The Heir of Night

By smplymxlfoy

107K 3.5K 408

Theia, an Illyrian female, despises her Court. She knows of the High Lord's secret city, and the wealth that... More

65 - Nyx


1.6K 55 3
By smplymxlfoy

Madja finished her job within an hour. Theia still ached, but it funneled to her spine. All she could focus on was the raging headache and the whirlwind of murderous thoughts. Madja had also cleaned Theia, but she still felt dirty. The male had hardly touched her, yet she still felt the grime of his skin on hers. Every time she looked at Nyx, she felt it over and over again.

"Did you get their names?" He asked after a long pause of silence. He had winnowed Madja back to Velaris twenty minutes before, and returned to standing by the door. Theia shot him a glare, furious that she was wrapped in his clothes now that hers were torn.

"I didn't have time," she snarled, rolling her eyes. Nyx scoffed and shook his head. His tongue ran along the inside of his cheek as though he was trying to contain himself.

"Don't be a fucking smart ass. Who were they with? How many? Did they say who they were sent by?"

"Cauldron, Nyx. They aren't some spy mission sent by a High Lord. They're sick fucks that wanted redemption for Felix after you broke his face," Theia retorted, crossing her arms. The movement hurt like hell, but she liked the comfort of holding herself.

"And who were they?" He growled, shoving off the wood trim of the doorway. Theia ground her teeth, watching him through the side of her eye.

"It doesn't matter, Nyx. You go hurt them, and I'm sure that they have friends who will retaliate against me again. No offense, but I don't want some prick's hand shoved down my pants every time you want to punch someone."

Nyx's eyes flicked to her legs. Theia nearly grinned, realizing her words just confirmed what he suspected. Fucking bastard.

"You could've died, Theia. I don't give a shit if they want to swarm you again and again. I'll show them exactly what will happen if they lay a hand on you."

Rage bubbled in her stomach. It nearly brought her to tears. Besides Nyx bedding her the day before, being assaulted was the first thing to spark emotion in her empty chest in these weeks. She wanted to feel that rage, cling to it before it leaves her again.

"I don't care, Nyx. Don't you get it? They are all too scared to actually kill me, but I don't want the shit they plan beforehand. Death is a fucking blessing, being raped or clipped is where I draw the line," she shouted, fists curling against Nyx's shirt on her arms. His nostrils flared, brows shadowing his eyes.

"Clipped? Raped? How fucking far did they get, Theia?" She groaned, dropping her head back. She wanted to get out of his bed, out of this house. She wanted his eyes off of her, she wanted to go home. The thought of curling up in front of the fireplace at home had her eyes burning.

"I was almost clipped, but one of them decided he wanted some fun first," she replied, voice dropping low. Her energy levels were shaky- rising enough to yell at the heir, dropping when she remembered why she was here.

"What kind of fun?" Nyx asked through his teeth. Theia watched his knuckles go white as he clenched his fist. She wanted to laugh. Would he really care about someone who uses his body?

"Exactly what you're thinking. He cut my leggings but I kicked him before he could do anything more than touching," she murmured, rolling her head against the headboard. She wanted to lay down, but not here. She hated herself for not being able to walk out of this house; she cursed her body for being weak when she needed it.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," Nyx growled, his own head rolling on his shoulders. It seemed as though he were fighting with himself, trying to contain the beast within.

"And then I'll be at another's mercy in his vengeance. Leave it alone, leave them alone, so I can stop suffering at your hand."

Nyx's jaw popped. Theia wondered if his teeth were cracking with how hard he clenched them.

"You're not saying this is my fault. If you are, you're a fucking idiot." That had her sitting up, despite the pain ripping through her. Her hands dropped to the bed beside her. Theia cringed and tucked them in her lap when she remembered who'd been on them when Nyx carried her in.

"Oh, really? Explain to me why they said I was a message to the heir, then. I was the retaliation of you busting Felix's face. It's your fault, Nyx. It is always your fault," she seethed, glaring at him. He looked as though he'd combust with rage.

"If it's all my fault, why the fuck did you come here? To show me that I'm the reason your we're beaten? Fuck you, Theia. You could've gone anywhere, so why here?" He was shouting now, and she wanted to tear his throat out with her teeth.

"Because I didn't want those bastards to know I live alone! Do you think it would've gone any better for me if I led them to my home? I'm outside of the village, at least in the streets someone would hear me scream," Theia shouted back, flinching when a spike of pain tore from the base of her wing. Nyx just stared at her, like he always did. She'd carve his eyes out next. "Not to mention, I wanted to hurt someone and I don't think my chances were very high against those three," she added, giving his body a once over.

She regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth. Nyx's lips twisted into a cruel grin, his legs bringing him closer. "You think those weak punches hurt me? You're going to have to do a lot more than that."

