Three Little Wolves Part 2

بواسطة Kianteeee2015

876 1 4


The Lone Wolf
New Wolf In Town
Broken and Healed
Seeking A Friend
The Truth About His Parents
One's a incident, Two's a coincidence, Three's a pattern
The Worm Moon
It's Alive
Voluntary Apnea
To Save or To Kill a Kanima


76 0 1
بواسطة Kianteeee2015


I was supposed to hangout with Danny tonight (as friends of course), but he was with Jackson and I don't think he could leave Captain Dickhead alone. So I was laying down on my bed with Eli laying his head on my stomach while watching tv. I have no clue what time it was when I fell asleep, but I'm sure Eli was mad at me for going to sleep on him.

The next day, Stiles came bursting through our door with news. "Jackson changed his story." He said.

Apparently, Jackson said he didn't see Isaac and his dad arguing before his dad was killed.

Which meant Isaac was going back to Beacon Hills.

Yay. (not really)

"Okay I only found one thing online about a Kanima. It's a werejaguar from South America that hunts murderers." Stiles said. "I've read about those in my Spanish class." Eli said. "That thing was not a jaguar." Scott said. ""Yeah and I'm not exactly a murderer." Stiles said. I felt his arms wrap around my shoulder. "Hey guys." Cole said. "Fill me in." He said. "Kanima attack last night. Trying to figure it out." I said softly. "It saw you kill someone, which is probably why it tried to kill you." Scott said. "And it's still trying to kill you and probably won't stop until you're dead." Scott continued. "Sometimes I begin to question our friendship Scott." Stiles said.

We were in our next class when Jackson said something to us. "Hey, what the hell is a Kanima?" He asked. We all looked at him. "Alright, listen up." Coach began. "Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall might want to start their own study groups." He said, putting Scott on the spot about his grade. "Because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult, I'm not too sure I could pass it." He laughed. "Okay, I need a volunteer to answer the first question on the board." He said. Hands started flying up in the air. He called on someone and Jackson began what he started saying. "Paralyzed, from the next down. Do you have any idea how that feels?" He asked. "I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles said. "Wait, why would they test you? Why would they think it's you?" Scott asked. "How should I know?" Jackson said. "Do they think it's Lydia?" Stiles asked. "I don't know. All I heard was her name and something about chemistry." Jackson said. "Jackson!" Coach yelled. "Do you have something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" He asked. "Just an undying admiration for my coach." Jackson said. What a kissass. "That's really kind of you." Coach said. "Now shut up!" Coach yelled. I swear by the end of the year I'm going to need hearing aids. Scott pulled Stiles closer to him. "How do we know it's not her?" Scott asked. "Because when I looked into the eyes of that thing I saw pure evil." Stiles said. I looked over to see Lydia crying. I started walking to her when she screamed No and stood up. I stopped. She finally came back from wherever she was.

I took a picture of what she wrote on the board. It looked to be written backwards. When I saw the picture, it sent chills through my body. 'Someone help me.'

"Derek's not going to kill her without proof." Scott said. "So they test her like they did Jackson? But when and where?" Stiles asked. Just then, Isaac and Erica walked into Chemistry. "Here and now." Scott said. I was called to the office before the experiment in Mr. Harris's class started. I was now scared. 

Scott, Stiles, Allison, Sam and I left class and went to Coach Finstock's office. "Derek's waiting for Lydia outside." Stiles said. "To kill her?" Allison asked. "If he thinks she's the Kanima then yes." Scott said. "I'm not letting him kill one of my best friends." I said. "Especially after what happened at the pool?" Scott said. "It wasn't her." Stiles said. "Stiles, she didn't pass the test, nothing happened." Scott said. "It can't be her." Stiles said. "It doesn't matter because Derek thinks it's her." Allison said. "Yeah well if he harms her, I'm going to kill him myself." I said. "So we've either got to convince him he's wrong, or we gotta protect her." Allison said. "I don't think he's going to do anything here." Scott said. "What about after school?" Allison asked. "What if we can prove Derek that he's wrong?" She asked. "By 3:00?" Stiles asked. "There could be something in the Bestiary." She said. "Oh the 900 page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that." Stiles said. "I think I know someone who might be able to translate it." Allison said. "I can talk to Derek. See if he'll give us a chance to prove it's not her." Scott said. "Might need your help Rye." He said. I nodded. "But if anything happens, you guys let me handle it okay?" Scott said. "What does that mean?" Allison asked. "It means you don't heal like I do." Scott said. Allison looked at him and it wasn't a nice look. "I just don't want you getting hurt." He said. She reached in her bag and looked around for something. What she pulled out next, scared me just a little. Allison pulled a crossbow out of her bag. "I can protect myself." She said. "What?" She asked. "Something else happen?" She asked. "I just don't want you getting hurt. Any of you." Scott said. "If anything goes wrong, you call me." Scott said. "I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell , I'll hear you and I'll find you as fast as I can." Scott said. "We have till three." He said. He started walking out the door when we heard an arrow wizzing through the air. Scott caught it and we looked at the culprit; Stiles. "Ah. Sorry." He said as he handed Allison her crossbow. 

