My Favourite Dream

By pepper16__

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Parineet Rajeev Bajwa. She doesn't resonate with this name anymore. She can't be married to a guy like him. A... More

1. Fallen (apart)
2. On the Edge
3. Doctor! Doctor!
4. Tinker - bell?
5. Darasal
6. The Girl He Never Noticed
7. The Appointment
8. First Session
9. Coffee with Taran!
10. Friends?
11. Choked.
12. The Ugly Truth.
13. A Bipolar?
14. Come fall in love.
15. Planning to be hers.
16. It's Useless!
17. Asking and Masking!
18. Are you Parineet?
19. Love is stupid.
MFD Ships
20. Emptiness!
22. Friends turned Lovers!
23. Missed Me?
24. Home
25. My Favourite Reality.

21. The Starry Night.

250 16 3
By pepper16__

Taran's POV

I couldn't sleep properly. Mom and I came back home, around 5 in the morning after the rukhsati and even after being so tired, I wasn't able to sleep. I was drowned in the thoughts of what happened between me and Parineet, why it happened, why we were so tensed in each other's company when everything was absolutely alright between us a day back. I was puzzled for I couldn't understand her behaviour yesterday. Why was she behaving the way she did? She looked angry, at one moment and then the other, she seemed confused, caught up with her own emotions. At one point of time, she felt distant, as if she wanted to maintain her distance from me. I know I was also reclusive of her, I didn't initiate conversations either but I have a valid reason for that. It was Shikha. As soon as she came, her father proudly exclaimed about our dating. He was happy, Shikha too while I wasn't. How could I when I have no interest in her? Even when I am trying to be sweet with her, it doesn't feel nice. I constantly feel that I am cheating on Pari and on my feelings for her. Now I feel that atleast I should have confessed my love for her, rather than straight away accepting Shikha's proposal. I agree that I made a hasty decision by doing so, and now I regret it already. It's been only two weeks with her, and my situation is worse than I expected. I went on two dates with Shikha, somehow, managing my time in between hospital and Ayaan's marriage rituals and nothing interested me. Shikha is very calculative and practical. She talks of a future which is well planned and umm.. mechanical? There is no love in it, no dreams, no hopes. She has set me so free that she doesn't expect anything from me, nor does she promises to give her inputs. She talks of some ideal relationship, which nor I haven't witnessed neither I have heard of. Our ideas about marriage are different. Thanks to the ring ceremony and other functions that I got to see Pari. I had missed her way too much, all this time, though she was there only. On seeing her, dancing her heart out with Zainab in yellow chikankari suit, her relishing the rasmalai ever so sweetly, like a child, her helping aunty with the chores like a dutiful daughter my heart swelled with happiness and I have begun to understand what she is to me.
Parineet is made up of dreams and colours, she brings rainbow with her and makes me smile wide. She makes me feel emotions so better that I crave them more. Her innocent laughter, her meaningful gaze and that special attention she gives me in front of so many people, without a second thought, makes my heart beat faster. But at the same time, I don't want to impose my feelings on her, I never wanted her to feel the baggage of my confession over her soul which had healed recently. Maybe that is why I never said it to her that I love her. She has seen a lot in life - infidelity, fragile relationships, emotional blackmailing, depression, loneliness, what not! I will not be surprised if she starts judging, doubting people around her, who claim to love her. Neither do I want her to reciprocate my emotions under any pressure because that is also one possibility, as the perks of being his special friend she might not like to hurt me, nor I want to spoil our bond, which she enjoys the most. I am doing all this for her, but the strong urge to tell her everything is also there. During the wedding festivities, we spent a good deal of time, together and I truly had the best time of my life. With Pari, I don't realize how fast time flies, and how happy I become. I love this feeling.

Tonight is the Waleema ie. Reception of Zainab and Ayaan. Mom isn't coming with me for she is tired and her blood pressure is low. Ayaan was sad about her not attending the function but he understands. I can't believe that Ayaan is married, at the same time I am extremely happy for him. At least my best friend is lucky with his love life. He is married to the girl, he loves so madly. Zainab has changed this mad man into a sane one. They are a perfect match. When, while sitting in the car, she was crying last night, I cracked so many bizarre jokes to make her laugh and luckily she did. I love both of them with all my heart and I wish the best for them.


