,I don't want any trouble and the only reason why I would ever allow this is because I genuinely care about you Sam and because i consider myself Singha's grandma, but you're getting married and Mon is in a relationship,so please, don't you ever forget that.Like I said,I don't want any trouble.

Of course Auntee, we don't..there's nothing.We will be back early because I'm meeting my future in laws.

Great,as if I asked for this.Mon mumbled.Annoyed at her mum and Sam's future in laws.

I'm going to shower..


When they stepped outside Mon was surprised to see a gorgeous red beauty parked in front of her house.

Oh let me guess, Blood Moon?Waxing Gibbous?Mon teased.

Are you making fun of my ride Sam jokingly asked,knowing that Mon didn't mean any of it,in fact she knew Mon secretly loved the celestial names that she gave her cars.

What do you think?you show off,Mon said as she checked out the car and saw the personalised number plate. Ha ah,hell no, Hot? you named her Hot? out of all things in the entire galaxy,you settled with Hot? seriously Sam, I didn't peg you for someone who would name her car "HoT" and I still don't, but I guess Adena must be hot right? Mon teased but it also made her feel some type of way.

Oh  blah,blah,blah, just get in will you,Sam laughed because Mon really wasn't feeling that name.

Okay,okay Grumpy,you can be such a dude sometimes you know.

 Mon had to move pass Sam who was standing in an akward position because she was holding the door for her when their bodies literally touched, the contact made them froze in an instant.

Sam took that as opportunity to set the record straight when she brought her mouth to Mon's ear, "Adena might be hot, but her beauty, looking at her car and then directly at Mon,is Unmatched."

Mon gulped and licked her lips but pretended not be affected by Sam's actions and words so she gathered herself camly got into the car.


On  their way Sam was telling her the names of her cars, when she finally get to HoT.

I actually got her before Eclipse, Sam smirked and looked over at Mon who had a flushed face.

Here we go again..Mon thought..

You mean "Lady Eclipse" Mon replied and gave a flirtatious wink, which caused Sam to choke on her spit.

Om my gosh are you okay?Mon asked with feign concern.

Ver funny but speaking of Eclipse... Sam continued hestitantly..

and knowing exactly where this conversation was heading ,Mon interupted.

We made a mistake Sam..and I'm really sorry about the damage,I don't know what came over me. "actually you came over me". Mon thought..

Yes of course, Sam agreed in meek voice,and I'm sorry for provoking you.It's obviously not going to happen again because we are..

"adults" Mon continued,who are in committed relationships and we love..

"Right,Okay". Sam ended that conversation not giving Mon the chance to finish her thought.

So about Hot?and they continued talking as if they didn't just have the most akward conversation just a second ago.


They finally reached their destination, a doggy park, that Mon wasn't really familiar with.

It's beautiful,it doesn't even look like a dog park.

It wasn't at first but the place didn't really attract many visitors so they turned it into a dog park for smaller dogs now the place is buzzing and Singha has a lot of friends.

I can see, Mon says after watching countless women flirt with Sam, but Sam was being obvlious as usual.

Mon grabbed the ball and threw ot to Sigha.Let's go play catch with him, and she pulled at Sam's arm excitedly.

They both ran after Singha who decided to pick up the ball an ran in all direction with them.After a good couple of minutes Sam was out of breath and watched Mon and Singha as they both playfully fought for the ball on the grass and trying to catch each other.Sam laughed at their interaction as Singha pulled on the back of Mon's top and for the first time in a very long time she was happy,genuinely happy. 

She felt a gentle knock on her leg,it was Singha's plushy that came flying.

Hey daydreamer!Mon shouted,we're waiting for you!

I'm coming!,Sam shouted back.

Of course you are,Mon winked.

Sam did a double take and blushed at Mon's boldness."What the hell are you doing to me Mon",Sam thought as she ran towards them.

After hours of playing they decided that enough was enough,Singha who's leg magically healed was playing with he's doggy friends while they sat on the grass and watched him.

I'm drained,Mon fell back.I can't believe he's so full of energy.I swear that dog pretended to be injured to get his way.

He takes after you..Sam teased

 Oh you know very well that I never had to fake anything to get my way.Mon smirked.

Of course not "Miss Arrogant" but I wasn't talking about that.

Mon laughed,"I'm not arrogant"

No you're not, you just always had a pair of lungs on you,Sam says as she flashed her brows at Mon.

Mon blushed a bright shade of red and pinched Sam's back.

Ouch!You ant.

Serves you right  "Miss.Strike the iron while it is hot"

What? you were manhandling me in my dreams,I couldn't help it.

Really Sam? 2am/3am in the morning?Mon challenged.

I didn't hear you complain back then and you were always topping me in the end by the way and kept going until day break.#TopMon Sam smirked.

Oh haha,very funny indeed,but you topped me almost every other night,Khun Sam. #ChamCham.

