fall ~ damon salvatore

By emmylils

24K 677 112

Fallon is the older sister of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, and she is a brand new lawyer in a very prestigious l... More

The Return
Brave New world
Bad Moon Rising
Memory Lane
Kill or be Killed
Plan B
The Sacrifice
By the Light of the Moon
The Descent
Daddy Issues
Crying Wolf
The Dinner Party
The House Guest
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance


1.1K 39 4
By emmylils

The next morning, Fallon woke up to see that Damon had left her some time during the night and left no indication on where he was.

Sighing, she brushed it off and started to get herself ready to go to the airport to fly to Chicago.

As she was heading downstairs, she bumped into Elena in the kitchen eating her cereal. When Elena noticed that Fallon was there, she awkwardly cleared her throat and averted her gaze. She then went to rush out of the room but Fallon grabbed her elbow and held her back.

"Elena, I'm sorry." Fallon said and Elena froze where she stood. Slowly, she turned to look at Fallon, her brown eyes scanning her green ones for any sign of a lie.

"It's okay." Elena said softly and Fallon shook her head.

"No, it's not okay. I shouldn't of yelled at you like that, especially in public." Fallon admitted softly and Elena gave her a small smile.

"Really, Fallon. It's okay. I'm sorry for trying to undermine you, it wasn't my intention. I just get worried about Jeremy." Elena admitted and Fallon sighed.

"I worry about both of you. Like I said to Jeremy, it's different for Stefan, Damon and I because we have ways of protecting ourselves. You and Jeremy don't. I only want you two safe." Fallon says and Elena nods.

"I understand." Elena agrees and then starts to walk away again but remembers something Alaric said last night. "Hey, Ric mentioned something about you heading back to Chicago today?" Elena asked, turning around and pointing at Fallon.

"Yeah, why?" She asks.

"Need a ride to the airport? I could use some sister bonding time." Elena says and Fallon smiles at her.

"That would be great. I'll be down in five." Fallon says before heading upstairs and grabbing her bags and everything she needs and putting them in the trunk of Elena's car.

About five minutes into the drive, Fallon's phone starts ringing. Pressing the green button, she answers without looking at the name.

"Sorry, Fallon's dead. Can I have her call you back?" She answers and Elena smiles and shakes her head.

"Is that how you greet everyone, or just me?" She heard Damon's voice from the other side of the call and she sighs. She could practically hear his smirk.

"No, I save it just for you, Damon. Because you're special." Fallon remarks. At the mention of his name, Elena widens her eyes and glances sideways at her sister.

"You wound me." Damon replies monotonously. "Anyway, I was just wondering if you needed a ride to the airport, I could take you." He said and Fallon half-smiles at the gesture.

"Thanks, but I'm actually in the car with Elena right now and she's taking me." Fallon declines.

"Oh, so you two made up?" He asked and Fallon looked to Elena who pretended not to be interested in the phone call.

"Yeah, yeah we did. Thanks for the advice." Fallon tells him.

"Hey, no problem. Have fun in Chicago, let all the murderers run free." He teases and Fallon rolls her eyes.

"No promises." She says before hanging up. After a few beats of silence, Elena speaks up again.

"So... you and Damon." She says and Fallon laughs, knowing this was coming.

"What about me and Damon?" Fallon asks her, wanting her to say it out loud.

"You two have gotten..." She trails off, trying to find the right word for it. "Close." She finishes.

"I wouldn't say close close, but we definitely are closer, yes. Why?" Fallon asks with a knowing look.

Elena shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing, it's just an observation. Even though I'm unsure on how you could see any redeeming qualities in him, it's an observation." She says with another shrug.

Fallon sighs and leans her head on the headrest. "I'm not gonna get into this with you right now, we just made up." Fallon says and Elena nods in understanding. "What about you and Stefan? How's that going?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

Elena's demeanour changed in an instant and her eyes turned sad. "Stefan and I broke up." She said thickly and Fallon widens her eyes in shock.

"Oh." She said at first. Honestly, her first thoughts were what Damon's reaction to this news was. Would he be jumping with joy, now that Elena was available? Or would he not care and go on with his life? "Elena, I'm so sorry." Fallon then said, pushing her selfish thoughts aside.

"Don't be," Elena sighs. "It needed to happen. Katherine hurting Jenna was just the beginning of her threats. And it was all because Stefan and I didn't listen to her." She says and Fallon tenses. She didn't know about this, but she wasn't going to make Elena elaborate on it now.

"Well, you've done it now. That's all you can do for the time being." Fallon says to try and comfort Elena.