Ayaan's family had arranged a grand reception party. With the touch of royalty, the arrangements were all modern and simple. There's so much pomp and splendor that my eyes grew wide in amazement, and all this accounts for the happy energy people have brought here.
Zainab and Ayaan were looking gorgeous, in deep red long gown and cream coloured branded sherwani respectively. They were looking no less than a Bollywood couple. One can't easily take his/her eyes off them.

"Hey!" I turned around to find who tapped on my shoulder from behind and it was Neeti. She had come here with Parineet and Vikram. She was dressed in a red sharara. Her features are as fine as her voice. She holds clarity, both in words and eyes.

"Hey Neeti. How are you? Is the baby fine?" I said smilingly, for maybe it was going to be our first proper interaction since we never really got the chance to speak to each other, despite of her being a visitor of my hospital for her pregnancy, ever since she has moved to Delhi.

"Yes. Pari has suggested me your hospital only. I and Vicky often come for the check up to the gynecologist of your hospital." She said pressing her lips in a thin smile. I have noticed and I adore the fact that Vikram takes extra care and puts efforts when it is about Neeti.

"Ms Swati is an amazing doctor. I hope you are not having any issues." I took the drink from the waiter's plate as I told her.

"Not at all." She paused and continued as I looked on. "Actually, I thought I should talk to you once. It's hustle and bustle in here, I wasn't able to meet you properly."

"Oh! Yes. I was busy, couldn't even come to your place. But I know a lot about you. Pari has always mentioned you. Actually, I don't feel like we are meeting for the first time." I winked looking at her. I hate my reflexes. It wasn't a flirty advance, but we aren't so comfortable that I should wink at her. No? It's not nice and gives away bad impression of me. I licked my lips in hesitation but all I heard was a small laugh. Neeti didn't mind. Thankfully. As I shyly looked at her, she winked back at me, and laughed again. I liked her attitude - confident and jolly. She isn't a mood spoiler. Now I understand why Pari says that I remind her of Neeti often .

"Haha is it? That's great then!" She added.

"Yes! She even used to say that me and you and I, are very similar by our personalities. Extroverts you know!" I sipped on my drink.

"Actually I also feel the same. Since the day I have come here, Pari has only talked about you, how you helped her, treated her illness on personal levels with Ayaan's aid, and how much you care for her." Her voice changed as she said it. Her concern for Parineet was clearly reflecting in her voice. She loves her a lot.

"It was our duty ma'am. But yes, being friends with her wasn't that tough. She is a super sweet girl, who would not like to stay near her?" I smiled genuinely. I, sometimes feel bad for Neeti, she doesn't know the truth and I know no matter how great their friendship is, she would be heartbroken after learning the truth.

"I agree. I wanted to thank you Taran." She said abruptly, taking me by surprise. What is there to thank me?

"Thank me?" I questioned.

"Yes! I want to thank you for everything you have done for Pari." Neeti began looking down and said as she continued "When I wasn't here, in her toughest times, when she isolated herself from all of us, she had you. She found you." I could see, she was feeling guilty for not being there with Parineet when it was the latter who chose to fight alone.
"And I want to thank you for staying, for being there, for not giving up on her. I feel so happy and grateful to God that he sent you as Pari's guardian who had such a big impact on her life. She has found home in you. She really admires you!" Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears and I sadly smiled.

"It is nothing-"

"You are everything to her Taran." She didn't let me complete but what she said, felt a lot more than what it sounded. I was stunned.

"Huh!?" I breathed.

"I mean, your efforts, your help, it means the world to her and me. We would always be grateful." Neeti wiped her eyes carefully and smiled at me. She told me something that I already know. Has her best friend ever left a chance to not thank me? Probably she has overdid the thank you part, if not less.

