A(lie)ment Isekai (Part 1) (C...

By Voltevia

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In this fantasy world, Domain Lords are powerful beings whose very existence maintains their respective eleme... More

Chapter 0:
Chapter 1: The Favor
Chapter 2: Domain Lord
Chapter 3: My Power
Chapter 4: First blood
Chapter 5: Sign me up!
Chapter 6: Starter Class
Chapter 6.1: Training
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 7.1: Return to Forest
Chapter 7.2: Goblin Boss
Chapter 7.2.1
Chapter 8: The challenge
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 9: Events
Chapter 10:Detected
Chapter 10.1: Promoted
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: Tournament
Chapter 12.1: Match 1
Chapter 21.2: Match 2
Chapter 13: Festivities
Chapter 13.1: Superior
Chapter 14: Afterwards
Chapter 15: Dancer?
Chapter 16: Position
Chapter 16.1: Twist
Chapter 17: Split life
Chapter 17.1: Tragedy
Chapter 18: Thin Ice
Chapter 20: Void One
Author's note

Chapter 19: Flash Dance

92 1 0
By Voltevia

Thankfully, after getting somewhat used to the guard watching my listless body as I was asleep, this sleep was much better than previously.

I yawned as I roll once again out of the enormous bed. Although it felt as soft as a heavenly cloud, it was definitely a tricky spot to get out of. Perhaps even more than quicksand or being stuck in a bog. Especially with the nature of sloth weighing you down. In a sense, I would be at my most vulnerable when I'm in bed.

"And now, I'm fully awake..." I groaned, rubbing my eyes. I was hoping that I could stay a bit more sedated for a bit longer, unfortunately, it seemed like the graphic thought of death was enough to get me awake. "Hey, what time is it?" I ended up up asking up guard, only to find them asleep. I ended up slamming my foot on the ground, causing them to wake up from the sudden noise.

"Huh!!" They jumped up from the chair in the corner, as they tried to grab for their weapon, only for it to fumble on their feet, pained by the sudden weight. I ended up scoffing in amusement. It was fairly short from taking all of the edge off. But it was good enough.

I ended up getting up and changing into normal wear. I would change back into another ball gown when it was closer too the ball. I had about an hour to myself before the mains would come in and once more practically for it on me. So, I decided on what to do. Something, useful, I hope.

Well, I can't organize my stuff, otherwise that would put me in suspicion. I can't talk a walk outside due to that putting me in suspicion. Any anymore training, I mean, It probably wouldn't put in suspicion, but Haruna told me to rest for the big day. I am not getting a snack due to the maids saying that if I did that, I probably wouldn't be able to fit into the dress, also, the ball has much tastier snacks.

In the end of my listing, a good amount of minutes passed. Yes, the list went on. Contrasting the possible anxiety increase, it seemed to relax me just a bit. Yet, I was equally both awaiting and not waiting what is too come.

"Lady Liliana, its time to change."

My body tensed up from that very comment as we ended up preparing. The gown this time, was a beautiful yellow that ended up relaxing me. It ended up having the slit in the left side for greater ease of movement, and had a blend of ease of movement, as well as beauty, withdrawing from being down right voluptuous. Though the maximum willingness I would have of skin showing.

Now that everything was done, I was half hoping to equip a dagger to my thigh to protect Mercurys, however, right as I got in my dress, and even before, I though thoroughly patted down. Thankfully I hesitated to do that. Otherwise, game over.

Once I was ready, I ended up walking alongside Mercurys, to which it he was greatly more guarded, as well as the court mage, whom followed closely behind.

"Do you feel alright?" I ended up asking.

"I'm a noble, of course I would fine." He shrewdly wrote off. But I could sense a somberness in is voice. Looking at his hand, I could see his tenseness. Although he may not seem like he, is quite nice. He didn't have to let us train. Especially during such a rough situation.

"You don't have to go, if you don't want to."

"Unlike you, I have...a duty as a noble. So....don't worry about me."

"Dancer Liliana, I will have to ask you to refrain from speaking nobility so informally. Otherwise, it is treason."

I ended up gulping at that.

"Don't worry about her. She won't yap like a dog for the rest of the time." He ended up glaring at me. I couldn't tell if it softened, even if it was just a hint. "I order you to act accordingly."

"Right!" Although it was swaddled in a noble's command, they way he said it was vague? What is accordingly to him? For a typically noble, it would mean that I just did my job and had a pretty face. But, my job also includes making sure he's safe It seemed that the court mage didn't retort that response, but I'm sure he knows.

We ended up reaching the Ball room. The atmosphere was a bit more tense than usual. However, the main reason for that wasn't the threat of death exuberating the area, but the presence of the king going to be here. It seemed that today, out of all days, there was no shortcuts when it came to presentation, as everything, was beyond stunning. The food was decked out. And I thought the first day was pretty.