Soon enough, they were at the airport and saying their goodbyes for the time being. Fallon boarded her flight and was on her way to Chicago.

About and hour and a half later, her plane landed in Chicago and she was headed to her apartment that she had from when she lived here before her life got complicated.

She texted Elena to let her know that she had arrived safely, and she sent Jenna a selfie of her sticking her tongue out to make her feel better as she had been detained on the sofa since she got home from hospital.

Fallon then realised that she had some preparation to do for the case tomorrow, so she grabbed her work bag and started compiling her notes and evidence. Luckily, she had already done most of the work already so there wasn't much left to do apart from work on her opening and closing statements.

As she lay in her bed she thought about Stefan and Elena's breakup. Was that really the reason Jenna was stabbed? Is that who Elena was on the phone to when Fallon walked in the other day? Even so, she knew Damon riling her up probably had a minor factor in it but she wouldn't put it past Katherine to be petty.

And why did she feel so... scared? Fallon was supposed to be this all powerful witch, but she had no idea how on earth to use it. She keeps thinking back to when she met Sheila on the Other Side, and even Vanessa at Duke, about how if she kept dying, the dark magic that brings her back only brings her closer to the Scarlet Witch.

She has so much power, so why can't she protect the people she cares about?

She knew that she couldn't save everyone, but that doesn't mean she won't damn well try.

Huffing, Fallon tossed to the other side of her luxurious bed, and tried to fall asleep but her thoughts just kept haunting her.

Why did she care so much about Damon's reaction to Stefan and Elena's breakup? She's barely known the guy for a month, and in said month, he has managed to kill her and get her into near-death situations. But, he was her friend. He made her laugh, and feel carefree.

But that's all he was, her friend. And that's all she wanted him to be, was her friend. Hell, she would even consider him to be one of her best friends. He understands her, and she understands him.

It shouldn't matter to her whether he loves Elena or not. Only in the sense that she's her little sister and she wants the best for her.

But Fallon also couldn't deny that she and Damon had something going on between them. It wasn't anything significant or to take note of, granted, but she noticed it and it was there. There were shared glances, smiles, and flirtatious jokes between them that to anyone else it might seem like friendly banter, but to them they knew there was something behind it all.

However, no matter what was going on between them, Damon was in love with Elena. And Fallon had a feeling he always would be. It was always going to be Elena, it always has been her.

It was never Fallon, and for the longest time she was okay with that. Because she focussed on her career more than anything, she had no time for love. She satisfied her needs with men (and women on the occasion if she was feeling like it), having sex whenever she wanted it. But it was never fulfilling for her.

But, she gets it. Elena was the picture perfect daughter, the amazing friend, the kind neighbour.

Basically, everything Fallon wasn't. Not that she wanted to be though, Fallon loved herself. Not in the narcissistic way, she wasn't obsessed with herself. In the way that she knew she was funny and a badass lawyer. She cared deeply for those close to her and was willing to do everything in her power to make sure they were safe and provided for.

That's why Fallon realised that Damon could do what he wants regarding Elena. Fallon had warned him multiple times what he was getting himself into. She doesn't do the whole high school drama, love triangle thing. That was immature.

She was fine, and she could be happy by herself.

Even if she found herself dreaming about those icy blue eyes that night.

The next day, Fallon went to her law firm after her ten hour long trial (including awaiting the verdict from the jury - she won) and headed for her bosses office. A.K.A the man who's name is on the front of the building.

Knocking on the door first, Fallon popped her head in to see Wren gesture for her to sit down as he finishes his phone call.

"Fallon, congratulations on the case. Amazing work." He comments and Fallon gives him a polite smile and a nod. "What can I do for you?" Wren asks as he links his hands together on his desk.

"I came here to propose a business idea for you." Fallon says and his eyebrows shoot up.

"Business idea? Like what?" He asks curiously and Fallon reaches into her briefcase to pull out documents regarding the many missing people's cases, robberies, murders and kidnappings that have happened in Mystic Falls within the last year - and there was a lot.

"This is my hometown. And these are only a fraction of the crimes that happen there." She says as Wren picks up the papers and huffs a large breath through his lips.

"Jesus." He mutters before looking to Fallon. "What does this have to do with what you're asking of me?" He asks confused.

"These people have no lawyers to defend them. It's a town filled with crime and yet the only lawyers they have closest to them are from Atlanta." Fallon starts and Wren nods. "How good would it be, if Callaghan and McCrombie Attorney's at Law, were there to represent the people of Mystic Falls?" Fallon asks, hoping to make Wren see how good of a business opportunity this was.

