A(lie)ment Isekai (Part 1) (C...

By Voltevia

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In this fantasy world, Domain Lords are powerful beings whose very existence maintains their respective eleme... More

Chapter 0:
Chapter 1: The Favor
Chapter 2: Domain Lord
Chapter 3: My Power
Chapter 4: First blood
Chapter 5: Sign me up!
Chapter 6: Starter Class
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 7.1: Return to Forest
Chapter 7.2: Goblin Boss
Chapter 7.2.1
Chapter 8: The challenge
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 9: Events
Chapter 10:Detected
Chapter 10.1: Promoted
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: Tournament
Chapter 12.1: Match 1
Chapter 21.2: Match 2
Chapter 13: Festivities
Chapter 13.1: Superior
Chapter 14: Afterwards
Chapter 15: Dancer?
Chapter 16: Position
Chapter 16.1: Twist
Chapter 17: Split life
Chapter 17.1: Tragedy
Chapter 18: Thin Ice
Chapter 19: Flash Dance
Chapter 20: Void One
Author's note

Chapter 6.1: Training

228 5 0
By Voltevia

Walking out of the back of the mansion-sized adventurer's guild. Its size was only emphasized when I saw it from the outside.

"One, two, three, four, five!!!" I counted, tilting my head higher and higher until.. "Whoops". Off balanced, I fell; as if I was sitting on the ground to begin with.

After looking at the mansion, I ended up turning around to see a large training ground. There were many areas sections off for smaller training grounds. Though most of them are typical melee combat areas, some of which having dummies set up, there was also an extensive shooting range.

There were many adventures already out here, working out on a variety of things to hone their craft. And it wasn't just ranged and melee user's out here. There were also quite a few mages testing out their spell casting skills on the allotted targets on the rage. Glances back and forth from a variety of things were quite breathtaking. I could definitely sit out here to observe everything and even then, that would be a good experience for me.

"Hello?" Someone asked.

I ended up snapping out of my haze to see a girl. She seemed to be a human, she looked to be physically around my age.

"Oh hi, sorry." I didn't really know how to respond. Guess my introversion got to better of me. 

"No, you're fine. I was just wondering; do you need directions? Like, to an on-field class."

I almost got carried away. "Right! So, I am looking for the Flash-style Instructor. I was told that there was a place nearby?"

"Oh! You mean the old worn-down dojo. Honestly, I am quite surprised there are still people using that. Most sword style trainers typically train here." She ended up turning around before pointing outward. It seemed she wasn't pointing to anything close. What stretched outward from the training grounds was a forest that looked like it ended up going upward into a hill. It didn't seem to be that big.

"Ahhh, I see. Thank you. I'm Lumiya, by the way."

"My name is Esveth." She responded. "Well, good luck." Esveth went back to training, as was I well, getting there, at least.

I ended up walking for quite a bit. Surprisingly, it was a bit bigger than expected. Seventh ended up pointing me to the right direction, causing me to find a trail to the hilltop. It would have typically been quite scenic. However...

"CRAP-" I yelled, jumping out of the way of an incoming rock. It flew at me with such power. Probably a bit more than the arrow from the goblin. There was no way I would have been able to dodge it normally. However, something odd happened.

Electricity began to fly around me, and everything began to hold a yellow hue to it. I didn't know I was teleported somewhere else, or the world immediately turned this way, but I wasn't going to contemplate on the matter when an incoming rock went my way. I managed to get out of the way, sliding to the ground. This seemed to have ended up a yellow world and made things normal.

"I don't know what happened, but, for a minute there, it felt a bit easier getting out of the way of the rock. To be honest, I was thinking about seeing my stats when I was alone, but if things like that are going to continue to happen, I might as well check.

I decided to sit down briefly to check my stats.

"What!?! They haven't changed!?!" I was quite set aback by this, until I saw something. Wait, there is some sort of point total. Could it be the number of points I can put into my stats?

I couldn't toggle them in manually, as I was once again reminded that their status screen is a touch screen. Because of this, I am idly sad, thinking about my stats.

Honestly, after that close one, even with the power that I used, it would be best if I put a few into Dexterity and speed....

In response to my thoughts, the total points I had stored up decreased as my stats went up. My Dexterity changed from 20 to 22, and speed from 19 to 20.

"Cool, so I have mental control over this. Guess that will make things easier." I ended up thinking about what else I should do, however I was a bit hesitant on what I should do. Because of this, I ended up turning to none other than my trusty book, and its bookmarked page.

Finding "stats" and going from there, I was not only able to get the very same info that I just found out, but I also ended up getting a few other small, yet useful details.

