Worth The Risk

By dreammcatcher

438K 14.8K 3.8K

Ivy knows it's time to return to her childhood seaside town to battle the demons of her past. Two years away... More

Author's Note and Aesthetics
01 | broken heels
02 | do I remember how to flirt?
03 | you didn't really come for the tea
04 | multiple orgasms?
05 | surprise, surprise
06 | you're related
07 | gossip central
08 | why did you leave?
09 | nose ring & a buzzcut
10 | daisy, the cow
11 | surf's up
12 | lost your sparkle
13 | stop falling for me
14 | jealous & protective
15 | ice cream dates
16 | bitter sweet
17 | you're a bully
18 | princess, listen to me
19 | not his type
20 | i dare you
21 | platonic friends
22 | he hurt her?
23 | not a very nice friend
24 | i know you want me
25 | i'm sorry
26 | he's a scorpio
27 | what the fuck did you say
28 | sexual dreams
29 | come for me, princess
31 | we're home
32 | crazy parents
33 | accidental nudes
34 | give me one more
35 | i trust you
36 | it's yours
37 | i'm never running
38 | not family friendly
39 | test subject
40 | tears & secrets
41 | good news
42 | i still love you, ivy
43 | talk about problems
44 | i need you
45 | i'm seeing your best friend
46 | it's serious?
47 | panic & protect
48 | shower walls
49 | always worth the risk
Bonus Chapter

30 | no more games

8.1K 283 113
By dreammcatcher

✲ ✲ ✲


The taste of Ivy resting on my tongue is making me unbelievably hard.

Even thinking about the way she whimpered into my mouth and clutched onto my shoulders for support—that is also making me stupidly hard.

As we stand facing each other, catching our breaths, we both know we need to leave before we're caught together and people start asking questions. Finn will need me for the second half of the match after our mini drink break but instead mine consisted of Ivy coming all over my fingers whilst she moaned into my ear.

I give her one last smile before I exit the beach hut. My cock begins to soften as I watch the boys group up again. Yep, there is no way I'm going to be hard in public, especially not around Finn. That will be a dangerous game.

When I approach the drinks table, I crack the lid off a beer bottle and take three large sips before beginning the second half. I'm trying to keep focused but I can't stop thinking about the way Ivy's mouth moulded into mine, how our tongues brushed over one another, how I pinned her to the wall.

Good girl. I cooed. Fuck. She came all over my hand so fucking hard.

The ball slips past me and I curse to myself. A hand swats my shoulder and I find Finn in my direct eyeline. "What's the matter with you?" He scowls.

I don't know why he's taking this so seriously, it's just a bit of fun. "It's hot," I grumble, which isn't an entire lie. It's scorching out and I need a bucket of ice to be dumped over my head.

Finn rolls his eyes and I ignore him, I continue to play the game—or lack of because I can't focus for more than two seconds.

When the game is over...we lose badly, we join together on the beach. Music starts blasting and someone begins building a bonfire for when the sun starts to set. I purposely didn't look out into the crowd whilst playing football in case my eyes met Ivy's.

Then it would have been a dead giveaway.

I hate to admit it but the idea of sneaking around with Ivy gives me a thrill. It was extremely unexpected but I loved every second of it. Doing something dirty with our friends only a few feet away.

A little secret between us.

Of course Finn is going to be furious if he ever finds out what went down between us but right now, it's probably best that he doesn't know. It's definitely not going to be the last either. There is no way I'm not going to hear those sexy moans again. No way.

I float between groups until the fire is roaring and the sun has set, the sky lit up with stars that remind me of Ivy and her constellation hunting. My head turns towards the flock of people who are standing around the bonfire and the tree logs.

My eyes spot Ivy instantly, she's standing with Daisy and Isaac and a girl who I don't recognise or even remember her name. She smiles at something Daisy says but she's talking directly to Isaac and then they laugh.

I raise the cup to my lips and take a large mouthful. Ivy chews on her plump bottom lip, the one I was sucking on about an hour ago. Her eyes wander from Daisy to the party around her and then in my exact direction.

Her mouth parts when she notices that I'm staring, then her throat clenches and I can't help but smirk. Glad to know that she's still being affected by what went down between us.

God, I'd do so much more to her. So much more.

Ivy's cheeks begin to heat up and she stares at Isaac as he speaks but I can tell she wants to look back at me. I press my hand into my pocket and dig out my phone, scanning through my contacts. Finn gave me her number, for 'emergencies'. This most definitely is an emergency.


Glad to know you're still a bit flustered, princess. Can't stop thinking about me?

I hit send and flick my eyes back over to her. She plucks her phone from her short pocket and glances at the screen, eyebrows pinch together. I can practically see her heart beat out of her chest when she reads over the message.

Somehow I manage to suppress a chuckle as her innocent eyes widen in shock.

