Resonate | Kang Taehyun x Rea...

By hunietyun

36K 1.4K 2.5K

Taehyun and Y/N, two individuals who can't stand each other. But when something happens to Y/N, the two are f... More

Prologue & Information
Chapter 1: The Games Begin
Chapter 2: New Boy, New Problems
Chapter 3: Jealous of the Hero
Chapter 4: Karate Taehyun
Chapter 5: I Think He Knows
Chapter 6: Oh Party Party Yeah
Chapter 7: Fancy Balls
Chapter 8: Weird Gooshy Feelings
Chapter 9: Jay's Rave
Chapter 10: Zombie Takeover
Chapter 12: Y/N vs Taehyun
Chapter 13: Leaking Fish
Chapter 14: Grounded
Chapter 15: Movie Stars
Chapter 16: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 17: Wheel of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 18: Sinking Feeling
Chapter 19: Gangnam
Chapter 20: Finale

Chapter 11: Not Sure How to Feel

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By hunietyun

"I can't believe I actually like him." Y/N slumped against the wall of her dorm as she pouted.

"Oh come on it's not that bad." Yunjin said with her head hanging off the side of her bed.

"It is bad! I can't like my sworn enemy." Y/N crossed her arms.

Yunjin moved upright. "Wait tell me how you figured out how you liked him again?"

Y/N sighed. "I had a dream we were stuck in a zombie apocalypse together and we almost kissed at the end."

"So how does that confirm that you like him?"

"Because I wanted to kiss him!" Y/N groaned as she grabbed her pillow and smashed it into her face. "This sucks." She mumbled

Yunjin laughed. "Who else was in this dream?"

"Just Sunghoon, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Missy."

Yunjin raised a brow. "Missy? You mean that annoying girl from your linear algebra class?"

"Yeah that one." Y/N nodded.

"Why don't you tell Taehyun how you feel?" Yunjin suggested causing Y/N to scoff. "Yeah and I might as well sell my dignity while I'm at it."

Yunjin shrugged. "Just a suggestion."

"Yeah a shit one!" Y/N groaned. "He can never know I like him."

Yunjin sat up and looked at her friend. "You know Taehyun isn't as awful as you make him seem. Give him a chance."

Y/N shook her head. "No no I can't do that. I've got to get rid of these feelings."

Yunjin sighed and shook her head. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

Y/N smacked her lips. "No idea."

Yunjin laid back down and pulled out her phone. "Well when you figure it out, let me know."

"Hey you're supposed to be helping me." Y/N pouted.

"Well right now I'm off duty." Yunjin said looking at her phone screen.

"Some friend you are." Y/N mumbled before getting off her bed. She grabbed her phone and keys before shoving them into her pocket.

She left the get some fresh air but those plans were interrupted as Sunghoon came up to her.

"Hey Y/N." He said making the girl give him a nod.

"Woah no verbal greeting?" Sunghoon said as he shook his head.

"Nope not today." She sighed.

"Are you sick or something? What's wrong with you?" Sunghoon asked looking at the girl with a worried expression.

"I am perfectly fine, just dealing with some stuff." Y/N sighed.

"Ohhhh, it's not related to what happened at the party right?" Sunghoon asked putting his hands behind his back.

Y/N shook her head. "Nope."

"Oh good. That party was awesome! I never knew how much of a badass I am." He smirked as he punched the air.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Sunghoon you barely did any fighting."

"Nuh uh! I was brave and I helped! Even if I wanted to piss myself the whole time."

Y/N laughed. "You know you can always quit the team if it's too much to handle."

Sunghoon shook his head. "No way! This opportunity will finally make me a man!"

Y/N blinked. "Lovely, anyway are you going to follow me around all day or do you have other plans?"

Sunghoon shrugged. "I don't know. I just saw you and figured I'd say hi." Y/N looked at him. "But you seem like you're not in the mood for hellos." Sunghoon laughed nervously.

Y/N raised her brows. "Oh really! What gave it away?"

"That attitude." Sunghoon snapped as Y/N sighed once again.

"Look I'm sorry, I just have a lot of stuff on my mind right now." Y/N said with a small frown.

"Apology accepted! Now buy me coffee." Sunghoon flashed a toothy smile.

Y/N snickered. "Not happening."

Sunghoon whined. "Come onnnn."

"Nope." The girl said as Sunghoon continued to follow her begging for coffee.

With Taehyun:

Taehyun was in his dorm, sitting on the couch. His black strands were damp due to the shower he took this morning.

Soobin walked in and crossed his arms. "You look tired." He commented.

