Between the Lines

By E_Walsh

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Second born to the King of Asgard, secretly the unwanted son of the king of Jotunheim; forever the spare heir... More

Chapter Pairings
Pronunciations & FAQ
Boys Will Be Boys
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Secrets and Lies
Heavy is the Crown
Little Dove
Not Part of the Plan
Heir to the Jotunheim
The Void (TW)
This Dangerous Weapon (TW)
Thunder and Lightning
Glass Cage
Fork in the Road
Echoes in the Deep
An Unspoken Attraction (TW)
Flight Risk
The True Nature of Chaos
Is This Love?
Call You Mine
A New Direction
Learning to Fall
Everything and Nothing (M)
May I Stay, Said He
Hanging with the Boys
Glorious Purpose
The Price of Power
Rock and a Hard Place


26 4 2
By E_Walsh

May 4th, 2012 

            Above the metal-clad billionaire, the brilliant light beam from the Tesseract tore open a void into the vastness that surrounded the asteroid belt of Sanctuary. A breath of relief washed over me as the Chitauri began to descend from the heavens carried in their chariots, their energy blasters with similar blades to that of the scepter on the end. I had done it, I had brought them to Earth, I was the general no one ever thought I would be and soon I would be the king I always should have been, and not just to Asgard. The metal man dodged and wove, firing all of his little toys at the Chitauri to little avail. My army was vast and his friends, such fallen heroes, had yet to arrive. The dice were already stacked in my favor, all I had to do now was remain patient as I stood upon the tower that would soon become my home.

    As I stepped out onto the balcony once more, my Seiðr washing over me as it returned my ceremonial armor to its proper state, my horned helmet adorning my head once more. I moved, standing where Stark had, the golden ring surrounding my feet as I looked out over the destruction and chaos being created. My chest rose and fell, the pride surging in me as I thought of how proud He would be, He who had seen my true potential. Once more, the sheer radiance of the situation overcame me as I looked out over the vast city beneath me. Soon the mortals would kneel, soon they would know true freedom!

    To my left, a great thud came, my arms falling as I heard his voice angrily demanding that I turn off the Tesseract; as if I had such an option available. "You can't. There is no stopping it." Lifting the scepter pointedly as I stared down at him, I froze. Standing there beside him was a familiar-looking young woman, her wild auburn hair braided intricately down her back to brush against her full backside, her hips having somehow grown wider, womanlier since the last time I had set my eyes upon her freckled face. "Eibhlin..." My heart swelled as I said her name, my legs like lead as I froze there, mid-step just staring at her. She stood tall, Thor still towering over her by over a foot, dressed in armor that almost mirrored mine in its coloring, yet was softer, more suited to her splendid figure. The leather pants seemed to mold to her muscular legs and supple thighs, what looked like dragon's scale cupped her knees, diagonally laid stripes of black and green leather layered in a soft V-shaped pattern over the top of it. Thick leather boots with the same shape came to rest at the middle of her pleasing calves, the edges trimmed in gold. The shimmering black underdress of the armor almost glimmered like a pool of oil, an iridescent sheen illuminating her face as the bodice with its green dragon's scale that made her eyes seem more emerald than moss and black leather-trimmed in gold plate around the high collar and keyhole neckline that cupped her breasts the way my hands had once longed to. I felt my mouth move yet the words didn't matter; my heart ached for her... She was safe.

    Her plump lips quivered as she nodded, her eyes never leaving mine as a mixture of emotions swirled within them. "Turn it off, please..." her lilting voice echoed clear in my mind, the soft white bird soaring in my peripherals once more. "Call them off, return what was given to you, and let us go home... Together..." she pleaded softly, her voice rife with emotion.

    I watched her, her chest heaving as if she was on the edge of tears as she stared at me. This woman, no longer the girl I had met ninety-three years ago, had haunted my memories all these long months. I had longed for her more than anyone else and now, here she stood, against me beside my brother who held tightly to her waist. Anger seared within me. The treacherous little creature; had she feigned her interest and affections all this time? Was she just as manipulative as I had once accused her of being, just another pawn to the false All-Father?