Her gaze flicks from her phone to me and I drop my eye into a wink. I notice her nostrils flare as she runs her thumbs across her screen quickly.


I'm not thinking about you. And I'm not flustered, I'm hot from the bonfire.

Amusement lights in my eyes as I read over her text.


The bonfire? It's over on the other side of the beach. Just admit it, you liked riding my fingers. You most definitely liked coming.

Ivy's throat tenses and she takes a tiny step backwards. Her head shakes and she locks her phone, clutching it to her chest with shaky hands.

I breathe through my nose quickly and type another message.


Are you embarrassed, princess? Because you shouldn't be.

If only you knew what I've been dreaming of doing to you.

Ivy glances at her phone again and stares at the screen for what feels like an eternity. She doesn't look up at me but her lip finds its way between her teeth again and she slowly begins to type.


Like what?

The smirk on my face is permanent. I knew it. She fucking wants it bad. So bad.


You didn't think I'd tell you that easily, did you?

I notice the way something flushes across Ivy's face. Blood splashes against her cheeks and she swallows harshly. I'm evil, I know I am but I want her to own her sexual desires.

For some reason I think she feels like she has a reason to be embarrassed by them, when instead she should be thriving on them. I want to prove to her that she should be in charge of her own sexual fantasies and if she wants them, she can admit it to herself.


I see it's your turn to play games


No games, princess. Just admit you want me and I'll tell you every little dirty thing I'd do to you, right down to the last detail.

Those blue eyes find mine within seconds. I spot her chest move and heave quicker than before and I find my own breathing matching hers. Shit. How am I getting myself worked up?


I might want you, JJ, but we know it's wrong.

I stare at those words for far too long. I might want you. That's good enough for me.

She can finally admit it to herself but that guilt will always follow her around like a dark rain cloud. I've got to somehow get her out of that headspace, figure out what we can say to Finn without him murdering us both.


It might be wrong but that's still not going to stop me from dragging my tongue down your sweet cunt and make you come with just my mouth.

Then when I fuck you, I'm going to take my time with you. Until you're begging me to fuck you harder. But I won't. I'll tease you and torture you until you're crying and pleading for me to do more. And when I give you what you want, I'll make you thank me for letting you come all over my cock.

Because this time, princess, this time... I am going to savour every damn second. So we're going to do it my way and you're going to forget your own fucking name.

Somehow I've got my own blood flowing, rushing through my veins just thinking about teasing Ivy and listening to her sweet pleas for me to speed up, to make her come.

I love the idea of being in charge. Of being in control of her pleasure.


Ivy reads over the message, her eyes widen as well as dilate and I feel heat burn inside my chest. She raises a trembling hand to push back her beautiful blonde hair, Daisy catches her shoulder and she quickly shoves her phone away.

I guess it'll give her something to think about tonight.

I've got another date with my fist because I have a permanent imprint of what happened earlier in my brain, fresh and ready for my own release. God, I'm going to be thinking about her all night and I'm not even sorry about it.

"There is the worst football player ever," an arm slings over my shoulder and I turn to find Finn in my face. His eyes are bloodshot and his words slurred. Of course he's drunk, when doesn't he get drunk? "I forgive you for being shit."

I snort quietly. "Gee, thanks."

Finn removes his arm from my shoulder and sways in front of me, bringing his bottle of beer to his mouth. "Who were you texting?"


He points to my phone in my hand and I push it into my pocket, not wanting Ivy's name to pop up on the screen. "Just someone from back home." I lie. "Nothing major."

"Oh," Finn nods and then turns away from me. "Oooop, Daisy is strolling past."


"So?" He repeats. "She's gagging for you."

I fold my arms over my chest, shaking my head. "I ended that ages ago, keep up."

Finn's mouth falls open. "Why?"

My shoulders raise to release. "I wasn't feeling it and I didn't want to lead her on. No point forcing something that is never going to work."

"I can't believe you," he punches my side lightly. "Daisy, of all people. She's fucking unbelievable."

"Just not what I'm looking for..."

Finn takes another sip of his drink. "Then what are you looking for?"

I run my tongue over my bottom lip. "Someone who I can have real conversations with, someone who listens to me, who tries to understand me. Preferably on the quiet side but has a different side when she's with me, I like that someone can feel comfortable enough with me to come out of their shell completely. Blonde, blue eyes, shorter than me, super smart."

My mouth slams shut when I realise I went off into a crazy tangent. I glance at Finn who is staring me dead in the eye, one twitches. "Explain to me why you just described my sister."

"What?" I say instantly. "No I didn't."

Finn scowls at me. "Yeah... you did."

"Ivy isn't the only smart, quiet blonde I've ever met, you do realise that?"

He keeps looking at me and I begin to feel heat begin to spike on my neck with a wave of anxiety. "So you're saying you don't fancy my sister?"