"Please! It's alright. Don't say like that. It would hurt me." I said dramatically to lighten up the situation for Neeti was really upset.

"Okay! Okay! I won't." She giggled.


"So! I have heard you are also following your friend's footsteps and are soon getting married?" She's definitely an extrovert with amazing communication skills. Her question was not surprising but that was something which I didn't expect from her.

"Neeti I am only seeing her, marriage is not on the cards yet." I stressed on my words to make it clear. I'm done with this wedding thing. Because of aunty, everyone thinks as if I'm getting married tomorrow only.

"Oh I am sorry. I just said what I heard. Who's the girl by the way?" She was quick.

"Her name is Shikha. She is one of my old friends."

"Oh! So friends are turning into lovers? How I wish that Pari too finds her perfect match in a friend."

"But she doesn't have a friend except you and me. And falling in love with you would be a little surprising. Ain't it?" I laughed as I said this, but the way Neeti looked at me, I almost coughed on my drink. Is she referring to something else?

"Careful Taran! I meant, it would be great if she finds love again, in a person who she knows well, she is friends with. Wouldn't it be?" She said in an unusual tone that confused me but what she said next made me understand her intentions clearly. "Well I am just saying. Good luck Taran. I hope you realize your love for the correct person, and get equal love in return."

"Thank you!" I said. Now I understand what it is. Neeti wants me and Pari to be together. I now understand. What a foolish I was to not get it back then. Neeti wants us to be a thing. How I wish I could tell her that Yes bestie. I want the exactly same thing. But your best friend has to give me the green signal first. She is the one, to be ready for this alliance. And unfortunately she is stuck in her special friend zone. And there's nothing that can be done. I sighed as Neeti left me alone, thinking and lamenting.

The reception was going well, Ayaan and Zainab danced their heart out on every sort of their favourites ranging from romantic to dance number, they also gave solo performances. We clicked so many pictures but I was sad. Extremely sad (no pun intended). Now that I know Neeti also likes us together, the prospect of knowing how many times Parineet would have rejected me in front of her friend saddened me. It is evident, that at least once, Neeti would have surely talked about this to her and she must have denied. Actually! Fuck it! I don't want to imagine all that. It's like a nightmare.

"Taran what is happening with you?" I was standing at the stall of gol gappas when our charming, handsome groom tapped on my shoulder with a frown on his face while I had my mouth stuffed with the spiciest gol gappa the vendor could ever make. A single tear rolled down my eyes as the spice hit the back of my throat, along with Ayaan's question.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" I said and asked the vendor for one more. But Ayaan had other plans. He took the paper bowl from my hand and took me to the green groom, allotted to the groom side. I was still feeling hot. He passed me a bottle of water and frowned again.

"How many did you eat?"

"Just five!"

"You are a moron! Do you know that?"

"I know." Saying that I sniffed again. Spice isn't my thing at all.

"Stop saying that." Ayaan eventually hugged me close and trust me, I wasn't expecting it after knowing how I have behaved at his wedding and reception. "You have been worrying me all this time. You look like dead meat. That too in your best friend's wedding! Damn you Taran!" He said, still holding me close. This "the best psychologist" can get very emotional at times. Or is it his post marriage hormonal surge?

"I am sorry if it looked like that-" I said patting his back several times, in sympathy.

"- Motherf*cker!!" He cursed. Now that's like my Ayaan!

"What the heck has happened between you and Parineet now. Everything was fine till haldi. Right?" Yes everything was fine till Haldi functions because back then, Shikha wasn't invited and I forgot that I am committed, and I was successfully enjoying my escape. What a pathetic loser I am!

"It is still alright. And why are you taking her name all of a sudden?" I tried to dodge the question.

"Because I know it is her. And God damn when did Shikha come into the picture again? Mom told me you are going to marry her. What is going on?" Exactly what was I thinking. Only Ayaan was left who didn't ask me WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED TARAN?

Hail your mother, bestie! I wanted to say but..
"Look! It is too late for this conversation. And good morning! I am dating Shikha." I said bowing down in front of him.

