Loved You In Another Life...

By MaMajesty_

7.1K 416 175

After the tragic deaths of both Skeppy and Badboyhalo, they meet again in the afterlife through their jobs. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

221 10 1
By MaMajesty_

Badboyhalo POV

It isn't long before Quackity starts to ask questions. He isn't dumb, and we both know that.

He drops by unexpectedly after I'm home from work, knowing my schedule. As much earlier than our shift Skeppy and I are allowed to show up, we have to leave almost immediately for the workers who come after us.

As nice of a day I've just had, I'm exhausted and half asleep when Quackity bursts through my bedroom door. We haven't talked since he started saying all that stuff about angels. Looking over at my flowers, I can say that he could not have been more wrong.

Unfortunately for me, Quackity also sees the flowers. Everyone knows that you could never get that sort of thing from the Nether, and souls don't bring anything with them except the clothes on their back.

"Bad." His voice is low and monotone, I still haven't noticed that he's seen the flowers.

Shifting to look at him, I force a smile. "Hey, Big Q, what's up?"

"Where'd you get those flowers?"

Because I'm delirious and in this moment, just a little bit stupid, I excitedly tell him, "Oh! Skeppy got them for me, aren't they gorgeous?"

Quackity makes a face. "Why was that angel getting you flowers? Are you two like, together or something?"

"No! He was asking me about my other friends, and I told him how I thought you had the prettiest wings, so he said he would get me some flowers the same color. He picked them himself, isn't that sweet?" I gush.

He shrugs. "I guess, what do you mean by 'other friends'? He's just a coworker, right?"

This is about the time my common sense returns to me. "Yeah, he's just a coworker, we barely even talk."

"Good, that's what I thought, you were just...nevermind! Wanna do something, I know you have work tomorrow, but I was hoping-"

I cut him off. "Yeah, we can hang out, but I don't really want to leave the house right now if that's okay with you."

He looks relieved. "Yes! Ok, we can watch a movie or something if you want? Or just chill and talk about life."

Last time we just 'talked' it didn't end well for us. I'm not one to hold a grudge, but I'm definitely still annoyed with Quackity for the hate he has towards someone he's never even met. 

"Let's just watch a movie, you can choose." I mumble, "I'll be down in a second."

"Ok! Don't be too long!" He sings, skipping down the stairs.

For a few minutes, I just continue to lie in my bed, zoning out. Once I hear Quackity shout my name from downstairs, I haul myself up and down into the living room.

Quackity is already reclined on the couch, legs propped up on the automen.

"Yo! I picked a great one today, Baddy, come sit!"

As expected, my friend has chosen a horror film, likely because of the fact that I hate them. Every time I jump or look away, he just grins and fills the room with a wolfish laughter.

By the time the movie is over, I'm practically shoving Quackity out the door, mad at him for absolutely no reason.

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I'm in a dark room, but I can't tell where. It's familiar, but in a way that I can't place my finger on. Of course, it doesn't help that I can barely see.

It's a bedroom, I can say that. Somewhat small and cozy, I can tell it's a well inhabited room.

I can't move, but I'm lying under the king sized but, curled between boxes and forgotten socks. It's like I'm caught in someone else's body, reliving their memory.

At first, I'm confused as to why I would possibly be down here, but then a very obnoxious thumping can be heard from somewhere else in the house, getting closer to me by the second.

I can move again, but I only push myself further into hiding.

From my view of the room, I watch as the door creaks open to reveal someone holding something shiny, it takes me a moment to realize it's a knife.

The face of the person is blurry, I know I can see all the details of them, but I keep forgetting.

The person moves around the room, looking in every possible hiding place. As they get closer to me, I let out a whimper and he smiles. It's the most disgusting, horrifying smile I've ever seen. 

I'm suddenly yanked from under the bed, and in full view of the person.

Everything is becoming hazy, I can't see anything clearly, can't tell what's happening except for the sudden sharp pain in my stomach. Everything is red.

My eyes shoot open, and I realize that the whole thing was a dream.

I should've realized it wasn't real, especially since this has been happening so often. It's not even different things, the same thing every night.

There are always slight differences, how long it takes to find me, the position I'm laying in while I'm hiding. It's as if I'm trying to remember something, but can't get the details right.

Trudging down the stairs, I make my way to my kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water. The air feels stiff and thick, it's hard to breathe.

I guzzle the water down, refilling it and drinking again, slower this time.