Wren sighs. "Fallon, you are one of the most ambitious young women I've ever met. It's one of the many reasons I hired you. But this..." He says, starting to doubt her idea.

"Which is exactly why I know this would be great for you, Wren. A lot of the people in Mystic Falls come from wealthy, or decently stable families. You can't pass this up." Fallon argues and Wren tilts his head in acknowledgement. "I'd obviously be in charge, of course." She adds.

"Even if we did go through with this, we would need to build a new office and we just don't have the time for that right now. It would take months, maybe even years for us to get situated there." He points out which makes Fallon smile.

"I'm glad you mentioned that, because I have a plan for that too." She replies eagerly. "My dad's old doctor's surgery was recently burned down in a fire, and I'm getting it rebuilt as we speak. He left it for me in his will." She quickly adds on to the end.

Shaking his head with an impressed smile he looks to her with a twinkle in his eye. "How did you know I would agree to do this?" He asks her.

"Well, it was either that or you lose your best employee so that she could open her own firm." She says and he gives her a smile.

"We have a deal." He says.

Fallon gives him a victorious grin.


Thursday rolls around and Fallon grabs her stuff (and some more clothes) and heads to the airport.

With her sunglasses on her face, she steps off the plane after her short journey and she goes to pick up her bags.

When she steps outside, she squints to see who's picking her up and almost groaned when she saw the arrogant smirk of Damon Salvatore as he leans on his blue Camaro.

"Aw, did you miss me?" She asks as he takes her bags from her and puts them in his trunk.

"You know I did. Besides, I need to catch you up on our plans to kill Kitty-Kat." He flashes her a smile before heading to the drivers side of the car.

Fallon gets in the passenger side and admires the interior design of the car. "Sweet ride, Salvatore." She complements and Damon hums nostalgically as he pats the dashboard as he drives.

"She's my baby. She's been with me for decades." He sighs and Fallon gives him an amused look.

"Are you in love?" She asks him.

"I think I might be." He replies with a cheeky smirk and Fallon laughs. "How did it go?" He asks her.

"Swimmingly. I won." She grins proudly and he nods.

"What did you do? Threaten the Jury? Sleep with the judge? Wiggly-wooed your fingers in the prosecutors face?" He teases and she scoffs before hitting him harshly on the shoulder.

"I'll have you know I'm an amazing lawyer. Come to my next case, then you'll see." She defends herself.

"I don't feel like making a round-trip to Chicago anytime soon, princess." He says and Fallon's chest jumped at the playful nickname.

"Well, you won't have to." She hints and Damon turns his head to see her smile at him before turning his attention back to the road.

"You serious?" He asks in surprise. "You got your deal?" He asks and she nods happily. "That's great!" He says in a more happier tone.

"Thanks. I'm excited." She admits. "But, enough about me. What's the plan about Katherine?" She asks urgently.

"Right." Damon sighs. "Well, tonight is the masquerade ball, so we're gonna kill her there." He says and Fallon furrowed her eyebrows.

"Is that a smart idea?" She asks unsurely.

"It makes sense." Damon says. "It means she won't try anything in a crowd full of people and risk exposing herself." He says making Fallon's head nod in agreement. "Besides, Bonnie is going to seal her in a room and Stefan and I are going to have a little 'chat' with her." He smirks as he puts air quotations on the word 'chat'.

"Where do I come to play in this?" Fallon asks him.

"You, my friend," He says as he pokes her thigh. "Will get into her head and try and see if you can find anything about the Moonstone. Also, you'd be there to scare her cause you're quite scary." He says and Fallon opens her mouth in shock.

"You think I'm scary?" She asks him in disbelief.

"Well, when you light your fingers up with that ju-ju of yours, then yeah, I'd say you're scary." Damon admits and Fallon feels a sense of pride in her. "What are you smiling about?" He asks.

"I scare you." She repeats with a laugh and he rolls his eyes and gives her a sarcastic laugh.

"Oh, yeah, ha-ha. Don't get ahead of yourself. Right now, you're harmless. You wouldn't hurt me." Damon assumes.

Fallon raises a challenging brow and leans forward so that her mouth was centimetres away from his ear.

"That's what you think." She whispers dangerously and leans back into her chair, failing to acknowledge Damon's tight grip on the wheel.

The close proximity between them had caught him by surprise, and the feeling of her breath on his neck made him fidgety. Her low whisper sent shivers down his spine.

Clearing his throat, he decided to ignore whatever just happened and continue with their conversation. "Anyways, Katherine won't know what's hit her. Also, Stefan wants to be the one to drive a stake through her heart." Damon informs her.