"But weren't you in love with Parineet? How did it change overnight? When did your love become so frivolous? At least try fighting for it. Tell her that you love her. Show some guts Taran Idiot Ahuja!" Etcetera Etcetera! Ayaan was in no mood to stop. And he was right. I have proved to be a coward in front of him. But if protecting my friendship and Parineet's emotions is cowardice then I am ready to be one. I can't burden her with my feelings for her. 

"Stop it Ayaan! Stop it." I called out and offered him water and as expected he gave me a look. Disgusted look! 

"I can't stop it because I can't see you like this! Be true to yourself Taran. Please." He said sighing. 

"I am being true to the situation Ayaan. It is not like I don't know what I feel, or what I want. I am pretty aware of all of that. But not always you get is what you want right?" I breathed and spilled the fact. I am stuck in my own created mess and now I can't escape.

"And that's why you have to fight for it. Not everything comes walking to you, out of good fortune" 

"I know. But this is futile. Parineet doesn't want to step forward, and God knows from where, when, how and why the fuck I said a yes to Shikha's dating proposal. I don't know what mood I was in. And mom...." 

"- Aunty doesn't know about Parineet? So tell her. You know your mom. She will be the happiest". Ayaan cut me off. 

"She was happy, when I first told her. How would she not know about my crush on Parineet. But recently we had a conversation about Parineet being a divorcee and.."

"And?" Ayaan looked onScare was written all over Ayaan's face but I told her that mom is not the tyrant. 

"Mom grew apprehensive of our alliance. She was surprised." I looked elsewhere, rubbing the bridge of my nose. I narrated our conversation to him.


"Mom I didn't know that you also think low of divorcee women." I said in despair because I didn't expect it from my mother at all. She is also a single mother, of course not by her choice but I thought she would understand. But her lack of empathy surprised me.

"I don't. I don't. They are the strongest ones dear. I'm a woman too, how can you judge me darling." She said, putting her hand on my shoulders and truth be said, I truly calmed down under her touch and there, I began understanding her point.

"Then what is with your reaction? I'm not able to understand."

"You won't  ever understand Taran. You are young and in love, but it's just my concern for you. I'm not Cruella, the villain in your love life. You know it yourself how many times I have asked you to propose her, but I am shocked. I never knew she had a husband who cheated on her with her own best friend. How complicated is that? How unfortunate! I just don't want you to be a part of this mess." My mom is lovely with words and I was emotional, listening to her side. She was not wrong, in fact I would never forget how she was the person who always asked me and liked Parineet. 

"I'm not a part of that mess mom. I'm the one who has pulled her out of it." I held her shoulders gently.

"I'm so glad you did. But just re think about it." She patted my left cheek and smiled.


"I understand her point of view. Which parent won't desire everything to be magnificent, when it comes to his or her child. Parents do grow a bit hesitant when it comes to children. I understand. But you should tell her that Parineet is all you will ever want. And Taran! Aunty hasn't said a no, you are misinterpreting her concern because right now, it is you who wants to step back." In that moment, I felt like Ayaan caught my lies I never spoke, as if he found me red handed. Maybe because he was absolutely right?

"Its not the case that I can't make her understand or she won't comply but Ayaan what is there to try for? What is there to fight for when Pari doesn't -" I said in frustration, tugging on my hairs.

"Stop saying negative!"

"It doesn't matter Ayaan. The deal is done and most importantly I can't back off from my words. Pari doesn't love me Ayaan. She doesn't."

"How come you are so sure of it?"

"I just know-" I said. 

"Ayaan! Ayaan!" Before I could complete, we heard his mother calling out his mom. We totally forgot that the groom has been missing from his own function.

"We will talk later. Aunty is calling you!" I said dusting off his shoulder like a true best man.

