(Old ver. Discontinued) A Dre...

By alen-sotiris

50.1K 2K 857

Feldway finally had enough. He brought out his true body, crafted by Veldanava's hands, while Rimuru was dist... More

1. Voice of the World's Choice
2. The Announcement of Chaos
2.5 The Rulers' Troubles
3. The Tempest's Resolve
4. A New Beginning
5. Nostalgic Memories
6. The Origins of the Nation of Monsters once again
7. The First Step
8. The Second Step/The Start Of The Otherworldly War
9. Equals
10. The Armed Nation Of Dwargon
11. Love?
12. A Special Relationship
13. The Champion of the Dwarves
14. The First Alliance
15. Destined One
16. The End's Destiny {1}
17. The End's Destiny {2}
18. Machinations of Thought
19. The Crimson Circle {1}
19. The Crimson Circle {2}
20. The Confrontation

21. Paradoxical Situation

1.3K 51 8
By alen-sotiris

(A/N : I'll keep saying this every chapter, but if you want to be notified when I update (or when delaying said update), you should join the discord server that I made (the link is : https://discord.gg/XesR4HXSW8). I remember someone asking me if I had one some time ago so I figured I should make one, so, yea

Also, I have decided that I want to rewrite some, if not most chapters of this fanfic. I won't completely change the later ones, but the earlier ones are due for a massive overhaul, so I would recommend reading from the start once you start seeing [Rewrite] next to the titles of chapters (First Chapter Rewrite is already out))

(3rd Person Perspective)

The doors opened in front of the six ogres, revealing the flourishing town that laid behind them

That is exactly what did and did not happen

The ogres looked around, appalled looks on their faces

The sight in front of them found it unimportant to adorn any iota of sense

But that is what the ogres found even more...horrifying for the lack of a better word

The world looked...normal; Abnormally so

The town looked the same as it did before, large buildings all around , some being constructed, some others having been finished; Trees popping out here and there, ready to be cleared to make space for more buildings and the like

But it did not look the same

Very much on the contrary

Everything looked frozen, in stasis, unmoving

It was as if reality itself had stopped functioning

It was truly bizarre; As bizarre as something could get

However, it was at the same time that the ogres noticed

They noticed the fact that the ones that they were chasing after were still there, staring right through the very fabric that consists of their unnotable existence

"Now this is odd" The one whose eyes shone in gilded gold noted, seemingly confused yet not particularly displeased with this course of events

Meanwhile, the one next to him had thoughts of the exact opposite nature

"Could...Could it be..." She murmured while putting a hand on her chin. Her face portrayed the image of clarity, enlightenment...And mostly wariness

The ogres were...unsure of their fates

The reactions of the two were far, far from what they expected

And their own actions even farther

All of their thoughts united into one

They didn't know why they just chased after the leaders of this town soon-to-become nation

It was as if an instinct was tugging their minds, delving deep, telling them to do follow those two beings

Not only momentarily, but permanently

And it was exactly as 'she' feared

The moment those doors opened, Ciel instantly knew

The fact that things aren't what they may seem to be

The 6 ogre survivors; The only 6 who should have originally survived the orc invasion

The ones who kept serving Tempest until 'The End'

Their personalities, memories, their own very existence had been inscripted within a part of Rimuru's imaginary space. But they were still 'gone'

They shouldn't affect the world anymore, as their past existence had been deleted from the world

Yet, once again, she was proven wrong

No, she wasn't 'proven' wrong; It's just that the 'correct' she had predicted had been intentionally altered

By whom?

The first culprit that came into Ciel's mind was the existence who doesn't exist 

But that was shot down almost instantly

In the moments preceding and following the ogres' bizarre actions, there had been no notice of any Voidious Materializations—The process which a being whose existence is null must undergo in order to influence the material, astral, and soulious plane under any circumstances—

And the second culprit, which was almost instantly proven to be the cause...

The world itself

And more specifically, the 6 keystones of Tempest themselves

The hypercomplex system of reality affects the world in many and varying ways

Even if part of said system is deleted or formated, it will still exist, just in a form incapable of affecting anything

But what if, in that part of deleted massively complex spatiotemporal constructs, there were a handful few beings with strength surpassing the very idea of strength, linked to a being capable of turning the very composition of the fabric of the rules in which the hypercomplex system operates in into meaningless void

It's possible

She thought to herself as such

However, Ciel was very aware

Would the fact that the non-existent selves of Rimuru's subordinates are slowly and unknowingly transplanting themselves into their selves that are existing at this very moment? 

