The Beauty in Diversity

By Krouzep929

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Where Sam is a billionaire herself and the owner of Diversity and she also comes from royalty and Mon is a fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

418 12 1
By Krouzep929

                                                               *****Saturday 7am Adena's Boudoir***

Mmm..Morning lover,feeling any better?Adena moaned as she sneaked her arm around Sam and kissed her shoulder.

I'm tired Adena.. not now.

You don't have to do anything she purred as her hand moved below Sam's belly button.

 Please,I'm not in the mood okay?she said as she stopped Adena's hand.

C'mon just..

 I said, I'm not in the mood.

Fine!My gosh..

What has gotten into you all of a sudden?This morning it felt like I was making love to a dead corpse Sam.Is there something that you're not telling me? besides the incident.

No, Adena I'm sorry,I guess I'm still upset over what happened,she said as she got up to get dressed.

 Okay I get it ,I get it. I'm sorry know that I can always get her fired..,she said with a smirk.

 Sam turned around and gave her a look that would make the devil tremble.

Excuse me?What did you just say?

I said I can get her fired?the incompetent valet who trashed your car this morning?Geez, bite my head off will you? Look, if you're going to be in this mood just leave ok,I've got to go see the wedding planner anyway.

Sam's heart sank but she quickly regained her composure and inhaled deeply.

Do you want me to go with you?She asked with a plastered smiled which was enough to gain Adena's favor.

Oh baby,Adena cooed,I thought you would never ask but maybe it's best that you take care of your car first,I don't want or need any distractions, she said as she pecked Sam on the lips.

You sure? Sam asked, feigning interest.

 Yes i'm sure, you're just going to sulk over a car but you can always make it up to me? she said as she took Sam in an embrace.

Sure, why not, Sam smiled and kissed her.

Mmm..that felt so good,I almost feel like staying but I can't keep the wedding planner waiting,now can I.

No you can't, that would be rude Sam agreed.Go take your shower I have to be on my way.

 Oh and by the way lover? thanks for cancelling your flight to be with me she winked and threw Sam a kiss before she walked into bathroom.

As soon as Adena was out of sight Sam's face fell, she brushed off her lips with the back of her shivering hand and stared at it .

What the hell is wrong with you.


Morning Auntee,Morning Uncle, Yuki greeted,I just dropped by to return Mon's purse that she left in the car,Is she up yet?

Morning hun,No she's still in bed cuddled up with Singha who doesn't want anything to do with us, but maybe you can try to get them out of bed.

Let's see Yuki laughed,knowing how much they love and missed each other,oh and Auntee there are shatered glass all over the sidewalk,I can go pick it up quickly if i can get the dustpan.

No honey it's fine,I will do it quickly, probably these teenagers being up to no good again,it's that time of the year she smiled.

I know exactly what you mean Auntee,I have a gazillion nieces and nephews Yuki laughed as she ran up the stairs


It's a Universal rule that no matter how old you are a mother never really falls asleep when their kids are still out on the street and that's why mum Pohn got up to unlock the door just in case Mon showed up even though she carries her own key.

It was already after midnight when she thought she heard the voices of people arguing,so she decided to take peek through the window just to make sure.The familiar car that sometimes chauffeured a priviledged Singha was parked outside with the owner out of sight.Not really surprised by the revelation mum Pohn just sighed and decided that she wasn't going to interfere or say anything for now.

I'm going to back to bed she said to herself but as soon as the words left her mouth she heard the sound of glass breaking.

mum Pohn came to a stop and just stood there for a couple of seconds with her eyes closed praying for strenght, then continued up the stairs,because mum Pohn wasn't about that thug life.


Yo Mon,Yuki said as she walked into her room unanounced.Your mum is thee best I tell ya..eeww..

The hell Mon?that dark circle look ain't poppin you know?come here boy,come to mama, get away from that imposter,Yuki called Singha who was excited to see her.

First of all you're Thai,what's with the accent? and what are you on about.

You're mum's out there cleaning the streets,there's some shattered glass in the road and on the sidewalk,I wanted to help but she wouldn't have it.

Mon instantly went pale and jumped up.

Dude are you sure you're ok? You look like Kirk when he's hungry.

I'm fine.Is just that I didn't get any sleep last night,some idiot and their car kept me up all night, Mon mumbled and walked to the window afraid that Yuki would read her mind.

