
By xoxo-LR

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Do not read if you have not read Meeting the Millers: Cannot be read as a stand alone⚠️ Adriana's POV Book 2/2 More

Authors notes
Tell me a story
|01| Words from Grace
|02| Element of speech
|03| June's choice
|04| One man down
|05| POV
|06| Selfish
|07| She walks in beauty pt.1
|07.5| She walks in beauty pt.2
|08| Eliza who?
|09| Seizure
|10| Remember Valentina and Juan?
|11| Mrs Scrooge
|12| Christmas special
|13| Change
|14| Her temple
|15| 'Id drink and drive a plane if it means I get to see you'
|16| Trade your heels for my sliders
|17| Travis
|18| New attraction
|19| Football date
|21| Words from Carmen
|22| Intimate
|23| Love

|20| Rory

343 20 3
By xoxo-LR

I'd like to say that I'm not excited, but I kind of am

Today Travis is taking me out for lunch, slowly but surely I'm starting to trust him. We've actually texted quite a few times and I'm proud of myself for starting some of those conversations, he's so weird but.... not like weird weird, he's funny weird.

"Can I borrow those?"

Carmen takes off her earrings before handing them to me, "Guys I'm graduating soon" She says excitedly

"We know", Lola, Daniel and me say at the same time

"Ok that was rude"

My phone buzzes

Travis: I'm outside


I pick up my hoodie, "Bye guys"

"Bye", They return

"C come shopping with me", I hear Lola say as I open the door

I am absolutely starving, and strangely I'm craving bagels, also I want a really large glass of coke. With extra ice. I literally couldn't sleep last night because that heat wave was so strong, it affected the whole house and me Matty, and Lola couldn't sleep. I think Carmen is the only person who can sleep through heat...

"Where you going?", Santi asks me as he walks over

"Umm just to the store with Hayley real quick"


"You can't come this time, I'll see you bye"

He frowns as I shut the door

I haven't exactly told my brother about Travis yet and it's not because I don't want to, I just haven't got around to it. Only my sisters know, and if this goes well for me then I'll tell Santiago for sure.

The sun was practically attacking me with its heat as I walked outside, I started to reconsider wearing this hoodie. Anyway I saw Travis' car parked across the road and when I tell you that it was beautiful? I meant it.

He drove a black Honda accord and it just looked so fresh, I don't know what it is with guys and black cars. All my brothers have their license, dad said he'd get Santi whatever car he wanted as long as the results from our finals were good. Me on other hand, I haven't got my license, I mean I want to but for now I think I'm ok with being a passenger princess.

When I open the door to his car I'm hit with a flush of cool air from the AC, "God that feels good" I say with relief

"I figured you'd say that", He replies as I shut my door

"Ok where are we going, and is it far? I'm starving"

Travis starts the car, "Don't worry I got you. It's a ten minute drive"

"Good", I reply as I tie my hair back

He analyses me, "Who you dressed all pretty for?"

I snort, "Myself"

"Uhuh right, I see you with those tiny shorts-

I scoff with amusement, "They're not tiny"

"Honestly I don't mind, you got sexy thighs-

I hit him playfully, "Travis"

He grins, "I'm playing. Let's go"

We had basic conversation as he drove through town, least favourite food, worst gift ever received, stuff we like to do in our spare time (I learned that he boxes sometimes what the heck).

"So you can bake pretty much anything?"


He opens the door to the cafe for me, "There's no way you get your hands messy when you've got a manicure"

"Ironic isn't it"


I could also pretty much eat anything right now, after we sat down I picked up the menu right away. For todays special they've got tacos and burritos, I call that a jackpot.

Honestly today I wasn't in the brightest of moods

This morning I was supposed to see Rory, but they're not letting anyone see her because they claim she's not been behaving, but even so she has the right to have visitors. I've been trying to get her to move homes but when you're seventeen you're not taken seriously by social services, Evelyn's in Greece for a business trip and I don't want to tell her what's going on because she'll come right back straight away when she deserves a break. I don't want to bother my parents, it's not their problem.

I still wanted to go out with Adriana, disappointing her was not an option because I can tell she's finally starting to get comfortable around me so if pretending I'm good means I get to see her smile then I'll keep doing it.

A redheaded girl who looks about sixteen walks over to our table, she has her hair tied back into a bun and honestly looks pretty tired.

