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I'm Flex King Magazine CEO. I found this magazine ten years a go. And with this magazine became popularity and success. I had three beautiful kids with my darling wife, but that wasn't satisfying to me. After all, this lifestyle comes with money, fame, popularity, women, and all the other luxuries. Now some faggots offered me power on a silver platter, but it came with a cost. Thing is, I'm not a gay man and will never be a gay man, I don't care how much power it gets me. I will never be with a man to get it. Call me rebellious, call me whatever, and throw whatever dirt on my name. But anyways: here's the story.

 But anyways: here's the story

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Authors POV

Joe was wrapping up an interview with Source Magazine. Zima walks in on her Bluetooth, having a phone conversation with a person of interest. Zima, "Alright... you can email over the contract... we will only commit for something six months or less.... yes Mr. Anoa'i is a very busy man... yes I know... that just doesn't work for us... hey he's a very busy man. Better be glad you're getting him now... okay thanks Kevin. Goodbye." Zima takes her Bluetooth slamming it down on Joe's desk. Zima, "Wooo, these people." Zima holds her head. Zima, "Gosh I have a headache." Joe, "Business calling?" Zima, "Yes." Joe stands massaging Zima's neck. Zima relaxes her head on Joe's shoulder as he puts his arms around her waist. Joe kisses the side of her face, "Another headache?" Zima, "Feels like a migraine." 

Joe, "I told you to go get that checked out." 

Zima, "I will. But being your manager takes a lot of focus and you know I'm all about business." 


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