"Really?" Fallon hums. "I'm not that surprised, to be honest. Not after she made him and Elena break up." Fallon said, sneaking a glance to Damon to see how he would react to the statement. Surprisingly, his demeanour didn't change.

"Yeah, well, he's pissed. I would be too if it were me." Damon shrugs.

"And how are you feeling about Elena being single now?" Fallon asks him.

"I don't know what you mean." Damon replies, smirking to try and throw her off his trail but she knows him too well to know when he's deflecting.

"Oh, yeah, sure. No, I'm just talking about how you now may feel that you want to make a move on Elena now that she and Stefan are no longer together." Fallon shrugs, picking at her nail polish.

"So what if I do?" He asks. He didn't, but he was curious as to what her answer would be.

"I would tell you that it's a bad idea." Fallon says, repeating her argument.

"And why's that?" Damon asks.

"Because, even if you had feelings for Elena, starting something with her when Stefan is so clearly still in love with her is a dick move." Fallon explains. "Do you know how heartbroken Stefan would be if he saw you two together, smooching up a storm right in front of him? He'd fall apart. And as much as you'd hate to admit it, deep down I know you care about Stefan too much to let that happen." Fallon explains to Damon.

Damon sat there in silence taking in what she said. He didn't know if it was true, but nothing in what she said made him want to snap at her or roll his eyes.

"I suppose you would be right." He comments.

"I thought we've established that I'm always right?" Fallon smirks and Damon gives her a half-smile.

"Sure. Although, as a lawyer I thought you were big on evidence, so where's yours?" Damon asks with a reading smile causing Fallon to slowly shake her head in amusement.

The two then continued into small talk, teasing and laughing with each other until they got back to the Gilbert household where Fallon would have to get ready for this masquerade.

She bid her goodbye to Damon before walking up her front porch and walking through the front door.

She chucked her keys onto the little table next to the door before heading up the stairs to take her bags to her room and see Jenna.

"Your favourite niece is back!" Fallon said enthusiastically as she stepped into Jenna's bedroom and sat on the corner of her bed.

"Hey, you." Jenna greeted with a tired smile. "How'd your case go?" She asked.

"Oh, you know. The usual. I won." Fallon shrugged and Jenna laughed.

"Of course." She says.

"How are you feeling?" Fallon asks her on a more serious note.

"Better. I'm healing up nicely. Still can't believe I walked into a kitchen knife." Jenna scoffs and Fallon gives her a pained smile.

"I wouldn't worry about it. I've done it more times than I can count." Fallon tries to reassure the strawberry blonde woman.

"Are you going to the masquerade tonight?" Jenna asks Fallon.

"Yeah, but I don't have anything to wear." Fallon frowns as she realises her wardrobe malfunction.

"You can have a look through my stuff. I'm sure it'll fit you." Jenna offers and Fallon nods.

"Okay, sure." Fallon agrees before she walks over to Jenna's closet.

She sifts through the different dresses, before stumbling upon one which made Fallon's eyes widen. Taking it off the hook, Fallon spins around and holds it up for Jenna to see so that she could elaborate.

"Jenna, what is this?" Fallon asks in shock.

"Uh, that was supposed to be for my date with Logan Scum-Fell before he ditched town. Prick." Jenna mutters that last part under her breath but Fallon still heard.

"Mind if I borrow this?" Fallon asks her.

"Go ahead." Jenna replies and Fallon thanks her before leaving to go get ready.

Once Fallon was ready she headed downstairs with her clutch and waited for Jeremy to be ready. She had straightened her curly hair and pinned half of it behind her ear, while she wore a smoky eye with a scarlet red lip.

Her dress matched her lipstick, it had a slit up her leg showcasing her tanned skin, while it had long sleeves that hung loosely on her arms, and a deep v-neck - which meant that you could see the tattoo Fallon had down the valley of her breasts of a delicate vine with a small snake wrapped around it. And the ones that went under the curve of her breasts of a delicate flower pattern of cherry blossoms.

Jeremy then came down the stairs in a suit making Fallon 'aw' at the sight. "Look at you." She says as they make their way out to her car.

"Shut up." He says teasingly. He then notices her tattoos and raises a brow. "When did that happen?" He asks surprised as he gestures to her general chest area. He didn't want to look weird.

"Freshman year of college. Now, let's go." Was all Fallon said before she drove them to the Lockwood Mansion.

Jeremy went ahead of her and headed straight for the party while Fallon looked around, assessing the place and seeing if she could spot anyone she knew.

