Interviews With The Authors

By Aimeelouise

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Interviews With The Authors
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Interviews With The Authors 13 - Uranas

190 1 0
By Aimeelouise

And the 13th author joinng us is



whats the story behind your username? How did you come up with it? Was it sudden or thought about? username... Well, I used it before for another website because my class was currently studying the planets. I thought the name Uranas was pretty at the time, and didn't realize I spelled Uranus wrong. So I didn't put much thought into it and now I really wish I did because it sounds dirty..

2.How old were you when you first started writing?

As long as I remember, really.

3.What was the first book you can remember writing?

I honestly have no clue because I would start a book and then loose interest and stop writing..

4.Where did the idea for Mean come from?

The song Mean, by Taylor Swift. I thought that it had a really good story behind it and I wanted to write a book that was set up in the country.

5.How did you choose your characters names? Was it random or do they mean something?

I picked them out from a baby names list, as odd as it (I really wanted to give myself a variety of names to choose from.) I picked the names because I thought they were pretty.:)

6.What inspired you to start writing?

By reading other people's books.

7.How does writing make you feel? Is it just something you do for fun or is it something else?

Writing makes me feel free to express myself in ways that I can't when talking to people.

Well, I love to write and I think it's super fun so, being an author is my dream job.:)

8.How did you discover Wattpad, Do you remember?

Yes, I discovered Wattpad when I was searching through apps on my iPod. I was looking through the books section and came upon Wattpad. Soon, I started reading and I read a book that wasn't finished. I was like; 'Whaaattt?'

9.What do you enjoy the most about writing?

I get to write about interesting characters and make twists and turns throughout the story and surprise even myself with what happens. I just love writing in general...everything about it:)

10.Do your Family/Friends know about Wattpad, about your stories?

Yes, actually two of my friends at school are reading my stories and talk about them, asking questions. Teachers know about it, because of one of my friends... And of course my family knows about it because when I get alot of feedback or get in the top ten for What's Hot list, I screech, getting all of their

11.What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment? Mean, A Mermaid's Tail and It's You Again... I switch it up and take turns.

12.How long have you been a member of wattpad?

Since Christmas:)

13.Do you base your stories on things that happen in real life?

Well, I'm thinking about doing that...

14.Who is your favourite character?

A Mermaid's Tail- The merman she met but readers still don't know the name of...

It's You Again- Amber and Eli, of course.

Mean- I can't decide:)

15.Are they based on someone real?


16.Do you have a favourite story of yours?

There's way too many to say:))

17.Do you have a favourite story on wattpad?

Again, too many. But I love 'Cloaked Beauty', 'Me & the boy with the I.V.', 'Shakespeare Syndrome'... I have alot of favorites...

18.Do you listen to music when you write?

Sometimes, especially when I write Mean.

19.Who is your favourite Wattpad author?


20.What is your favourite story of theirs?

Cloaked Beauty, it's sooo amazing:)

21.What is your favourite genre to read , write about?

I love to read AND write about romance and fantasy. I love romance because for 1; I'm a hopeless romantic, 2; I'm a softy... I love fantasy because...well it's just addicting to me.

22.Do you ever get Writers Block? If so how do you get past it?

Yes, actually at the moment, I'm on it right now.

I don't really know how I get past it, I guess I just stop writing that day and then when I'm ready, I write.

23.Who is your favourite published author?

I love to's the author that wrote the Hunger Games trilogy? (I gave told you the answer to the next question..)

24.What is your favourite published book?

Hunger Games trilogy. 

25.Do you have a message for people who are just starting out writing? Or just a message in general?

For new writers: Write what you love to write, not what others want to read. When you write what you like, more than likely, others will like to read it.

26.Do you consider yourself a good writer? Do you look up to anyone on wattpad?

Umm...I guess so, but I like other writers writing styles better than mine. (They are more descriptive, and they can write long chapters...) 

The people I've fanned:)

27.What is your dream/Goal on wattpad?

To get a book to #1 on What's Hot.

28.Do you have any pet peeves about writing styles? Does something really turn you off from a book?

I hate bad words. Especially when their in EVERY-SINGLE-LINE... I guess I could say yes, unless it has a really good story line.

29.Do you have any shout outs anything you want to say before we finish the interview?

Hi George!(my BFF)

30.Would you ever want your work to be published?


31.When faced with a negative comment how do you deal with it?

I shake it off. Others like my writing and that's all that matters:)

32.When your not reading or writing what can you be found doing?

Random stuff, really. You never know where you'll see me


THANKYOU Uranas !!

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