Never Change

By thann_3

19.2K 509 257

On the verge of death after the Second Gigantomachy, the gods are fading. The mythological world is no more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Book II: Chapter 43
Book II: Chapter 44
Book II: Chapter 45
Book II: Chapter 46
Book II: Chapter 47
Book II: Chapter 48
Book II: Chapter 49

Chapter 38

214 10 3
By thann_3

"Hello, Leo."

Arthur Watts elegantly sat across from the Headmaster of Haven Academy.

"I-I- Leonardo is fine," Lionheart's hands trembled slightly. He reached for the tea, pouring himself and Watts a cup.

"Nonsense," Watts threw a hand up, "This is a mutually beneficial relationship, is it not? Call me Arthur. I insist that we at least be amicable," he smiled.

"Or the Queen may not be very happy about it."

"Yes, A-Arthur," the lion faunus swallowed.

"Very good," Watts smiled, apparently satisfied.

"Have you done what I asked?"

"I... yes..."

Lionheart looked down at his hands, shame pooling in his stomach. He had given them the locations of all the freelance huntsmen in Mistral. All of them.

And they were all going to die in the next few hours. Killed by Salem's henchmen.

"There, there," Watts patted his shoulder, that condescending expression of his sitting on his face, "You did what you had to do, didn't you?"

Lionheart did not answer.

He was horrible. A horrible person, a horrible huntsman, a horrible headmaster.

"You were counting on Apollyon to come save you, weren't you?" Watts deduced, his lips curling upwards in amusement.

Again, Lionheart did not answer.

Watts snorted, and then chuckled, slapping his knee, "You- You truly thought? Apollyon hasn't the slightest inkling of your situation, and you were hoping for him to come save you! How stupid can you be!?"

He guffawed, laughing all the way to the moon. It was a cruel, mocking, arrogant laugh, that only caused Lionheart to shrink in on himself with every sound that came out of Watts' mouth.

Lionheart had to cover his ears from how much Arthur Watts continued to laugh, the disgraced Atlesian scientist seemingly finding his verbal degradation amusing.

When Watts was finally done, Lionheart lifted his head up slightly.

"Ah yes, where was I?" Watts scratched his chin in thought, "Have the two little Beacon teams arrived yet?"

"What?" Lionheart tried to act ignorant, as if he were surprised.

"Leonardo," Watts shook his head sadly, "If you keep this act up, I may have to report this little... insurrection, or rebellion, of yours to the Queen."

"I- of course. Sir," he added.

What had Ozpin expected from him? He was an old, retired huntsman, with no protection from the forces of Salem. He couldn't resist without putting his futile life on the line...

"And?" Watts prompted.

"No, they have not arrived yet."

"Good. And the Spring Maiden?" Watts asked seriously.

"I don't know," Lionheart admitted.

"Hmph," Watts scoffed, "You're just as useless as I thought you were. Oh well. What useful information do you have?"


"That's what I reckoned," Watts sighed in disappointment, "What kind of headmaster even are you?

"A cowardly one! The cowardly lion, oh the irony!" Watts guffawed, holding his stomach from laughter.

Lionheart ducked his head in shame.

He could only hope someone could come to his aid.


She whistled as she walked along the foliage, lost in her thoughts.

Qrow had told them about her... egg donor of a mom, coming to request assistance.

It was good that he had started to play things more up front now.

Everyone knew the situation. It was dire, yes.

They had to find a way to kill the immortal Queen of the Grimm. It was a near impossible task.

Still, it was more like a collaborative effort, and it felt more like a real team. No more secrets.

She scoffed at the situation.

Raven Branwen had specifically begged for Percy to go help her. Strength was the only thing she seemed to value. Not family, not teammates, or anything else. Only strength.

Yang had wanted to go to her for ages, to find her for ages. Just for one question: why?

Why had she left?

Yang didn't understand. She never could.

But now, she finally had her chance.

She had her chance to meet her mother, here, in the heart of Anima.

And yet... she couldn't bring herself to do it.

One part of her wondered if she should even care about her biological mother enough to meet her.