Then she started walking up the steps, fastening her black mask on her face and lifting her skirt up as she walked.

She entered the main foyer and looked around the busy room which was hustling with people. Noticing the mini-bar, she made a beeline for it and weaved her way through the waves of people.

Placing her order with the bartender, she leaned against the bar as she tried to find either of the Salvatore brothers.

Damon noticed her the second she stepped foot into the building. He stared at her intently as she looked around the crowd, probably trying to find one of their group. He didn't notice how he stopped breathing for a moment when he saw her in her dress.

He thought she looked fucking amazing. And don't even get him started on her tattoo.

Her fucking tattoo.

The sight of it made his chest fall inwards, he couldn't deny how hot it was. How it perfectly ran down the middle of her chest and how it curved perfectly with her breasts. It also made him wonder what other hidden beauties there were on her body. It made his mouth water slightly, he won't lie. He could imagine trailing his tongue down her body as he traces it, and pressing kisses her and there, smirking at how she moaned beneath him.

He quickly snapped himself out of it and put himself back in killing Katherine mode.

He'a been doing that a lot recently. Getting lost in daydreams and fantasies about the many wonderful things he would like to do to Fallon. How many ways he could make her scream his name.

Damon has always been like this, though. It wasn't new, so why was he so affected by it? Why did he wish it to happen whenever she was near him?

The fact still remained that he loved Elena, but Fallon was his forbidden fruit. He shouldn't want her, but he does. He wants her so badly.

Yet he knows the second he has her, he'll want nothing to do with her again; he values his friendship with her too much to let that happen.

So, he got rid of his thoughts and made his way over to the stunning girl.

Fallon was sipping her bourbon when she felt a hand slide around her waist. Looking up she saw Damon in a suit and mask, looking at the bartender. "I'll have what she's having." He says as he gestures to her.

After ordering, he turns and looks down at Fallon, giving her a once-over.

"You look stunning." He says simply and Fallon smirks.

"Thank you. You look handsome, it suits you." She replies and Damon smirks back.

"What I want to know though, is how long you were planning on keeping this from me." He says as he trails a finger on the top part of her tattoo. Fallon's breath quivered, and her heart started beating slightly faster than normal. His touch sent her into a frenzy, but she had to keep her cool.

"I was never keeping anything from you. I just so happened to wear a dress that puts it out for everyone to see." She replies and takes a sip of her liquid courage.

Damon hums. "It's quite the piece." He says as he accepts his drink and downs it in one. "I like it." He compliments.

"I'm so happy it's up to your standard." Fallon retorts making Damon smirk in amusement.

Their playful mood was ruined when Stefan came up to the two looking distressed.

"Katherine's killed someone already." He informs and Fallon's eyes widen and Damon tenses.

"What? Who?" She asks Stefan.

"Some girl named Amy Bradley. She goes to school with Elena and I." He says and Fallon clenches her jaw.

Stefan leads them to a secluded part of the house and the all remove their masks so they could see one another.

"I've put the body in the trunk for now." Stefan says as he walks into the room after around ten minutes.

Fallon sighs and holds her forehead in her hand. This bitch was dead. Katherine, not Amy. She was already dead.

"We'll dump her when we get back." Damon shrugs as if it's not a big deal.

"This is exactly what I didn't want, Damon." Stefan replies as he starts pacing.

"Stefan, it's collateral damage." Damon replies and Fallon scoffs.

"Collateral damage? Is that all human life means to you?" Fallon asks Damon. "That is a young girl, who will never get to grow up and live the life she wants. Her parents have now lost a child, and they won't even know she's dead." Fallon argues to Damon. He didn't look affected by her speech but he knew better than to argue with her right now.

"This is why we need to call it off." Stefan adds and both Fallon and Damon snap their heads towards him.

"What? Who's hesitating now? Hey." Damon says as he walks towards Stefan and points to his shoulder as he gets more passionate. "This woman ruined our lives. She destroyed us. Tonight it ends." Damon says strongly to Stefan who looked conflicted.

"Stefan, if anything this means that she needs to be killed. Tonight." Fallon adds and Stefan glances to her. She gives him a slight nod.

Damon places his hands on Stefan's shoulders and looks him deep in the eyes. "We'll do it together. I got your back." Damon tells him and Stefan nods. Fallon softly smiles at them, thinking about what she said to Damon earlier about him caring about Stefan, coming to light now as they unite as brothers. Even if it is just for tonight.

"All right." They both say before heading out of the door, Fallon following behind.