Hmm..Yuki said as she was playing with Singha, thought your mum said they were teenagers but I guess it makes more sense right?dude probably didn't know when to hit the brakes and got his hood popped.

Yea I guess..Mon replied, as she touched the tender spot just above her nipple that laid hidden underneath her top.

                                    ****Cafe Toscana, Tuesday 1pm***

Where the hell is Kirk guys?why is still not here Kade said fanning herself.

Maybe we just should get him on the phone,I don't have all day, Tee said.

Okay wait..

Just as they were about to dail, Kirk showed up like a boss in a black car.

Jim's jaw dropped,why the hell is he always driving Fuzzy's cars?

Kirk aren't you suppose to be a CEO of something ,why are you constantly playing chaffeur.

I'm her right hand man what can I say? Kirk smiled, but this is not a joy ride guys I just went to pick up the car for her,apparently some idiot knocked out the headlight on Saturday.

What do you mean on Saturday?Isn't she suppose to be out of town still ?Yuki asked

No her flight got cancelled or something and Sam is waiting guys,y'all know how she can get, make it quick.

And she didn't even think to contact her friends? Kade shook her head.

a Flight cancelled on Sam?Well that's a first Tee laughed.

Anyway let's focus guys, Kirk how far is the plan?Jim asked

The plan is well in place,all we have to do now is wait and everybody went dead silent at that.

Well, Kade finally spoke up as she reached out her hands to Jim and Yuki.

We had a good run didn't we guys?I love you idiots,never forget that,see you all in our next life Kade stated melodramatically.Kirk patted Tee on the shoulder, Jim dropped a tear and hugged Kade.Yuki was thinking about the conversation that she had with Mon.

                                                  ******DIVERSITY HQ*****

Well you took your own sweet time,didn't you?

You know how these guys are Sam,they take their time with everything but she's sorted now ,they fixed her up good. 

Yea just stop being creepy.

Hey I wasn't..maybe you're the one who needs to keep their mind out of the gutter.

Sam cleared her throat and mumbled something under her breath..

 What was that?

I said I need to tell you something.

See,I knew your mind was in the gutter and with all due respect Sam, I don't wanna hear any details about you and Adena's sex life.Nope sorry.

Kirk stop,I'm being serious.

Ok now you're making me worry,what's going on?

I need you to do me a favor,I need you to fetch Singha for me...

Oh my goodness seriously?here I'm thinking that you're dying or something.Just take a listen to my heart pounding,Not funny.Kirk said as he pushed his chest out.

but Mon is going to be reluctant,Sam continued totally ignoring Kirk and his heart problems.

Yip you know how she loves....

Wait.. Sam how? did you..

We ran into each other.

Okay... but how and when?Mon has been MIA since Saturday the only way for you to have seen her is if you were......

Sam? what really happened?and please tell me that the car doesn't have anything to do with it?

Sam just stared at the roof.

Oh my gosh Sam! please tell me you didn't run her over?please tell me Mon is okay.

She's fine, but I feel like I'm going to run you over if you don't stop talking.

Fine,look I'm sorry that we didn't tell you about Mon but how did you even..

Her lingered in the air when I went to drop Singha but I wasn't sure,I thought that I was losing my mind or something but Singha must've picked up on her scent as well, he just went crazy, I had to make sure..

So you cancelled your it make sense.

And I regret ever doing that.

I'm even afraid to ask, but where does the car come in?did you get into an argument? you're making me nervous here Sam not gonna lie.

 I said some things that escalated into a screaming match, can you believe she threw a shoe at me? but it hit the car because her aim... Kirk could swore he saw a faint smile.

So you left her and went home?Mon is okay, right Sam?

I don't know what came over me but I pushed her against the wall..

Oh no,oh no, Kirk said as he covered his face with his hands,Do I need to get you a lawyer?

but Mon being who she is,turned the tables on me yet again, Sam stated incredulously.

What's that suppose to mean?Can you stop being cryptic.This stress is giving a headache.

I yield to her touch.I never wanted anything so desperately in my life like I wanted her that night Kirk.

O.M.G..Sam, are you saying you two?wait I don't wanna know.or do I?he wondered to out loud.