Taehyun sighed. "I've been up all night."

Soobin raised a brow. "That's suspicious, you're usually responsible when it comes to your bedtime." He sat next to him. "What's up?"

Taehyun ruffled his wet hair. "It's nothing really."

"It's obviously important if you're losing sleep over it." Soobin said pressing for an answer.

Taehyun sighed once again as he laid back. "Last night Beomgyu and I found Y/N at the library but she was asleep. When we woke her up she looked at me and then ran out. I don't know it was just weird and out of character for her."

Soobin shrugged. "Maybe she was embarrassed you caught her sleeping. I don't think it's anything big."

Taehyun nodded his head. "If you say so, anyway can you let everyone know I need them here around 5."

Soobin pulled out his phone and messaged the group chat. "What for?"

Taehyun stood up and shook his wet hair. "We're sneaking into the bank's president's house, I need some answers." He said before leaving the room.

Soobin made a face. "Well this should be interesting." He commented before going to kitchen to grab something to eat.

With Y/N:

Y/N had finally rid herself of Sunghoon and was headed to the library. Her and Taehyun's report was due in just a few days and they really needed to finalize some details.

But she couldn't face him, not after discovering she has feelings for him.

Her phone buzzed seeing Soobin's text the group chat. She sighed and put her phone back down before pulling out the report.

Y/N worked alone for about an hour before slamming her pencil down. Taehyun wouldn't leave her mind.

"Ugh! Get out of my head!" She smacked her head a few times with the palm of her hand.

"Trying to give yourself another concussion?" Taehyun suddenly appeared making the girl jump.

"Wha- what are you doing here!?" She asked in a state of panic.

Taehyun set his bag down. "It's a public library, what am I not allowed to be here?" He asked sitting down.

Y/N never felt such a strong urge to punch someone in her entire life.

Taehyun's eyes scanned over her figure. "Are you sure you're doing okay? You seem kinda out of it-"

"I'm fine!" Y/N intervened. "I was actually working on our assignment." She said shoving the report over to him. "We need to figure out what we're doing for the modern portion."

Taehyun sighed. "Well we can't write about my father. It's a secret mafia for a reason."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Oh please. If it was really secretive Sunghoon and I wouldn't have found out about it so easily."

Taehyun made a face. "Well most people aren't snooping in other's business."

Y/N gasped. "Are you serious? So me getting attacked by that Yuka member was my fault!?" She was clearly offended.

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Obviously that wasn't your fault! I'm talking about Sunghoon!" He hissed as Y/N's expression softened. "You're situation was different." Taehyun's tone changed.

Y/N moved her gaze away from him. "So what should we write?" She asked changing the subject.

"I'll make up some bull and write it out later." Taehyun said moving the report back to her.

Y/N grabbed it and sighed. "What was the meeting about? Why are we needed at 5?"

"We're sneaking into someone's house." Taehyun said making the girl look at him with confusion.

"Who's house?"

"Remember how I said I was going to set up a meeting with the bank's president? Well he's currently 'absent'. Apparently he's staying at his sea side beach house." Taehyun said grabbing the report again and shoving it in his bag. "I'm getting my answers tonight."

"Wait but shouldn't we discuss everything before we leave?" Y/N suggested as her eyes followed Taehyun's figure who was now standing up.

"Come to the dorm at five and we'll talk about it." He said before leaving.

Y/N sighed watching him leave as she rubbed her temple. "I have to rid myself of these feelings." She pulled out her phone and typed in 'how to stop liking someone'.

One of the suggestions that intrigued her as finding something about the other that was an instant turn off.

Y/N put her phone and got up. "Well guess I've gotta figure out my Taehyun ick." She spoke to herself before leaving.

At the dorm:

Everyone had arrived at 5, just like Taehyun requested.

"Thanks for being on time." He said before slamming down a folder and opening it. "I wanna discuss everything that we know so far."

Everyone crowded around as Taehyun a few documents forward. "We know Yuka is stealing money from an unknown source."

"What about the account that's stated here." Soobin asked pointing to the account number.

"It's a fake, I looked into the number and the account doesn't exist."

"Where could Yuka get the money though? It's not like millions of dollars are easily accessible." Y/N said crossing her arms.

"I suspect that Yuka's found a loophole and the bank's president is helping him steal the money." Taehyun said looking at her.

"We find out where they're taking the money from." Yeonjun said as they all agreed.

Taehyun put the documents back into the folder before putting it away. He motioned for everyone to follow him down a hallway. He pulled out a key and opened a door to reveal a dark room stacked with guns, ammo, bulletproof suits, and other weapons.

