A Change For The Better (Huma...

By OneTonzSoup

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Luz Noceda was a troublemaker for sure. The Hispanic girl always got into fights with people over stupid thin... More

Luz the troublemaker - Chapter 1
Getting settled In - Chapter 2
Welcome to Hexside - Chapter 3
The Top Student - Chapter 4
Music In you - Chapter 5
The 'real' you - Chapter 6
A Saturday with a Blight - Chapter 7
A chat between sisters - Chapter 8
Spring thoughts - Chapter 9
Back in Connecticut - Chapter 10
Comfort - Chapter 11
Confession - Chapter 12
A few more days... - Chapter 13
Ran out of title ideas - Chapter 14
The owl house - Chapter 15
A phone call - Chapter 16
Please don't go. - Chapter 17
Friends - Chapter 18
Amity in a trance - Chapter 19

It's okay now. - Chapter 20 (Finale)

1.1K 37 24
By OneTonzSoup

In the previous chapter...


When I did open the door, my whole world shifted upside down. Amity... "AMITY!" I yelled my heart out. I ran to the balcony the fastest I could ever run. If my coaches in middle school saw me they would sign me up for the Olympics. This isn't real. Everything went into slow motion for me. Oh my god, amity! I thought as tears started running down my face. Oh my fucking god.

Now the present...


I ran up to Amity as she was definitely on the verge of jumping and when I did... I caught her at the last second. What if I had come here a second later? What would happen then.? The thought of what might've happened scares me. I looked down at Amity who was dangling off the rail with me holding her hand. She stared at me wide-eyed as I looked down at her. Her hair was all messed up, her face was beaten up, and by the looks of it, she cried a lot. The main thing that surprised me was the fact that she was wearing one of my jackets. Seeing her like that hurt me in many ways. "HOLD ON AMITY!" I yelled as she quickly started to hold tighter onto my hand. I used all my strength to pull her up and she did too. When she got onto the balcony I quickly hugged her. So tightly... I missed this so fucking bad. God. Amity hugged me tight as well and I could feel her tears drop on my hoodie. "Oh, Amity..." I whispered to myself.

Amity POV

Luz... Fuck what the hell! What was I thinking? Of course, she's here! She's always here to save me. I missed Luz's touch. Unlike my Mom's... it was gentle and comforting. I had never missed a person so goddamn bad! I buried my head into her chest and cried. She brushed through my hair and I could see her smiling softly which quickly turned into a frown as her eyebrows furrowed. "It's okay now, alright? I'm here Amity"  she rubbed my tears away with her open hand and held me tighter. "I love you Luz..." I mumbled and slowly closed my eyes. "I love you too Amity." Luz whispered before I drifted off.

Hunter POV

"You're saying that you're going to call the cops on ME when you broke into MY house?" Odalia yelled. "Well yeah." I spoke while sitting on a couch in the living room and licking a lollipop. We were actually having an interesting conversation. Alador was listening to what I was saying very closely and by the looks of it he agreed. "Well... you did lock your child in her room for no reason" Willow spoke. "Then you went in there to abuse her based on what Alador said" Boscha added. "Boscha really! I thought I could trust you!" Odalia yelled. "Boscha is actually a really good friend to us" Gus said with a big smile on his face.

"So... the thing is Odalia. I let them come into the house, I knew these were Amity's friends based on a picture I saw in her room. There's no way they could break in so easily." Alador spoke. "This is my house and you know that. We could call the police on you and they would believe every single thing we say" he continued. "Would you want that? Or let my sister-in-law do what she wants?" I smiled and finished my lollipop. "God, you're so scary when you're trying to convince someone" Gus spoke. "Yep! It comes from when I had to convince Vee to take the blame for all of the stuff I broke in the house! Mom let the girls get away with stuff like that" I laughed and Boscha looked at me surprisingly. "I- I don't think this is fair! You-" someone cut her off.


