Stone Cold K*ller

By minxyjee

10.1K 364 271


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chaper 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 59
chapter 60
prologue-epilogue part 1

chapter 58

83 3 6
By minxyjee

Sienna Stone

It's the day before the Event. It's around the corner and I've never felt so sick in my life at the feeling that something is going to go all very wrong.

Nico had arrived back home this morning, the twins informed me that he is awaiting for everyone in the Den for our final meeting.

As soon as I walk into the office my eyes instantly find where my husband stands. My heart beats in chaos as he is in a dark suit standing behind his desk. But his back is facing me, his hair a tad bit longer since the last I've seen it. His arm is propped on the fireplaces mantel as he stares into the flames crackling wildly. His cane in the other hand resting lazily in his grip.

I wish we were back to the way things were going for us. All before this stupid plan and the car wreck.

Because right now, I wanted to tell him that I love him utterly so, and that we are to have a child. My dreams since I was little are coming true, all I ever wanted in the beginning.

The twins, Shina, Caspian, and Julian are present in this office as we await for Nicolai to speak.

He tightens his grip on his cane, "tomorrow will be a revelation, a start of a War. The plan will continue as planned, anyone who opposes can leave. I won't promise that no one will die, that no one will come out of this alive. Any of you may not be able to see the next day---but don't think your life had no worth. For years, I bare a mountain of dead bodies, while standing at the top of it. Ive lead many deaths inlcuding taking some. My hands are tainted and I will no doudt take more lives upon these hands."

My breathing hitches hearing his words as he dismises everyone, "that is all, go back to your days obligations. I want to speak with my wife alone."

Everyone goes to leave, Julian takes his time before passing by me and leaving, closing the door behind us, leaving Nico and I alone.

He finally steps away from the mantel and turns to face me. His eyes bore into mine as he places his free palm up to his chest, as if he is trying to feel his own heart beat. I wonder if his heart is beating as hard as mine is right now?

"I must say--"

I cut him off, blurting, "wait, wait, wait."

Nico furrows his brows, "Sie--"

I shake my head, "no, just, stop."

I don't know what I'm trying to do or say but it beats hearing him talk and when he starts talking, I don't think my heart can take it.

But I have to say this, I have too or it'll never happen, "I-I..." fuck, I'm fixing to cry, "dammit," I curse, feeling my chest pounding in my ears, "you--I-I-"

Come on you stupid mouth say it!

Why is it so hard for me to confess to him?

Nicos eyes soften before he walks around his desk and steps closer to me. Once he is towering over me, the shadow of his frame ingulfs me. I can smell his woodsy spice scent from here, which comforts me a little.

His brings his finger under my chin and lifts my face to meet his, a genuine small smile welcomes me, "I can see how nervous you are, darling angel. But do not force yourself, I know very much how you need more time, and this isn't the time."

Lies, it is the time! "You're wrong."

He rubs the pad of his thumb on my bottom lip, soothing it, "am I? If it were the right time you'd be saying it without hesitation."

A tear falls down my cheek, he wipes it away, "I'm not hesitating. I'm just so scared."

Scared of these feelings I have for him, scared that I'm placing all of me--heart and soul for him to take.

Nicolai takes a step back from me and frowns, "I see it in your eyes, Sienna. I know that look more than you'll know. I realize long ago of my feelings for you, hell, it might have been the night you proposed to me---or the night we met in that library. Or the night when you first laid in the bed with me. I'm never sure when or how---only thing I do know is that I have loved you for awhile now. But the look your giving me as you try to tell me the same------you back out."

What is he going on about? "Wait, are you saying that I don't feel the same as you?" I question, aghasted.

He looks away from me for a moment, sighing as if defeated, "da."

How could he say or think such a thing? "You've got to be joking? Right? How could you say such a thing and think you know how I feel about you? So what if I hesitated just for a mere moment! You bastard! You don't know how I feel! You think you know such things but you are far from it..." I laugh with tears, as if I've lost it, "You are a fucking prick for thinking such. I fucking love you! Ha! There!" I sniff and jut my chin up high, "I love you, Nicolai Stone. And if you dare think otherwise of my confession, then you've mistaken me as a fool!" I raise both my palms and hit his chest forcibly, "and to think this makes me feel better? That I've finally confessed it, that we would be okay? Well, it's far from what I expected...because now---now my love for you is close to hating you!"

He flinched to my last words.

I beat my fists more onto his hard chest, crying, "you had me deeply exhausted with these feelings for you, that I can't sleep, eat, or do anything! All because of you!" I scream.

Everything is true to heart, he doesn't see how he wounds me so deep.

I've fallen so deep down that I can't get back up to save myself.

Nico looks down at me and I see his eyes watering, and face filled with a pained expression.

"I guess I am the fool...You do not love me, not as much as you are willing to give." He says, voice breaking.