"Woah." Sunghoon said running a hand through his brown hair.

"I don't like using this stuff but tonight's going to be dangerous." Taehyun said taking a handgun off the shelf and checking the mag. "Boys, grab a gun and put on one of these suits." He said as they obeyed and left for change.

Y/N wandered around as her eyes scanned the shelves.

Taehyun looked at her as he sighed. "I really don't want you coming tonight, you're still recovering from the last incident."

Y/N turned to him, her eyes sharp. "This is important, I'm not staying here." She said making Taehyun sigh again.

"Fine, but I'm staying with you." He said before walking over to a shelf past her and grabbing a small object. He walked back over to her and handed it to her.

Y/N took it and raised a brow. "What is this?"

"It's a retractable staff. It's got quite a reach on it, I think you'll make good use of it." Taehyun said as he fixed his collars.

"You don't want me using a gun?" She asked shoving the staff into her pocket.

Taehyun finished fixing his collar in the mirror. "I'd really prefer if you didn't. I honestly don't even want Sunghoon using one." He looked her in the eye. "Killing someone is a big deal, I don't want that burden on you."

Y/N only gave a nod as the boys walked in.

"We're ready." Kai said looking at Taehyun.

Taehyun looked at the younger male. "Okay, let's go." He turned to Y/N one last time before leaving the room with everyone following him.

At the President's House:

"We sneak in through the roof." Taehyun said as Beomgyu opened the bag he was carrying.

He and Taehyun had put together some supplies before they arrived.

Taehyun grabbed the rope with a hook attached at the end. He stepped back as he swung it around and around before throwing it up. The book latched onto the edge of roof. Taehyun gave a strong tug to make sure it was secure.

"Yeonjun go first." Taehyun said as Yeonjun nodded. He grabbed the rope and began to climb up. Soobin, Beomgyu, Kai, and Sunghoon followed shortly after.

"You scared?" Taehyun asked looking at the female.

Y/N rolled her eyes and grabbed the rope. "You wish." She said before began to climb up.

Taehyun shook his head and followed after her. Soon they were all the roof.

Sunghoon looked around and noticed the opening to the ventilation system. "Guys over here!" He said as he pointed to it.

Yeonjun smirked. "I've got this." He said as he backed up. He got a running start before kicking the cage door. It busted open as he turned to everyone. "Ahem! Where's my thank you?"

"If we make it out alive I'll give you one." Y/N snapped as she shoved past the others and entered the opening.

Taehyun followed after her and soon did the others.

"Where do we go from here?" Y/N asked.

"Take a right here, there should be an opening." Kai said as Y/N nodded. She stood the right and sure enough there was an opening. Her legs swung out the opening as she carefully dropped onto the ground below.

"See anything?" Taehyun asked as Y/N looked around.

"No, come on." She said as she moved out the way for the others.

It was around 8, meaning it was dark. The trip there took forever.

Everyone quietly dropped onto the floor as they checked their surroundings.

"Damn you'd think they'd have some lights on." Soobin said squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the knew lighting.

"Let's just find this traitor." Taehyun said taking out his gun.

"Let's split up." Kai said. "Me, Yeonjun, Soobin, and Beomgyu will head this way, you guys go that way." He pointed in opposite directions.

Taehyun nodded. "Good luck." He said as the seven separated.

"Where could this guy even be?" Sunghoon said holding his gun.

Taehyun looked over at him. "No idea, the fatass could be sleeping for all I know."

"This place feels empty, suspiciously empty." Y/N commented.

"Well let's just hope it stays that way." Taehyun said as they rounded a corner. "Let's head downstairs, we'll probably have better luck down there."

Y/N and Sunghoon stuck close as they took carefully steps down each marbled stair.

Once they were on the first level, Sunghoon noticed a light was on. "He's in there." He pointed.

Y/N and Taehyun around. "Guess we found our guy." She said as they slowly walked over.

Taehyun pressed his back again the wall and raised his gun up. He peeked inside to see the president enjoying a feast. "He's alone, let's go."

The three walked in. Sunghoon and Taehyun pointed their guns at him as Y/N crossed her arms.

The president's eyes widened as he dropped his fork. He went to reach down into his pocket but Taehyun cut him off.

"Don't try anything, I'll put a bullet through your head regardless if I get my answers or not."

The president raised his hands in defeat. "Yuka warned me that you'd be coming."

Taehyun walked over. Sunghoon kept still as Y/N stood by him. "Glad he gave you a heads up. Now I know you know why I'm here."