    Her resolve seemed to solidify as I asked if that was just what she was. Like the good little soldier she too had been brainwashed to become, she attempted to persuade me that she was anything but, while accusing me of being the one in the wrong, the one who was away with the fae as her people would say. "You would know all about the fae now, wouldn't you, Little Dove?" My voice was still, yet the contempt was palpable, her nickname coming back to me with enough force to ruin my life if I allowed it. "The Tesseract has shown me many things; including much about you, your ears, and your pitiful excuse for powers." I pointed the staff at her, the blade focused on Thor's hand holding her back. My brother would not take one more thing from me; if I could not have her, no one would! "I know what you are, Eibhlin Béatraís Walsh, daughter of Darragh." The look of defeat in her eyes, the building terror that I knew... It stirred something in me... The way she took a small step back, her eyes unblinking until she forced them shut to look away from me it made me...

I want to hold her, comfort her; apologize...

    I felt such a deep sense of fulfillment as I watched the tears begin to slither down her cheeks. I wanted to make her cry more, to make her beg for my mercy as I broke her spirit and returned her to my side where she rightfully belonged.

No... No, I will not let you harm her!

    Steeling my resolve, I shoved the ridiculous sentimentality that attempted to creep within him down as I turned my eyes to the god of thunder demanding that I once again give up the Tesseract. "Repeating yourself will do you no good," I snarled, biting my tongue to keep from mockingly referring to him as my brother. "It cannot be stopped, there is only this; only the war!"

    I dove for him, jumping from the platform as he lifted his hammer to hold me off when she stepped between us, her foot on top of the scepter I had swung down and into the pavement, her arms held out, palms facing each of us as her green eyes with their touch of golden brown scowled up at me. "Is this all a game to you," her lilting voice demanded, still rife with emotion. "How many more innocents must die at your command before you put an end to your schemes for a title you do not deserve?"

   She's right... I don't deserve to be the king of anything.

    "I am a king!" My voice betrayed me, the small quivering question within it making me stomp my foot.

   Just let me take her in my arms, let Thor help me. They came after all... They forgive me...

    I felt the growl as it slithered up my throat, urging whatever part of my mind with its desire to betray The Mad Titan to be silent once more. "You said you believed in me," my heart was beating hard in my chest, I fought the urge to clutch it, swallowing my doubts hard. "You said I could do it, Darraghdottir," I wanted to hurt her, to see her sob-

No, no I don't... I want to hold her until the end of forever...

   I wanted to make her watch as I killed Thor, left his broken body, his proof of failure for all to see-

No! No, I don't! Do you hear me? I don't want to kill them!!

   And when she had been reduced to nothing more than the cowering animal she was, I would claim her as mine in the most ruthless way possible. I would make her and everyone know that I was no longer one to be trifled with!

   This isn't me... I don't want this... I want to let go... I want to die...

    Her hand rotated then, such a simple and graceful movement as she rotated her arm, her fingers extending toward me as she offered me her hand. It hung in the air between us, like a peace offering; a second chance... forgiveness. Clarity washed over me, the scepter suddenly feeling heavy, as I looked around wondering how I had managed to get here, how I had allowed things to get this bad... The billionaire flew past us, firing at the Chitauri on their chariots still awaiting the rest of his would-be heroes. My head pounded almost as hard as my heart as I turned back to face her, my eyes taking her in, taking all of her in for the first time since the bridge. She was still the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, her large green eyes watching me with nothing but hope and love.

    "I... I can't stop it... It's too late, we're too late..." I could feel the scepter fall from my hand, no longer caring if I would die for betraying Thanos. I didn't want to hurt her. "I'm sorry..."

    "We can find a way," she sounded so sure, so hopeful that she would be able to save me. I didn't deserve to be saved though, not after this.

    "No, Little Dove... You do not understand; none of this is mine anymore," I sighed. I wanted to tell her everything, to protect her despite the throbbing pain in my head. "This is beyond my control... I am not the one in control..."

    "What do you mean, Brother?" His voice was grating, the dagger of betrayal still stuck in my back twisting at the sound of his voice.