"But you listen to me!! You can't fight for your love, it is okay. You don't want to tell Parineet, it's okay. But in all this mess, you can't play with Shikha and her emotions. Even if bare minimum, then also, she's involved and putting her efforts. You can't cheat on her and your own fucking self. End this whatever relationship you have with her because it is not worth it. You are not gonna give her anything in return and you know that." Ayaan almost yelled in the last and walked out on me, leaving me thinking that how big of a fool I was being and how correct he is. I couldn't have been more idiot than this. I totally forgot about Shikha. I didn't care about her involvement, her feelings and that it is not only me who is in this relationship. She didn't bind me, she never imposed it on me. It was me who chose to give us a chance and all I have been doing since then is either ignoring her or pretending to be happy which is not right. 


"Vicky! I need to go home." I heard Neeti saying to Vikram as we all were chilling together, though Parineet and I were still awkward but I was clear in my mind that I won't hang Shikha anymore. I was going to tell her everything tomorrow. 

"What happened Neeti? Are you okay?" Pari asked her, all worried for her best friend as usual. 

"Yeah I am fine. Just that I am too tired. Attending back to back two functions, and having food sickness with almost everything has taken a toll on me. I want to go home and take some rest." She told Parineet, calming her down. Parineet gets easily worried for her friends and as much as heartwarming it sounds, I don't want her to be tensed at all.

"Oh! But Waleema hasn't happened yet.." I intervened. 

"You are right. But not all of us are leaving. Vicky and I can leave, and Pari can stay here for longer. What's say?" Neeti raised her eye brows at her best friend who was just clueless.

"But.." Vicky began to question about the plan but Neeti didn't let him complete. As usual. In my mind, I call them Tom and Jerry since their equation is really very cute.

"-Vicky don't be dumb. Taran will drop her. Won't you Taran? Please help naa!" She immediately turned towards me and I nodded in reflex. Fuck!

"Ah-okay! No problem!"  I said because what else could I say in that situation. It all happened very suddenly.

"And it is only first trimester. I don't know what gonna happen to me in future." Vikram laughed. 

"Nothing will happen! And if something does, only you have to handle. Chalo ab!" Neeti pinches Vicky's ear and drags him out. "Okay bye guys. Enjoy! Don't forget to tell Ayaan and Zainab that we wished them Goodluck." she added.

"Sure."  I said and looked at Parineet. Only we were left. 

"Vikram is taking care of Neeti at personal levels. I appreciate him." I couldn't help but say this. I have always seen him attentive and if I am correct, whipped. 

"Bhaiya has always been extra careful and tender for both of us. He always cared for Neeti as equally as he does for me." Pari replied looking in the direction they left from. She seemed happy in the moment.

"I'm glad Neeti have you both." 

"Specially bhaiya. He truly is very diligent about her pregnancy." Pari replied.

"I feel he likes her."  Anyone can assume this, if they happen to see Neeti and Vikram together.

"Maybe. I'll be the happiest if this is the matter." She turned to me, and said dreamily. 

"Yes! They will look perfect." I assured with a genuine smile and she just nodded in return, but I couldn't take my eyes away from her. Dressed in a cream lehenga with her primped hair left open, she was just looking flawless. The urge to hold her bare waist in my hands and keep her close to me, has been very evident throughout the function.  She was looking oh so perfect like a dream. My favourite dream. Surprisingly she chose to look back at me and I felt the air getting tense around us. She caught me staring at her. Damn!

"So?"  She said, taking me by surprise, and back to reality.

"So! Let's get going!" I smiled and we went near the stage, where everyone was.

"Why didn't aunty come?" Parineet broke the ice as we were walking anxiously.

"As young as she projects herself, she actually isn't. Four back to back functions had her tired." I giggled but she grew tensed.

"Ah- is she fine now?" 

"Don't worry, she must be enjoying some web series at home."  I told her and she smiled back.

"Great! I like how full of life she is. I love her energy."

"Yeah! It is inspiring. Dad was also the same. Lively, positive but a bit laid back, to balance out mom's extra energy you know. Sometimes he intentionally, used to act lethargic in front of mom, when he was actually not tired. Only I knew his secrets. More than half of my personality has come from her then dad." Parineet looked at me with warmth and happiness as I told her, she always has a room for my old anecdotes of my family, friends, life.