The other part of her, from when she was a desperate, lonely child, screamed and resisted, and said that it was the most important thing in the world.

But Yang herself?

She didn't know.

Yang had always been a thrill-seeker, an adventurer at heart.

She'd taken on challenges with her team, PRWBY, and tackled them head-on, coming out on top every time. That was her nature: fists first, questions later.

But, for the first time...

She was unsure of her direction, her path.


Pyrrha found herself in a strange place.

She stood inside of a high-ceiling throne room. Outside, Remnant's broken moon's rays tried desperately to shine through the unnaturally dark clouds, but to no avail. They should have shined through; the darkness was physically not all-pervading, but at the same time, it somehow was. It was a paradox.

The sounds of Grimm could be heard from outside the room's large panes of glass. Grimm howled. The ground was red, and black pits of liquid were seen every few steps, leading up to one large pit.

There was a tree, black, and devoid of all life. Bodies hung from it, limp.

On the floor, where she was standing, was that same symbol. The same tattoo on the man she had... killed.

Pyrrha swallowed, not knowing what this was, or where she was.

In front of her, was a black throne, its back facing her. Red veins ran through it, pulsing, as if it were some sentient object.

Someone was sitting in it, but she could not see who.

"Pyrrha Nikos... The Invincible Girl."

The throne swirled around.

The first thing Pyrrha noticed about her were her eyes.

Black sclerae, and poisonous, terrifying red eyes. White hair, and red veins. Pallor, white skin, and a black, form-fitting dress that had partially exposed shoulders, and diamond-shaped cleavage in the center, with purple accents down the edges, and ornate, light gray bone cuffs on her upper arms. Jet-black fingernails. A black ring sat on her pallor hand.

This, was Salem.

Instinctively, she knew, but she shouldn't have known. It was as if the knowledge had been put into her head.

Her presence was petrifying. There was a force on her shoulders, a noticeable weight that compelled her to kneel before the Queen of the Grimm. It was so powerful that Pyrrha had to resist to not kneel, but she soon found that she couldn't stand up straight.

Her hand reached for Miló, but she found that it was not there. She reached for Akoúo̱ next, but it wasn't there either... She didn't feel comfortable without a weapon.

"Why have you brought me here?" Pyrrha asked, clenching her fists.

The humanoid Grimm smiled, amused.

"There is no need for violence," her tone was soft-spoken, and calm, almost motherly, "I am here to only have a slight... talk."

"Get on with it, then."

Pyrrha was in no mood for games. She was powerless here, in the dream state, against their greatest enemy.

"You are the remaining quarter of the Fall Maiden, are you not?"

Pyrrha's back went ramrod.

She knew. She knew... she knew! No... How??

Salem, the Queen of the Grimm, smiled.

"Judging by that reaction, it seems that I was correct."

Pyrrha didn't answer. She didn't want to speak, lest she give away more secrets to the Queen of the Grimm. She had opened her mouth. She needed to simply stay silent.

Salem sighed, in faux sadness, "You don't want to cooperate, do you, my dear? That's alright, I suppose. To each their own."

There was a momentary silence. Salem was the one to break it.

"The single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet... is fear."

"You place your faith and trust in Apollyon, like all of your teammates. Like every person on Remnant. And yet, I can feel your trepidation so easily..."

"We'll win," Pyrrha stepped forward confidently, "You can keep coming at us. Like Vale, like Beacon, but you'll never win. We'll stop you."

The Queen of the Grimm stood from her throne, smiling down at her, as if she were some pitiful thing. She glided down the steps, across the floor, making no noise as she walked.

"That's the thing about heroes, child."

Her voice lowered to a whisper, and she leaned in, as if she were sharing a secret with a close friend. Pyrrha stood, unable to move, frozen to the spot.

"Heroes, they have to win every time. The villains, however, simply need to win once."

Pyrrha shivered, as Salem's hand came around her shoulder. Black tentacles polished themselves on her skin, making her get goosebumps. She was trembling.

"It is a fact of life," she whispered gently into her ear, "Simple cause and effect. Play with fire, and you will get burned."

