Stranded Love


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Poguelandia. Paradise on Earth. After losing the gold and the cross, the Pogues have finally struck some luck... More

Stranded Love
The Blame You Hold
Stupid Thing, Good Outcome?
You Can't Succeed If You Don't Try
Exploration Date
The Sickness And The Shift
Unexpected Proximity
The One Who Understands You
Ajar, Not Locked
Survive To Thrive
The Falling Club
In So Deep That You're Drowning
Rough Seas
Our Secret Spot
The Story Of The Start
Chats That Change The Night
Going Around In Circles
Somewhere Only We Know
The End Of The Beginning

Take A Leap

401 11 7


The six Pogues are relaxed around the fire pit and just enjoy a moment to chill. JJ is situated closest to the water as he sits on a horizontally placed stump. Sarah is on his left with a vertically placed stump below her and Pope is seated next to the girl on one of their log seats. Cleo is relaxed on JJ's right whereas Kiara and John B are on the opposite side of the pit on another log.

The waves are neither calm nor overly rough under the cloudy sky soaring above. The fire isn't lit as it isn't cold out and they already ate hours ago. It's been a 'nothing day' with only Kiara and JJ leaving camp to spear some fish which were cooked up earlier. Apart from that they've only played checkers and sat around doing, well, nothing. The Pogues are definitely feeling a little tired today but that doesn't bring down their mood.

John B and Sarah have been soaking in their victory against JJ and Kiara since the other night. Of course the Maybank boy was salty as shit that they lost due to his unruly competitiveness but Kiara was way saltier because he dropped her. He had one job and that was to keep her upright and he failed that despite her legit warning him not to drop her. Her spitting water at his face was definitely warranted and made her feel a little better. JJ made a comment that if he gets deathly sick then it'll be because of her girl germs. She promptly smacked him for that remark whilst Pope said that the "sexist pig" title won't belong to him anymore as it'll be JJ's.

Cleo is now able to put her full weight on her toe and no longer has uneven footing when she walks. Pope has been winning almost all the checkers games whilst Sarah is second best at it. John B is no good at all whilst Kiara and JJ aren't terrible.

The Carrera girl and Maybank boy have been going to their secret spot whenever they get a chance. They talk whilst seated side by side on the sand. Sometimes they lean against each other, their backs together or they'd lie down and watch the clouds in silence where JJ would occasionally fall asleep after saying that "this is boring". They'd stuff around under the waterfall and allow the flow to wash away the sand and grit from their hair and bodies. All in all they enjoyed their alone time together.

Pope spins the weaved frond hat that Sarah made weeks ago on his pointer finger whilst Kiara attempts to spin Cleo's knife between her fingers rather messily. She just can't seem to do it as fluently as Cleo does no matter how much she tries.

Kiara's eyes naturally fall onto JJ's back as he watches the waves crash against the beach. She's actually surprised that he's put on his shoes when they've been spending a lot of their time barefoot on Pougelandia. The boy's hair is shaggy and his arms are tanned. His shirt has got a bunch of holes and fraying fabric around the stitching of his shoulders from wear. A lot of the Pogues' clothes have breaks in them and are extremely dirty and smell like death.

"We should play true or dare," Sarah suggests brightly and pauses tracing random shapes in the sand.

JJ turns around, eager. "I'm in. Y'all better take some risks this time."

Kiara scoffs lightly and thumbs the bottom of Cleo's knife absentmindedly. "It's personal preference, J."

The Maybank boy ignores her and pushes onto his feet to grab a coconut from the pile. "It should be dare or dare."

John B's lips form a straight line as he watches his brother. "So it's just dare, JJ."

JJ snaps his fingers. "Precisely," he gestures between them, "you and I must have some telepathy shit going on here." John B just blinks at his words.

Kiara rolls her eyes and JJ notices.

"Jealous, Kie? Looks like I'm the master of spiritual shit and I didn't even need a glass ball," the Pogue gloats and appears overly proud of himself.