You gain 3 stat points every 4 levels that you can put anywhere.

Priority stats are Dexterity and Speed, with Strength, Wisdom and Intelligence also quite useful. Charisma is useful in a given situation. As for constitution, although it isn't the best for "Lumiya's build" it shouldn't be blatantly disregarded.

I didn't know much about the stats until now, but the journal simply explained them as strength in the attack stat, speed is travel/movement speed and dexterity is reaction speed. The Constitution is defense. Intelligence is more of spell control and potency, with wisdom more aura control and potency. Charisma is mostly only related for conjuring familiars, summoning spirits, leading armies, though it seems not to hold any influence on actual speaking.

Since every 4 levels I get 3 stats, and since I am level 11, that means that I have 6 stats. Using already 3, I ended up using the rest of them in strength, which should end up boosting it quite a bit from 16 to 19, which seems like a bit.

"Alright, now that that is settled, time to uncover secrets of what happened with the yellow and the world..."

And then I found it: Domain Step 3rd Layer. It was an interesting enough sounding ability. Though, the flavor text that the journal ended up grabbing my attention.

"Causing you to briefly enter the domain, before exiting, the dilation of time in domains, going faster than the real world, often causes it to appear as if you are traveling faster than normal."

The logic behind that was a bit brain frying, as per why the world looked yellow, it seemed to be because of the ability as well. The journal explained that the Domain is in a different dimension very parallel with this real world. It also warned that you still can be physically damaged by physical attacks. It isn't that you are in a completely different dimension, it is that you are in a very closely parallel one. I presumed that the other Domains worked the same way.

As for the "Layer" part of the ability, Domain Step being Layer 3, it seems to just be an explanation to the potency of the Layer of the Domain you are in. It seems that the logic behind that is that there are multiple depths of potency that the domain can do for certain abilities. And, the farther along Layer-wise you are, the more potent your Domain abilities work.

"Let's say you can Domain step and dodge a punch at Layer one, you should be able to dodge something quite faster in Layer 3."

This also explained that all Domain abilities will be at their own beginning Layer and progress from there. This varies depending on the abilities' relationship with the user.

Now that it seemed I ended up getting a better grasp over what is going on, I decided to continue at it. Besides, this would be perfect practice.

"Let's do this."

There were many varying traps set up, some were the basic pit trap, to lethal levels like giant crushing trees, shot bolts. Though it still was quite hard and thoroughly relied on the utmost focus to be able to dodge, Domain Step, my new ability, already seemed to get a decent amount of play. It didn't seem to do much. It gave me a minor speed boost. Not like I am thankful, given that it enabled me to further dodge if I ended up slipping up when normally dodging.

For most of it, my natural dexterity and speed seemed to be enough to handle the attacks. Ever since I did the upkeep on my stats, I began to feel...different. I didn't know the difference until I did it, but it felt as if my body was holding something, as if I was bloated or something. I will definitely know next time when I level up and get stat points to place in stats.

Although I found this was good training, I think I understood more of what the receptionists meant by learning Flash-style being hard. Heck, I doubt other classes would go this intense right off the bat.

That old man.... he must be either crazy or just hardcore.

The scenic walk was not scenic whatsoever. It escalated to me running, dodging, jumping, plenty more than I would have ever done. I didn't even know I had that in me. As I finally ended reaching the top of the hill. No, it was a mountain. Calling it anything else would be disrespectful.

After reaching the top, I was half-expecting a lavishing resort, filled with people training, as well as relaxing saunas, and a bathhouse. This wasn't the case. All there was a simple dojo. It seriously looked quite old.

"Is this the right place?" I asked myself. It was where that girl ended up pointing, unless she was screwing with me.

I hesitantly ended up walking to the dojo doors, before going inside, I ended up taking off my shoes. Though this place was run down, I still oddly felt a sense of etiquette kicking back in from my former life. Walking inside, I felt a jolt of energy, that was when my instincts kicked in and I ended up jumping out of the way of......a bucket. It was a bucket. Nothing special, but a bucket on a string.

Turning back around, I ended up walking onto the dojo floor, which seemed to be quite long, regardless of its smallness from the outside. I would have to estimate that it was about the side of a basketball court. On the sides of the dojo walls, there were many wooden swords all in bins, weights, among other things.

Though, the most notable part of the room was the old man. He sat on a pillow with his knee. Although briefly, he may have looked like a wizard, he looked more so like a sage. Or like a feudal lord.

"Ummmm." I hesitated quite a bit, though, I could tell our statuses were worlds apart. For that, I bowed, pulling out the paper, holding it high in my hands as I kept my head bowed, my hair sagged down onto the dojo floor. "I humbly present you with a class registration paper, in hope that you become my sensei in the technique of Flash-style."