They made it into the room they were planning on killing Katherine in and took their respective stances in the closet. Fallon closed her eyes, shutting out the sounds of the party downstairs and kept her breathing even as she tried to come into contact with the inner spark of power within herself. She found that magnetic pull and clung onto it, gathering her energy into her body so that she is ready to use it.

She opened her eyes to see Damon looking at her and she gave him a nod.

Then, they heard Stefan's cue. "No, but they can." He said as Damon raised the stake gun and Fallon stepped out from behind him. Damon shot the stake in Katherine's back, causing her to yell out in pain.

Stefan then rushes forward with his stake and stabs Katherine in the arm. Again she shrieks out in pain but this time she retaliates and shoved Stefan down, breaking a nearby table.

Damon shoves Fallon behind him out of instinct and steps forward and takes the stake out of Katherine's back and turning her around so that he could stake her. But she shoved him into the wall too.

Turning to Fallon she tilts her head and raises her brow. "What are you going to do, then? Stand there and look pretty?" She taunts and Fallon shrugs.

"I do that every day." She replies walking forward. "But tonight I've got something special planned for you." She grit before lifting her hands and slamming Katherine into the wall.

She starts choking on air as Fallon lifts her other hand and constricts her throat. Katherine's eyes widen as she looks at Fallon.

"What are you?" She chokes out.

"Your worst nightmare." Fallon whispers. "Don't worry, I'll make sure this hurts." Fallon then says before delving into Katherine's mind.

She had five hundred years of memories to sift through but it wasn't that hard to skip to the more recent events. Just as she was about to find out about why Katherine wanted the Moonstone, she started getting flashes of different memories.

There were some where she was laughing, or dancing on stage, or some of her angry and Fallon shakes her head in confusion.

"What is it?" She hears Stefan from beside her.

"Something's wrong. I'm seeing Elena's memories amongst hers." Fallon says as she then gets flashes of Katherine's memories.

They've all drowned out the sound of her screams now.

Fallon pulled back and groaned in frustration.

Katherine stumbled down from the wall and rubbed her throat before looking to Fallon and letting the veins underneath her eyes grow and her eyes turn blood red.

Stefan then produces a stake from the sleeve of his jacket where a hidden gadget was and threw it at Katherine who caught it and threw it back at him.

Stefan ducked and tried to throw another stake at Katherine but she ducked and threw Stefan to the floor. Damon then tried to rush at her with a stake but Katherine threw him over a chair.

Katherine then sped to Fallon and bit down on her neck, tearing the flesh.

Screaming in pain, Fallon used her powers to throw Katherine to the ground where she picked up one of the broken chair legs and threw it at Fallon.

Fallon caught it with her magic and threw it back with immense power at Katherine and it landed in her stomach. Groaning out in pain, Katherine stumbled but as Fallon was distracted with throwing the stake, she missed Katherine with another stake in her hand who managed to lodge it into Fallon's neck.

"Bye, bye, Fallon." Katherine mutters before kicking her to the floor, and watching her bleed out.

Damon stands up and looks to the floor to see Fallon wide-eyed and... dead.

Something in him snapped and he growls before picking up a stake and charging towards Katherine.

He goes to stake her heart but Katherine grabs his hands and twists them so that the stake is now pointing towards his heart.

Stefan holds her in a chokehold and crashes them to the floor as Damon raises the stake in the air to plunge it into her heart.

"Stop! You're hurting Elena!" They hear Jeremy from the door. The brothers turned to him in shock and confusion. "Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena." Jeremy says and then catches a glance to the floor where he sees Fallon. "Fallon? What- is she dead?" He asks urgently as he tries to step into the room.

"Jeremy, no. She'll be fine." Damon replies, sealing thickly. "She has to be." He whispers.

"You two think you're the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong." Katherine says as she stands up. "And something tells me that my witch is better than your witch." She smirks before glancing to Fallon and grimacing sarcastically. "Or witches. She was interesting." Katherine says as she points to Fallon's body.

"Jeremy go check on Elena and make sure she's okay. Go!" Jeremy says but he looks to Fallon one more time. "We'll look after her. Go." Stefan adds and Jeremy nods before tearing his gaze away and leaving to check on Elena.

Damon then turns and walks past Katherine and crouches down next to Fallon's body.

The sight made his heart wrench. That was his best friend. And she looked so... lifeless. It was a stark contrast to the laughter they were sharing earlier that day.

He picks her up in his arms and places her on the sofa before Katherine could sit down and brushes the hair out of her face.

Please, come back. He pleads in his mind. He pays no attention to the conversation that Katherine and Stefan were having, only focussing on the girl who's hand he clutched even though she wasn't holding his back.

