Food For Thought.

بواسطة pallazzio

2.5K 14 0

I always loved that phrase -food for thought- and use it a lot, sometimes i even hashtag my posts with it. So... المزيد

On the way to find me.
Working on myself.
I want to be a good mother.
Being the best version of my self.
Beautiful on the inside.
What do you do when you can't be with the person you love?
Healthy Romantic Relationships.
A lunch with family.
Feeling Ashamed Of The Human Species.
Feeling Ashamed Of The Human Species 2.
A Hug.

What others would say?

73 1 0
بواسطة pallazzio

One phrase that I kept hearing while growing up, a lot, was that. Don't do this, don't do that, speak more quietly because others would listen and they will judge you for what you thought and what you said. They will judge you for what you do.

There are definitely some people, that spend most of their time on what others would do, without spending it on what they do themselves or on what is happening in their own homes, in their lives but I also believe that there are out there people that they don't care, they really don't care, they look at their business and I'm not talking about those who are indifferent about everything. I'm talking about those who care more for what they do, what they would say, the impact of their actions on others. They spend more time on their individual growth, how they can improve themselves, how they can change for the better.

Gossip TV shows are still very popular, people like to learn and watch what this or that celebrity far away from them is doing, instead of looking at themselves, it makes them forget their problems. Though, this way of thinking doesn't stop on the celebrities, that they are in the public eye, it continues with everyone that is around. And, what is the effect of that?

Introspection is good, it helps you to become a better person but now will you do that, when you spend so much time of your time on unimportant things,  especially on what others would do and you have to go on and gossip with others about that. There are many similar sayings, I would write one from Mahatma Gandhi, he said that if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Finally, I'm thinking of why people spend so much time discussing about others and judging if they don't want something to change, something to get improved, just mindless gossip, to forget our own problems and thinking less that others are humans too and they would make their own mistakes and through them, they would learn, it's the most natural thing. I would understand more, if they were discussing about something that bothers them, that isn't okay, that is negative for them and others but most of the time they are crossing the line and don't respect other people's freedom and their basic rights. They want people, to continue to make things that they are considering wrong, so that they have something to discuss about. People don't need constantly a finger pointing at them, criticizing them.

All my life, I believed that you should comment on others, when you really have solved all your problems but really who has done that, we all learn, all the time. Noone has everything figured out or got all the answers. And, if you know something more, you can say it, you can advice others, instead of going behind their back and talk about them and you have to have empathy, compassion and understanding and first to show these to yourself and give yourself and others the permission to not be perfect and to make mistakes. If you pay attention to the mistakes that you make and you accept that no one knows everything, you will have more compassion toward others and forgive them and accept them when you need to do exactly that.

My mind goes back to myself and how this phrase, what others would say, limited my life and myself and played its part on what i did or didn't do. It really can keep you small, it really can stop you from doing things, from being who you are, from being who you want to be. We people, we can be really jujdemental, even for small things, that really don't matter and that starts first with ourselves and then it extends to others. The pointing finger might not be there at all but we live as if it was there because we grew up this way, that someone would always judge us no matter what we do. And, we might get judged, so what, that shouldn't stop us from doing anything we want, especially when what we will do, would not be harmful to others. We have to say in the end, that if I'm going to get judged for being who I want to be and for doing what i want to do and for what my heart wants to do, for living my life unapologetically, then judge me, if that's the price that I have to pay.

In the end, i want to close this chapter, with two quotes that I like, one that it says that it is from Wilson Kanadi and it is: "Those who judge, will never understand and those who understand, will never judge" and the other is from Albert Einstein and it is: "A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new". Don't let others and their beliefs, dictate how you should be and how you should live your life. Go out there and do yourself and let others do their selves too. That's how we will build a better life and a better world for ourselves and for others. A world that doesn't shame us, our hearts and our souls. There are some things that people should judge and they prefer to stay silent. This silence makes the loudest noise. Talk when your life is on the line, when they are killing your children, when someone is getting hurt, when what is going on will eventually harm you too.

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