The Heir of Night

By smplymxlfoy

122K 4K 462

Theia, an Illyrian female, despises her Court. She knows of the High Lord's secret city, and the wealth that... More

65 - Nyx


2.5K 93 33
By smplymxlfoy

A loud knock on the door had Theia jolting awake. Her heart pounded as she tried to remember where she was, why everything was so soft. A mattress, a blanket, clean fabric. Her pulse slowed, a sigh pushing past her lips. Theia had nearly forgotten someone had been knocking on the door until it opened, Nyx slipping in.

His eyes moved over her boots and pile of clothes, up the bed, and to where she sat with a robe around her. "Looks like you took advantage of the wealth, huh?"

Her cheeks heated as she tugged the blanket up, hiding the robe from his view. Nyx clicked his tongue and kicked at her dirty clothes. "Anyway, I'm going down to breakfast to warn my father of your arrival. I'll come get you when we are ready. Don't forget to look pretty," he mused, shooting her a glance before slipping out the door. Theia sighed, dropping her arms down onto the soft blankets.

She didn't expect to actually face the High Lord. She thought perhaps Nyx would've done this to frighten her, and it worked, but now she had to face the High Lord. Her hands shook as she pulled the blanket from herself. She took a moment to savor the warm air, the clean skin, the soft clothes. In a moment, she would be herself again. Theia climbed from the bed and stood over her pile of clothes, staring down at them.

She wanted to feel like this forever. She didn't want to return to her crumbling home and dirt coated clothes, and it had only been mere hours of being washed. She had never slept as well as she had in those few hours, and she wanted nothing more than to climb back into the bed and forget about the life she had back in Windhaven. But, it was time to let her voice be heard.

Theia let the robe drop to the floor, then cringed and laid it over the bed. Something so nice didn't deserve to lay on the floor, no matter how well scrubbed it was. Something foreign twisted in her stomach as she pulled on the scratchy and torn fabric, letting the wool lay over her body. It was so sudden, but once again, Theia was empty. The joy from the night before was gone, and she was painfully herself.

Something in the air felt cold, like a spirit touching her skin. Theia lifted her eyes to the door as she laced her boots, frowning. Something in her body was telling her to run, to hide. There was a threat nearby that had her hair standing. Her pulse thrummed in her ears as she walked forward, pulling the door open a crack.

"- into our home? Are you truly this idiotic, Nyx? You cannot bring strangers from the village into Velaris!" A male's voice boomed through the corridors, the very threat in his tone making Theia wish to hide beneath the bed.

"She has things to say, father." She heard Myx respond in a similar tone, though not nearly as loud.

"You are a fool, Nyx. The next time you wish to bring someone to my attention, you bring them to the Hewn City where Court takes place, not to our home. Go get her and we will settle this, but you will not make this mistake again, son."

When the High Lord's voice ceased, though his power did not, Theia closed the door again and stumbled back. Though she may be more terrified than she ever had been, it was time to voice her concerns for her fellow females in the village, for those drowning in poverty just as she was. Theia watched the door handle, throat squeezing when it turned. Nyx's face appeared, looking every bit like a child who had just been scolded by their father. His eyes narrowed on her clothes and he pushed the door open further.


She obeyed, though her legs didn't want to walk. Nyx said nothing as he led Theia down the corridor and down the stairs. The blanket of power grew thicker in the air, choking her. The High Lord wanted to show just how furious he was that a stranger was in his home, and Theia wanted to flee. Before she made it to the bottom step, Theia's knees buckled. She gripped the handrail and leaned against it, staring wide-eyed at Nyx's back.

Never enough. She couldn't do this, she couldn't face the male that all claim to be the most powerful in Prythian. She had scolded his son well enough, maybe he could take her back home now and do her bidding. Her hands trembled, tears burning her nose and throat. She was nobody, she was nothing; why would the High Lord entertain her?

"Theia?" She hadn't realized Nyx turned around. Her eyes leveled on his face, frustration evident in his features.

"I can't," she murmured, climbing up another step. Nyx was in front of her within a blink, gripping her arm hard enough to bruise.

"I did not bring you here and be scolded by my father just for you to run away. You were so adamant on having your concerns heard, so get your ass in there and speak. If you choose to run away, you will find your own way back to the mountains and all offers of help are gone. This is my final offering, Theia, and you best accept it."

He tugged her down the steps, not caring that Theia tripped over her feet and nearly hit the ground before he pulled her upright. There was no use in fighting against his hold, the warrior was too strong for her to run from. She couldn't help the whimper that escaped, though she hated herself for showing her fear. Part of her prayed the High Lord would show her no mercy and kill her upon entering the room, and the other part prayed that Nyx was only wishing to scare her.