"Your efforts are futile, Nikos. I will show you why."

"Open your eyes."

Vivid images rapidly flashed on front of her.

Her teammates torn apart, their remains on the ground. Pyrrha could see herself, limp, on the ground, barely even breathing.

"This is the prophesized Last Stand, child. Look upon it and feel blessed. For this is the future..."

Percy stood alone, the last one standing.

It was Percy, in the future, but it was not.

He was... different, for some reason.

He looked just like he did before... but it was not the same.

Gashes and wounds were present all across his body, red-gold ichor dripping from his wounds. His blood was more gold than red now. Hundreds of Grimm rampaged towards him, and still, he stood. Alone.

No. It had to be fake... right?

Then, almost as if the vision wanted to prove her wrong, her eyes were drawn to a particular detail.

With a jerk, Pyrrha realized he was wearing his combat suit, the one that they had all designed back at Beacon...

How could Salem know about that if she was just bluffing? The only answer was that this was a real vision...

Great creatures of the night strode towards him, beasts of unfathomable horrors. Arachnids the size of Goliaths, seven-headed dragons, and humanoid, cackling Grimm bestialities, werewolf-like Grimm from which white bones protruded at unimaginable angles.

And finally, Pyrrha realized what had changed.

Percy had never looked so lost before. So... weak, and defeated, and tired.

He was their team leader. A demigod, in the purest definition of the word.

Their Great Wall of ancient Mistral, their infallible shield. He was always in control.

But not here. Not now.

And, it suddenly occurred to Pyrrha, that Percy might die. That the man who they had all looked up to, who they never thought could falter, might die.

A beam of power exploded towards her body, Future-Pyrrha's body. It was a fluorescent luminescence of colors burning brighter than the sun, streaking across the area.

Percy blurred.

One moment he wasn't there, and another moment, he was. He stood in front of the beam, protecting her.

The beam collided into Percy's wards, but, almost instantly, ripped through them, like paper.

A black and sea green shield was the next layer of protection. But it was torn through like flesh being slashed apart by a katana.

Percy's weapon, Riptide, Anaklusmos, was the last defense.

The golden metal cracked in two.


He was going to die. Percy... He was going to die-

And the beam blew straight through Percy's body.

Pyrrha let out a blood-curdling scream.

And suddenly, she couldn't scream anymore. She tried, but she couldn't. Her vocal cords would not move.

"You huntsmen and guardians are walking like lambs to the slaughter. The future is set in stone," she said, pityingly, softly, almost motherly, "And you don't even realize it."

"It seems that Perseus Apollyon is hell-bent on forcing his way into my game. Hell-bent on forcing the way into his death. And if he is so eager to die..." there was a cruel smile that danced on her lips, "Then who am I to deny him?"

"Check. The endgame is fast approaching, Apollyon. I wonder: Will you dance in my game?"

Unshed tears were gathering in her eyes, as her palms felt clammy. Her heart pounded against her ribcage. He-

She stumbled, tears in her eyes, as the Queen released her grasp on her. Pyrrha fell to the ground, gasping.

"Not so invincible now, are you, Invincible Girl?"

The Queen of the Grimm disappeared.

She reappeared before Pyrrha.

Pyrrha flinched back.

Salem tilted her head.

"Please. Send Perseus Apollyon my regards."

Dozens of tentacles and shadows manifested themselves in front of her. They streaked towards her.

She flinched.

Pyrrha's eyes flew open.

She sat up frantically, looking around her.

The face of the man she had killed flashed in front of her. She flinched back.

No... not here... not now...

'I'll be waiting' the man's crazed grin seemed to say to her.

He lunged.

She flinched.

Her eyes flew open.

Pyrrha woke up in a pool of cold sweat.


Warning: Mature themes abound.

Percy followed Weiss, escorting her to her bedroom. She seemed a little flushed, and a little nervous today... it was out of character for the Ice Queen, if he was going to be honest.

When they arrived at her door, Percy stopped. Weiss didn't speak, as she opened the door.

"Alright, well, we're here," Percy turned to walk away, "Have a good night, Weiss."

