Black Bird

By Hlynns

59.6K 1.5K 109

My name out of thousands of children in my district, it was me, my name that was called. They say its an hono... More

To the people who read my other hunger game books
Read The Hunger Games - Second Quarter


973 28 1
By Hlynns

Sorry for no updates :'(
"Alice died?" Melanie asks once we all had met back up. I slowly nodded, tears swelled in my eyes but I didn't cry.
"So did Rucker, Gerard and Nicky." Brandon says.
"That leaves Lilly, Klinton and Janice." I say "3 on 3."
"What about Lightning?" Melanie adds.
"She's no where, so don't worry about her until later." Brandon says.
"Later as in when we separate." Melanie says, "You two are obviously going to stay together. I'm alone."
I did feel bad for Melanie, she would be alone in the game. But it's better this way, there's no way I would kill her. Same goes for Brandon.
We stayed quiet.
"I won't make it anyway." She mumbles.
"Hey, we're a team." I say giving her a hug.
"Oh my god Phoebe." She smiles, "you hugged me."
"Phoebe hugged Melanie? Oh my" Brandon gasps.
I nod, "I do have feelings guys."
"Surprising." Brandon mumbles.
"Hey." I say smacking his arm lightly.
"We should get farther away from the careers." Melanie says, "just in case."
"Agreed." I say.
We start to walk further away from the careers camp.
"So what is your family like?" Melanie asks.
"I live with my brother and dad. My real mom died in the games after I was born. My step mom died also.. To uhm.. An illness." I say adding a lie. We're probably being filmed right now and I can't afford my family dying because I told panem that they killed my mothers.
"I'm so sorry." Melanie says placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Its fine." I say assuringly.
She nods and smiles but quickly changed the subject, "how about you Brandon?
"Well, I live with my uncle who's the mayor. He also won The Hunger Games a while back. And j have a fiancé" Brandon says.
"Why do you live with your uncle?" She asks.
Brandon was silent. All you could hear were faint animal calls and the sound of leaves underneath our boots as we walked.
"They died." He says.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up old stuff like that." Melanie says
"No its fine Melanie, we've come to terms with it." I snicker a small laugh.
"What about your family?" Brandon asks.
"I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. We're all deeply in love with music. My parents are very supportive and I miss them like crazy." She says.
"Sounds great." I smile.
"It is." She rubs her arm, "hey wanna see something." She picks a piece of grass from the ground and puts it in her mouth. Then sound came, it was like a whistle. The birds started to chirp back to it.
"How did you do that?" I ask.
She presses her index finger to her lips, "shh."
"That's a cool trick. Where'd you learn that Melanie?" A voice from behind us says. We turn to see Janice, Klinton and Lilly, weapons in hand.
"Glad we found you." Janice grins before pulling an arrow and preparing to shoot.
"No!" Melanie yells before jumping in front of me.
"Ohmygod. Melanie." I collapse next to her frail body. Brandon was next to me in seconds.
"It's 2 to 3 now." Klinton says.
"You monsters!" I scream lunging at them. I jumped on top of Janice and started throwing punches.
Meanwhile Brandon was trying to fight off Klinton.
The sky was light blue, the clouds were white and puffy. A day like this at home I would spend outside with Toby or maybe even helping the elders. But instead a day like this here, was spent coping with the death of my ally and fighting.
"Get off me." Janice growled. She was all dirty and sweaty, her hair stuck to her face. I could tell she was running out of the little energy she had.
"Phoebe watch out!" Brandon yelled. I quickly rolled to the side of Janice when Klinton's sword pierced through her body.
Klinton's face tightened. He looked around, he had a huge gash on his face with blood gushing out of it. He croaked. Then quickly got up and ran away. Lilly emerged from the trees and followed him.
"It's 2 on 2 now." I growl.

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