Kamen Rider Chrono

By SnowBlitz0

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(I do not own Kamen Rider, this is simply for the fun of writing and suggest you take the time to check out a... More

Chapter 1: Wish for Hope
Chapter 2: Warrior in Gold
Chapter 3: Zodiac
Chapter 4: Pigs and Gears
Chapter 5: Lucky Rabbit Jumps the Moon
Chapter 6: Gears Time
Chapter 7: Rampaging Ox & Loyal Dog
Chapter 8: Paradox Authorized
Kamen Rider Chrono: Christmas Riders
Chapter 9: Back to school
Chapter 10: Rabbit Ox Dog Part 1
Chapter 11: Dragon Tiger Horse Part 2
Chapter 13: A Reason To Fight
Chapter 14: The Dreaded Dessert
Chapter 15: Alter Time
Chapter 16: Investigating the Riders
Chapter 17: Tiger and Horse
Chapter 18: Trishception
Chapter 19: Mercy's Contingency
Chapter 20: The Immovable Pig Guards the Innocents
Chapter 21: Kibou's Resignation
Chapter 22: A Normal Life
Chapter 23: The Chrono Trials
Chapter 24: Alter versus Gears
Chapter 25: Decide What You Want
Chapter 26: The Dragon's Command
Chapter 27: Who is Kamen Rider Chrono?
Chapter 28: I Know What I Want
Chapter 29: Chrono Booooost!
Chapter 30: Zetsubou
Chapter 31: The Fall of Aquos
Chapter 32: A Deadly Duel
Chapter 33: Time for a New World
Chapter 34: Hope vs Despair
Finale: The King of Time
Prologue: Kamen Rider Strike

Chapter 12: The Gears That Sets The Future

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By SnowBlitz0

Kibou: "So Gears..."

Yuya: "Hm? Want something, Chrono?"

About three days has passed since the Legendary Zodiacs attacked, and with their absence also came a stop to the constant Grunt attacks. At the moment both Yuya and Kibou were preparing to leave HOME for the day when a question popped into Kibou's head.

Kibou: "You said you came from the future, er, A future. What was it like?"

Yuya: "Oh, that. It was gloomy..."

Kibou: "Is that...? Is that it? I don't mean to pry, but I'd like to hear stories from it."

Yuya: "Alright... What I'm about to share stays between us."

Kibou: "Got it."

(Two Years Ago: Gears Timeline)

It must've been about half a decade since Kamen Rider Chrono went missing. As a last ditch effort, the survivors from HOME worked with the United Nations to set up a barricade around the city, trapping the Zodiacs inside. It worked for a bit, but the Beasts were just too strong for the average person, which led to the creation of the Gears Driver, using the A.I. Driver as the inspiration. 

A team was sent into the quarantine area to thin out the Zodiac Populace, a routine procedure, with Captain Artemis helming the squad. Inside this team were four people: Captain Artemis, Hunter, Walter, and a newer member by the name of Yuya. 

They weren't met with any resistance when they entered the zone, and split up to cover more ground. One hour. That was how long the Gears Driver could run without any serious damage to the user, and they were set to check in every seven minutes. The area that Yuya was sent into was the Abandoned School where a dozen readings were signaling off.

Past Yuya: "Henshin!"

Gears Driver: "Gears Time! Battle! Break! DESTROY! Kamen Rider Gears! Special System: All Green."

Yuya ran towards the group, crouching lower and slamming his shoulder into one of the Ox Grunts, tossing it over his shoulder. Another Ox Grunt came charging but was quickly repelled when Yuya pressed a button on his Driver, causing a Gear to shoot out and attach to his ankle, and kicked out at impressive speeds. 

Lightning started to crackle from the spot he kicked with the Grunt blowing up shortly after. Yuya let out a disgruntled noise as he glanced over his shoulder, quickly kicking back to do the same to another one. 

The soldier weaved under an attempted lariat, delivering swift jabs into the gut with his right fist and an upper to finish it with his left fist. Afterwards, Yuya cartwheeled away from another sneak attack and reached to his side, pulling out a curved sword that looked like it was made of junk. 