The girl readjusts how she sits to get more comfortable before blatantly rolling her eyes for a second time. "Telepathy and mindfulness are two different things," she corrects.

"Sure they are." JJ waves her off and collapses back onto the sand with a loud sigh, a coconut in his hand. Kiara just rubs her forehead without offering any sort of comeback.

"Alright then," Pope starts and stops spinning the accessory atop his finger. "Cleo, truth or dare?" The Heyward boy asks and chucks the hat her way.

She expertly catches it and plants it on her dark hair. "Truth, Gray Pipe," the girl responds, smirking with interest.

Pope deliberates for a short moment. "Where's the most beautiful place you've been?"

Cleo grins at this question, an answer coming to her as quick as lightning. "Barbados. Beautiful culture, and the best buyers too." She winks.

"Good weed?" JJ questions, perking up.

Of course that's a question he'd ask, Kiara muses with humour.

"If you know where to look," Cleo responds. She then turns to glance at Sarah. "Truth or dare, girl?"

Sarah places the weaved hat on her darkened roots when Cleo hands it over. "Truth."

"Ugh! You're all so basic," JJ complains with an audible groan, throwing his head back dramatically.

"Can it, rude boy. Ain't your turn yet," Cleo scolds and kicks him warningly with her foot. Kiara doesn't hold back her amused laugh at JJ's sour expression.

Cleo places her attention back on Sarah and smirks. "If you could describe each Pogue in one word, what would they be?"

"Now this'll be good," John B voices aloud and leans forward in interest, smirking as well.

"Hmm," Sarah hums in thoughtfulness before pointing to each respective Pogue. "Pope: Intellectual. Kie: Queen. JJ: Brotherly. John B: ADD. And Cleo: Badass Bitch."

"That's two words but I'll let it slide," Cleo acknowledges and bends over for a high-five from the Cameron girl.

"Thank you," Pope replies happily. Sarah smiles authentically and the two partake in a Pogue handshake.

"You couldn't have chosen anything better for me?" The Routledge boy grumbles with dissatisfaction.

Sarah just grins cheekily. "Surfer-dude-bro?" He huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Nah, girl. You're the queen," Kiara corrects and offers Sarah a wink.

"According to JJ, I'm a princess," the Cameron girl points out and looks to her left at JJ.

"That you are, princess." JJ tilts his chin up and nods affirmatively. "I'll also take my word." He then pierces his coconut with a nearby stone shard and takes a steady sip.

The blond-haired girl sets her sights on John B next. "Okay, John B, your turn. Truth or dare?" Sarah asks.

Kiara glances at the Routledge boy and continues to hold Cleo's knife. She has a feeling that John B will ask her truth or dare next.

"Alright. Truth." John B stands on his feet and widens his arms welcomingly. He's ready for whatever Sarah will throw his way and he looks forward to what it could be.

"Truth?" Sarah smiles and lifts the hat from her head.

"Truth!" He confirms and Sarah throws him the hat.

Cleo smiles. "This is exciting."

John B catches the accessory and places it on his head, all the while admiring the Cameron girl, his eyes never straying. Is that how it looks to others when Kiara looks at JJ? Or gawks, as Cleo would say.

Sarah looks upward in thought as she considers what she can ask. Then it hits her and she glances the boy's way. "If you could do it all again, what would you do different?"

"Ooo," John B sounds from beside Kiara.

Each of the Pogues decide to answer this one. There are many things that could've been done differently which would've changed the entire course of where they ended up, not that Kiara wishes they ended up anywhere else. This island has been their home for four weeks now and she wouldn't change it for the world.

JJ pipes up and gives his answer, still facing the direction of the waves. "Uh, get the gold out before Ward did."

Pope looks downward and smiles with mild sheepishness. "Maybe hide the cross a little better."

Kiara knows exactly what she's going to say and feels very abashed about it. "Not yell "murderer" at Ward, maybe."