"I see. But I also love the rest of you. The rest which is solely you, your own way of thinking, your characteristics. I love all of it."  She said, and I couldn't help but look at her.  

I was shocked? I don't know actually. But that surely did something to my heart as heat rose up to my cheeks. It was such a beautiful compliment, I had never received it before and that made me silent. I couldn't utter a word for a minute. I was flushed with excitement and happiness. 

"Thank you." I finally managed to say.

"I meant, your own personality isn't that bad either."  Parineet laughed and I sighed. She didn't mean it that way, you idiot, I mentally slapped myself. I made her feel awkward.

"Still thank you." I joked and excused myself as Ayaan called me up for a photograph.


"Pari, let's leave. Oh Shikha -" I was calling out to Parineet but I ran into Shikha.  We all were the last to leave as the function came to an end but I was forgetful about Shikha until she showed up. 

"I thought we will leave together." She said with a blank face. Was she hurt? Of course. What else you expect from her Taran?

"Oh yes! I. I - actually Pari doesn't have anyone to drop her, so.." I fumbled but she started laughing.

"Hey! Hey! Go ahead. I was just saying. By the way, you and I have come in separate cars, it doesn't really matter if we go together or not. Carry on! Drop her home. I'll meet you soon. And this time, on a date. I'm truly done with these heavy attires, lavish food and marriage functions. You know how I am. I gonna plan a cosy date. Just you and me." Though I know Shikha has always been like this but today I felt something different in her voice. As if she didn't have any expectations from me. Not a single one. Did I hurt her for the first time? Not done Taran Ahuja. 

"- Ahh..Definitely!" I managed to say.

"I love how assured you are, about us." She said cupping my right cheek in her hand. She had never done that before.

"I'm trying." I tried to sound good.

"I see Taran how much you have tried and..." She paused, breathed and said with a half smile "I don't want you to try anymore." 

"What happened?"  I was taken up by shock. Just then she was talking about going a date and now this? Did I hurt her so much? Maybe yes. I took her as too much granted, I thought of her as a extremely practical girl when I clearly know that all humans do have emotions.

"That is what you have to find out Taran. And don't worry about me. I will be fine." She said, and pulled me into a very friendly hug. Were I and Shikha parting ways?

"Are we calling it quits?" I asked gathering some courage because in that moment, I felt extremely small in front of her.

"Shouldn't we?"  She smiled and looked behind my shoulder. I followed her gaze and I saw Parineet standing alone, waiting for me. "Now go go go! I'm also leaving. Drop her home, it would be late otherwise." Shikha chuckled. 

"I am sorry Shikha. I truly am. I apologize if I had ever hurt you. Shikha will you be fine?" I blabbered as I turned to her, my eyes didn't meet her.

"You know me Taran, it's okay." She said assuring me, holding my arm and I felt lighter. Shikha is a gem of person. It is better to part ways than promising her of something I can't ever give to her.

"I do. Good night!" 

"Good night! Say my hello to your friend." She said with a teasing smile on her face and I just nodded smilingly.

"I hope she didn't mind-"  Parineet looked at me all worried, as I walked towards her. I wish I could tell her how I am feeling right now. Free, happy and guilty at the same time.

"She doesn't. Even if I would have been free, she would have gone all by herself." I simply told her, shrugging my shoulders.

"Sometimes I wish I could be as independent as she is. I admire her personality."

"Stop comparing. Shikha is admirable, no doubts about it but I have always said this to you. That you are a very strong girl. And it's just that you don't have your car with you, nahi to mai thodi drop karta, khud jaati tum." This earned me a giggle in return and I felt as if I conquered the world.

"Now let's go!" I added and soon we were inside my car, all tired but still happy. I looked at her as I drove, and she was looking like an angel. It is so tough to look beyond her. I never ever thought that I would be so smitten with a girl that I would lose my breath every single time she would appear in front of me, that a chatterbox like me would be at short of words, unable to express my feelings, that I would be ready to wait for her my entire life.

"By the way, I can't resist saying that you were looking drop dead gorgeous today." I whispered and she heard it. 