She grabbed his wrist.

"Huh?" he turned back towards her, questioningly. It occurred to Percy that the skin of her hand was cold, and clammy.

She did not meet his eyes.

"Weiss? Are you okay?"

Again, she didn't speak.

She moved into the room, dragging him with her. Percy let himself be tugged along, confused.

She moved towards her bed.


Then, with a surprising amount of strength that belied her small frame, she pushed him onto the white sheets of her bed. The moonlight of Remnant's broken moon shone into the room, casting its rays onto them.

Weiss moved to close the navy blue and gray curtains.

Still bewildered, Percy got up from the bed. Or, tried to.

He found that numerous white glyphs bound themselves around his wrists and ankles, keeping him stuck to the bed.

The curtains closed across the window with a soft swish.

The room was dark for a second.

She moved to the corner of the room with surprising swiftness, lighting the candles. It cast a warm glow on the r0om, allowing him to see again.

"Weiss, what are you doing?"

"Shh... just enjoy it."

He heard the unzipping of a dress, which fell to the ground, around her ankles, and he brought his head up.

He was struck.

His eyes trailed along the pale skin that glowed underneath the candlelight. Along her hips... down her thighs...

Sensually, she crawled onto the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under her weight. There was a stiffening hardness in his pants, pitching a tent.

"You must be so pent up, making plans all day, with only time for work, and no time for pleasure..."

Percy groaned. He was so pent up. Maybe it was in part because his libido had skyrocketed since he became a god, but he needed release.

He'd been so busy since he came to Remnant... Beacon Academy was cruel, putting in a co-ed dorm room with four girls... the last time he had a release was with- with Annabeth.

"P-Please, let me- let me pleasure you..."

Her voice was shaking. She didn't want this. She was being forced. She would never do this.

She wouldn't.

He wasn't in the right mindset.

No. He didn't see Weiss like that. He wasn't going to use her to satisfy his own urges like that, like a tool.

He squeezed his eyes shut, grimacing. It wasn't right.

She was a close friend of his, one of his best friends in this world, but nothing more, nothing less.

He could almost imagine Pyrrha's disappointed gaze being cast over him right now.

He couldn't do it. For Annabeth, too.

A powerful feeling of shame welled up within him, and he clenched his jaw.

He couldn't give into his selfish desires like the gods of Olympus did. He couldn't.

And he made up his mind.

He sat up, flexing his strength, and even surprising himself when the glyphs around his wrists and ankles shattered.

He grabbed Weiss by the arm.


He gently pushed her onto the bed, before getting up, and picking up her dress. He gave it to her, before turning away from her bewildered gaze.

"Get dressed, Weiss. We need to talk."

His tone brokered no argument, and he could hear the shuffling of clothes in the background.

"O-Okay, I'm decent..."

Percy turned around carefully. Weiss wouldn't meet his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"What for?" Percy was confused.

"Y-You... I-I tried to- you know..."

"Weiss, that wasn't your fault," Percy fervently shook his head, bangs flickering across his forehead, "You were being forced."

He knew she was being forced. All the telltale signs were there. Her shaky voice, her trembling hands, the way she wouldn't meet his eyes...

"You were being forced by Jacques, weren't you?"

"I... yes."

Jacques Schnee was truly a son of a bitch. Percy was going to get him locked behind bars, one way or another.

"What did he want?"

"F-For you to sign the contract, and later, a political marriage..." she admitted.

Percy grimaced. Of course Jacques would see profit in marrying off his daughter to him.

No wonder Weiss was uncomfortable. He didn't deserve anyone's love. He didn't deserve Pyrrha's love, either. He was broken, and jaded; a shell of a man on the inside, and a perfect façade of a hero on the outside.

"Still, I tried to-to r-rape you- I'm horrible!" Weiss glared at him, her ice blue eyes filled with unshed tears.

Percy shook his head, "Why did you follow your father's wishes?"

Weiss looked away, "I didn't have a choice. He threatened everything: my allowance, my inheritance to the SDC... he threatened to place me under house arrest. He said he'd have Winter or my m-" Percy realized she stopped herself from saying 'mother', "Willow do it..."