"Actually it is" I said while walking downstairs with Amity on my back. Everyone turned towards me and so did Odalia with hate in her eyes. "YOU... you! You're the one who started this!" Odalia ran towards me and Willow stopped her. "Luz isn't afraid of you like I was Odalia" Willow whispered and Odalia turned into a tomato. I guess it runs in the family. I held Amity out and looked at her with the straightest face ever. I was angry. Oh, I was furious. Everyone looked at her shocked except for Odalia who stood there with a straight face. "Oh my god!" Everyone yelled. "Amity's fucking tired, beaten, and bruised! You did this Odalia. Are you happy?" I spoke.

Odalia looked away and pouted. "Well if it taught her to follow orders then-" I stopped her by walking up to her and grabbing her wrist. "Listen the fuck here you bitch. Your child almost committed suicide! If I weren't there to stop her from jumping off her balcony then she would've been dead!" I yelled. Everyone looked even more surprised. Alador looked as furious as me. He walked up to me and grabbed Ames and sat her on his chair. "Odalia! What the heck is wrong with you!" Gus yelled

Odalia just stared wide-eyed. It was like she was actually surprised. "Wait she... she actually tried it...? Whenever she brought it up she always said she was joking." Boscha spoke while looking dumbfounded. I nodded. "No way! Mittens would nev-" I stopped her once again. "Well, she did! Also, Jesus, you should be happy I was there to save her stupid ass!" I shot back at her. "Check the fucking cameras, no actually go to the damn doctor and check your whole fucking brain!" I yelled. Odalia stood there and laughed. "Maybe she would've been a better daughter if she just had reborn herself or something" she said. The whole room went silent. Alador was trying to stop Willow and Boscha from killing her and he just told them to let me handle it.

What... what the... no way she fucking said that. Her daughter tried to KILL herself and that's all she has to say?! No apology. Just encouraging it. Oh my fucking god Amity. Is this what you had to deal with? I'm done. My body just moved on its own. I slapped her and it definitely left a mark. It got even more quiet. "That's what it feels like to be hit." I smiled. Then I pulled out my phone and dialed the police. "W-Wait!" she yelled grabbing my arm. I pushed her off me and flipped her off as everyone held her down. "You had a chance and you fucking blew it" Hunter spoke. "You should be ashamed." Willow replied.

"Hello? Yes, this Is Luz Noceda. I'm reporting an abuse at the Blight Manor. Oh really, you've got a call similar before?" I said looking dead at Odalia. "The victim is sleeping sir, the assaulter is being held down by my friends. Uh, relationship? My girlfriend? Yes her name is Amity Blight and the assaulter is her mother Odalia Blight. Thank you" I hung up and smiled. "Oops!" I slipped the phone into my pocket and smiled. "You! You witch!" she yelled "No I believe that's you" Willow spoke.

A few minutes passed and the police arrived and Odalia was yelling slurs at me. We actually found out that the twins reported something similar before. Glad she's gone now, Amity will be so happy. "So what are you kids planning to do?" Alador asked. "Well, we're going to go to the Hexside and finish our year there." Hunter spoke. "How about we ask Principal Bump to get our dorms right next to each other for next year?" Gus asked. That's actually not a bad idea. "Sure. But for now, we need to actually GO to hexside" Willow rolled her eyes and Bosch quickly agreed. "Alright we're gone then" Hunter spoke as he and Gus headed to Willow's car. "I need to get a car" I sighed.

Alador thought for a moment and smiled. "Well... since you and Amity are... you know. I consider you a member of the Blights, and that means I consider you my daughter" Alador spoke. I stared at him for a moment and smiled. "Same goes for those two other boys and you two, so if you want anything you better ask me alright? And Luz, you'll have a car before this summer." he smiled and patted my arm. "Woah really! Thank you, Mr. Blight" I smiled and hugged him. "Just call me Alador honey, and thank you for saving Amity's life. I never know what that girl wants... but I know it has to be with you Luz" he smirked. Why is everyone telling me that?