Say OMG one more time Kirk I swear but..

the way she was looking at me,I just couldn't handle it.I lost all control and I can't have that, not again,Sam said with what sounded like a plea.I don't ever wanna see her face again so I want you to go and get Singha,please. 

uhm.. yea about that, Kirk said as Sam's office phone started to ring.

Hold on,it's Grandmother.


                                                                     *****DUN DUN****

Sam was her Grandmother's favourite grandchild and she loved her Grandmother with all her heart.They were at the top of the elite and was brought up under a strict rule,she recieved the best that money could buy and she never defied her grandma in any way but that all changed the day that she fell for her intern,Mon Kornkamon.

Sam shaked off the memory as she entered the Mansion,Good afternoon Lady Sam,the butler  greeted.

Good afternoon Somchai,where's Grandmother.

Dearest,Gran spoke as she entered the foyer,I haven't seen you in a while.

I've been meaning to come but work has been keeping me busy.

I  see, and how's Adena and your weddings plans going?

I really don't feel like talking about that right now Grandma.

Good, because I want to talk about Diversity and Sam? where's you manners,don't you greet our guest?

I'm sorry, I didn't know we had a guest but good..Sam frozed as the blood drained from her face when she saw her.

Grandmother what's going on here?what is she doing on our property?

Mon breaked into an incredulous laugh,Do you honestly think I want to be here?

Quiet you two!

They both apologised to Grandmother.

Now I want you two both to listen and don't even think about interrupting me.

I want to start off by saying that I'm awfully dissapointed in you Sam.When were you going to tell me that Diversity was in a state of disaster and why do I have to find it through Kirk that you're planning on selling.Should I remind you that I'm the main shareholder,the building was bought with my money and everything inside of it belongs to me.Just because I let you live out your dream and let you have the cash doesn't mean I'm letting you drag our family name through the mud.As for you Mon,you're probably wondering what does this have to do with you,apparently everything,I've made my calculations,so it's only fair and since you were given a chance at Diversity you will return the favor and don't think about leaving the country.I already got into contact with your agency in the UK and they don't have a problem since I've already paid them a generous amount for your services and you don't come cheap, take that as a compliment.I will double whatever they give you and I don't care how long it takes or if the two of you want to kill each other as long as you fix it.Now go along, I need my rest.

Sam stormed out as Mon followed shortly behind on trying to dail the taxi again.

 Kirk you're dead meat Sam mumbled and you as she pointed at Mon,you should've stayed away.

Last time I checked I had dual citizenship and I will come an go as I please.I don't need your permission.Where the hell is this taxi.

Ugh..get in this damn car! Sam shouted as she held the door open cause even angry Sam is chivalrous

I'd rather walk my legs off than share a car with a stalker.

Fine! you know what? walk! walk so that I can run you over!

Oh please!I beg of you!go ahead and put me out of my misery! Mon shouted while Sam started to rev the engine and staring at Mon who stopped a few meters in front of the car challenging Sam to run her over.

I'm going to kill that woman but I swear she wants me to go jail as if I haven't been in one for almost three years ,but I have a lot money and Grandmother can bail me out,does she have a death wish?why the hell is she not moving?Look at that face though...Nope.

I swear she's been a criminal in her past life and if she think for one second that I'm going to move, she can forget it,but I don't wanna die,oh my gosh is she really going to kill me?she looks diabolical but damn she's gorgeous.Mon dammit focus you're about to get murdered.Oh no, Mon suddenly waved.

Has she lost her mind?Is she actually waving goodbye,Sam looked in the rear view mirror to make sure Mon wasn't as crazy as she looked so when she saw the person standing in the doorway Sam stepped out of the car with a plastered smile on her face to open the door for Mon and told her to get in like a gentlewoman.Before she got in herself she waved at Grandma and drove off.Grandma gave Somchai a nod.

To say that drive back home was akward was truly and understatement.

******To be continued.

Woh guys another long one but I personally prefer long chapters.As you guys can see,I blotted out the face in the pic at the top and I did that on purpose so that you guys can fill in that blank and again I'm not an english native so I apologise for any grammatical errors.

I also want to mention guys that we've all heard the news by now about Freen's health condition so let's keep her and Becky both in our prayers,let's support and respect them at all times at whatever decisions they make.Love always wins.Take care guys, until next time.Hope you enjoy.

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