Kiara will forever regret it. She was in such a bad place with the shit going on with Pope and about John B and Sarah dying – although they came back from the dead. She was definitely all over the place. The girl was so hellbent on getting them home but also beyond pissed for what Ward did to her best friends. He's a murderer and is just as guilty, if not more guilty, for the death of Sheriff Peterkin. It was very impulsive and stupid. She definitely owns up to it.

John B perks up and glances Kiara's way. "Uh, steal a couple bottles of rum because we jumped off the boat?"

Kiara exhales dreamily. To get some rum right about now would almost be better than any of the gold they could've scored. JJ is feeling the same way.

JJ turns around to face John B. "Yeah, why didn't you do that, actually?"

Kiara laughs to herself at JJ's words and looks down at the sand before peering up towards Cleo. The Maybank boy soaks in the beautiful, gentle sound coming from her lips.

John B responds. "I don't know, maybe cause I was in a fight to the death?"

Cleo fixes up the spear in her hand. "I would look both ways before crossing the street." She eyes John B knowingly, biting back a grin.

Sarah and Kiara laugh at this, both understanding what she's referring to. The former girl had told Kiara all about how in Nassau, John B was driving like a manic and drove straight into a poor Cleo who was on the run as well.

John B looks downward, embarrassed, and puckers his lips. "Yeah, my bad. My bad."

The other Pogues all join in on the honest, heart-felt laughter.

Cleo pauses fiddling with the spear and glances the Routledge boy's way. "Your turn, chief."

John B shifts to face Kiara. "Alright, Kie, truth or dare?" He reaches over and drops the frond hat upon her head. Sarah giggles.

Kiara knew he was going to choose her next. Regardless, her lips are pressed in a straight line as she slightly shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Truth." The girl glances down at the sand, awaiting for what'll be asked of her.

JJ looks over his shoulder, his eyes landing on Kie.

"Alright. Um, if you could go home to your parents' house on Figure Eight this instant," John B gestures towards her whilst Sarah hums, "would you do it?"

The girl scrunches up her face in thought and nods her head as she considers her answer, eyes shut.

JJ is utterly mesmerised by the girl ahead of him. How the weaved hat fits perfectly on her highlighted curls. How it contrasts against her glowing skin. How her features are creased in thought. His eyes remain on Kie and Kie only in a moment where his feelings have unexpectedly risen to the surface. In the back of his mind there is a voice screaming for him to get control of himself but he can't pull the gentle expression from his face. He's downright captivated by her. None of the others heed his soft look as they're focused on what she'll say next.

Kiara does admit that her warm bed covered in clean sheets instead of sand as well as a proper roof over her head is quite appealing. That eating a full meal which isn't salty, or the sweet taste of sugar or the bitter taste of a hot coffee would be such a pleasure to regain. A scolding shower with the scent of her vanilla body wash flowing in the steamy air. She could see her parents again...

But no. She wouldn't.

Kiara wouldn't give this up. She wouldn't give up the freedom and the feeling of unmatched happiness that this island brings her. She wouldn't want to give up JJ's and her secret spot or the moments that the two get to share together or leave behind the countless memories they've made on the shores of Poguelandia.

Her answer is locked in. It has been this whole time.

Kiara shakes her head and begins to smile widely. "No chance."

Sarah points the girl's way, matching the smile. "Seconded."

"No chance," John B repeats.

The Pogues laugh and grin genuinely at the definite answer.

JJ never questioned what she was going to answer with as he knows she doesn't want to leave this island. She wants to be here, stay here, with him on their surf trip. He knows that she is no way willing to give that away.

"Hear hear." JJ lifts his coconut in the air and nods his head. "To no chance!"

"The shower's tempting though," Kie does admit. JJ can definitely agree with that. He could so go for a fucking hot ass shower.

"Ooh, I could use a fat shower right now," John B says, having the same thoughts as the blond Pogue.