"Did I? Thank you!" 

"Yes! Absolutely breathtaking." I added, as if I was under a spell, she casted on me. Love is magical. She is spell binding. 

"You yourself look extremely fine." Parineet said in her sweetest voice possible and I smiled.

"Taran!" We were about to reach her society when she called me


"I don't wanna go home." 

"Then where you wanna go? Back to the now empty banquet?" I joked as she complained like a small baby.

"Stop joking! Look outside the window, the night is gorgeous, I don't want to go home so soon.." She put her hand outside the window and looked dreamily at the sky. 

"Its already 12-" 

"Please!" She didn't let me complete and I knew I can not say a no now.

"Okay! Fine. Let me think where should we go." I opened the sunroof for her and the moonlight brightened our mood. It seemed tonight's going to be a very very long night. 

"Think about it! We have all the time in this world." Parineet stretched out her arms and said smilingly. What could ever matter to me than her happiness. And yes, I have all the time in this world for you my princess. 

"Someone is in mood." I didn't voice my head.

"It's not like that. I just want to enjoy this night." She blushed for it was the first time ever, she asked me for something.

"Pari. What happened between us yesterday?" I asked as we drove on lonely lanes. It has been bothering me. I was behaving odd because of my own created mess but was she uncomfortable?  "We were fine today, we were fine till Haldi and mehendi celebrations, then what happened in the wedding? Why everything was so awkward?"

"I felt the same. I don't know. Maybe you were busy as you said." She shifted a little in her seat, as if she didn't want to discuss.

"As if you were only talking and talking. C'mon! You weren't in the mood too. Is it because I couldn't come to pick you up as I promised?" I was persistent though. I needed to know.

"Please Taran! You are not bound to me. It will be pathetic of me as a person, if I ever get angry with your for a reason as pity as this one." She answered with all her heart, I could feel it.

"It's not about being duty bound, it's about waiting. You waited for me Pari and I didn't show up. I know why you didn't come along with Neeti and Vikram. Because you thought I'll come. Nothing is worse than waiting for someone. It is exhausting and most of the times, disappointing. Like I disappointed you." I felt sorry. Though it was a very small thing, but small things do make a difference.

"You didn't! You had your reasons which were valid. And for me, waiting for someone isn't exhausting. It is the real fun Taran. It shows how much far you can go, how much you can push your limits for that certain someone. And not every time it is disappointing. There would always be something special, at the end, you gonna get." She looked outside again and then closed her eyes, feeling the breeze on her face. How did I get lucky to witness her like this, so near to me? Isn't this all I ever wanted? 

"What did you get?" I asked and she opened her eyes. Did I surprise her? 

"Maybe I still have to wait. A little more." she still didn't look at me but the roads. Parineet talks poetry. No! She is poetry herself.

"For me?" the words just came out of my mouth.

"I don't know. I am just explaining to you that I wasn't angry with you because you didn't show up. It is completely alright." And Ayaan is hopeful about us when I can clearly see how she is very clear about her intentions?

"Okay! But if that wasn't the reason then what changed between us last night? I don't want to lose you Pari." I said half heartedly. 

"I also don't want to lose you Taran. You have been a very kind friend. And nothing has changed, trust me. Maybe I took my own sweet time to digest that my friend will be getting married soon." I blame Ayaan for being hopeful about us while I find myself holding on to her words, decoding them in my head to get a result I desire. How is it normal? But did she really admit that she took time to digest about my dating? OH MY GOD! NO! CALM THE F*CK DOWN TARAN!

"Oh god! Not again. I'm tired explaining this to everyone, specially you. Parineet, I am not getting married yet."  I said, calming myself.

"What is the difference? You will get married some day. And most probably to Shikha only." she shrugged her shoulders and I don't know what stopped me from telling her about my fallout. 

"I can't believe we are having the exactly same conversation we had yesterday." I said. 

"That was more tensed than this." She laughed.

"Agreed. Well I'll inform y'all the day my marriage will be happening. Right now, I am a bachelor. It is all Ayaan's mom who got super excited as she got to know about Shikha. She has always been like that." I said. 