I decided to stay behind. I paced back and forth and I heard a knock. I opened the door to see Max, the new kid. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah. Just trying to find the right way to tell someone something." I said. "There's never a right way to say something. Sometimes you just have to say it." He told me. He hugged me and walked away.  I called Cole and told him where to meet me. About 5 minutes after calling him, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and he ran in and hugged me. "Hey baby." He said. "Hey." I said. He let me go. "You okay?" He asked. I felt my heart jump. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something." I began. I heard his heartbeat pick up. "What is it?" He asked. "Cole, remember the olympic archer I told you about?" I asked him. "Yeah what about it?" He asked. "Cole, it's all the way in France. And I'm going to be gone for a while." I said. I looked up to see his eyes filled with tears. He walked over to me and I hugged him as tight as I could. "I don't want you to go, but I know it's something you've worked hard at doing." He said through his tears. "I know." I said. 


I laid on the ground, barely able to breathe after being knocked down by Boyd. "I don't understand why you feel like you have to protect everyone." Derek said. "Because you do such a lazy job at it Derek Hale." Riley said as he walked up and helped me stand. "What if next time Lydia kills one of us? After all, she's killed people before." Derek said. "What if you're wrong?" I asked him. "She was bit by an Alpha. It has to be her." Derek said. "She wasn't the only one bitten by an Alpha." Riley said. Derek gave Riley an evil look. "You saw that thing up close. You know it's not like us." I said. "But it is. We're all shapeshifters. You don't know what you're dealing with. It happens rarely and it happens for a reason." Derek said. "What reason?" I asked. "Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." Derek said. "Even Stiles says she's cold blooded." Derek said. "What if she's immune?" Riley asked. "What if she has something that makes her immune to the bite which is why she didn't get paralyzed?" I asked. "No one's immune. Never seen it or heard of it." Derek said. "It's never happened." He said. "What about Jackson?" I asked him. "After all, his body is fighting the bite. Even you said so." Riley said. Derek stood there in silence. "That's why you tested him isn't it?" I yelled. "Because you gave him what he wanted, didn't you?" I asked. "Peter said the bite either kills you, or turns you." I said. "You were probably thinking it would kill him." Riley said. "Or nothing happened right?" I asked. "And you have no idea why do you?" I asked Derek. "No." He seethed. "Well I have a theory." I said. "Lydia's immune and she somehow passed it on to Jackson." I said. "You know I'm right." I told him. "No." Derek said. "You cannot do this." I said. "I can't let her live!" Derek said. "You should've known that." He said. "I was hoping I would convince you, but I wasn't counting on it." I said as I walked away. 


Boyd and Scott walked away leaving me with Derek. I turned to walk away from him when he grabbed my arm. "Let me go." I said. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "You Derek. You're planning on killing my best friend because you're too stubborn to listen." I said. "Well I can't let her live." He said. I snatched my hand from him and caught up with Scott. We went to the library after leaving Coach's office. Apparently, Danny's pads for lacrosse were torn. Scott's phone started ringing. It was Allison and she sounded panicked. She said we had to hurry. I had a feeling we were expecting company. 

Scott, Sam and I got home in time to see Stiles fighting with Isaac. "Riley, go find Lydia and Allison and get out of here." Sam said. Following orders, I looked around the house for Lydia. Once I found her, I went back to find my brothers because she wouldn't let me in the bathroom. Scott threw Isaac and Erica out of the door. Scott, Sam, Stiles, Allison and I walked out on the porch and looked at Derek. "I think I'm getting why you three keep refusing me." Derek said. "You aren't an Omega, you're already Alphas." He said to us three. "Of your own pack." Derek finished. Was he referring to my friends as a 'pack'? "But you know you can't beat me." He said to us. "I can hold you off until the cops get here." Scott said. There were sirens in the distance. 'Jokes on you Derek.' I thought to myself. Then we heard a weird noise; hissing. We looked on the roof to see the Kanima. It hissed at us and ran away. Then I started remembering what Allison said about the Kanima. 'Where a wolf seeks a pack, the Kanima seeks a friend.' "Get them out of here." Derek told Boyd. Just then, my favorite Drama Queen of all time, Lydia came out of the house. "Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" She asked. I felt pretty good about telling Derek I told you so. But it also meant something else; Jackson's the Kanima. 

Gregg Sulkin as Maximilien Belamy

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