It seemed that most of everyone was already ready for the ball to commence, and as I checked, it seemed that the bad was no acception. However, this time, they seemed a bit strained. All of their band nerd energy as bards ended up disappearing and was extremely tight. Thankfully, I don't think I needed more help. Well that's what I thought when.....

"You have committed treason for staining my eyes with that disgusting dancing. Off with your head!" I could imagine him saying after I screwed up.

That isn't even half of it. Because the food may more than ever have the likelihood of being laced with poison, we weren't even allowed to each anything. Though, I said "screw that" before sneaking some food before the the King came in.

I made sure to be especially perceptive, though, not letting Mercusys out of my sight. Well, as much as I could, because after my performance last, I ended up becoming quite popular, as many people ended up surrounding me. I'm glad I got food, before all of the nobles showed up because now....

I ended up deciding to have a smile as a mask as I ended up playing the part of a lady. Thank goodness for all of those role-playing sessions in video games. I may have never even lasted a second before my introversion wrapped me up in my cocoon.

Even hanging out with a bunch of lecherous men would be better than what was about to unfold asa chim from a glass rang across the room, belonging to the court mage.

"Ladies and gentleman...." After the announcer, whom was none other than the Court mage ended up stoping all of the talking before going into a speech. It was quite length ,about 15 minutes. I was even wondering if I could end up sneaking in another mini-sandwich or two, but decided to recede back to the band area, as I awaited to dance.

The speech mainly just but kissed the royal family, and introduced the main of the hour....

"Hello my people, it is a pleasure." I ended up seeing a a young man with a royal navy blue hair, gelled and slicked back. "Unfortunately, my father wasn't feeling to well, So I decided to take his stead. Now, may the dancing commence." I ended up looking towards the court mage, who ended up looking at the band as to play. They were professionalsThe dance went in perfect sync with the song as we became one, so they were able to gradually intro the musal into the time to dance, otherwise I would of been hesitant for quite a bit to even dance. Thankfully, throughout these few days, extensive training akin to when I learned the Flash style, my body moved on its own.

The dance went in perfect sync with the song as we became one, I felt myself at the highest of graces and beauty as I soaked it from their audience gaze. Metaphorically, I felt like I was dancing on air, as all of my worries were left before I entered the dance floor. I didn't care what they thought about me, or even if they might of judged me. Yet I danced.

After I finished, I tried to hold back my heavy breathing, I as looked up at the audience, who seemed to be stunned quite a bit, before the silence turned to clapping, and clapping turned to downright cheering. It seemed that I was successful in achieving my goal. But looking the crowd, I ended up finding 3 bandits in the background, everyone was distracted, so they took that moment to try to strike. But, it seemed that they too got distracted.

My battle instincts kicked in. No more time to just casually dance. As everyone one was encoring, I smiled as an idea shot right to me. After all, we give the audience what we need. Turning to the relieved bards, who were happy they didn't end up upsetting the prince, I ended telling them to play a certain song, which cued the battle music.

I immediately tasked towards Mercusys's area, to which I began to "dance" with the assassins. Everyone ended up backing up during the spectacle, giving me more than enough floor to dance on, and enough room so I would wipe the floor with them. As we fought, I ended up blending my dancing alongside some melee techniques I learned, as I ended up parring the knife attacks. After knocking them down a few times, even going as far as doing the dance-equivalent of Tsou, or just using someone' weight against them. It seemed that this ended up completely diverting their attention on me, as they found no openings to escape it.

The audience, at first was once again stunned, however, it seemed that they quickly adjusted as they didn't feel like they weren't in in danger; like a bunch of children who are used to the violence, or too innocent to realize. Still, if I am able to reduce the worry as well as kick around some very-deserving assassins, then I am happy to.

I ended up deciding to immediately disarm them with some quick thief blade stealing, before doing quick slight of hand, making them vanish, getting everyone to have "ahhhhh" written all over their faces in amusement. If they knew how I did it, I wonder if they would still be impressed? All I did was do a quick misdirection once I feinted the two of them, storing it in my Domain pocket. From the look of them, it seemed they were made out of pretty good material, so I'll be sure to appraise it once I get out of here. A little optimistic? Well, if I get out of here.

After I was in complete control, I ended grabbing their arms and forcibly ended up dancing with them, regardless of resisting and even attacking me mid dance, I ended up causing them to trip over their feet in disarray as they couldn't even land a finger on me. To think, this was basically me too long ago.

Deciding to end up, I ended up getting the two of them into a twirl, before almost blindingly removing my arms to chop them in the neck, before placing them back and extending my arms, causing them to twin, before I released them, causing them to land in nearby chairs. Well, at least one of them. The assassin ended up landing unconsciously; practically laying on the chair seat all slumped. Hey, 1 out of 2 is a good enough ratio.