"Considering the circumstances, I thought I did pretty well," Theia snapped back, feeling the heat lift to her face. She'd never felt so murderous in her life and she cursed the Cauldron for making her bedridden. Nyx just laughed, stalking forward again. Theia watched him, hands trembling with anger.

"Why don't you just tell me why you really came here, Theia. You want my mouth or my cock?"

His assumption would've had her tripping over herself had she not been sitting down. Her eyes widened, mouth running dry. Does he not remember the naked female he had in here?

"Neither, you arrogant bastard. I want to fucking maul you," she snarled, baring her teeth. Nyx crouched beside the bed, knowing full well Theia didn't have enough energy to hit him again.

"That can be arranged. I liked the marks you left on me."

"Get out of my face, Nyx." Theia honestly believed she'd explode soon. Tension built in every inch of her body. If he didn't walk away, she'd either tear his face off or drag his mouth to hers. In an effort to get him away, she kicked her lips and thought of anything to say that'd hit him where she aimed. "I regret letting you take me. I wish I never fucked you, Nyx. I'll never let you do it again."

It worked- for a fraction of a second. His lips twitched as though his smile would fall. Then it climbed again, his head cocking to the side. "You screaming my name has me doubting that, Theia. You want me to prove it?"

She knew this facade well. He wanted to distract her from the night the best way he knew how. Hearing him say she used his body tore her apart. Her strongest fear for any females in this village was being taken advantage of, and she couldn't help but feel like she'd done it to him. Theia couldn't help the frown that tightened the swollen skin of her face.

"Touch me and I'll be screaming for a different reason," she purred, crossing her arms again. She'd never want to touch him again, and if he touched her, she felt like it'd be because he believed he had to. "Can you just winnow me home? I don't want to be stuck in a bed coated in some other female's arousal."

Nyx stilled, eyes flicking to the bed. He had forgotten. Before Theia could take another breath, he was swiping her into his arms. She hissed at the pain, collecting his shirt into her fist. He grunted when she got a good handful of his chest hair beneath the fabric. He sat her in the armchair by the fireplace and got to work tearing the sheets from the bed.

"I could just go home," she grumbled, watching every movement. Nyx glanced at her over his shoulder, balling the sheets up in his arm and strolling to the door.

"With the trainees out to get you, you're staying where I can see you," he shot back, adding a smug grin before going out into the hall. Theia pouted, as childish as it was. She didn't come here for sanctuary, she came here to let her anger out before her body gave up. Now she was being coddled by the male she wanted to kill.

Nyx returned with fresh sheets and blankets, making the bed and turning back to Theia with his hands on his hips. She gave him a deadpan look, unimpressed. The stench of the female remained, it made her stomach roll. She forgot that the males don't care about monogamous relationships, unless they found their mates. Even then it was rare. Theia then cursed herself for being upset for such a thing. Nyx only took her because she wanted a distraction, now she wanted one from him.

Her body stiffened when he stalked toward her and hoisted her into his arms again. She sucked in a breath, whimpering when his fingers dug into her back too hard. His own body stiffened at that sound but still he laid her on the bed, her head on the pillows. She frowned when he tore his shirt and pants off, leaving himself in undershorts, and climbed into the bed with her.

"Please, I don't want to be held," she whined, trying to shove him away. Nyx clicked his tongue and pulled her against him, his face a breath from hers.

"I think you don't know what you want," he crooned, a large hand splayed over her stomach. She turned her head away, staring at the ceiling. Her body still hurt, her head throbbing. With Nyx's breath against her, she closed her eyes and tried to focus on sleeping. The quicker she slept, the quicker she'd leave.

Each time her eyes fell shut, she'd see their faces against the backs of her eyelids. The reddened black formed into their wicked smiles. Even though it was Nyx's hand on her stomach, she couldn't help but imagine it was that male's, that he'd tear a piece from her any second. Her eyes snapped open, wide and tear-filled. Her breathing was ragged and she tried to steady it before Nyx could hear.

He heard it, and his warm lips pressed to her shoulder. It seared her skin even through the fabric of the shirt she wore. She tried to flinch away, but her back twinged with sharp pain. A gasping cry left her, breath stolen for a moment.

"You see them, don't you?" He murmured, thumb brushing her navel as his hand travelled down, resting on her lower stomach. Unable to hide her fear, Theia nodded. She'd hate herself tomorrow for it, but she lifted her arm and placed her hand over his. Nyx, all knowing, shifted them so he took her fingers against his palm.

The cycle began again. Riling her up until she was fuming, and then becoming the one to piece her together in his arms. Even with her blood thirst, Theia let him hold her as tears filled her eyes. The rage he made her feel, her only emotion besides the fear earlier, snowballed into sorrow.

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