Cote: The Demonic Ninja

By 9crimsonsage

28.4K 2.1K 708

Ayanokoji, the only survivor of the demonic fourth generation, is killed in a freak accident. He gets reincar... More

Vol 1 Reborn
Vol 1 Learning
Vol 1 Lavender
Vol 1 Train
Vol 1 Clash
Vol 1 Friendship
Vol 1 Dawn
Vol 1 Choice
Vol 1 Evaluation
Vol 1 Rain
Vol 1 Weapon
Vol 1 Sharingans
Vol 1 Cake
Vol 1 Burn
Vol 1 Root

Vol 1 Dawnbreak

1.5K 133 35
By 9crimsonsage

Ayanokoji's pov

I looked down at both the scrolls Itachi had given me last week. They were rather simple but effective Jutsus. The first being Wind style: Wild Air waves. This Jutsu was a wind base attack. It allowed the user to shoot a large amount of air from the users mouth creating a wind wave attack. It was very useful to hit multiple opponents at once. The other is Lightning style: Thunderbolt. This is a lightning Jutsu that allows the user to shoot a bolt of lightning from their palm.

These two Jutsus were very powerful on their own but I wanted to make them stronger. I had an idea, currently when it comes to element Jutsus I know four. Lightning Beast, Thunderbolt, Wild Air Waves, and Wind Bullets. What if I could combine these Jutsus together.

For example I could use Lightning Beast to distract my enemy, while they focus on avoiding the attack I could use Wind Bullets to catch them off guard. I could also hide Wind Bullets behind Lightning Beast to catch them off guard. As for Wild Air Waves and Thunderbolt, what if I could actually combine them together. Like creating a shock wave of pure thunderbolts but having the dangerous cutting waves of wind behind it.

It seems I will be busy for a while. The best way of doing this is to first learn how to use one handed seals at the same time. This way I could use two Jutsus at once. This will require me to take my chakra control to a whole new level.


2 months, that's how long it's been since I started training on creating my idea. Each day I could train so my body couldn't take it anymore. I had to push myself to a new level, for this I had to break my body and rebuild it even stronger and that's exactly what I did.

Currently I was standing on top of a river, the water moved fast and moved side to side roughly. I had my hands speared to the side, standing on one leg. I had multiple leaves on my body that I was sticking to myself using chakra. What I was doing now took impressive to a whole new level. I was using chakra to balance myself on one foot on top of a rushing river while at the same time using my chakra to stick every leaf that landed on me onto my body.

This was incredibly hard if I must be honest. Over the best 2 months I must have failed this well over 500 times but each time I got back up and kept going till my body was at it's limit and I had just a bit of chakra left in my body to keep me alive.

I've been in this position for the past hour and 37 minutes, unmoving. I opened my eyes and released the chakra I was using to stick the leaves to me. I then moved off the river.

I moved towards training ground 7, prepared to spend my whole day there till I got this idea of mine down. I will not fail, even if I must practice for a year I will get it down, after all, within the whiteroom training is all I did, for 15 years training every single day.

As I landed on the open field of training ground 7 I prepared myself. I will start off with my easiest idea first.

I went through one handed signs at the same time in both my hands. I focused, I erased all other thoughts from my mind, all that mattered now was my chakra. I could feel it, my chakra moving throughout my body. I felt where my chakra met, the middle point of all of it, my heart. Slowly I focused on all the chakra coming from that middle point, I focused on pushing it into two different directions instead of just one. One direction headed towards my left hand, the other towards my right hand. Slowly I felt it, there I had enough chakra to perform my Jutsu. However that was not all that was needed, I then began to push some chakra into my stomach as well, as I did this I began to inhale slowly and as much air as I could. Once I had this done I focused on the chakra in my right hand. I felt the electricity in my body, I needed to combine it with the chakra in my right hand, if not I will mess this all up. I focused all the electricity that was solely running through my right hand, fusing it with my chakra in my right hand. I then felt it.

I then went through hand signs on both hands. My right hand finished before my left hand.

"Lightning style: Lightning Beast." A hound dog made from lightning was created, just a split second lighter I released all the air in my lungs. "Wind style: Wind Bullets." I watched as the lightning hound rushed towards a tree, five wind bullets right behind it.

The lightning hound crashed right into the tree leaving a huge burn mark, a second later the wind bullets connected with the tree, making five holes in the tree. I did.

Now my second idea will be much harder after all I'm actually going to be combining these two Jutus together. Thunderbolt and Wild Air waves, it will surely be hard to combine these two into one Jutsu, especially since they are two different elements.