Once again the soldier dashed forward, just under a swing, and swiped the leg out from under one Grunt. He quickly brought his sword up to deflect an arm and spun around, kicking back three of them. Lightning began to pulse behind him and an explosion killed the rest. 

Yuya looked over the carnage that was caused by the rising of the Zodiac Beasts. Ever since that day clouds filled the sky of the Earth, not allowing a shred of light in, there was a purple-redish mist all around them, and it looked like nothing had lived here for a significant time. 

Walter: "I need back-up!"

Yuya snapped back to reality and pulled the radio off his belt, asking Walter to confirm his location.

Walter: The Old Factory Site! The Tiger is here, so please hu-!"

He was cut off, and Yuya couldn't shake this feeling of dread. He gripped the radio tightly before clipping it back on and jumping onto his bike, racing away. When he made it to the factory site he was a bit dazed. There was a large crater like a meteor had crashed into the Earth, something Chrono must've done, because there was no way that anyone with a Gears Driver could cause this.

Yuya slid down the hole until he made it to the middle where a couple figures were waiting. He froze in place as the Snake Zodiac turned to face him, and the Tiger Zodiac held up his squadmate.

The Snake Zodiac was a lengthy, petite figure, standing at an impressive twelve feet tall with arms just about that height. Its skin was a sickly green with scales all strewn about acting like armor, and its eyes were hollow all except for vertical, golden slits. Poison dripped from its claws as its tongue slipped out, showing off four feet fangs.

The Tiger Zodiac scoffed as he slowly began to turn, tossing Walter towards Yuya. The soldier caught his squadmate and looked down to see the damages. The sight made him sick to his stomach though. Walter's skin had already turned pale, eyes wide in fear as two large marks were dragged from his waist to chest. Blood had already stained the Gears Suit that he wore.

Artemis: "That you, Yuya?"

Yuya: "Uh... Yeah."

Artemis: "Think you can fight?"

Yuya: "I, uh... I should be able to."

Hunter: "Perfect! Then let's tear these beasts a new one for Walter!"

Hunter began forward, but was stopped by Artemis.

Artemis: "No! You take Walter's corpse and escape the zone."

Hunter: "What!? Why!?"

Artemis: "His family would want a body to bury... Sorry I was late, friend."

Artemis knelt down and closed Walter's eyes, getting blood on his glove. The Captain then stood up and pulled the sword from his back, which had a different appearance than the standard issue Gears Saber. This one moreso resembled a Knight's broadsword with a lever at the guard. He pulled the lever seven different times.

Gears Driver: "10 Percent. 20 Percent. 30 Percent. 50 Percent! 70 Percent! 80 Percent!! 90 Percent!! 100 Percent!!!"

Artemis: "I'll handle the Tiger Zodiac. Can you take the Snake?"

Yuya: "Leave it... to me!"

(Present Time)

Kibou: "So what happened after?"

Yuya: "Maybe some day I'll tell you the rest."

Kibou: "Huh? That's unfair."

Yuya: "Yeah? Well not exactly a fun thing to remember."

Kibou: "You got a point... Take care, Yuya."

Yuya: "Mhm, stay safe."

(Two Years Ago: Gears Timeline)

Yuya jumped into the air and kicked out, hitting the Snake Zodiac square in the chest, then quickly hopped so his other leg was raised and kicked at its side several times. This sent the Snake falling to the floor, slithering away to avoid a stab down and pushing itself back up. One of its long arms shot out with the speed of a bullet and impacting against Yuya's armor, sending him flying back with sparks coming from where they made contact.

Yuya rolled out of the way to avoid another clawed strike, and flipped onto his feet, weaving under a follow-up attack and taking ahold of its arm. With all his might he spun around and tossed the snake into the air. He jumped after it, holding his saber even tighter as he slashed twice into its scales, flipping in the air and kicking it back down.

The Snake landed with a thud audible enough to be heard for several miles, debris falling all around as Yuya landed safely, raising his saber to point at the Zodiac. The Snake hissed at him and started running after Yuya again, taking a zig-zag pattern as he did so, moving so fast that the doubles were constantly crossing over themselves. 