Alador helped put Amity into Willow's green SUV. The cool thing was that Willow had that type of car that had three extra seats in the back, so me and Amity sat back there by ourselves. Willow and Boscha sat in the front while Hunter and gus sat in the seats in the middle of the car. It would be a long drive, but that was fine.

A while later, Amity finally woke up from her trace. She was confused as hell and it was hilarious because she woke up in the middle of us singing Cavetown songs. "MY SOUR BOY IS A PAIN" Gus yelled. "I wanna shoot him in the brain" Boscha stared dead at me. "Ouch" I rolled my eyes. "But I'd miss him in the morning" Boscha added. "It really hurts when I need to so bad" Hunter said. "But I can't see her" Willow spoke while turning the volume up. "My Juliet my special girl" I smiled at Amity. I could see her face heat up and it was really cute.

"Oh guys look, Amity's awake." Gus pointed to Amity who staring at us like a lost child. "W-What? What's going on guys? I thought-" I stopped Amity and instantly hugged her. "Amity! You idiot, how could you even think about doing something like that?" I asked. Amity looked down and sighed. "Sorry... I don't know what I was thinking." she whispered. She returned the hug and after a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, Amity leaned in and we kissed. Oh wow, I missed this. "Get a room" Boscha rolled her eyes. "Jealous?" I asked. "Shove a dic-" Boscha was stopped by Willow putting a hand on hers. "Chill out baby, Luz is a bitch" she turned around with a frown on her face. "Oh fuck you!" I yelled while Amity started laughing. I missed this. Her laugh, her touch. "Hermosa I love you" I moved her hair out of her face and smiled. "I love you too mi amor" she smiled back. We proceeded to kiss again and Willow rolled up her blinds that covered the back seat which made Hunter and Gus laugh.

Amity POV

A few hours later of us jamming to bedroom pop songs, we finally arrived at Hexside around midnight. Only a few people were there considering it was still spring break. The others went their separate ways and so did me and Luz. When we arrived at the dorm, all the memories flooded in at once. Not the bad, only the good. "Luz, what if... what if we hadn't met? What if you hadn't saved me... What would you do?" I asked while holding her hand. "I don't want to know Amity. Honestly, I'm just glad I did" Luz smiled at me and tilted my chin to place a kiss on my nose. I felt so safe in this dorm. I felt so safe with Luz.

We went to Luz's room and she went on Spotify on her phone. She started to play some songs that we both loved. "Remember when you told me you would never listen to girl in red? Look at you now" she laughed. I thumped her nose and rolled my eyes. "Shut up" I spoke in a sarcastic tone. "You know I'm really happy to have you in my life. My old self would've been bullying me" Luz laughed. Her laugh was so fucking hot. "Same for me, I literally would've punched myself multiple times" I laughed and so did Luz. "Well, I'm glad we've changed." Luz spoke. "Yeah it was for the better" I continued. It was silent for a while, a comfortable silence. We ended up cuddling and saying random stuff. "God I love girls" I whispered while burying my face into Luz's chest. "That's kinda gay Blight" Luz said. "Luz... we're dating!" I yelled. Luz just laughed "Oh are we?" she yawned mid-sentence and ended up drifting off to sleep. I stared at her for a moment and smiled. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I won't try to leave you ever again Luz" I smiled and I myself drifted off to sleep. I wonder what things we have in store for us both? Only time can tell.

Author's Note - BOOM DONE!

Guys this actually took me 50 years. But it was worth it! Yes, good ending. I hate bad endings! Sorry angst lovers. But yeah... Idk if this was good or not and I hope it was. I also hope Luz got that car Alador promised lmao. Okay... uhh... this is awkward? Funny toh beta photos I guess. Let's imagine these were in the past or future, it makes it funner.

Okay, I was too lazy to find more.


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