Because you started it and I just finished it.MonMon.

 A silence fell between them and they gave each other a knowing look.#ChamChamMonMon. 

Lady Sam?is that you? a woman called out.

"Oh no Mon, please help",Sam muttered.

Oh my,what a pleasant surprise!I haven't seen you in the park for the past couple of weeks and I almost thought that you were ditching me,I mean us,the people at the park.She looked at Mon,oh hi and you must be the dog handler right?Does she even speak thai?the woman asked confused because Mon was just sitting there with a RBF and Sam who had enough of that woman's disrespect was about to unleash hell, but Mon quicky intervened.

She offered the woman her hand ."Im the wife,pleased to meet you", with a look that says "back the f** off *witch. "

Oh I didn't know...

Well now you know that I got married to the love of my life a couple of weeks ago uh..

Mon's heart skipped multiple beats .

It's "Nina" and congrats i guess, anyway I have to be on my way again,Nina didn't look pleased at all and stormed off.

They both fell on their backs laughing at Nina who couldn't get away fast enough.

"Thanks for saving me from that annoying woman", Sam said as she wiped off the tears that was rolling down her face from laughing.

You're welcome and I don't think that Adena knows how lucky she really is to have someone who would come to her defense like you would, although I do think that you need to work on that temper Sam.

Sam's heart fluttered."If only you knew",she said to herself.

I don't know about you but I'm starving.You want to get something to eat?my treat,Sam offered.

Sounds good,but don't you have a lunch date with your in laws or something,I really don't want to get you into trouble.

Sam sighed, It's still early and you won't get me into trouble okay?I'm an adult.She lied it was almost 3pm,because time flies at that park.

Okay then let's go, but I'm warning you, I can eat a whole a pig.

Oh believe me you're not alone.


They arrived at a very interesting place that looked like it was hidden in a jungle.It had a bohemian garden with a swimming pool and when Sam unclasped Singha's leash he headed straight for the pool and jumped in.

Singha!Oh my goodness..Sam!

Calm down Mon he's going to be fine,he loves to swim and this is my place by the way.

Mon made a sigh of relief althoug her heart was still pounding.

Good afternoon Lady Sam,the staff greeted.

Good afternoon guys,this here is Miss.Kornkamon.

"Mon,is fine",she says embarrassed, after almost having a panic attack in front of everybody.

Why didn't you tell me he can swim?Look at him, it's a miracle that he's not sinking to the bottom after running around that much,Mon says with a worried expression on her face and it made Sam's heart swell.

Don't worry he has a life vest and he's getting out any minute now just watch,Singha came sprinting, leaving wet streaks behind him when he heard the sound of his bowl.

Such a brat.They both laughed.

So,Miss Kornkamon are you ready to order?Sam asked.

They were discussing all sorts of topics,life,their work,UK, future projects for Diversity that's almost completely back on it's feet,the company's christmas dinner.Everything but their love life.

It was already 6pm when they were sitting with their feet in the pool watching Singha swim like he's possessed by water.

 We need to call it a day Sam and he needs to get out.

Yea you're right but the only way that he's coming out is if you go get him yourself. You're wearing shorts,Sam quickly made in excuse before Mon could protest.

Ugh Fine..Mon 

Mon showed Singha he's favourite toy at first but he didn't budge and after several failed attempts she decided that she had enough,she's going in because Sam encouraging Singha by telling him to swim away didn't help.Her lower body was soaking wet when she got out and she wasn't impressed with Sam's laughter at all but Mon was wearing white shorts and it couldn't hide the outline of the little black piece of lingerie that she was wearing underneath.

Sam was at lost for words and didn't know where to look.

Something wrong?Mon asked pretending to obvlious but gloating on the inside.

No,I'm just going to get towels

Mon smirked.

After towel drying Singha and herself and thanking the staff for their hospitality they were back on the road


 Mon was lost in her own little world, smiling and chewing on her thumb.

Dare to share what's on your mind Miss Kornkamon?


Sam pouted,please?

It's silly, but I just feel like a teenager who's going to be in so much trouble when I get home and I'm terrified,Mon says as she ruffled through her hair.

And you're smiling because it's also exhilarating right?

Right.. and Mon rolled her eyes at herself for feeling that way.

I know what you mean, Sam smiled while still keeping her focus on the road.

Oh shit!..Sam?!

What?!did i hit something?!Sam asked bewildered looking in the rear view and switching on the blindspot camera.

Your lunch with your in laws and fiance remember?Oh my gosh, I hope that I didn't get you into any trouble. Mon was really worried.

Seriously Mon?For real?You almost gave me a heart attack jeez. Look I wasn't planning on going anyway okay but Auntee scared the hell out of me and so I had to come up with something and also lied to you to not look stupid because Singha didn't look like he wanted to come.