A small gasp escaped Yuya as he slashed at the first one to arrive, but it simply passed through, with the very next one shooting out its long appendage into his shoulder. Yuya stumbled back and crouched down, sweeping out the legs from all of them. Unfortunately it passed through them all again and something slammed into his back, sending him flying.

A timer beeped causing Yuya to look over at his arm. He only had two minutes left before the Driver effectively killed him. Deciding now wasn't the time to hold back, he pushed himself back up and slammed his fist down on the Gears Driver, causing four gears to shoot out and wrap around his ankles, two on each.

Yuya turned around just as the Zodiac started dashing towards him again. This time though, the Rider was paying close attention. They started to mix together again before separating and trying to surround him. Yuya simply held still and watched with bated breath, then noticed the trick to it. Several of them started to flicker. Since they all began to separate the Snake Zodiac couldn't move fast enough in such a long distance. This led to Yuya realizing that none of the ones in front of him were real, and he spun backwards, kicking out in a roundhouse kick which caught the real Snake in the head.

The Snake was sent flying into the air, exploding shortly after. Yuya nodded and began to make his way over to Artemis and the Tiger Zodiac, unaware of the Snake Coin that fell in front of him.

Yuya: "Captain!" He shouted as the two got into eyesight.

Artemis rolled across the floor, the Gears armor disappearing from his body. The Captain stabbed his unique sword into the ground and used it to push himself back up. The Tiger Zodiac laughed and told Artemis that this was the most intrigued he had been since that other guy, referring to Kamen Rider Chrono. Artemis also laughed, a bead of sweat rolling down his head as he knew he wasn't long for this world. 

Artemis reached up and pulled the lever one last time. The blade started to flash all the colors of the rainbow, and he dashed forward, sword held tightly in both hands. Tiger commended the Captain for his strength and courage, saying that it'll meet him head on. 

They both stomped down as they entered each others range, with the Tiger punching forward. Time seemed to slow down for Yuya as the Tiger's claws were mere inches from the Captain's face, then, in a flash, the Captain sliced through them and slashed downwards. It split the Tiger in half and an explosion sent Artemis and Yuya backwards. 

Several hours passed before Yuya woke up. His body was sore, and his mind wasn't functioning at the moment now. He arose from his sleeping place without a single thought of what to do, and lazily looked around. There was a panting noise coming from somewhere nearby. 

Artemis: "You finally awake, kid?"

Yuya looked over, and all the drowsiness left. He rushed over to the Captain's side. Artemis had one of his arms crushed by a boulder, blood staining his face, and the sword impaled his chest.

Yuya: "Captain!"

Artemis: "Hey there, rookie... I certainly have seen better days," He started to spit up blood. "Hehe."

Yuya: "Hold still! I'll get you out of—"

Artemis: "I wonder how beautiful this city looked before all this stuff."

Yuya: "Huh?"

Artemis: "It must've looked like something else, huh? No darkness, no mist..."

Artemis: "Listen kid... Take my sword and get out of here."

Yuya: "No, Captain... I'm getting you out of here!"

Artemis: "Kid... Hunter died..."

Yuya: "Huh...?"

Artemis: "He messaged over the radio... He got ambushed by the Goat Zodiac... He wanted me to tell his wife... that he loved her, and sorry that he couldn't make their anniversary..." Tears started to fall from the Captain's face, and Yuya was left speechless.

Artemis: "Take my sword, and carry on that message. Please."

Yuya: "Captain..."

Artemis: "That's an order... The first order... and last order I'll ever make."

Artemis smiled and reached over with his free arm, ruffling Yuya's hair before his arm went limp. Yuya was now left with only the sounds of flames crackling being his only company. He nodded and stood up, taking a hold of his Captain's sword. His hands started to shake as he pulled it from Artemis' chest.

The sound of something scuffling drew his attention. Yuya spun around and saw that the Pig Zodiac had found them. The Pig Zodiac squealed and pointed its club forward, causing all of its Grunts to charge Yuya.

Yuya: "For a better future... I'll destroy my very soul...! Henshin!!!"

Gears Driver: "Gears Time! Battle! Break! DESTROY! Kamen Rider Gears! Special System: All Green."

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