By the time I'm stumbling back to my room, it's already almost time for me to get up for the day, so I don't bother falling back asleep.

I should probably talk to someone about the nightmares I've been having, or write it down in a journal, something to get it off my chest.

Remembering the instructions Skeppy gave me to care for my flowers, I take my bouquet downstairs and arrange the flowers in a tall glass and fill it with water. Apparently, because there's no sunlight in the nether, they won't be able to live long, but I don't care.

Back in my bedroom, I change into a clean set of clothes and gather the things I'll need for work before heading out the door.

By the time I'm walking towards Skeppy, I've made up my mind that if I'm going to tell anyone about my problems, it's him. There's absolutely no one I could ever trust more, and he's always supportive with anything I have to say.

The diamond clad boy is currently stretched across a spray of clouds, eyes closed and an arm across his face. Not wanting to disturb him, I just sit patiently beside him.

Feeling the weight of me sitting down, he lifts his arm from his face and wraps it around my waist instead, eyes still shut.

"G'morning, Bad. I missed you." He mutters, words barely legible.

The slight state of nervousness I had from my night immediately melts away, and I smile down at the angel, settling clawed fingers in his hair.

"Morning, Skep. You seem tired, everything ok?"

He nods, sitting up to open his eyes. "I'm good, always been a light sleeper so it's nothing I'm not used to."

"Aw, okay." I grab Skeppy's hand and just look down at the clouds we're sitting on for a moment. He can immediately tell there's something on my mind.

"Bad? You seem quiet and a little distant today, do you want to talk about something?" He says each word carefully, using a slightly higher pitched voice to show his genuine concern.

I fall onto my back, now looking at the sky above me. "Yes. No. I don't know. There is something I need to say, or maybe I should say, because I don't really want to talk about it. I know I have to get it off my chest, but I feel like it's a stupid problem to have, and I don't know where to start or what to say. You're the only person I'm able to talk to about this kind of thing, but I still don't know how to talk to you."

Skeppy offers me a slight smile. "I get that. Do you want to wait to tell me or would you rather I asked questions about it? Whatever makes you comfortable."

Somehow he knows exactly how to make me feel safe, how to get me to open up.

"I guess I'll just tell you. I- I have these nightmares almost daily, and it's always the same thing, but every single time I'm terrified. I know it's stupid to be scared of a dream, I'll stop now."

"It's not stupid." He assures me. "Do you want to tell me about what happens?"

Skeppy lies down beside me and holds me close, listening as I ramble for almost the entire hour before our job starts.

I tell him about the basic idea of my dreams, how there's always slight changing details, how I can still feel the pain of the stab even after I'm awake. He doesn't interrupt me, he doesn't show signs of getting bored or annoyed. Instead, he watches me with rapt attention, nodding at my every word, massaging my knuckles when tears start to touch my cheeks, whispering words of comfort in my ears.

Like I thought, it feels good to get everything out. To spill the whole story and how it feels having to live it. Maybe it's just Skeppy though, making me feel like I'm the most important thing in the world, no matter what.

Of course, this being a problem I face while I sleep, and Skeppy not being able to come to my realm nor me to his, there's not much he can do to help fix the situation.

He still tries though.

"I wish I was a demon too, then I'd be there to comfort you. The thought of you crying makes me want to cry with you." Skeppy frowns.

I wipe an arm across my face, smearing my now dry tears. "You don't have to fix it, I just wanted to tell you."

"Wait a second!" Skeppy jumps up, pulling out his communicator. "I'm pretty sure even though we live in different places, our communicators can still connect. Try to add me!"

I'm not sure where he's going with this, but we hunch over the small devices, tapping in the correct numbers.

I send him a quick, "Hi ^_^" and we wait to see if it'll send. A few seconds later, there's a Ding! from Skeppy's side and we cheer to ourselves.

"Where were you even going with that?" I giggle.

"Other than the fact that you can talk to me all the time now," Skeppy starts, "Maybe if you have a nightmare or something, you can call me and I can just talk to calm you down, like I did today. It might help."

Of course, he cares more about me than his own sleep.

"I guess we could try it..." I try to seem skeptical, but inside, I ask myself how such a sweet, caring person could possibly want to help a demon of all things.

At least he knows I'd do the same without a second thought.

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1909 Words

*End of Chapter 12*

I'm so sorry for making Quackity a jerk in this T-T he miiiiiight get nicer or at least a backstory

Please vote if you liked this chapter :)

Remember to eat, drink water, and get sleep because you deserve it <3

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