What is he going on about? "Of course my love for you is more than everything of me I'm giving. Don't do that. Don't turn my hesitations into your own words. And if this is you pushing one last time, then no---I won't allow it. Because no matter what I love you." I profess, feeling my fingers trembling as I grip the lapels of his suit. "I know you are pushing me away and your reasons I know are probably because you want to protect me in a way. But please, give up."

And my words alone had broken him. It's a sight I've never, ever seen.

He clasps his hands over mine on his chest as tears stream down his face, he sniffs, and chuckles softly, a cute little smile graces his face, "you caught me," he says, squeezing my hands in a firm grip, "God, what am I supposed to do with you, my stubborn woman."

I bite my bottom lip before whispering, "Papi," before reaching on my tip toes and kiss his lips softly with mine. The touch of his lips brings me emotions, so much of it that I had bottled up, pouring out into this kiss as we invite each other in and relish in each other's arms.

Nico seems to feel the same because he grips the back of my neck and deepens the kiss, tongues colliding, sighs stolen.

We both tear each other's clothes off, tossing them around the Den, clothes strewn on bookshelves, desk, chair as we nearly fall onto the floor. Nico presses his hand on my shoulders to have me step back until I'm landing on the couch. He hovers over me, arms on each side of me as he looks down on my face. His brilliant blue eyes stare with such intensity, "Whatever I see right through me and it pisses me off."

I grab onto his shoulders and wrap my legs around him, using my bare feet against his bare ass and press him closer to me, "you piss me off too. Keeping things from me, pushing me from you." I feel the head of his cock poke my entrance.

He growls, "fuck, you're wet."

"Just having your eyes on me makes me wet." I whimper. That's how much he affects me and I wanted him to know that.

Nicolai groans to my words and with out warning he plunges his cock into me, filling me up. I gasp at the intrusion as he stills himself inside me and gives me time to adjust to his size, his eyes keep on my own. My tits rub against his bare chest, nipples perking to the friction, "Papi, please." I beg of him. I needed him to move, now, "take me." I whimper.

His eyes soften, one hand reaches as places his large palm on the side of my cheek, he says, "remember this feeling, remember me as this."

I didn't get what he means, "Nico," I whisper shakely.

And then he pulls out and thrust back in, causing me to unravel and moan to the sensation. He eases in and out of me with languid strokes, giving me a lovers caress.

I realize then, he is making slow, sweet love to me.

My heart throbs and body trembles to his slow sweet ministrations.

His palm to my cheek and other reaching for my open palm, he slide his hand into mine and holds my hand, our bodies collide.

My orgasm is reaching to its highest peak feeling his cock slowly take claim of me, each thrust climbing my body into utter bliss.

"Sienna," he moans my name before claiming my lips with his. That's when I shatter.

My body tightens and pussy clenches around his cock as my orgasm welcomes me.

When my eyes meet his, I knew right away as the fog from my orgasm settles down.

This sweet love making, the way he moaned my name, the words he said about remembering him this way.

This is a goodbye.

My lips tremble and eyes start to water, which is making my vision blurry as Nico slams his cock into me and roars out his release.

Still inside me, Nico brings his thumb up and wipes my tears away from my cheek, "tomorrow there will be a certain question I will ask of you when we see each other again, please---no matter how everything turns out---even if you figure it out....I want you to answer me with a NO."


Before I could ask him questions he slips out of me and walks over to his desk naked and picks up something small on the desk. I sit up on the couch feeling the chill draft whip my bare sweaty skin. Nico grabs one of my wrists and brings up my open--phased palm in front of him before delicately placing something small on it.

I should've been born without a heart, or better yet---I wish I didn't have a heart at this point.

Because Nicolai Stone is a cold heartless man.

Because right after he places the small object in my palm, he turns around giving me his back and says---


I couldn't bring myself to cry at this point.

Staring down at my palm, there, placed before me is my husbands wedding ring I had given him---with promises that have been broken.

So I get off the couch in a hurry, grabbing my clothes with me, not caring if I run out of this stupid Den bare ass naked.

I shouldn't but I did.

I give myself one last glance over my shoulder before leaving the office.

Nico is standing by the fireplace, the side of his profile is showing.

I could have sworn seen a trail of tears falling off his chin before I left.

Running down the hall naked, a recent thought came to my mind from yesterday.

When Julian told me it wouldn't change a damn thing? Did he mean even if I told him I loved him or is pregnant with his child---

This would still have happened, Nico leaving me.

At what point will protecting me be enough? Will Nicolai push me until I'm not in his life anymore? Is this what he is trying to do? Because no matter what, his enemies and the Galeons will always try to come at me?

How far is he willing to go? To protect me?

I know he meant every word when he confessed his love for me, but is it enough?

Is our love for each other enough to endure this time of a new rising War?


I'm thinking....

It wouldn't.....

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