After that, everyone ended up clapping, I ended up curtsying once again, glancing over to check of Mercusys was ok only to find that, behind a seal of clapping hands, there was a glint of Mercusys, who ended up getting stabbed, but someone, a noble.

My mind raced, as I ended up darting to quick find a way there, to catch the assassin, as well as save Mercusys. However, there wasn't one, so I immediately ended up launching myself into the air, no spins, no style, just wanted to get there as fast as I can.

"Baron Mercusys!!" I yelled. As i was above the assassin, I ended up deciding to draw a dagger, however, before I could, he ended up running away. He was surprisingly fast. However, rather than chase, I immediately ended up pocketing the dagger before hatching the Baron before he fell before gently placing him on the ground, before beginning to heal, however, it seemed that it was dowsted in poison, an acidic one at that, as it ended up eating through him as much as I could heal. "C'mon!!! Doctor, is there any noble here whose a doctor!" I ended up turning frantically to the audience, some where completely paralyzed with dread, some out of confusion, however, it seemed that a women ended up popping out. She was an elderly women, with white hair.

"I happen to be an ex.clergywoman, a cleric for the Church of Zenith. I should be able to heal him and his toxins."

It seemed she knew what was going on. I sighed in relief before handing him over, Mercusys wheezing from the poison already flowing in his veins. "Take care of him. I'll be back once I find the traitor." I ended up dasking away, my speed, went into over time, regardless of my retrains on, as I excelled towards my enemy. There were guards who ended up stopping me, however, I ignored them as I breezed past, dashing up and through the halls, eventually catching up to the noble, however, after seeing me follow, he ended up increasing his speed much more, to which I now wasn't covering any more ground.

As we ran, he ended up casually turning his head towards my direction, before reaching for his face, before unsettlingly peeling off his face, revealing another one that was all too familiar. "Wow! That make-up came in handy, I sure gave her props."

"You! It seemed it was none, other than Hiesel. Shocker, right? Honestly I couldn't care, I was really ticked off that he's trying to get away, and that he hurt the Baron. "Why did you do it?"

"I couldn't care less who he was. He was paying money for protection. And people were paying to have him dead. And once the court mage ended up getting in on it, I was able to reason with him to help give some of his fortune after he died to me, as it seemed that he too had resentment towards him. Honestly, someone, like that should of been expecting death for a long time."

I gritted my teeth. It seemed he was trying to mess with my emotions, I decided to wait as I continued to pursue, he would have what's coming to him soon.

We ended up reaching a closed place, inside one of the royal bedrooms, though, due to the chandlers out, it seemed quite empty.

"S-stay back!" he ended up cowardly saying, putting his hand out. "You still have a chance to come out of this with wealth beyond your years. You can have a cut of his wealth once he dies!"

That sliming.....trying to buy me off. Immediately in that instant, I ended up dodging, a thrown dagger. But just barely, as it ended up grazing my dress as my rhythmic instincts kicked in as he went off beat.

"Wow! You dodged it impressive. You sure are fast."

"I didn't even give my answer."

"Your hesitance was enough..." He said, in the brief instance, I would feel a glare from him paired with a sly grin, mixing together to be nigh demonic. "Well, I must be heading off. He ended up jumping through the window, shattering it, but rather than falling, he ended up flinging a grappling hooked rope, seemingly latching onto something as he climbed upward, and was one from view just like that.

I ended up kicking off my slippers before jumping through the window, reaching for the rope. However before I could, he ended up pulling it up.

"You should of brought your own rope!" He snickered before he continued to scale the castle. As i was plummeting to the ground, I ended up getting caught by Belle, thank goodness for that.

"I won't be able to sustain this clone for long." She said in the loud rain fall. She was wearing assassin attire, unlike me, who was still wearing the gown from the party, I didn't have enough time to equip something more reasonable. Her grip, slippering from the rain. She ended up exerting all of her force before throwing me upward before disappearing. She should be a berserker, because that throw...I was launched upward about half the distance I fell.

Thankfully, I didn't fall anymore as I was able to barely grip onto a ledge, hanging from , before beginning to scale. I made sure to climb quickly, but with the condition outside...Did I mention that it was raining? Raining and climbing don't mix. Each and every time, I ended up slipping, regardless of the place I ended up picking up when it came to getting up there. I was spitefully but a bit happy that Hiesel ended up going through the same conditions as me. Serves him right! Oh wait, he has a grappling hook, that makes things, like, infinitely better.

I began to become quite pessimistic. What if Baron died? What if Hiesel escaped to kill another day? Why didn't I have wings? It wasn't like I could poof away my racing heart and feelings, like through the dancing, especially when I am and far away from a good place to dance in the first place.

It wasn't an idea, but a memory that hit me all the same. "You may end up finding yourself where you think dancing isn't the key, where you think you can't dance. Maybe even in in a battle? You can't battle dance, your mind is racing. Well, instead of forcing your feelings into that dance, use dancing to express your feelings."