"She's a sweet lady. Shikha also. I liked her Taran. But you should smile more around her, I saw you all tensed and lost today." She said genuinely  but I wasn't ready to discuss her. 

"What do I do Pari, she doesn't crack good jokes like you do."  I said jokingly.

"Oh! So that is the problem. Anything else Dr Ahuja?"

"Haina. Actually there are many problems." I laughed.

"Care to tell me?"

"Shikha's nose is a little fat."

"Look at yours!" She pressed her index finger on my nose and giggled.

"Hey mine is not!"  I held her hand in the air but she struggled against it and I let her won.

"Whatever floats your boat Taran!"

"She scolds me a lot."

"That's a good thing. I like her more now." 

"You are supporting her. Haw?" I exclaimed dramatically. I was enjoying the banter.

"What haww! I know how big of a mischief you are."

"Please!" I scoffed and added "Yes, one more thing, She is extremely health conscious unlike me, who eats whatever I want."

"Look who's saying. The man who aims at the diet of the person straight, before looking for the actual cause." I was taken aback by her deep analysis and attention she gave to my work whenever she visited me in the hospital.

"Don't comment on my diagnosis. I'm a good doctor."  We were finally on a highway. 

"Acha aur? Aur kuch?" she said playfully.

"She doesn't - she isn't you!" I said and realised the gravity of my words when Pari looked at me. This time I didn't try to change my words because that's a fact. I very much meant it. She is my only cure.

"--- because I'm only me." she broke the eye contact first.


"Look at the stars. Oh my God! They are so beautiful." Parineet looked up through the sunroof and I felt happy seeing her all merry. 

"The starry night! Indeed. Remember I once told you, Delhi too has its own share of clear sky."

"And it's gorgeous than anything in this world." She was still looking at the sky as I parked the car on an empty lane, people visit to stargaze.

"I'm so happy I came here with you." I said, removing my coat and offering it to her. It was cold. I made her wear it and I don't know if I it was my imagination but I felt her eyes on me as I helped her. Then, I stood by the car while she took a round, her eyes shone brightly, her face radiated her natural glow and I was just looking at her, all awestruck and whipped. She is my kind of forever, my favourite dream.

"The breezy surroundings, empty lanes, this beautiful dusky sky, the crescent moon and plenty of stars -"  she said but I cut her off.

"And you and me." I added as I kept staring at her.

"Yeah! All of it! I will never forget this night ever."  She finally looked at me and I saw her smiling with her eyes. I never saw something prettier and pure than her angelic face. 

"Me too. The night when I am breathing so freely, when my heart is racing at a faster pace, but it still feels alright, when everything seems perfect. Who will forget it?" I commented and she nodded happily.

"I know right!" Parineet walked towards me and held my hands. I felt my heart beating more faster than ever. What is she doing to me? Oh my dear God! 

"Thank you so much Taran! Thank you for bringing me here. I wanted to say something to you -" she was breathing heavily and I could hear her heartbeat. It was as restless as mine. Is she in love with me too? 

"I... I." she looked at me with earnest eyes and I felt the heat rising between us. I was waiting for her to complete, but not anymore. I was attracted as hell to her, I felt so many foreign emotions running inside me, at that very moment. I didn't realize when I began running my hand up her arms, held her waist and brought her close. Parineet was almost panting, no words came out of her mouth. I would be a big fat liar if i don't agree that I forgot all my right and wrongs there, for the first time, I didn't care if she doesn't love me back or if she isn't ready for it, but her parted rosy lips which were unable to form words, her falling hair locks which seemed to cage me, her being tangled in my arms, held by my gaze, draped in my coat, Pari looked mine. It felt so right, it felt so fuckin' right to steal her away. 


A/N : Hello wonderful people! Look who decided to update after months of ghosting. My writer's block got real and I was immensely caught up with studies so yes I am sorry guys. I will try my best to update this book sooner and sooner. Till then please enjoy this long update you all rightfully deserve. <3

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