One Blood Shots

By NaraMFWrestling

29.9K 644 462

Multiple stories for one major line of blood, plus extra guest appearances. More

Naughty By Nature
Young Chick
Ill King II
Right Hand Man
Young Chick II
Agressive By Nature
Right Hand Man II
Letter Lover
Ill King III
Trouble Kid
How To Deal
How to Deal
Hey Lover
Hey Lover 2
Hey Lover 3
Ms. Parker
Her & I
The Family Concubine
In A Room
Southern Charmer
Southern Charmer II
Southern Charmer III
Southern Charmer IV
Locked Up
Southern Charmer V
Big & Bad
King of the Jungle
Sex With My Ex
Birthday Boy
Don't I Know You?

Ill King

3.6K 38 20
By NaraMFWrestling

Joe's throat had been scratchy all week due to his yelling at everyone about his wife's birthday party plans.

His beautiful wife brings him some tea, "Baby, it's fine. What have you been yelling about anyways my king?"

Joe demands, "Kiss me."

She does with a smile across her lips.

Joe, "I love you."

Janice, "I love you too. And I want you to get some rest. You've been under the weather for the past week."

Joe, "I just want everything to go perfect."

Janice, "What's not going perfect?" 

Joe, "You're right. It'll go as planned. How's the studying?" 

Janice, "School is school. Studying. Test.  Quizzes." 

Joe, "When will you been done with school so you can rid of this sick professor and tutor of yours?" 

Janice, "Babe, he just flirts a little. Its harmeless." 

Joe, "I'll be harmful and break his neck." 

Janice laughs and strokes her handsome husbands chin hair, "My protective king. I promise you have nothing to worry about. Neither are as half the man you are in every aspect." 

2 Days Later...

Janice walks through the door:

EVERYONE, "Happy birthday Janice!!!" 

Janice was in shock and she looks straight ahead to see her husband holding a cake with lit candles. She walls up to him smiling as she blows out her candles then gives her husband a kiss, "Thank you babe. This was so sweet! Thank you all." 

Joe sweeps his wife into his arms as he set down the cake, earning laughs and giggles from his wife and the party goers. 

Jon, "Hey happy birthday Nicey!" Hands her a gift with a bow. 

She opens it to see a bracelet from Tiffany's. 

Janice, "Awweee this is so sweet."

Jon, "Wifey picked out the gift." 

Janice, "Where is she by the way?"

Jon, "Working. Working too hard, but she promises to make it up to you tomorrow to yall favorite place to eat and shop. Don't tell her I told you." 

Janice, "Yayyy!!!!" 

Everyone greeted, ate and was festive. The crowd died down and eventually left out. Janice and Joe gets ready for bed. 

Joe, "You going to open your gifts?" 

Janice, "You got me so many I don't know where to start, so I'll start in the morning." 

Joe heads into the bathroom to shower.

As Janice puts away all her gifts and finish the laundry, twenty minutes after Joe gets dressed and Janice winds down from lotioning her body Janice opens their blood work test results from a previous visit to their doctor, Mr. Talum. 

Janice, "Okay." She files her away then opens Joe's. As she's scanning through the paper her eyes begin to water. "WHAT?! CANCER?!" 

Joe, "Cancer?!" 

Janice tears begins to run down hed face, "Babe, this is your paper." 

Joe holds the papers in his hand, his hazel eyes scans the papers and tears start to fall down his face. Janice grabs a hold of him, holding him tight.


Authors Note: For @PitLissa22 

These are just One Shots, not related to any of my other works. 

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