Kiara knows who the next in line is and she probably doesn't even need to ask him which one he'd choose. She does it anyway.

"JJ!" She calls and throws the weaved accessory across the firepit. It lands right beside him. "Truth or dare?"

JJ swivels around to see the hat next to him. He plonks it atop his head. "I mean, do you even need to ask?"

Kiara hopes she isn't going to regret what she's about to encourage. Either way, she fights a smile when meeting the striking eyes of the blond-haired Pogue and uses Cleo's knife to gesture towards the giant cliff beside camp.

JJ follows where she's pointing and grins readily. He's mildly surprised that she's encouraging this but he's not disappointed, that's for sure. Her encouragement definitely makes him more at ease with doing something so reckless. Her approval now means a lot more than it used to. And JJ knows to be careful. He's scared her enough within the last few months and especially in the last month. He ain't going to fuck this up.

"Big jump. Nobody's done it yet," Kiara says in a way where it seems like they haven't spoken about the topic before. The group all glance to where she's aiming. She leans forward with a grin, pointing the blade at JJ. She notes how his eyes light up in challenge and excitement. "Dare."

JJ drops the hat onto the sand and pulls off his shirt before throwing it down where he was sitting. Kiara averts her gaze.

"I'm surprised you're not freaking out, Pope. This is unlike you," JJ comments and looks to the side as his best friend, practically bouncing with eagerness.

Pope shrugs with acceptance. "Yeah, well, nothing I say will stop you, will it?"

"Nope," JJ pops the 'P'. He dusts off his hands and smiles charismatically. John B tells JJ to do a front flip and he agrees.

The Pogues clear off which gives Kiara a moment with JJ.

"JJ," Kiara walks up to him and meets his eyes with lingering sternness in her expression. "Don't make me regret this."

JJ can see the worry in her features which she's trying to minimise showing on her face. He understands the meaning of her words as he knows what she's truly worried about. He places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'll keep my head above the water. I'm coming back."

Oh the irony, Kiara thinks. Apparently her own head is barely above water.

She nods and JJ smiles reassuringly, his face lighting up even more than it usually does. Her heart notably stutters at his tender smile which was for her and her only. It does make her feel better about actually daring him to dive off a goddamn cliff. She definitely does question why she supports some of his dangerous ideas.

JJ begins to jog away excitedly. "Besides, B team has gotta stick together," he yells over his shoulder. She chuckles and he doesn't bother hiding his smile at the noise.

The Pogues all gather together halfway down the beach and wait for JJ to appear at the top. Kiara admits that she's got some nerves but no uneasy feeling overcomes her like it has before when something went wrong. And to her that's a telling sign that everything should be alright. She's trusting her gut.

It isn't long before the girl notices JJ climbing to his feet at the peak of the cliff, the wind blowing powerfully at his long, blond hair and forcing it back behind his head.

"There he is," John B announces.

"There he goes," Pope says at the same time.

The group of Pogues cheer him on. Kiara places her hands to her mouth.

"Send it!" Pope yells up towards the Maybank boy.

Cleo smiles broadly. "He's not gonna do it!" She repeats this a second time, voicing her scepticism.

JJ straightens up and stands right on the edge. The sight of Kiara egging him on makes his heart warm and makes him more fired up to do this. He hears Cleo and looks her way in challenge, holding his arm out in front of him. "Oh, I won't, huh?"

Kiara observes him with her arms now crossed over her chest, her curls flowing in the wind. She has this proud look on her face as she observes her best friend. The one she has feelings for. The one who is worth his weight in gold. The one who is the ocean breeze to her warm flame and the sky to her earth. She truly couldn't be more proud to know him and to have romantic feelings for him.

"No way," John B says in awe.

"He's gonna do it," Kiara says confidently, marginally leaning toward Cleo. She knows that JJ won't back down from such a reckless and thrilling experience, especially now that she's supported it.

Pope gives his own input. "It's highly dangerous, uh, zero reward? Yeah, he's doing it."

