The Heir of Night

By smplymxlfoy

107K 3.5K 408

Theia, an Illyrian female, despises her Court. She knows of the High Lord's secret city, and the wealth that... More

65 - Nyx


2.2K 68 8
By smplymxlfoy

"Rhys," the High Lady spoke her mate's name before he could shout at Theia again. His head whipped to her, teeth grinding together to contain his rage. "I have already promised her this. Cass and I visited her home when Nyx brought her to my attention. It isn't right, it isn't a home. I told her that she and her mother could stay with Nyx until their home is repaired. Her mother is gravely ill, Rhys."

"Stay with Nyx? You mean to tell me that you offered my mother's home to them? Feyre-"

"Let me speak, Rhysand. I saw what situation she was in, and it reminded me of myself. She works at the bakery, and then she goes to work at the tavern until the early mornings. The money she gets from that is hardly enough to feed her and her mother, and her mother could not do anything for herself. She has sores from sitting in the same chair, Theia has to bathe and dress her, and their home is nothing more than a shack."

Theia's cheeks heated for what felt like the thousandth time today. She spoke to him to tell the horrors of the village, not her life. She felt the High Lord's gaze on her, so she watched her feet.

"I'm not saying we need to house every family, but listen to her. I know that you feel like you've done enough for the camps, but there is not only just soldiers training there. There are families, and they need help. I wasn't aware of the situations there, but after seeing how this child lives, something needs to be done," Feyre continued. Theia looked up at her, unable to hide her smile. Maybe it was enough. Rhys, the High Lord, remained silent as he stared at his mate.

Cassian cleared his throat and stood, Nyx standing beside him. "We've done what we can to make sure the females can train, and I think it's time to ensure their safety."

It felt as though it was time for the Spymaster to speak, but he simply stared at Theia. It was as if he were trying to read her intentions.

"Fine. Theia and her mother can remain at the house while we repair any issues with it. Once that is finished, Theia, I'd like you to walk me through the village and determine what other homes need repair. I will see what I can do for the safety aspect, but I cannot make a guarantee for that. Not with the camp lords claiming domain," Rhys spoke, casting a glance at Theia. She shifted her gaze from the Spymaster to the High Lord, holding in her excitement as she gave him a nod.

"I appreciate your willingness to put an effort toward my home. Thank you, High Lord." He simply gave a grunt and dropped back into his chair. Nyx took a step towards Theia, his eyes on his parents. Theia watched his mother give him a smile and a nod, which prompted Nyx to take her arm and lead her from the room.

"For someone as afraid as you were, I didn't expect you to scold, let alone interrupt, my father," he murmured, walking her through the corridor. Theia pulled her arm from his touch, studying the side of his face.

"I wanted my voice to be heard," she whispered, tearing her eyes from his face and looking down at her dirty boots compared to the clean floor.

"You're welcome to stay with your mother. I can have another bed put in there," Nyx offered, slowing to a stop as they reached the entrance of the home. Theia turned, meeting his eyes. It was strange to see that kindness return when he had been hostile just before the conversation with the High Lord.

"There's no need. I'll find space with her. Thank you." She watched the way his throat bobbed and the way his chin dipped in an elegant acceptance of her appreciation. He was the High Heir in every way.

"Shall we go, then?" He asked, holding out one of his hands. Theia glanced down at it, over the callouses on his palm. She remembered how they had caught on the wool fabric of her sweater the night before, when his hands pressed her shoulders against the wall. Her eyes met his through her lashes as she lifted her hand and placed her fingers against his palm. Nyx's fingers closed over hers gently.

"To the bakery, please."

And just like that, they were in the street outside of the bakery, few people coming in and out of the wooden door. Theia went to pull her hand away, but Nyx held it tighter. She glanced back at him, brows furrowing.

"My mother had brought clothes for your mother. She left some for you, as well. Should I expect to see you at home tonight?" Home. How wrong he was.

"I will come to your house when I am finished at the tavern," Theia confirmed, tugging her hand again. This time, Nyx allowed her to leave. She felt his eyes on her back as she marched into the bakery and prepared herself for Calliope's wrath.

"What is wrong with you?" Calli shrieked as she spied Theia through the small window from the kitchen. Theia grabbed an apron from the hook and began tying it on.

"Would you believe me if I told you I was kidnapped?" She mumbled, giving Calli an exasperated look. The female snorted and circled around to the counter, glaring at Theia.

"Absolutely not. Come to work or you get no pay, child!"

"I understand how it works," Theia groaned, leaning onto the counter and waiting for the male who had just walked in to place his order.

Theia continued the rest of the day as usual: Taking orders, shoving baked goods into bags, and struggling to count change. Finally, it was time to head to the tavern and explain to Elena why she had not come back last night.