"The three of us together, just like old times." Katherine sighs reminiscently. "One brother who loved me too much, and the one who didn't love me enough." Katherine commented as she watched Damon fuss over Fallon. Interesting.

"And an evil slut vampire, who only loved herself." Damon commented, looking to Katherine with distaste. Oh, he couldn't wait for the minute she was unlinked with Elena and Fallon was awake. She will tear that bitch to shreds.

"What happened to you, Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite?" Katherine asked him.

"Oh, that Damon died a long time ago." Damon comments.

"Good. He was a bore." She comments and Damon scoffed. "Seems like this pretty little thing here that you're so fond of, has brought out your fun side after a century of being dull." She comments and Damon goes to attack her but remembers that she's linked to Elena.

"Oh, why don't you two stop antagonising each other." Stefan sighs to Katherine with a sarcastic smile.

"Where's the Moonstone?" Katherine asks.

"What do you want with it?" Stefan counters.

"Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her alter?" Katherine asks them with a smirk.

"That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we can see right through you?" Stefan asks her.

"So it doesn't bother you that Damon used to be in love with your girlfriend?" Katherine asks him and Damon furrows a brow.

"Used to be?" He asks. Katherine turns to him with a look of feign confusion.

"Well, I assume you've moved onto oldest Gilbert now. I mean, I don't blame you if you did love her. Have you seen her?" Katherine taunts and Damon clenches his jaw and looks away. He then glances down to Fallon's still face.

In love with her? No, that was just Katherine playing mind games on him. He doesn't feel that way for Fallon, Katherine was just trying to get into his head.

So why is it that he couldn't find it in himself to deny?

"Stop it." Stefan says, seeing the look of conflict on his brother's face.

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" Katherine taunts them as she walked closer to Stefan. "Come on, Stefan. Everything that I feel, Elena feels. So, go ahead." Katherine says before gasping slightly. "Or better yet, kiss me Damon. She'll feel that too. Or are you saving it for precious Fallon who will never come back to life?" Katherine smirks to Damon who stands up from his place next to Fallon and shoves her away.

For the next ten minutes they all bickered and debated about what Katherine wanted with the Moonstone in 1864, and what she wants with it now. Damon had a drink in his hand and occasionally he glanced to Fallon on the sofa in worry. He kept thinking that she wasn't going to wake up and that he'd lost her forever.

As Katherine was mumbling something to Stefan, they all heard a loud gasp and saw Fallon shooting upright on the sofa.

"Things just keep getting interesting." Katherine muttered with a smirk. "Do we have a newbie vampire on our hands?" Katherine gasps in amusent.

Damon rushes over to a confused looking Fallon and gripped her face in between his hands. His light blue eyes search her face in worry. "Are you okay?" He asks her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She mutters and then looks to Damon's right to see a smirking Katherine. "You're dead." She states and Katherine widens her eyes in surprise.

Fallon stands up and shoots a blast of magic to Katherine who gets thrown into the wall and groans in pain. Fallon gathers her energy in her hands and strides forward for the kill but is stopped by Damon grabbing her shoulders.

"Fallon, stop! She's linked to Elena!" Damon yells as he pulls on her shoulders from behind, Fallon's back hitting his chest. "Whatever Katherine feels, Elena feels." He told her and Fallon glances to a frightened looking Katherine.

"Next time." Fallon mutters and Katherine shakes her head.

"That's impossible. I killed you." Katherine chokes out. "You can't come back unless you have one of those nifty little rings, or vampire blood in your system." She mutters and Fallon laughs bitterly.

"You don't know anything, Katherine. I'm not your average supernatural being." Fallon spits to her as she sits down on the sofa and accepts the drink Damon was handing her.

"I'll have one of those." Kathrine states.

"Right away, Miss Katherine." Damon says in a high pitched voice before handing her a drink.

Fallon then got an idea and closed her eyes. She manages to delve deep into her own mind and find a memory of a spell Sheila once showed her of an unbinding or an unlinking spell.

Muttering the words under her breath she starts the spell to unlink Katherine and Elena.

"What's she doing?" Katherine asks cautiously. Damon casts a glance to Fallon who was muttering under her breath, a light red mist coating her fingers as she did so.

"Probably trying to get us the hell out of here." Damon replies as he watches Fallon.

"Katherine." They all hear from the doorway. Fallon finishes her spell and looks up to see a dark-skinned woman holding the Moonstone. "The spell on this room has been broken. You're free to leave." She says as she walks into the room.

