Young Chick

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Kiera POV

I know people would judge, because of my age. And not only that people think I broke up his marriage but that's far from the truth. He's been divorced for three years now and I met him a year ago. I've always been a fan of his and he started training me. Somehow in the midst of training, the smooth HOF swept me off my feet. I don't know whether it was his passion to really be a help to me, him keeping me laughing and smiling, or the fact that he understood me. Understanding me is so important to me, because I'm often misunderstood from all classes and ages of people. I know I give off stripper vibes. Even professionals turned down doing deals with me because they say I have a bad stripper image. Funny cuz I've never been a stripper. 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He walks in with flowers

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He walks in with flowers. 

Keira, "Hey babe." Kisses his lips. 

Solofa (Rikishi), "You look beautiful." 

Kiera, "Thanks my love. What's the plan for today?" 

Solofa, "Family cookout." 

Kiera, "I hope you have fun. I know it's going to mean a lot for you guys to all get together." 

Solofa, "And for them to finally meet you." 

Kiera, "What? Babe, no. Your family wouldn't dare accept me, especially as your fiancé. We already keeping that as a secret." 

Solofa, "I'm grown. I don't want to play these games. And I know it was my idea to keep things a secret, but it's time." 

Kiera, "I don't want your family to be disappointed in you, because of me. You adore your family and I don't want to stand in the way of that." 

Solofa, "You won't. You'll be adding. You're great and not what people think or hate on you and say." 

Kiera, "Okay. I'll go, because I can see you're not letting this go. One more kiss for the road." 

Solofa happily obliged. 

They arrived to see about, what it seemed 1,000 or more family members and close friends gathered

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

They arrived to see about, what it seemed 1,000 or more family members and close friends gathered. Kiera slips on her ring and walks beside her older fiancé. 

Joshua, "Sup pops!" Greeted his father with a huge, "Everyone is around back. Food is about done." 

Kiera was so nervous as she walked around with Solofa and his son to see everyone. Some of Solofa's family greeted him. Leave it to Jon. 

Jon, "Hey you that indie chick, right. The Girl on Fire?" 

Kiera, "Yeah." 

Jon, "I didn't know you knew some of my family." 

Kiera, "Yeah. A friend invited me." 

Jon, "Well welcome to the cookout. Unc, just got finished and I'm about to throw down. Yall better get yall a plate." 

Thirty minutes later...

Aunt Lia threw down a plate, "What?! Together? Engaged to marry?!" Everyone look over to see Kiera raise her hand showing off her right with a weak smile. Everybody started commentating. Kiera wanted to hide, but she was glad she was getting it over with. And from the looks of things, they're not going to need many plates at the wedding. 

But surprisingly Jon was the first one to hug her and accept her. Joshua did the same but Kiera looked up to see their brother, Joseph (Sikoa) standing beside his mother, upset. 

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