"Ready?", Adri asks me


"Hi you guys want to order?", The girl asks

I'm sensing an accent

Adriana smiles, "Yes please"

She takes her notepad and pen out of her waist apron before tucking a hair behind her ear, as she does so a middle aged woman rushes over to us. The blonde woman had the name badge Rachel pinned to her shirt, "Are you guys ready to order?"

The redhead sighs as she steps back

I'm assuming Rachel is her manager

"Yeah it's ok though, she was about to take our order", I reply

She looks back at the girl, "You can go wipe table ten-

"Uhhh what's wrong with her taking our order", Adri interrupts

"Oh she's still new, she only just moved here from Puerto Rico-

"Oh no problem, so she speaks Spanish then"

"Yes but-

"Hablas español?", Adri asks her

She smiles before nodding and Adriana completely disregards Rachel, "Tendré el taco especial"

-I'll have the taco special-

The girl writes her order down, well I'm assuming she's ordering since I picked out the word taco.

"Y tomaré una coca media con eso"
-and I'll have a medium coke with that-

Perfect hair, pretty eyes, nice body, fiery attitude, I'm now going to have to add her speaking Spanish to my list of turn ons.

"Algo más?"
-anything else?-

Adri shakes her head before looking at me, "What did you want again? The bacon cheeseburger"

The waitress was able to understand what she said and noted it down, honestly her manager acted like she was useless.

After about another minute she had gone back to the kitchen to put our order through, "Do you know how much of a turn on you are?"

For the first time she went a little red, "So you tell me"

"I'll have to change your nickname to hurricane Adri"

She laughs, "I don't even know how you come up with these names"

I hold her hand, "Easy. I match it to your personality"

She smiles a little, "I like this one"

"But of course. Spice is still the main one"


Saying that I enjoyed my tacos would be the understatement of the century, it was too good. I also may have stolen some of Travis' fries but it's all good because he didn't mind.

This day has been really relaxing although I can tell that somethings bothering him, I'm just not sure what.

When our waitress came back over to clear our table Travis' phone started to ring, "Hey I gotta take this but tell me when the bill comes"

"Alright", I watch as he walks away with some sort of feeling

"Tu novio ha terminado?"
-is your boyfriend finished?-


She gestures to his plate and I sigh "Oh, si"

He's not my boyfriend, but I can't be bothered to correct her. Instead I asked her what her name was.


I can tell that her manager treats her like shit and takes advantage of the fact that her english isn't great. I asked why she chose here of all places and she told me she works to help out her mom, she's only fifteen. And on top of that she lives a whole hour away, nobody else would take her.

Which gives me an idea

"Puedo recordarte otro lugar?"
-Can I recommend you another place?-


"My aunt owns a cafe nearby where you live, the people are nice and most of the staff are hispanic and latina"

Valeria's face lights up, "En serio?"

I smile before nodding in return, "Si quieres, te enseñan inglés también"
-if you want they can teach you english too-

She suddenly hugs me and my face softens as I return it, "Gracias" She murmurs

"It's ok-... here I'll give you the number"

I also gave her mine incase she ever needed anything, I know how it feels to be teased. No one actually knows this (except my siblings of course) but Isabella taught me Spanish before English so kindergarten for me was an absolute nightmare, thankfully because this is an English speaking country I was able to pick up on the language quickly.

When Travis came back it was very evident that something was wrong, if anything he looked annoyed.

"Hey is everything ok?", I ask him

He sighs, "No"

He gestures to Valeria for the bill and she nods before leaving the table, "I'll take you home and-

I frown as I tuck in my chair, "No wait somethings been bothering you all day. What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just-... I gotta go find Rory"

I raise my eyebrows, "Is she ok?"

"I would know that if her social worker was able to keep track of her. She left the group home again"

"I'll come"

"Adri it's ok you don't have to-

"Trav you've been pretending to be happy all day", I say softly

"Half of it wasn't pretend, I really did wanna go out with you", He assures me

I smile in return, "I know.... so come on let's go find Rory"

"Does she do this often?"

He sighs as he stops at a traffic light, "Yeah"

"How come she doesn't live with you?"

"It's pretty complicated.... I think she'd find it too awkward. We're trying to get her to move in with Evelyn"

"But her social worker doesn't want that does she", I say knowingly


We were driving to his childhood home because that's where his biological mom lives, apparently Rory often goes there to see how their mother is doing.