I know,I know,I'm sorry.I will apologise to Auntee when I gather enough strenght.Someday..

Mon could only sigh,because she really couldn't point any fingers.

"Hey daydreamer" Sam teased,Why don't you turn on the radio and get this party started "DJ MonMon".

Mon rolled her eyes but smiled back at Sam's who gave her a gummy smile and turned on the radio, because who can resist a cute Sam?

They started singing along to (Neiked's Sexual,Kyle Dion's I could be your girlfriend,Cold Heart PNAU Remix,Mon singing Starman by David Bowie and Sam giving her weird looks because that was way too British for her taste,laughing at themselves for messing up Rihanna's Work lyrics because who doesn't? to Sam rapping and Mon dancing to Beyonce's Drunk in Love Remix which made Sam shamelesly drool, they were practically having their own little show in the car,but their day finally reached and end when they arrived at Mon's home.

"So" Sam spoke feeling a bit shy and nervous all of a sudden.This is it.

Yes this is it, Mon repeated akwardly.

Sam thank you for today, it was so unexpected but I really enjoyed it and I think this one too,they both turned around and almost touched heads looking at Singha who was fast asleep and neatly situated in the almost non existent rear seat."He takes after you" Mon repeated in a soft spoken voice to Sam who was staring at her mouth.Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon started to play in the background.

Fair,Sam whispered,as she tucked away the strand of hair behind Mon's ear and let her hand wander lazily down the side of her face.You're so breathtakingly beautiful, she uttered.

Sam.. was all Mon could say before they gave into their desires and kissed each other with unbridled passion,Sam's hands was travelling all over Mon's body and found it's way underneath her top as she gently started to caress her breast.Mon moaned into Sam's ear who was kissing the insides of her neck and getting intoxicated by Mon's scent.

Mon's breath hitched as she felt Sam's hand slowly move down her abdomen and unhooking the button on her shorts.

Afraid that she was overstepping her bounderies Sam abruptly came to a stop and gave Mon an apologetic look but Mon responded with a kiss and parted her legs slowly, guiding Sam's hand with her own as they both could feel her arousel,they both quivered at the touch.Mon was drenched and so was Sam.

Mon began to make soft moans as Sam gently massaged her swollen clit. 

"Shhh..I need you to be quiet for me now" Sam whispered, as she began to intensify her strokes. 

Consumed by desire,Mon's moaning and Sex on Fire playing on the radio, they didn't hear the sound of the gate open.

*knock* *knock* *knock* (((KNOCK!))) .It was Nop, literally hitting against the window and waking up Singha:D

They both pulled back at the same time and Mon's ninja moves kicked in as she quickly buttoned up and fixed herself.

Mon you need to open up,Nop sounded nervous but Sam rolled down the window.

Nop wtf?are you trying to break down my damn window?! and don't you have a home or something?Sam asked hella flushed,frustrated and embarrassed but also angry at Nop for being the major cockblock that he really is,

Hi Sam, Nop waved akwardly,you guys didn't hear me the first time and I didn't see anything I swear( he really did look the other way because he's annoying but not a perv) 

 Mon you need come inside, as in now please, Nop almost begged.

I'm coming,Mon got out because she knew something wasn't right when she could hear the panic in Nop's voice.

Mon wait! please?

Dammit Nop, can you just give us a moment?!Sam pleaded with a desperate tone but Mon looked at Nop who just shook his head.

Sam had enough of that bullshit and got out.

 Mon I..

Petal! Someone called out in a thick British accent before Sam could even finish what she wanted to say.

"Oh no",Mon panicked and pushed past Nop to get to Emily who was heading towards them.

When they reached each other, Emily lifted her up from the ground and kissed her passionately."I missed you so much baby" holding Mon in a tight embrace.

"I missed you too" Mon replied, feeling overwhelmed with guilt, and sadness because she could still hear the sound of Sam's car driving away in the distance.

Don't cry my angel,I'm here now,Emily reasured her.

She gathered all the strenght that she had and gave Emily her best and brightest dimpled smile.I'm happy that you're here,let's go inside the air is getting cold.

They walked hand in hand when Emily pulled Mon closer,Mmm.. "New perfume?"

Mon went ice cold.

It's different, but I can get used to it,Emily winked and kissed Mon on the cheek.

*****To be continued.

Let's all stand for the British National Anthem and make way for the Queen please:D

Guys I have to apologise for not getting this Chapter up in time as planned but between studying and writing exams and life just happening in general,it's a bit hard.So I will never make any promises again.

I also I have to thank the beautiful Pinterest models that I'm throwing under the bus here but this fic can still go either way right. Happy endings is so 2022.:).Guys and what do you think is the story behind Hot?because I'm also wondering.Anyway I can't choose between hot and Eclipse.

Anyway enjoy guys and thanks for reading.Till next time:)

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