Yes, Ciel was aware of the implications that this had

Of the fact that this in hindsight might not be as good as it seems

Not all traces of Rimuru's subordinates had been extinguished

And the traces left all unite in one place

Rimuru's imaginary space

Yet, Rimuru had refused to use those traces to reconstruct the whole

Which means that he was opposed to the return of his subordinates under the current circumstances

The circumstances being : Rimuru's own power and abilities

Then, the fact that this was happening is not a good sign

It means that, as Rimuru grows dimensionally stronger, the more his subordinates import themselves into the present

In other words, it is Rimuru's abilities that are 'reviving' his subordinates

For Ciel, it was a crisis of the highest magnitude

Rimuru was unintentionally doing exactly what he refused to do

And there was no stopping it

For a being as mighty as Rimuru, it is impossible to stop continuously growing stronger

Rimuru was constantly evolving

Every unit of Planck time that passed, Rimuru's strength increased by colossal and unquantifiable amounts

The whole picture had just evolved into an unescapable paradox

It wasn't the first time that Ciel was not enough to handle a situation, yet it was the first time...

The first time that she felt so  incapable of doing anything

It was not a pleasant feeling

And the worst part is...

Rimuru-sama most likely realized it as well

A voice resounded in Ciel's ears, snapping her away from her thoughts

"So that's what's going on huh?" Rimuru expressed in a mix of inscrutable emotions

Rimuru raised his hand, his resolve already long made, completely void of hesitation

"Hakuro" He said as he pointed over to the elderly ogre

"Kurobee" He said as he pointed over to the unremarkable ogre

"Shuna" He said as he pointed over to the ogre princess

"Shion" He said as he pointed over to the purple haired ogress

"Souei" He said as he pointed over to the dark blue haired ogre

"And Benimaru" He said as he pointed over to the red haired ogre

"Those already were your names. Use them as you like" He noted as an amount of magicules, unable to be described as unremarkable, left Rimuru's body, making it's way to the ogres', fusing with their very being, becoming one and the same

The ogres had evolved into Kijin

It was then that the wheel of fate, which was already turning, started another course on a different axis

Rimuru nodded, satisfied with his actions

And then, before anyone realized it, Rimuru and Ciel had disappeared, the halting of the world following suit

The former ogres, now Kijin, didn't know what to think

Hakuro was intrigued by the two beings' nature and skill, but what puzzled him the most was the fact that his 'inner world' was being shaken every time he came into contact with their presence. It was as if something that wasn't his and at the same time belonged to him was overtaking his thoughts

Kurobee was incredibly confused. He was one of the most ordinary ogres. There wasn't anything really noteworthy about him except his blacksmithing skills. Most of the ogres, except the Chief and a few others, seemed to look at him mostly because of his smithing skills and nothing else. At least, that's how it felt to him. Yet, those two beings were completely different. It was as if they were looking at Kurobee as a whole, and not as just a forge for weaponry. They gave off a very familiar feeling; Familiar enough to make Kurobee want to swear allegiance to them

Shuna was very distraught. She didn't know why such a torrent of emotions was swirling inside of her. She was originally very scared. Those beings, especially the one with gilded eyes, were horrifying. They had a human form, yet they were of a parahuman nature. Every time they entered her vision, it brought shivers down her spine. And yet, The feelings of fear and hopelessness were turned into revere, respect and loyalty. And the feelings run deep. It was as if she was meant to feel this way from the very beginning

Shion did not understand in the slightest bit. How come her feelings of wariness and anger turned into feelings of respect, loyalty and gratitude? It was bizarre. Too much so. It was borderline logic rending. But there was one aspect of the current situation that she didn't fail to take note of. The two beings she had met were strong. Beyond strong. She wishes she could be as strong as them. Recognition is gained by strength, and skill follows strength. She firmly believed in that. She wanted to receive recognition. And to do that she had to gain strength. And to gain strength she had to develop skill. And this was the most perfect opportunity she could get. Two beings surpassing the very idea of strength were in front of her. This was a chance to learn, to absorb, to grow. And just maybe, the chance to find an ideal Master to serve

Souei took the situation with calmness, something he did not expect of himself, seeing as his inner turmoil is constantly being exacerbated. He knew he had to stay rational. If not him, who else? He couldn't take risks. He knew he was the best of their group in situations like this one, and it was his job to take care that the others stay rational as well. Although, he had a rough idea of what everyone was thinking and feeling. he deemed that those thoughts weren't harmful to them, so he didn't take action. Besides, from what he's seen so far from the two transcendental beings, they don't seem to mean any harm to them. That was very apparent in the negotiations that had gone down previously. It was quite on the contrary. It looked as if they were trying to help the ogres unconditionally, while masking it as an equivalent exchange. Souei knows that nothing is free in the world. Everything has a price. But is that really true unconditionally? Can there be made exceptions?