    Thor had taken everything from me. He was the reason I had been denied basic decency, affection, and respect from Odin, Mother, and yes even Eibhlin; all because he couldn't ever step back and let me have just one moment, one thing... All I had ever wanted, even things he had not, had been given to him on a silver platter. This was my time, my mission, my triumph; he would never take it from me. Not again- I'd make sure of it. Kicking the scepter up, the brilliant stone glowing brighter as it returned to my hand, my aim laser-focused on Thor's left flank. I wanted nothing more than to gut him like a fish while Eibhlin watched.

   Don't let me hurt them!

    With the same godlike refluxes I had, Thor shoved Eibhlin aside; his hammer barely blocking my attack as lightning filled the air around us. Swinging the scepter out, I watched as he stooped to avoid it, growling in frustration. He rose, firing lightning at me as I blasted energy toward him, the duality of the opposing forces creating a brilliant explosion that shattered the glass of the balcony; one of the letters from the side of the building falling to the ground far beneath our feet. Again, I swung the scepter as I heard Eibhlin cry out, glancing over toward her as Thor swung the hammer up and toward my face. I barely missed it, the edge of his hammer catching one of the horns of my helmet as he knocked it askew before we both dove for Eibhlin's frantic falling form.

    Snarling at Thor, I shoved his hand aside as soon as she was securely back on the platform, pulling her tightly to me as I lifted my chin, my jaw set, silently daring him to try to take her from me. A familiar aircraft rose before us then and seated in the cockpit was Barton and the Romanov woman. Cradling Eibhlin's head to my chest, my hand firmly on the back of her neck to shield her from the pending implosion, I let the scepter's energy flow forth; knocking the ship from the sky. I felt her pull away, her hands moving to rest on my chest as she tilted her chin up. Before I could look at her though, Thor gave a great bellow more fit for the lips of a woman, his arms wrapping around my waist as he sent us lurching forward, almost taking down Eibhlin with us.

    My head hit the concrete, Thor's hands wrapping around the collar of my jerkin as he punched me over and over, my helmet falling to the wayside as I pulled my legs up and pressed them against his chest to kick him away. He held fast to me though, rolling with me as we teetered dangerously close to the edge of the platform Eibhlin had almost fallen from. I scrambled free of him as Eibhlin demanded we stop fighting; her small, soft hands trying to pull us apart while we both ordered her out of the way. She didn't listen though, her obstinacy almost getting her thrown back over the side of the building once more as Thor and I fought, punching and kicking like the children she claimed we were.

    Thor managed to pin me to the ground, lifting me with a growl, and slamming my back hard against the base of the higher platform I had jumped from. "Look at this," he demanded, his voice harsh, blue eyes cold. "Look around you; you think this madness will end with your rule? With the rule of whoever you have allowed to further poison you against us, against yourself?" He continued to shake me, forcing me to watch as the Chitauri reigned destruction and chaos down upon the mortals. For a moment, a strange sense of clarity once more washed over me and I could feel myself begin to hyperventilate. I held my breath watching, forced to accept that I had lost control while knowing that I would do so again... I glanced at Eibhlin's face, seeing the hope still there.

   She doesn't deserve me. None of them do!

   I shut my eyes, I didn't want to lose control... I didn't want to let them down again.

   I will always let them down... It's all I'm good at.

   Panic set further in as I saw the metal man flying alongside one of the Chitauri leviathans. I had almost destroyed the Jotunheim, and now I was attempting to destroy all of Midgard, and for what? For a place beside a mad titan who believed he knew what was best for not just the Nine I so loved, but the entirety of our universe?

   Stop being so weak! Kill him, kill the usurper!

   Tears began to form in my eyes, the reality of all that I had done, all the death and devastation... I looked toward Eibhlin again, her green eyes watching us closely, plump lips parted slightly as if she would say my name at any moment. I shook my head, staring into my brother's blue eyes, my mother's eyes... I could hear the sound of my labored breathing, could see the kindness on Thor's face glimmering through, his pity...

   Pity? He dares pity me!

   I muttered that it was too late once more, my eyes returning to gaze out over the landscaping as Thor's grip on my armor loosened. "No," he muttered softly. "Eibhlin is right; we will find a way to stop it. We will find a way to help you, Brother."