Though she knew there would be no luck, Theia tried to dig her heels down when Nyx began to turn into a doorway. He pulled her arm hard enough that she felt a pop in her shoulder and cried out, sucking in air through her teeth. When she moved the hair from her eyes and brought her gaze up, her muscles stiffened. Nyx practically threw her arm away from him.

"This is her," he ground out, stepping away from her and taking a seat beside a male that she recognized as the General. Cassian was his name, and Cassian was grinning at her as though he were ready to pluck her bones from her body.

She tore her eyes from him and turned to her front. Feyre, the High Lady, was the first, and only, one to offer a smile. The pain in her arm was forgotten when she found the origin of the power that pricked her skin. The High Lord sat, in all his glory, staring at her. His ankle was crossed over a knee and his fingers ran along his jaw as though she were the last person he'd ever want to meet. Her breath hitched when the same hand motioned toward her, his brows rising.

"This is the one that forced you to bring her here? Nyx, please." His voice was not near as threatening as it had been when she had heard it from upstairs. Theia parted her lips to voice her disagreement, but the Spymaster beat her to it.

"Actually, High Lord, she claims that your son kidnapped her. She works at a tavern in Windhaven and he brought her here when she was meant to be behind the bar," he spoke, eyes glancing at Theia. She was relieved enough that she'd be willing to kiss his boots for speaking for her. The High Lord's hand dropped from his mouth to the armrest, a glare set on the heir.

"Cauldron, Nyx. This is a waste of my time, return her to Windhaven and be done with this."

"I brought her here because she had claims against you, father. I simply wished for her to see that you do not neglect the Windhaven village," Nyx argued, shooting a glare at Theia. She took that as a cue to speak, though her tongue felt too large in her mouth. She cleared her throat, fingers clamping to the bottom of her shirt in order to anchor herself.

"H-High Lord, Nyx speaks true. I told him that I do not believe my home is part of your priorities, but it deserves to be. There is far too much poverty whilst you live in a City of wealth. Your home is stunning, as it should be, but your High Lady can claim the truth of my own home. I understand that I am nobody to you, but I see the truth of the village everyday." Theia sucked in a breath, her chest feeling looser as the words tumbled from her lips.

"I've heard your claims of fairness and equality between males and females, but I tell you that has not changed. My sister, for example, was brutally murders by your warriors when she trained in the ranks. They wanted to clip her, but they were drunk and foolish, and their knife severed her artery. She bled out alone in that training field because the males believed their actions were just. They remain within the ranks, they have not been punished for murdering my sister.

"Not only that, but I walk the streets from my job late at night, and I do not trust a single male that surrounds me. Your son had me against the wall of the tavern yesterday, and though I knew he wouldn't, I still expected him to take my body for himself. There is no safety in my home, High Lord. I ask you to place a fraction of your attention towards my village and make it so that I am not afraid to walk home at night."

Fear returned beneath her skin when no response sounded. Theia glanced at the High Lady, who remained smiling and gave Theia a nod. Tension didn't fall away at Feyre's gentle offer, and Theia thought it may be time for her to turn away. Her boot squealed against the hard floor and she made to leave the room, but a deeper voice filled the silence.

"Rhys, Theia's not wrong. I was with Feyre when we entered her home. Her mother was... She was worse than what I see there, Rhys." Theia glanced at the General, who was looking at the High Lord with such truth in his eyes that she teared up.

"Theia, is it? Theia, I lived in that camp many years ago. I know what goes on there, I know the values-"

"But do you? Forgive me, but you are a male. Do you know what it is like to have to accept that your body will be used against your will at some point? Do you know what it is like to be afraid to walk home at night? How about-"

"Enough." Her eyes widened at the wall-shaking voice. His tone was enough to make her entire body stiffen, even her lips remained in forming a word. "You wish to speak with me, so let me speak. You do not know what I do for this Court, what I have done for this Court. I do not appreciate you accusing me of not caring for my Court, in my home, at that. I have banned the horrid act of clipping, but I cannot stop what is done behind closed doors-"

"It was in a training field, in open space, around many others," Theia spat, anger rising at his use of the excuse Nyx had given her. Power erupted from the High Lord. He stood abruptly, eyes boring into her soul.

"Interrupt me again and you will be removed from my home. I have changed the laws in your village, I have done what I can to my best efforts, but I cannot stop things from happening in a place I am not in at all times. I am sorry for what happened to your sister, I am, but I cannot change what has already been done. I understand your anger, but there is not a thing I can do to help you that has not already been done!"

Theia clenched her jaw, no longer letting the fear hold her tongue. Either the High Lord will strike her down now, or send her home. Either way, she was not afraid.

"Look at the City you reside in, High Lord. Look at the wealth that is spent on such simple things such as nice paint or a groomed garden! That money can be put to use by providing people like me with a livable wage! I know of homes that need to be maintained, but those who live within cannot afford to feed themselves, let alone repair a damn roof. Send out citizens of this City to fix what is broken, or provide the money to those who need it!"

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