"Have a good evening, Calli!" Theia called out over her shoulder as she shoved the door open. The wind was sudden and far too brisk without a coat. Chills ran through Theia as she marched down the main street, her arms crossed in an attempt to keep some warmth. The tavern was quiet as the sun set over the mountains, an unusually clear sky bringing the golden light to lay across the buildings.

Theia circled to the back and pulled open the door, immediately seeing Elena leaning against the counter as she spoke to a customer. Theia stayed silent as she walked behind the bar and stood beside Elena, waiting patiently for their conversation to end. When it did and the drunken female stumbled out the door, Elena turned to Theia with a raised brow.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"No. Let me say something first. I understand you've been having a difficult time lately but how dare you leave me on the busiest night of the week? I had to break up fights! That was unfair, Theia." Elena's normally gentle face was hardened with lines of anger, her fingers drumming against her arm.

"I know, and I'm sorry. When I went outside, Nyx followed me and I began to yell at him for his father's negligence to our village. He must've been tired of hearing it because he grabbed me and winnowed us to the secret City! The High Lord's Spymaster stopped us and brought us to their home and then he-"

"Slow down, you went to the secret City? And into the High Lord and Lady's home? What was it like?" Elena interrupted, eyes as wide as her smile.

"That's not important. The reason he brought me there was for me to speak to the High Lord. They stuck me in a guest room and I practically got berated by the High Lord this morning. But he promised to make changes! At least for the poverty, he didn't say much about safety, but it's a start." Theia's chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, remembering the morning like she was reliving it. She was proud of herself to at least attempt to make a difference. It could be enough.

"Wait, Theia, you stayed in their home? Was he handsome? I've always heard the High Lord is handsome..."

She continued rambling, though Theia forced her words from her ears. Maybe she was the only one who cared what the village could be like. It's as if everyone was so used to the imbalance and hostility, the possibility of peace was out of reach. Even Elena, who had listened to Theia's rants about how wrong everything was, only cared about how handsome the High Lord is or how nice their home was.

Theia was entirely grateful when a wave of trainees came into the tavern and she no longer had to pretend to listen to Elena. She fell back into her numbed silent mind and worked mechanically until the faces fell away. Maybe Theia is the only one who cares about a better world. She chewed on her lip, scrubbing the glasses at the end of the night. The prospect of living somewhere like Velaris, where a female doesn't have to be afraid and can fight alongside the damned General, was enticing. Theia continued to think about living there, but decided she'd need to fix the village before she could make a decision like that.

"Need me to walk you home?" Elena asked as they were opening the back door. Theia opened her mouth, ready to deny her, when her eyes fell onto the male standing in the alley. Nyx stood, bundled in a fine-fabric coat, hands shoved into his pockets. "Oh, hello, Nyx," Elena chirped, closing and locking the tavern door. Nyx's eyes didn't leave Theia as he grinned.

"Elena," he murmured, acknowledging Theia's friend without so much as a look in her direction. Elena placed a hand on Theia's shoulder, squeezing lightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Theia could only hum in agreement, body still under the eyes of the heir. As Elena's footsteps retreated down the alley, Nyx pulled a hand from his pocket and held out his arm.

"Shall we?"

Theia cleared her throat and shook her head. Just because she would be living in his house doesn't mean she had to be friendly. She ignored his attempt at escorting her and began to walk down the dark road. He met her steps beside her, his hand back in his pocket.

"I have a meal prepared, I figured you'd enjoy company on your walk," Nyx spoke, cutting through the silent night air. Theia watched her boots press down the soft snow, small bits of rocks and dirt poking through.

"It's not necessary. I prefer my walks to be in solitude," she responded. Nyx let out a sound that seemed as though he was suppressing a laugh.

"Mm, fine then. I'll leave you to your own accord tomorrow. For tonight, humor me and join me for supper?"

Theia finally lifted her eyes to him. The moonlight was cast over his features in a thousand kisses, eyes glittering like the stars. His jaw didn't look as tense as it normally did around her, and his eyes were not leveled into a glare. He didn't look over at her at all, rather staring at the road ahead. She watched his throat bob, the breeze lift the hairs along his neck. A beautiful brute, but a brute nonetheless.

"I think I can handle that," Theia murmured, watching his face. Satisfaction settled her stomach when the corner of his lips twitched and his eyes seemed brighter, before giving a quick nod.

"Great. It's ready on the counter."

They climbed the steps of the porch, walking into the warm house. Theia pulled her boots off, cringing at her hole-covered socks and waited until Nyx led her to the kitchen. True to his word, two steaming plates of meat and cooked vegetables sat atop the counter, joined by two wine glasses.

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