   Brother... I stood there fighting with myself, with the anxiety and sense of dread that washed over me as I considered just what would happen if I did betray The Other, if I did not return to him with the Tesseract. I tried to control the hurricane of emotions, to force the clarity within the eye of that storm to remain just a little longer. It felt like forever since I had heard Thor call me brother in such a manner, the affection and concern not hidden as it usually was. I wanted to believe that this, this olive branch he was offering me, this offer to help me was a sign that things would change-

   Don't be such a fool! The moment they return you to Asgard it'll be the axe for you!

   No, Thor would never allow that to happen. Eibhlin wouldn't either. They had come to save me, to bring me home-

   They've come only on the false All-Father's orders; their love is as fake as Odin's! Kill them both now!

   I blinked away the growing tears, smiling softly up at Thor before I stabbed him in the side. The hammer fell from his grasp, the scepter captured between my arm and side becoming lighter once more as I watched him gasp and grunt as Eibhlin watched in confusion, her eyes widening as Thor's hand lifted from his side, fingers coated in his blood. "Sentiment..." I muttered, lifting the spear to strike him with a killing blow when a soft ting echoed through the air.

    Eibhlin stood several feet away, a spear of black metal shimmering with the same iridescent sheen as her armor held in her hand; one pointed tip sat upon the concrete beside her boot while the other rested just above the top of her head. Her eyes appeared darker, the rich amber color almost overpowering the mossy green as she glared at me. I opened my mouth to speak when she lunged at me, skillfully knocking the scepter from my hands and into the air. I dove for it, unsure of what would happen to me if it were to become damaged. I watched anxiously as it spiraled down to land on the deck below, unharmed. I growled, turning back around to look at her cocky grin. A dagger appeared in my hand as I squared up to her from several feet away.

   No... I don't want to hurt her...

   "I do not wish to fight you, Little Dove," for a brief moment I let the inner, weaker voice win. If she persisted though I'd knock her through the floor without hesitation.

    "Then surrender," she sounded so sure of herself, standing there with her spear pointed at me. I thought back to Nebula and her overconfident posture with a gentle chuckle; Eibhlin presented no such front. She was as calm and collected as the reflecting ponds on Asgard.

    "I doubt I would lose to you," I said pacing back and forth, edging closer as I pointed my dagger at her. "No matter what Sif and the others have made you believe."

    "Let us find out then, shall we?" She did not give me time to answer, did not give me so much as a chance to read her tell before she spun the spear around her to strike at me, lowering it as I bent back to dodge, the blade skimming just above my nose. Had she lowered it millimeters more she would have taken off the tip of my nose. I released a dagger at her, my aim not as focused as I wanted it to be as my inner turmoil forced my hand to send it toward her knee instead of her heart.

    She deflected it almost too easily, as if she had known where I would strike. Stark's words echoed once more in my mind, the new player who had entered the field that would bring forth my proverbial curtain call. Was Eibhlin that weapon? Had Thor and the others taught her all of my tells, knowing that just the sight of her would throw me off even further? She whirled, popping up into the air as she stabbed toward my side, her aim meant to main instead of kill just as mine had been. She was trying to stop me, no doubt still too gentle despite Odin's brainwashing to ever actually murder. I dropped to my knees as I raced forward, sliding toward her as she landed, my arms extended as I tried to slice once more at her legs.

    She planted the butt of her spear into the ground, flipping herself up and over me as if walking on the air, her arms never leaving the staff as she did. She grinned at me, tilting her head almost mockingly. I couldn't help but grin back, a feeling of familiarity coming over me as I chuckled. "You learned that from me."

    "I have learned many things while you were away..."

    I wanted to ask her what these things were, wanted to find out if she and Thor had betrayed me even further. Instead, I tutted, shaking my head. "Yet none of them have taught you your place." Unleashing two more daggers toward her I smirked, watching as she tried to deflect them. It seemed that while she was agile and skilled despite her womanly form, she was not yet capable of deflecting multiple attacks. The second dagger sliced against her cheek at the tip of her left cheekbone, narrowly missing her eye. A few strands of hair that had fallen from her braids slowly floated to the ground beside her as she snarled, hurling her spear at my head.

