The Seven Deadly Sins x Neko...

By rosesfanfic64

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This is a story about a Neko girl who is mated to the seven deadly sins and how she finds them and what happe... More

Character and Mate marks
Meeting her first mate
Meeting Diane
The fight with Gilthunder
The Fight at Baste-Prison
Meeting Ban and breaking out of prison
Walking with Diane
Kidnaped by King
Fighting in the Necropolis
The viIzel fighting festival
Meeting Goather
The Start of Her Past
Merlin and the Start of the Fight
The Battle, Is Kitty Ok
A Comma?
Visiting Elaine and Long Sleep
Elaine's Alive?
One Pissed of Princess
Kittys Back Story
Killing the so-called Gods
The wedding

Seeing Elane

1.9K 40 1
By rosesfanfic64

Kitty's POV

King carried me into the necropolis after everyone else. I smiled as we got there and he set me down. Just then I saw someone that I had met a long time ago and smiled I never thought that I would see them again. Just then King and Ban ran off and I followed them.

I ran after them silently leaping over crystals until I made it to where I wanted to be. I then saw her she was smiling just like the last time that I had seen her. I had heard that she was killed by a demon but I did not want to believe it. But her benign here proved it.

I looked at her and she had that smile that she always had I felt the silent tears start to slip down my face. She came over and embraced me in a tight hug and that I when I saw Ban and King off to the side. King had just incased Ban in stone and I ran over to him and glared at King. He looked taken aback by my anger.

"What are you doing why are you so worried about him he is evil he killed my sister," He said and I looked at him with a puzzled look and tilted my head to the side slightly.

"He is my brother and he thinks that ban killed me. But Ban tried to save me as he was my best friend for a long time. I meet him just after you left." I looked up and smiled at King.

'So you are Harlaqiun. Huh, I thought the King of the Fairies would be a little bit scarier.' I smiled at him and he looked taken aback.

'I know or rather knew your sister I meet her when visited the fairy kings forest a while back and we became great friends. After I left she meet Ban and they became good friends from what I heard. I Herd that a fire demon came and burned down the forest and then Ban tried to kill it but almost died in the process Elane gave him the fountain to save his life so please don't hold anything against him.' I handed him the card and walked over to where Ban was and summand my fairy staff.

It was something that was given to me a long time ago when I first went to the fairy kings forest it was a place that I loved to hang out in. I had been alive for a long time and had been to many places. This staff was something that the first fairy king had given to me. I hit Ban over the head with the staff to free him from the stone that King had encased him in.

After that, I heard a lot of explosions and then I sensed the presence of a holy knight in here with us. I was not too happy especially because it was one of the new generations and I did not want to have to fight anyone right now. I was starting to feel really weak and knew that something in here was draining me.

I fell backward and Ban caught me while King looked astonished that I had been able to free him. Ban looked down at me worried and I just smiled and pointed toward the way of the explosions.

'There is a holy knight here go help the others I will be okay I just need a minute.' I handed him the card and he nodded laying me down on kings floating pillow. He ran off and I passed out. 

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