The president only scoffed. "Of course I do. You want to know my business with him, no?"

"Where are you stealing the money from?" Taehyun asked moving closer, his finger grazing over the trigger.

"I can't disclose that to you, I'm sure you know that Taehyun."

Taehyun's glared harshly at him as he pressed the gun against his neck. "I'm not going to ask again."

The president laughed. "Are you really going to kill me?"

Taehyun shoved the gun harder into his skin. "Without hesitation."

"I will live to see the utopia Yuka will create." The president said throwing Taehyun off for a split second. The president used this time and smashed his fist against a button that was under his table.

"What's going on!?" Sunghoon asked as Y/N raced to the closing doors. She gripped the knob and pulled as hard as she could. "Shit he's locked us in!"

Sunghoon turned around as his eyes widened. "Y/N back up, BACK UP!" He shouted as she did so.

The bookshelves that decorated the dining room began to move as Yuka members emerged, each one baring the snake tattoo.

One took out his gun and began shooting.

"Y/N watch out!" Taehyun shouted as he dropped to the floor.

Y/N ducked just in time as the bullets aimed at her hit the door instead.

Sunghoon crawled under the long dining room table and began to shoot back at the men.

Taehyun began shooting as well as he made his way over to Y/N.

"This is why I need a gun!" Y/N shouted.

"We can take about the ethics of that later!" Taehyun said moving next to her. "Where's the staff I gave you!?"

Y/N pulled it out of her pocket. As she tried to open it. "It's not opening!"

Taehyun fired another round of shots. "Pull the pin!" He shouted.

Y/N did that as the staff freed itself. Taehyun wasn't lying when he said it had reached. She looked up at see the president being escorted out.

"He's getting away!"

"We have other issues to worry about than that!" Sunghoon said before ducking deeper into the table.

Y/N's eyes darted to the men that were coming from both directions. She noticed that the ceiling had large wooden beams running across the top that led outside of the dining room. She checked the reach of the staff before getting out of her hiding spot.

"Y/N! What are you doing!?" Taehyun said as Y/N jumped on the table.

"I got this." She panted as she flipped to the side to dodge a bullet flying at her.

"I swear this idiot!" Taehyun shouted giving her cover.

Y/N jumped up and grabbed onto the chandelier that was dangling over the middle of the table. She climbed up just in time to avoid the shots being fired at her.

"Take care of the guys in here! I'm going after the president!" She shouted as she began to climb up the metal chain.

"You're going to get yourself killed!" Sunghoon shouted after peeking his head out to see what she was doing.

"Shit!" Taehyun cursed as he kept the members off Y/N.

Y/N successfully climbed all the way up the chain. She threw her staff into the top of the beam. "Here gos nothing." She said as she took a leap and grabbed onto the top of the beam. She hoisted herself up, a few bullets hitting just a few inches away from her feet.

Y/N grabbed her staff and ran across the beam. She dipped down to avoid more shots before she got back up.

Taehyun looked up to make sure she was okay. He noticed a member aiming his gun at her. He shot the gun out of his hand before shooting him.

Sunghoon crawled all the way to the other end of the dining table before shooting one in the foot.

Y/N ran all the way to the end of the beam before she stopped. She panted and looked at the beam she needed to jump to next. It was the closest to the opening that would allow her to get outside.

"You got this..."she told herself as she backed up a little before running and launching herself. Her hands reached the edge of the beam before she slipped. One hand was gripping the beam while the other was dangling and holding her staff.

"Y/N!" Taehyun shouted seeing her struggling.

Y/N ignored him as she began to rock herself back and forth to gain momentum. Once she was swinging fast enough, she let go twisted backward onto the beam.

Sunghoon was pretty amazed by her agility as he continued the shoot out. There were two guys left for them to take care of.

Taehyun made a run for it as he ran into the dining table with Sunghoon.

"I've got to get to Y/N, she's basically dead on her own!" Taehyun hissed.

"You distract, I'll shoot!" Sunghoon said as Taehyun nodded. He got out from under the dining table making one of the guys turn his attention towards him.

Sunghoon used this opportunity and shot him in the ribs.

"Let's go! Did you see that!?" Sunghoon celebrated. "Woah shit! Forgot there was another one." He moved behind a chair.

Taehyun grabbed something off the table which was ceramic tea cup. He chucked the cup near the last guy, making him distracted. Taehyun used this and shot him.

Sunghoon and Taehyun panted as they got out from under the table. "Come on, let's go out the way they came in." Taehyun said as they ran to the bookshelves.