Travis pulled up to a house that looked quite unkept and uncared for, the porch steps were a hazard since the bottom step was broken, there were also clothes hung up to be dried and the front door was left open ajar. "Gosh I hate coming here" Travis mutters

I follow him out of the car and I look around as we approach the house, I wonder what Casey and Rory are like.

"Watch your step", He holds my hand as we walk up the porch

"If Rory was one when you were all taken away how does she have memory of Casey?", I ask curiously

"Cause she went to go look for her when she was eleven and hasn't stopped ever since, I don't like her coming here" Travis replies before opening the door

The first thing you saw when you entered was the kitchen which was on the left hand side, there were about a million unwashed dishes in the sink and glasses of unfinished juice lying around, the fridge was opened a little and I could already tell that it was empty (there were beers on the side though).

It was really hot in here and the house was generally a mess. We hear footsteps make their way down a couple stairs so we turn around, I saw a girl who was a little short and she had short wavy hair. She was dressed in a cropped tank top with a hoodie to go with it and then a pair of green cargos. "Travis?"

"Rory", He says with relief

She jumps on him happily and he smiles as he returns his sisters hug, it was honestly so sweet to watch. "You need to stop running away"

"I can't stand it over there", Rory murmurs

Travis sighs, "I know. But it's not any better here"

"Where's Casey", He then asks

"Mom is at the store"

"She's no mother, and you mean she's off buying drugs with that young boyfriend of hers" He says annoyed

"She's not always high anymore Trav, she said she'd take me to dinner-

"No that's not happening. Come on I gotta get you back before your social worker reports you as missing"

"I wanna stay here-

"She can't take care of you Rory and you know that"

"Well it's not like you're doing anything to get me out of that group home either, you're just enjoying that rich family that you got dumped with" She snaps

I raise my eyebrows


"First of all I did not get dumped there, they are my family as much as you are so get that straight. And I'm doing everything I can to get you to move in with Evelyn but I can't do that if you keep running away to be with Casey, your social worker already doesn't take me seriously"

This is the first time I've seen him get irritated

Rory finally looks at me, "Who even are you?-

"Don't talk to her like that, just get in the car"

She completely disregards her brother, "Are you his girlfriend?"

"Not exactly", I reply

"So just some side chick then"

damn, ma's got an attitude

"Side chick? Wow do better" I say amused

She reminds me of myself

"Rory, car. Now" Travis says annoyed

She rolls her eyes before leaving the house, "Whatever"

"Sorry about her"

"Don't sweat it, she's a young Adri"

He snorts as he follows me out, "No she's a bitch when she doesn't get her way"

"So me"

"I haven't seen that side of you yet, but possibly"

"Trust me it's pretty ugly"

Travis stops me from walking and I frown as I look back at him, I'm not even kidding he then kissed me. Yes he kissed me, and we all know I don't make kisses a big deal but I like him and for some reason I think that this is a big deal. Once over the surprise, I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds onto me like he never wants to let go.

I felt a swarm of butterflies which is not like me at all, what's going on with you Adriana.

Eventually we unattached our lips but I continue to hold his face so that our mouths are still hovering over each other.

"You just kissed me" I whisper, still in shock

"I've been wanting to do that for awhile"

"You should've"

"I didn't know how you'd take it"

"Like I want it to happen again"

I kiss Travis once more and he grins against my lips whilst squeezing my hips. Our moment was then ruined because of the loud car horn that practically gave us a fright, "This isn't the movies!" Rory yells out of the window

We both turn back

"That wasn't necessary", Travis tells her

"You're kissing on our mothers porch, I think it was"

I smile as he leads me down the steps

"Like I said. She's a bitch"

"Yeah I got that"

I get in besides him at the front and Rory leans forward, "Ten dollars says my brother didn't enjoy that kiss"

"Forty dollars says you won't get your first kiss until you're thirty five"

She frowns at me and Travis laughs whilst putting on his seatbelt, "That wasn't funny"

"It was"

Apparently I'm hurricane Adri so why not play the part, Rory doesn't like me but I can put up with that because I'll just win every argument

Nobody out bitches me

oh, hi guys *haha nervous laugh
Here's a chapter for u xxxxx
Tell me what we think of Rory

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