He seemed to be reading something. Glancing upward, I was shocked to find that the paper in my hands was gone. Instead, it was in his. Stroking his beard, he ended up looking at me, before placing the paper on the ground beside him.

"Your movements in the forest..." He spoke in a deep, but gentle voice. "They are untamed, sloppy, and clumsy. Whereas flash style is everything you aren't. Before I give my answer, why is it that you want to learn flash-style?"

I ended up thinking about this but couldn't find one answer. "There are many reasons. I am an Agility-type and wield a sword, and I wish to be more agile and wield a sword better."

"If that was just it, I would have had many more disciples..." He looked disappointed in my answer. "Now, close your eyes, and look deep down inside of your soul, and tell me again."

I ended up closing my eyes and looking inside of myself and my soul. Inside, it was black. I still couldn't see it. However, I could feel a sense of energy inside of me, and a single jolt of electricity. That was when I had my answer. "The feeling of running, dodging, or fleeing, I do not wish to be out of fear, but as strength. I wish to run towards my enemies, not blindly, but calmly, and if I will use the blade, I wish to pour all of the energy I have into it and give it to the enemy."

He stroked his beard. "Yes....that is the nature of Flash-style, not using your strength to control the blade, but your speed. The same with the very body that wields the blade." He ended up getting up, going into a closet, before pulling out clothing, to which he ended up walking over to me and handing them to me.

"We start your training immediately."

Going to the changing room, taking off my clothes, I ended up putting on the black combat gi. There was a brief moment, where I ended up realizing that my chest was a bit....loose, so, after finding a sarashi, I ended up equipping it, causing it to wrap around my chest and stomach, giving me that nice feeling of compression that I liked so much. I then once again put on the black combat gi. Getting out of the changing room was the final step into training.

"You may call me Haku-sensei"

"Yes, Haku-sensi." I obeyed. I thought that his name was Mercemes, but I guess that was his first name or last.

From that day on, I ended up extensively learning the Flash-style. It was an arduous process. Before I could even learn techniques, Haku-sensei ended up immediately breaking down every one of my bad habits before ingraining into my body the proper way.

"It seems you have yet to learn acrobatics. This will also be a key-prerequisite to learning flash-style."

My body ended up moving in ways I did not think it could, and tension on my muscle fibers that I did not know.

"Your balance is poor. Guess we will have to work on that as well." And then we worked on my balance, I could balance not only on one leg, but also a hand. After that.

"Your timing.... we will work on that next." And then we ended up doing mental exercises until my body could almost move on instinct alone.

It was 2 weeks and even then, we haven't ended up going into the Flash-style. During this time, I ended up living at the dojo. However, to obtain food, I ended up having to go down to the bottom of the hill to get what the courier ended up leaving, which was a pile of food for the next few days. After getting back up the mountain, coincidentally, all of the traps were set back up. Not only did I have to go up there after I trained a bit, but I also carried an extreme amount of weight with me. After relying on my domain pocket, this was quite crazy.

Once all of my bad, habits were kicked out of me, I finally ended up earning the "Flash-style"

The flash-style sword technique, besides holding a similar look to Iajutusu, not only did utilize the basic parrying, counters, and some kicks, but it also revolved around 3 main forms- "Flash step, Strike twice, and Quick draw."

Flash step was the most complicated in terms of leg movement. And it awfully took a lot of time to learn. About a week in and of itself. The way I ended up recalling how Haku-sensei explained it was 'putting all of your strength in a single step, with the dexterous footing to book. After finally learning it, I was excited to end up being able to do it. 5 meters in a single step is quite crazy. Not to mention it was exceptionally fast as well. I wouldn't say as fast as the old man, but I am sure it was quite hard to follow. I now understood why he wanted to up my reaction timing. Now, it didn't seem like the world was slowing down, but I could fit more actions into a single moment. Also, when knocked down, I could easily transition back into a stance fitted for flash stepping by doing a somersault, backflip or backbend flip over. It finally made sense why he was so avid in teaching me.

Strike twice was a multi-slash; fitting an additional slash into the mix. Like how I could fit more actions into a single moment, this was the same case with Strike twice, using all of my energy in a single moment. Strike twice isn't the peak of this ability, just like how my Flash step isn't at its peak. The more you get stronger and faster, the more strikes you can fit in a single striking moment. These variations are, Strike thrice, Diamond strike, Star Strike, 6-fold strike, 7-fold strike, 8-fold strike...and so on. If I just do it quite a bit, I can reach about Strike thrice, with no domain step attached, which haku said was an impressive feat. It typically takes quite a many years before someone can reach that level. As for him, Haku-sensei said he could do about 6-fold, however, he did say it was possible to do up to 12, and said that his master before him could. I asked a bit more about his master, but it didn't go into much.