"Make that both of the spells." Fallon mutters as she takes the Moonstone from the other witch and holds it in her hands. She lets her red magic coat it and sink into it. "Just making sure it's authentic." Fallon mutters before handing it back to the other witch who looked at Fallon in realisation.

"You're her. You're the Scarlet Witch." She mumbles and Fallon gives her a tight smile.

"That's me." She says.

The other witch shakes her head before looking back to Katherine. "When I hand this over, my debt to you is over." The witch states.

"Done." Katherine says.

"I owe you nothing." The witch states again.

"I said 'done'. Give it." Katherine demands and Damon steps forward.

"I wouldn't do that." Damon says but Fallon shushes him.

"No, let her take it." Fallon says and Damon looks to her as if she's crazy. "She's already killed me, so who's next? No, let her have it." She says to Damon and he looks into her eyes.

It's then when he realises that she's up to something.

The witch then handed it over to Katherine and Katherine smirked before choking on air.

Fallon smirked as she saw the red mist costing her and causing her to convulse in pain. "That's what you get for hurting Jenna, and for killing me. Relish in it because this is a bee sting in comparison to what I could do to you." Fallon threatens as she leans down to see Katherine's face all scrunched up in pain.

It made Fallon smile.

"Wait, what about Elena?" Stefan interjects.

"She's fine. I broke the spell earlier. Bonnie should be with her so she'll be fine." Fallon said as she stood up straight.

"I apologise for my involvement." The other witch says before walking off.

They watched as the red mist disappeared and Katherine went unconscious on the floor in front of them.

"What did you do?" Stefan asks.

Fallon shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that I wanted to cause her immense pain and I held the stone and that was that. Didn't need a spell." Fallon said as she looked between the two brothers.

"Well, I love it. Whatever funky magic you have is now my favourite thing in the world." Damon says and Fallon gives him a tired smile.

"I need to go." Stefan mutters and he rushes out of the room.

"Bye then." Fallon says, a little startled. "So, what are we going to do with you?" Fallon asks as she nudges an unconscious Katherine with the toe of her stiletto.

"I've got an idea." Damon says and Fallon raises a brow.

"Enlighten me." She smirks.

Fallon sits down on a nearby log as she waits for Damon to find closure with Katherine. She thought it was brave of him and it was very good idea.

She tried to wipe off the dried blood with the handkerchief Damon gave her but she needed a proper shower.

Fallon's head turned at the sound of crunching leaves from behind her and she saw a sullen looking Damon.

She stood up and gave him a sympathetic smile and approached him.

"Feel better?" She asked him hopefully.

Damon glanced to her, before letting a smile break out on his face. A full-toothed smile and a breathy laugh left his lips as joy filled his eyes.

Fallon was shocked at his reaction first but then relished in his smile. This was the first time she had seen him genuinely smile that wasn't a smirk or sarcastic smile or a half-smile.

Her smile matched his and then he lifted her up of the ground and spun her around, her laughter echoing in the woods around them.

"I'll take that as a yes." She says breathlessly as Damon put her down.

"For over a century I spent pining over that woman. That woman who broke me, and used me, manipulated me and destroyed my relationship with my little brother." Damon started as he shook his head, looking at Fallon who was listening to his every word. "And now she's where she belongs. Where she should've been all these years. Yes, I'm happy. The bitch is gone." He said and he huffed out a sigh of relief.

"I'm proud of you." Fallon says with a smile as she squeezed his shoulder. "Not a lot of people can face the person that traumatised them and say 'fuck you' right to their face. You should be proud of yourself." Fallon told him and he nodded.

"I almost lost you, today. Again. And for good." He states, more seriously.

"I'm sorry." Fallon mustered up. She couldn't think of anything else to say.

Damon shook his head. "Sorry isn't good enough, Fallon. You died tonight. Like full-on, heart stopped beating, blood stopped pumping, dead." Damon said to her as she shook the tears from her eyes.

"I don't know what else to say, Damon. You don't have to worry about me." Fallon reassures him but he scoffs and steps closer to her. He cups her cheek with his hand and looks deep into her green eyes.

"I always worry about you. Even if you can creepily come back from the dead." He tried to joke and Fallon laughs slightly. Damon leans forward and kisses her forehead, lingering there for a second before pulling back.

Fallon stands there shocked at the action. The feeling of his soft lips on her forehead made her melt. It mad here feel warm and her stomach churned. She savoured the feeling and sighed as he stepped away.

"Come on. I think we both need a drink. And you need to clean up." He says as he hold out his elbow for her to take.

Fallon smiles lightly and links her arm through his as he leads them out of the forest.

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