With Y/N:

Y/N was running as fast as she could with the staff in hand.

She had finally found the president and two men who were escorting him away.

She urged her body to go faster as she jumped and grabbed onto a pair of curtains. They tore a little from the force as she made her way down.

"Hey you're supposed to be with those others!" One of the men shouted.

Y/N flipped the staff around in her hand before she pointed it at them. "I got out assholes." She smirked.

"Get her." The other said in a calmer tone as they both pulled out their guns.

Y/N kicked one away as she knocked the gun out of his hand with her staff. She then flipped it over and swept the other guard's feet out from under him.

He came crashing down with a thud as he went to shoot her. Y/N stomped on his wrist making him let of the gun.

The other guard yelled as he came at her with a punch. Y/N ducked and kicked his back making him stumble into a wall.

The president used this opportunity to try and get away.

"You're not going anywhere!" Y/N said running after him. She slammed the staff into his side making him tumble onto the floor.

The two guards she was previously fighting came back for another attack, but this time with their guns.

Y/N used the president's body as a shield since she knew they wouldn't shoot at him. She kicked the president in the stomach sending him flying back onto the two men.

She kicked off the wall and swung the staff over her head before colliding it with one's skull. He blacked out on impact as she dealt with the other one.

With Sunghoon and Taehyun:

"What floor are we on!?" Sunghoon panted as they stopped running.

"I have no idea, but we've got to find Y/N." Taehyun urged as they started running again.

"Taehyun!" Yeonjun shouted as he and Kai came running up.

Taehyun and Sunghoon stopped once again and turned around. "Yeonjun, Kai? Where's the others?"

"We lost track of them while we were fighting. They've got to be somewhere on the second floor." Kai said with deep heavy breaths.

"Where's Y/N?" Yeonjun asked.

"She's going after the president, I'm trying to find her." Taehyun said, eyes darting between the two.

"I heard commotion going on the first floor. After that I ran up here, the third floor." Yeonjun added.

"Sunghoon go with them and find the others, I'll find Y/N." Taehyun said as he began reloading his gun.

Sunghoon nodded as he left with others.

Taehyun was quick to find the staircase again as he ran as fast as he could back to the first floor.

With Y/N:

Y/N was trying her best against the other. She wasn't badly injured but she definitely had some bruises from being slammed into the wall a few times.

The Yuka member used his gun to give the president cover as he escaped.

"Shit." Y/N breathed out seeing him flee.

"It's over little girl." The member said only making Y/N angrier.

"It's over when I say it's over!" She snapped back as she ducked down and attempted to hit his feet with her staff. He jumped out of the way before kicking her in the face.

Y/N groaned as she fell back. She rolled to her side to avoid a punch before she wacked the guy away.

The guy stumbled back as Y/N flipped back onto her feet. She wiped her nose which was bleeding.

"Tough cookie you are." He smirked. "But not tough enough." He raised his gun at her making Y/N's eyes widened.

A gun shot went off as Y/N gasped.

"Y/N!" Taehyun shouted putting his gun away. The member in front of her dropped dead.

"He got away-"

"I'm not worried about that." Taehyun panted, his gaze meeting hers. Their bodies almost touching. He grabbed her arm. "I'm worried about you."

Y/N looked down at his hand before she wiped the blood on her nose with her hand.

"I'm fine."

Taehyun let go. "What were you thinking!? You could've died."

"Someone had to go after him! Since you didn't want me to have a gun, I was useless in the dining room anyway!" Y/N argued back.

"That doesn't fucking matter! You're playing game you'll lose one day if you keep doing this." Taehyun said with a glare.

Y/N took a step away from him. "I can take care of myself, I don't you need your help!"

Taehyun scoffed. "Really? Because about a minute ago you almost got shot!"

Y/N didn't say anything, her sharp eyes only stayed on him.

"What was your plan? You would've been dead if I hadn't gotten here in time!"

"I SAID I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Y/N shouted out in a fit of rage.

Taehyun raised his brows in surprise.

The others ran in seeing the two standing there, glares being sent at one another.

Soobin could tell Taehyun was beyond mad. "Hey let's just go home." He said getting between the two.

They broke their gaze as the seven snuck back out of the house. Once they were back on campus, Y/N immediately got out of the car and ran back to her dorm.

"Damn what happened to her?" Beomgyu asked as he and others got out of the car.

"Nothing, let's go." Taehyun said as he glared at her running figure.

⋆┈┈。 ゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Anyway hope you guys enjoyed that!
We are getting closer to the finale (but not really lol)
Anyway see ya Friday!

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