"She....was very similar to you......" He replied before backing away from the subject. I had my hunches, and even went as far as to read my journal, but nothing came up, when it came to the previous "Lumiya's before me."

Quick draw was the fastest drawing style there is, and even some other classes, adopted this for increasing people's initiatives in combat. Like Iajutsu, it basically ends up allowing you to immediately transition from no-combat to combat almost immediately. Though it may seem like you have openings in your attack, a user of Quick draws, and almost immediately turns the tables. Haku-sensei said that this was a great way to defend against assassins, and even told stories of how he was able to handle 6 assassins on his own. I wondered if he could handle Sierra, and even asked him, to which he laughed quite a bit, once again not answering this question.

There were also some variations: Twin parry strike is parrying, getting a strike in before continuing to parry. Though, this typically causes knockback or recoil damage. There is Also Flashing strikes, which is a strike in between a flash step, because of the brief moment of contract, you can get only one less strike than what you can perform. For me, normally, I can only strike twice or two strikes when I do the flash strike. I guess flash stepping reduces the move by one.

Now, observing myself doing theses, I could tell almost immediately that you couldn't spam these attacks. Not only do you have to give yourself at least a .5 second interval for usage, which may seem like not a lot, but in swordplay, that is basically a year. Not only that, but it exhausted a great amount of stamina. I ended up increasing my stamina greatly from what it previously was, and even then, I can only "fire-off" about 8 techniques every combat session without repercussion, up to 14 causes a bit of strain, and any more and I would be on the very verge of fainting. My max is about 22. But, in combat, if you end up fainting, without a party, you are basically dead. Haku-sensi ended up relating it to magic spells, which was a great way to explain it. I didn't really know how many techniques there were for magic spells until now, but it makes sense. Both, you can only use so much. And even then, it won't work quite well.

Also, training without Haku sensei at night, I would typically end up trying my hand at combining Domain Step with my Flash-style techniques, to which immediately wreaked a breakthrough. Although Domain Step only increased my speed a tad, paired up with techniques that honed my travel speed, it was now more powerful. I guess fast speed is multiplied in Domain step. Because of this, I was about to reach strike diamond. My flash step could now reach greater speeds, though, it was still the same distance, given that I am technically going the same speed, just in a different time dilation.

After a month, I ended up meeting Haku-sensei in the very same spot that we met on the very day. It didn't seem too long ago. Though I have barely increased to level 12, I could tell that my increase in power was quite great, and it was quite the investment.

"You truly have grown greatly," Haku pointed out.

"Thank you master."

"Now, before I graduate you, it is time for a final test. You see, there is a rookie class royal that will be going on for a few days. It is basically a multiple layered competition. First, there will be intramurals, basically battle until the count of competitors go down to about 30. Then, there will be a monster hunter, which ends up showing how many monsters you can kill in a short period of time. Who got the most in the top 24 will then be doing a 1v1 competition. I want you to reach the top. And if you win.... you will get an item that increases stats a bit..."

"I'm sure I will be able to use Flash style and strive for victory."

"No, this isn't a test to show that you have succeeded in the Flash style. It has been ingrained into your very being. You wouldn't forget even if you wanted to. Once you level up and become far stronger, your flash style will further shine. Although I would be flattered if you only used flash style, as an adventurer, you should strive to learn as much as you can. As much as it would seem blasphemous to not only use Flash-style in combat."

"I think I understand what you mean."

"Now, you have a few days, 3 to be exact. By then, you will have to become level 15 to level 25 before that time, so taking quests and fighting monsters. You will also want to balance this with learning something else. You are a quick learner. Flash-style is quite a hard technique and typically takes at least 6 months. So, I am sure, you will be able to learn something else during this time."

"Based on what you say, what do you think I should learn?"

'Well, I do sense a strong Lightning affinity from you. Lightning magic is a great way to stun foes, thus it complements Flash-style quite well. So, if you find a quick casting lightning spell, you should be able to pair that quite well with your attacks."

"Which class should I go to to learn this?" I asked.

"Well, I am afraid that most classes won't be accepting further teaching at the moment, given that all of the classes will be rivals until this end. Though, the library should be open, and the library should have some books on how to cast other spells."

"Alright then, in that case, I know what I am going to do."

"Great. I will be there to watch you. Good Luck, my student." He ended up saying, to which I ended up leaving.

Now equipped with new Technique and a new goal, I ended up striving for this new challenge that was in front of me. 

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