I groan silently. "She's pretty." Beautiful. "And she's nice."

"Uhh huhhh," Finn pokes his tongue into his cheek as if he can't believe I just complimented his sister. "Don't ever say that shit again."

My hands throw up in defeat. "I don't really know what you want me to say, you want me to insult her to your face instead?"

"No!" He shouts and I suck in a breath. "But I don't want to hear you say how you find her pretty either, that shit is weird and I don't like it."

I roll my eyes until they hurt. "Alright, then let's change the subject."

Finn crosses his arms and I drop mine. He continues to stare at me.

"Actually, I'm going to get another drink and pretend this entire conversation never happened," I mumble before walking away.

Finn snorts. "Gladly."

As I approach the drinks table, I barely recognise the back of Daisy's head as I become desperate for another drink. So Finn thinks me finding Ivy pretty is weird, okay noted. Least he doesn't know that I had my tongue shoved down her throat and my fingers inside her pussy.

What he doesn't know can't hurt him.

Daisy turns to me as I pour a rather large drink, those green eyes studying my choice in spirit. "Seems like you really needed that drink." She chuckles lightly.

My eyebrows raise and I down it, the liquid burning my throat. "Badly."

"Hey, look," she says after a few moments and I turn towards her. I watch as her lips open a couple times before she meets my eyes. "I'm slightly mortified about what went down between us. With how forward and annoying I was, I realise now that I was being extremely overbearing and I'm sorry."

I blink once, shocked by her confession. "It's alright, no hard feelings, Daisy."

She nods slowly and lowers her eyes. "You should have just told me that you liked Ivy. At the time I didn't notice it but after you said things between us won't work out, I saw the way you looked at her. It was so obvious."

"Don't say anything to Finn," I blurt.

There is no point in denying my feelings for her best friend, it's out in the open now.

She waves me off. "Of course not, it's not my business. I want to see Ivy happy. It makes sense."

"Nothing is really going on between us," I admit because it's not. We fooled around for the first time today since our one-night stand. "I don't think Ivy is ready to commit to anything right now and I understand."

Daisy flashes me a small smile before she grips my shoulder gently. "She'll come around soon, give her some time. She knows what she wants but she's not the type of girl to rush into things."

"I know," I comment. Maybe that's why I am enjoying the chase so much.

Other girls have given it to me so easily and I get bored but the chase with Ivy, it gives me a reason to try, to tease and flirt. It makes me feel exhilarated and I live for every second of it.

But when she lets down her walls and allows me into her life, I know I'm going to enjoy that part even more.

Daisy leaves the drinks table and proceeds to a group of people I haven't met yet. I take down a breath and then grimace at the taste of my drink. Too damn strong. I notice Ivy sitting alone by the fire, staring endlessly into the flames.

I don't even think about my next moves, I desperately want to be in her company.

When I pause beside her, she doesn't even notice me. "Deep in thought, are we?" I say playfully. She snaps her gaze to mine and I drink in that breathtaking face. "Dwelling over my text."

"No," she grumbles but her heated skin is a dead give away.

"Sure, sure." I nod

Ivy rolls her lips together and then closes her eyes.

"I meant what I said," I say slowly. "About wanting to dip my head between your legs. That one taste wasn't enough."

She stands up from the log so quickly that I take a step backwards. "JJ, this can't—"

"Can't what?" I cut over her. I already know where her sentence is leading but I don't want to hear it. "Can't continue? Because every time I come onto you, you can't resist. You don't push me away and you know why."

Those weary blue eyes drag to mine and she wraps herself up in her arms, protecting herself from her own vulnerability. I wish I could make it go away, for her own sake.

"Wanting something and being able to have it are two completely different things." She says through a shaky breath, the words clearly sitting heavy on her chest.

I find myself staring at her in disbelief. After those text messages, this is what she says to me? Those words make me feel slightly nauseous. She's going to deprive herself of what she wants to make other people happy? I wish she'd think of herself for once.

"Maybe you need to take control of your own life, Ivy, rather than letting others dictate what you can and can't do."

Ivy's lip wobbles slightly and when she says nothing more, I simply walk away.

I hope Daisy is right, she'll come around sooner or later.

But at this point I don't want to chase anymore, I want her to know what she wants and to own it. Because I know she's capable of it and if she truly wants this, I want her to prove it to herself.

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Author's Note

Hello my loves, what did we think of this chapter?👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼

OKAYYYYY JJ, he'll make her thank him for allowing her to come? I'm about to scream😈🥵😩

Also the way JJ just described Ivy to Finn and he caught on hahah, love to see it

JJ might want Ivy but he sure as hell can be stubborn, this is on Ivy now. What do you guys think is going to happen?🤔

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed⭐️, it really makes my day!

Love Savanna x

Insta: SavRose.x
Tik Tok: SavannaWritess

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