    I ducked, my cloak catching in the breeze and sailing up behind me. Her spear snagged on it, yanking me back to the wall of the riser behind me as it sank deep into the concrete. I yanked on the green fabric with a heavy grunt as her knees flew into my chest out of nowhere. I groaned, my head and back slamming once more against the concrete as the cloak finally tore, her warm body pressing tight to me as a loud ting echoed near my ears, her arms crossed right over left; her hands held to either side of my head. I smirked at her, wholly unimpressed by her pitiful attempt to overpower me when as I moved, a sizzling noise came from whatever she held, the energy cackling and popping far too close to my skin for comfort.

    "I know my place all too well," she hissed, her teeth sharply clenched as I tried to figure out what it was that she held me in place with; besides her beautiful and plush body that she kept far too close to mine. I wasn't sure which unnerved me more, the blade she held to my throat that cackled with terrifying energy or her closeness. "It is you who should learn yours..."

    She leaned closer then, the sound of the Bifróst whining in my ears as I realized just what it was she had. How was this possible? Such weapons had never existed and even if they had, they would not have been something Odin would have given to her, would he? "N-now, now, Little Dove," I stammered, shakily lifting my hands to chest height, careful not to touch her as I did. "Don't do anything you cannot undo..."

    "Why," she snarled, her lilting alto dripping with disdain as she pressed her arm nearer to my throat. "What cares do you have towards such? I have come here, against the All-Father's wishes," I felt my breath catch at this admission. She had come despite being told not to? How... Someone would have had to help her unless she had managed to harness the very powers of the Bifróst to get here and if that was the truth of it, The Other would find her highly desirable...

   He can't have her, none of them can. I won't allow it!

   She could win me even further praise... More accolades for having brought such a useful creature to them, one who could help them travel the cosmos in moments rather than weeks, or months!

   He'll torture her, the same as he did to me. No... No, I have to warn her!

   I felt her push the dagger in her right hand ever closer to my face, the heat from the energy humming along the length of the blade making me flinch with memories of Nebula's electricity. "You attempt to kill all that I love once again, including yourself," Eibhlin said pointedly, her plump bottom lip trembling. "Why should I care if I cannot undo this if you have such little respect for me... For yourself?" Her voice was little more than a whisper as she asked that, her breathing labored the same as it had been four years ago when I had almost kissed her, almost admitted how I'd felt after I had healed her cut from Sir Roar's vambrace. This time though, there was no cautiously optimistic look of anticipation lingering in her beautiful forest eyes; this time, there was nothing but anguish.

    "Eibhlin, I-"

   Tell her you love her, just tell her... Beg her forgiveness, hold her; do something!

   My mouth hung ajar as she read me the riot act, detailing every single injustice I had ever committed against her as tears began to build in her eyes. She pressed the daggers closer to me as I craned my neck, pulling away as much as I dared.

    "Eibhlin, please," I hissed as she cut me off once more. She told me of the throne I could have had, the vision she would have helped me create. I thought back to that time, to that conversation, to the illusion I had created just for her. She had looked beautiful in the dress I had given her, how I had asked her to be my queen... All I had ever wanted, all I had ever needed had been her. She accepted me, she had wanted me and all of my flaws and misgivings and from her words alone, she still did... She was my equal, and she was worth more than any throne that existed.

    Boldy, I grabbed her wrists pulling the daggers away just enough to claim her mouth; my lips gentle against her plump, trembling ones as I kissed her. I heard the daggers fall, the soft clang of the metal as it struck the concrete enough for me to wrap my arms around her. I wanted to lift her, press her against the wall behind me, and shield her from everything besides my love for her at that moment. My whole body surged with a newfound sense of purpose as I pulled her as close to me as possible, yet it still wasn't close enough.

    She shuddered in my arms, her lips still trembling, beautiful eyes closed as I released her mouth but not her body. I needed her, my dove, my sanctuary... I let my lips trail soft kisses against her skin, tasting the salt of her tears as her hands wrapped into my hair. Eibhlin was my peace, she was safe with me and I with her; in one moment, with one kiss she had washed my sins away...

   I had never needed anything but her. I knew this now. I was going to stop The Mad Titan, I was going to be the man she deserved; I would stop this war... For her.     

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