"I had to do it. The most important thing to me is the SDC," Weiss continued on, "The SDC has the potential to change the world. When I inherit it, I can change Remnant for the better..."

"And when will that be? How long will it take for Jacques to hand over the SDC to you? He's already in his mid-fifties," Percy wagered, "And he seems to have no plans on retiring anytime soon. What if he continues into his eighties?"

"Then I'll wait-"

"No, because what if he hands the SDC over to your little brother Whitley? What then? Then, he's had you under his control, doing his work and whatever he expects of you, for over thirty years! You'll be in your late forties yourself, and you'll be left with nothing when he gifts the SDC to Whitley."

Percy shook his head, "He hasn't written an explicit, non-voidable contract. He is the majority owner of the SDC and can choose or remove inheritance on a whim," he stepped closer to Weiss, emphasizing it, "At will. And you can't do anything about it."

"So what do you want me to do, just give up!??" Weiss finally snapped at him, frustrated.

"No," Percy calmly intoned, striding across the room.

He opened the curtains to the view of Atlas below.

City lights shone in the still night, illuminating the skyline.

He could see Weiss' face in the reflection of the glass pane, and her eyes staring into the back of his head.

"I want you to play his game, but not completely," he said, "Show him you are a better fit for the SDC than your little brother Whitley. But you don't have to be kept on a leash, under his every move. Show him you're objectively better, but don't bend to his every whim."

Percy turned around, meeting Weiss' eyes.

"You're no less of a person in front of your father. He can't control your life just by dangling the SDC in front of you."


She didn't have any objections. That was good. That meant they could

He heard a choke, and turned around.

"I- I'm going to the restroom-"


"I'm sorry!" she cried out, cutting him off.

She rushed for the door, but he stood in the way.

"I'm sorry! I- I-"

"Weiss..." he whispered softly.

She was hurting. Badly.

"Weiss... please, just sit," he pleaded with her, "I just want to talk."

"About what!? There's nothing to talk about!"

Her behavior seemed to flip, as she raged and ranted at him. There were unshed tears in her eyes.

"I tried to rape you okay!? Okay!? Are you happy now!?"

"Just scream at me and yell at me and tell me how much you hate me and how much you wished I was dead and what a spoiled little princess and brat and ice cold bitch I- I-"

Percy's index finger pressed to her lips, silencing her.

"Weiss... I don't blame you. I never have, and I never will. I understand the weight of expectations..."

Her sapphire blue eyes, normally so icy, were glittering with tears. They reflected in the soft moonlight cast into the room. For what lay in shadows always came to light under the luminescence...

"You had to do what you thought you had to do... To change the world requires sacrifice. I know that best. And I don't blame you for it. We all have our own roles to play in this game..."

He gave her a sad smile, "Sometimes, when we focus too much on a goal, we forget what's around us. We give ourselves a false ultimatum. A fatal dilemma, that only someone else can help you to escape from. To change the world requires sacrifice, but only the right kind of sacrifice."

"Y-Yeah... Percy..."

"You're one of my teammates. We share a bond that can never be broken, not by something as insignificant as this. You're one of my closest friends. But nothing more, nothing less."

Something in her sapphire blue eyes broke and shattered.

There was a heavy silence, which weighed on him.

One minute, then two.

She wasn't speaking.

There was nothing more to say.

His very presence there was ruining her thought process. In the end, she had to think for herself.

"Thank you, Weiss... Good night."

"G-Good night, Percy," she echoed softly.

He closed the door behind him.

It wasn't everything, but it was a step in the right direction. And that was what mattered.

Inside the room, Weiss stared up at the stars. Outside, the rain pattered against the window, like a gentle lullaby.

She chewed her bottom lip.

And finally let the tears fall.

AN: Unfortunately, there are only a few chapters left of material before I run out, since all of this was pre-written. I will be very busy and have been for a while, which is why I can't give you an update after Chapter 42.

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How'd you like this chapter? Review, comment, favorite, follow, vote, but only if you enjoyed! It helps motivate me to write more.

'til next time!


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