"Whoo!" JJ hoots with exhilaration from above. He notices Kiara's proud expression which makes him even more ready for this.

"Do it!" Sarah encourages loudly.

"Jayj!" Kiara hollers and all the other Pogues cheer alongside her.

JJ widens his arms out and aims his head skyward, taking it all in. He backs up and watches his footing on the large rock, preparing a run up. He bounces on his feet a few times, readying himself, before running forward and launching himself right off of the cliff.

Kiara watches, heart in her throat, when he flips forward and lands feet first into the ocean below.

Relief and excitement overcome Kiara when JJ breaks the surface, unharmed, with this indescribable smile on his face, adrenaline pumping through his veins. She cheers and lifts her arms up. The group of five run forward joyously as he swims back to shore, the grin never leaving his face.

John B and Pope peel their shirts off and throw them aside and run forward to meet JJ as he jumps up onto the beach, bouncing.

"Yeah, boy!" JJ shouts, on a high.

Pope tackles him in a hug first and John B joins the brotherly embrace. The trio laugh and smile as if they're on top of the world.

Kiara runs into the whitewash with Cleo and Sarah, beaming that he did it and that he's also alright too. Thank fuck.

Sarah gives the Maybank boy a short hug and pats his back.

JJ's eyes settle on Kie just as she takes him into a gleeful hug. He can feel her immense relief in the embrace which only lasts for about a second. Even though it doesn't last long, he manages to whisper in her ear, "Told you I'd come back. P4L always."

Kiara matches his big smile and nods her head when they pull away.

The Pogues advance away from the crashing waves with such euphoria in the salty air. Cleo and JJ share a quick side hug, both laughing radiantly.

JJ bobs his hand a few times. "I actually thought I was going to die, I'll be honest."

Pope points in the Maybank boy's direction. "You looked like you were gonna die. I thought you were gonna die."

JJ runs his hand through his wet hair. "Pope, you said it's dangerous and zero reward, of course I was gonna do it!"

"You are beyond insane, JJ," Sarah laughs freely from beside John B.

JJ performs an overexaggerated bow. "Why thank you, little blonde."

"Don't know if that's quite a compliment, Jayj," Kiara states with an airy laugh.

JJ drapes his arm over her shoulders, pulling Kie into his side. "Well, is she wrong?"

Kiara naturally leans into him without realising, their bare sides pressed against one another. It's warm and comforting and makes her breathing quicken. But she enjoys it. She enjoys the physical touch which over the years has just become natural to them. Sure, she'd occasionally hug Pope or John B but it's different with JJ. And now it's even more different because of the affections she now holds for the Maybank boy. She treasures how safe she feels and how she also never wants him to feel alone.

On the other end, JJ also leans closer to Kie even though the distance between them is already minimal. He does recognise that being close to her is what he subconsciously wants and needs. Even though he's scared, he actively moves closer to her. He's responding to her and his feelings about her. Right now he can't fight the feelings that truly live within him despite his fears and being beyond terrified of not being enough.

"Far from it," Kiara responds lightly and shakes her head, amused. The pair have fallen into a matched stride as they walk back to the firepit, the girl's arm curled around his upper back which is covered in water droplets

This time JJ and Kiara sit beside one another instead of across. Their legs and arms brush and neither try to think too much about the other Pogues being around. For once they just want to each let their guard down – well, mainly JJ. For once JJ wants to feel the connection between him and Kie without worrying about his feelings getting out to the others, even though Cleo pretty much knows. And Kiara wants JJ to identify that she no longer just sees him as her best friend and that he's the only one she's into. Not Pope. Not John B. Him.

Unfortunately both of them are oblivious to the dawning end of their time on the island. Soon they'll be rescued and will be stripped of the slowed-down life which they've adapted to over this past month. Soon their surf trip will be snatched from them.

But what JJ and Kiara will never predict is that they'll be ripped from one another not once, but twice

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