Benimaru was the most hesitant of the bunch. What did the actions of the two beings mean? And most importantly, what does the fact that the names they were given were already their's? Does that have anything to do with the fact that their feelings and impressions of the two beings were almost completely turned around in direction? He knew that this wasn't normal, but strangely, he wasn't exactly upset with the changes that were happening within them. He felt it instinctively. Their feelings weren't exactly swayed around void of reason. It was as if an extension of themselves was slowly returning to them. Benimaru realized. Those emotions belonged to them. Their current selves just didn't have those emotions yet. The very topic itself was very difficult for Benimaru. The topic of something that would be in the future suddenly appearing in the present. To say that he didn't understand wouldn't quite summarize it. It was more that he lacked the foundational knowledge to put it all together in a cohesive narrative. But that wasn't of such importance. All that mattered was the fact that those two beings weren't who or what they appeared to be

But there was one thought that all the Kijin had

They had become stronger

Strong enough to take revenge against the pigs who dared to take away their homes and lives


From nowhere, shrouded within nowhere, Rimuru appeared, Ciel following suit

Rimuru was confused and conflicted

Somehow someway, he had an inkling of suspicion...

Suspicion of the fact that the present might not be wholly an effect of his actions

While yes, Rimuru had to admit it, his subconscious will had definitely played some role in the extermination of the future

But would his subconscious will, which was in opposition with his conscious will, be able to influence his actions that much?

Most likely not

If it was only Rimuru's will itself, then it wouldn't be enough

That stands true for Rimuru back then

Since now, Rimuru's strength had increased by leaps and bounds; Whole dimensions even

However, what are the implications of that?

It means that Rimuru's will wasn't what deleted existence

It means that Rimuru's will was used as a means to an end

That end being the deletion of existence

It suddenly made much more sense to Rimuru

That, and the fact that the ogres of this timeline aren't as they should be

His subordinates were strong, and that's an undeniable fact

But were they strong enough to be able to exist independently of the hypercomplex system that made up the world?

Not completely

But Rimuru was

And they were able to draw upon Rimuru's powers

However, what would that even mean?

Except from the ogre clan, what effects would that have on the present form of his subordinates?

It's hard to say

But one thing is for certain

The ogres aren't the only ones who are slowly regaining their memories and emotions

All of Rimuru's subordinates are

And that was worrying

And at the same time not

Worrying, because if all of Rimuru's subordinates suddenly regained their memories, it would be impossible to track who had and who hadn't 'returned' yet

And knowing Rimuru's subordinates, they would act in a way that would put his needs and desires as priority

And in the current state of the world, hundreds of Calamity Class masters of combat roaming around, all under the same objective, that being Rimuru's desires, wouldn't be something desirable

And that is all because of one reason

Rimuru's desires, his dreams

His objective

Rimuru isn't a stale person

Even if the general idea of his goal stays the same, the intricacies within it keep evolving as he grows

And Rimuru never stops growing

Fueled by Ciel's assistance and guidance, he keeps growing both intellectually and physically

It's illogical, but it's the truth that Rimuru recognizes

Rimuru is unsure

He once denied reviving...No...Recreating his friends and subordinates

And he would still do that

But, this isn't exactly a 'recreation' per se

It's more like, Rimuru's subordinates relying on Rimuru's existence in order to revive themselves

It's not inherently bad...But still, it leaves room open to doubt

Are they going to be the same people they were before?

Could they possibly resent him?

Rimuru can't possibly answer these questions that are plaguing his mind

But it's fine to let them roam free

Rimuru figured that, if he sealed them as well, it would turn into a situation that had no solution

In Rimuru's eyes, the present ogres started to somehow remind him of their future selves

Their silhouettes would somehow overlap

Needless to say, but it wasn't a pleasant experience for Rimuru

His self deprecating and overprotective natures were clashing at each other, gnawing at him once again, just like they had done before

Which is why Rimuru had to find a solution before the mental wounds were aggravated

Which is exactly why, he had come to this place

Shizu's limp body had been laid out on one of the highest quality mattresses they could make

Some time had passed since Sumire had fused with her body, trying to save her

Since then, she hadn't woken up yet

Rimuru was very worried

He didn't understand why she wasn't waking up

It didn't make sense

But there was one thing that he was sure of

Sumire was in there, awake

And he desperately needed her help

So that is why, he had decided

He would enter the place where Sumire was currently residing at within Shizu's body

That  being, the mind

He had made up his mind, and nothing would shake his will

He would change

He would face himself

And he would definitely not let anyone down ever again

That was and will always be

Rimuru Tempest

(A/N : Words : 2571)

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