After remembering that, i couldn't help but smile in this dire situation. "She's right, I'll just have to dance my own way." And since she already used her clone, the original must already be away of where I am. That means, I still have a chance.

I ended up using my experiencing climbing as an elf, timing it properly, feeling the rhythm of the rain, as my gripping began to adapt. "Come on, Lu...Lilliana, you got this!" I ended up picking up the place, not wanting to fall behind anymore, utilizing my flash stepping, any ledge I could barely stand, that foothold would be enough, as I would propel myself upward.
The castle was high, but I eventually ended up reaching the top on a large slab of castle's roof. It seemed that the person there, once again, was Hiesel.

"So persistent. Well, guess it will bit fun to knock someone down a peg, or two, or four, or perhaps down a large castle. Does that seem....fun-"

He ended up rushing towards. I'd hope that he would end up monologing so I could end up changing, however, it seems that the more I wanted it, the more it was beyond my reach, as I now I ended up having to go up against him, handicapped, and in a soaked dress, no less.

The fast pace movement ended up beginning, as our clicks were heard, but the sparks of light were put out the instant they could of been made.

"You can't beat me. I haven't even dropped a sweat." He said, our blades ended up pushing each other in a stalemate. My dagger I pulled out, versus his. However, I immediately ended up backing away, as he pulled out another out of nowhere. It was far instant then what I did, and it put me off guard. But, it also reminded me of Sierra for some reason.

Now, he was dual wielding, putting me in a tight spot. My dress was torn, and although most weren't cuts, just a minor wound, that was still enough. With his dagger, as that was enough to poison me, it caused my body to feel peckish and even my adrenaline was backfiring as it ended up causing the poison to flood my system.

After reaching a point and the poison slowing down and breaking down my system, there was diminishing returns on the poison flow. Rather than falling victim to the poison in a few seconds, I know had a minute. But since I was able to get a bit slowed down, on the bright side, I was able to view things different. How was he able to prevent me from equipping on my weapons and armor for allowing me to have an actual chance? It seemed that the moment I tried to do something space-related, he would end up responding but full on bargaining me. He must be able sense that, somehow. Perhaps he has a similar ability?

Although I didn't want to do it, I ended up having no choice but to take off my aura inhibitor, but, if he survives after seeing this, me more than likely would be able to find out my true identity, in that case....

I ended up bowing on my on the room, in a conceitful manner. "Please, stop!!"

"Sorry, miss, but I have to kill you, it's just business."

"I'll do anything, you can have my jewelry! My money!"

"Ok, then, I want your jewelry, your money, and your body." He said, giving me lustful eyes. I knew what he meant.

"Yes, here!" I ended up taking off one of my bracelets. He flinched as immediately he felt the surge of energy, he ended up rushing towards me, however, I wouldn't let him! Immediately, a lightning barrier formed, causing him to hit it on impact, zapping and knocking him back. Now, he was the one, stunned, to which i couldn't help but laughing, as I ended up taking off my other one, before equipping on my armor and weapons, to which it seemed even my body gave a full reveal as I ended changing from my Liliana form to my form as Lumiya.

"So, that's your true form.."He gasped. "It's beautiful, absolutely divine."

I ended up looking at myself, though it seemed that I was mainly the same. If anything, a bit more sparkly. It seemed that I ended up holding back quite a bit of mana. So much so, that now I'm now in my Domain body form. My skin was more so a glowing yellowing tinge than my last activation of this. And my hair was standing on its end. I couldn't see a mirror, however, this did feel natural.

I ended up pointing my wakizashi at him. "Your mistaken, Hiesel. It is you who will die this night." Confidence? I don't care. I will do everything in my power to end him after what he did. 

He ended up chuckling, before bursting out maniacally. "To think, a being such as you is wishing to kill me. My, how lucky I am. This feeling, it reminds me of master."

This kind of threw me off. "Didn't you hear me? I'm going to kill you."

I was either hoping for anger or sorrow. However, of course the crazies would be laughing up a riot.

"It that, case, I will just have to try to live then. Time to exact my powers as well." Immediately, black ooze ended up being seen as it ended up growing into a buddle beneath his feel. He ended up dipping his hands up before pulling out sharp black claws on each hand. For some reason, this energy that the blackness was familiar. But that didn't mean I let my guard down, as he ended up getting closer than before, it seemed that the black ooze ended up being neigh immune to my lightning around me, which shocked me.

As he rushed in a greater speed, it seemed that he once again didn't feel any worry as he began to slash. Thankfully, I was more than capable to evade. Guess lightning won't be a go, especially if he's going to continue to block it. Well, guess I'll just find a way, long with my Flash-style, as well as my Battle dancing. I'll call it Flash Dancing. 

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