I could not use the same method that I used for my last. After all if I did it could not be combing two Jutsus it will just be me using two different Jutsus at once.

I will instead try inhaling the air first and then using the electricity in my body to turn the air I inhaled electric.

I began to inhale the air, once I reached the max amount I could hold in my lungs I focused on the electricity in my body, I focused on combining it with the air. I felt the electricity head towards my lungs, once I believed I got it done I exhaled however instead of anything coming out I felt my body get shocked from the inside. I grabbed onto my lungs as I felt pain coming from them. Seems like I failed.

Well then I'll keep trying till I get it down.


A month has gone by and I was yet to be able to perform what I wanted.

In my hand I held a kunai, in front of me was a punching dummy. I threw my kunai as I went through the one hand signs in my hands while I inhaled air. I used the Body replacement technique to switch places with the kunai as the kunai was mere inches away from implanting itself into it. Once I switched places with the kunai I finished the hand signs in my other hand, I exhaled as 10 air bullets slammed into the dummy, completing destroying it.

Even though I could not get combining two Jutsus down doesn't mean I haven't been working all my other skills. Yes I still tried every single day to combine two Jutsus but I have been practicing on how to use all the Jutsus I know so far together.

I had also been working on my Fuinjutsu and my sensor ability. That's why as I felt someone was walking behind me, I didn't have to turn to see who it was. I already knew who this person was after all I had spent some time hanging out with her. So I pretended as if I didn't notice her.

I heard her footsteps getting closer to me, soon she was only a couple feet away.

"Umm....K-Kiyotaka." I heard her gentle voice say. I turned around to face Hinata.

"Hey there Hinata, I didn't notice you sorry." I told her.

"D-don't a-a-apologize." She told me.

"So what did you want?" I asked. Hinata looked at me, her eyes tearing up and her body shaking.

"I-I-I-I." She kept stuttering, unable to get the words out. I walked up to her, which seemed to only make her shake even more. When I was in reach I grabbed her hand and place it on my heart.

"Listen to my heart beat, relax, think about what you want to say once you think about it and know clearly what you want to say then stop thinking and let it all out at once. Only think when you need to think about what you want to say, once you know what you want to say then say it, don't think anymore. Thinking about what you want to say while speaking will only make it worse." I told her. I watched as her shaking slowly began to stop. I noticed her tensed shoulders relax. After about 3 minutes she looked me dead in the eyes.

"I want you to help me. That day I told you about how my mom passed away. You said you'll be there for me. I need help to become strong, my whole family each and every day they call me weak and it hurts so much. I see myself as a failure every day and it just hurts, I-I want to be strong. I want to be someone I can be proud of. P-Please Kiyotaka, I-I know you're strong so please.... Please help me be strong too!" Hinata told me as she began to lightly cry, however she never turned her eyes away from mine.

"To be strong you will need to change a lot." I told her.

"I know." She said.

"You will even need to change some parts of your personality for that." I told her. She was far too soft for a world like this. If she wished to be strong she must become more cruel. She must be able to take a life without a second thought.

"I know." She told me.

"I will help you but you must be ready to listen to everything I say." I told her.

"I will, I'll do anything you say, just please... I just want to be someone I can be proud of." She told me, her body starting to shake, while even more tears came down her face. I then pulled her into a hug. This was good, she was playing right into my hands. Coming to me for help will make you stronger, but in return I will break your mind into being my loyal pawn.

After all it does not matter what world I'm in, the strong will always rule over the weak, people are only tools to be used to get you further in life.

"Don't worry Hinata I'll help you be strong, after all it's like I said I'm here for you. Always." I told her. That is right I'm here for you, as long as you are useful to me.

AN: I hope you all enjoyed it. As of now, Ayanokoji does see Itachi as his first and true friend however that does not mean his view on the world has changed. I feel like I did a good job at showing his character developed a bit in this and last chapter. It shows Ayanokoji accepting people as his real friends but still keeping his dark view on the world. And yes Ayanokoji will have plenty of character development throughout the story after all COTE and Naruto are a lot about people developing into better versions of themselves. However if Ayanokoji's character development will lead him down a dark or light path is yet to be seen so you'll have to stick around for that. After all, character development doesn't always mean they turn into a good person, so take your guess and anyways do you guys like this small character develop for Ayanokoji or no? Let me know. I mean I see a lot of stories where Ayanokoji has zero character development and stays the same throughout the whole story so I wanted to change that. Tell me if you guys would like to see Ayanokoji continue to grow as a person or just stay the same. 

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