The Arc Trooper

By MK9Yamato

30.7K 765 344

What if Jaune was a clone of the 501st but then found himself on a different planet during the battle of Umba... More

Episode 1: Teleported to the Unknown
Episode 2: Rest till help arrives
Episode 3: A Clone's Beacon
Episode 5: Some new Shines
Episode 6: Jaunedice
Episode 7: Unexpected attack
Episode 8: Cat is Out
Episode 9: Assult on the Docks
Episode 10: Unexpected Visitor
Episode 11: Reunion & problems
Episode 12: Unpredictable Outcome
Episode 13: Seek & Destroy
Preview: Heartbreak

Episode 4: The Battle Begins.

2.1K 53 27
By MK9Yamato

Above the Emerald Forest we see a black bird flying high above sky until.


Jaune hit the bird while screaming. He had to think fast, he had to plan an idea before he falls to his death. Lucky he has a grappling hook on his wrist and aimed right at a tree. He immediately fired his hook and luckily hit a branch in time. He hit the ground hard but still in one piece.

Jaune: *gets up* Next time he should just tell me to jump.

He found his blaster and picks it up now heading north to the temple he's assigned to get the relic. As he made his way forward he encountered the native creatures known as Grimm in front of him.

Jaune: What are they?

One of the grimm beowolf took notice and growled at the clone ready to attack.

Jaune: Now I wish I had a Jedi about now. *readies his Dc-15*

They other Beowolf took notice of his emotions and charged right at him. Jaune immediately fired killing the grimm with one or two shots with his blaster. As they gotten closer he switch to his DC-17s and blast them all to hell.

Jaune: Eat hot laser!

As he finished off the remaining Grimm he hears a notice behind some bushes and points him pistols at the direction. And what came out put a frown on Jaune's face. It was non other than the Ice Queen herself.

Weiss: Why you?

Jaune: Great my first partner is the Ice Queen.

Weiss: Stop calling that!!!

Jaune: Stop being a spoiled brat!

Then they hear more noise next to them and readies their weapons. This time both Ruby and Pyrrha came out surprised of who they found.

Ruby: Jaune!

Jaune: Ruby! And... Pyrrha right?

Pyrrha: Hello Jaune.

Jaune: Good I guess we are a team now.

Ruby: Yeah!

Pyrrha: That's nice.

Weiss: Hmph.

Jaune: Well then, let's keep on moving before more of those things gets here.

Ruby: Oh yeah I haven't told you about the Grimm.

Jaune: Grimm? What's that?

Weiss: Wait? You don't know about the Grimm? How?

Ruby: Oh well... Jaune is kinda... an alien.

Weiss: You're joking right?

Jaune: Ruby, please don't give out personal information to anyone.

Ruby: Oops sorry! But yeah Jaune here is a clone soldiers of the Galactic Republic.

Jaune: Ruby!

Weiss: Never heard of it.

Ruby: Well dub! Haven't you heard the word "alien" before- *jaune covers her mouth*

Weiss: Aliens don't exist!

Jaune: *sigh* For now that's classified information. Let's keep moving forward till we find the temple.

Weiss: Now who puts you in charge?

Jaune: I out class you in experience and skills kid. Tell me kid, how many battles have you fought?


Jaune: That's what I thought. Ruby we'll talk later. Alright team let's move out!

Pyrrha's POV

Finally someone who doesn't know who I am. This Jaune person maybe old but is actually a nice guy... i think. But still someone who doesn't know about the Grimm and what Ruby said an alien is quite suspicious. Speaking of which.

Me: Jaune can I ask you a question?

Jaune: What is it?

Me: Why do you wear all that armor? Don't you have your aura unlocked?

Jaune: My... aura? What's that?

Weiss: You can't be serious?! You don't have your aura unlocked! Why did the headmaster invite you anyway!!

Jaune: Shut it clanker!

Ruby: Hehe clanker.

Me: Jaune, aura is a manifestation of our soul. Since you're a soldier right?

Jaune: Yeah?

Me: Have you ever felt like you're being watched?

Jaune: A lot in the field. Why?

Me: With practice our aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals.

Jaune: What about these Grimm?

Me: No the monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm. The manifestation of anonymity. They are the darkness and we are that light.

Jaune: You're talking like master Yoda.

Me: Who?

Jaune: Nothing! Keep going.

Me: Knowing about both light and dark helps us manifest our aura. Everyone has some of both. By barring you soul outward as a force you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are our conduits for aura. You can project yourself and your soul with fighting.

Jaune: So... like a deflector shield then.

Me: I guess you can say that. *walks up to him*

Weiss: Pyrrha are you-

Me: Yes I am.

Jaune: Um what are you doing?

Me: I'm going to unlock your aura. Now please close you eyes.

Jaune: Um ok?

Me: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.

As I finish up the chant I then open my eyes to see that I am somewhere else, somewhere different that didn't look like the forest we are in. Then I here Jaune's voice.

???: Watch you left!

Me: Jaune?

Then I see both green and blue bolts of light coming from everywhere then I see a giant machine coming from the distance.

That machine is huge then I see a rocket hit the cockpit but with no effect, not even a scratch.

???: Rocket launchers don't work on these things!

I turn around to see other people wearing the same type of armor as Jaune does. Then they other spoke which has a red mark on his shoulder which I assume is the medic.

Medic: Help me with the wounded!

I turn around to see non other then Jaune himself but with him are two different looking people with different markings.

Medic: We gotta get these guys out of here.

Then to my shock he went through me as he drags the man to the others but his voice sounds like Jaune's. The medic tries to get the others but the other with the T visor stops him.

Leader: Forget it, we have to leave them.

Medic: We can't just leave them sir.

Leader: We don't have a choice. That's an order.

Medic: You sound like general Krell.

Who is the general Krell and why does it sound like he hates him?

Leader: Look Kix, it's more important to save yourself right now. We survive you can patch up the wounded later.

As much as I hate to say it but from what I'm seeing he's right. I think this is Jaune's memories. Then I bright flash blinded me as I look up to see both Ruby, Weiss and Jaune staring at me.

Me: Um what happened?

Ruby: After you unlocked Jaune aura you fainted on the spot.

Me: I-I did?

Jaune: Yeah you did. Now come on let's move before it gets dark.

Weiss: But Pyrrha just fainted!

Me: No I'm fine.... Hey Jaune?

Jaune: Hmm?

Me: Does the name Kix mean anything to you?

Jaune: What?

Me: Well I think I saw your memories.

He then started to look at me directly before looking at Ruby before nodding his head.

Jaune: After this is over tell me everything you saw got it.

Me: S-sure?

Jaune: Good then let's move out!


As they go deeper into the forest Weiss was suspicious on who Jaune is. She hardly believes that Jaune is an alien but the weapons he uses are more advanced that Atlas could ever dream not to mention his armor. But one thing then popped in her mind.

Weiss: Great I think we are lost.

Ruby: What makes you say that?

Weiss: We've been in this forest for I don't know? 30 minutes and no signs of a temple anywhere!

Pyrrha: Maybe if we keep moving forward we'll find it?

Weiss: We've being doing that all this time and not ones we've seen a temple anywhere thanks to soldier boy here! If I led the group maybe we'll find the temple faster.

Jaune: Target located!

Weiss: What?!

They follow Jaune to find an opening this a temple in the middle of it. But over they see both Yang and Blake already there.

Ruby: Yang!

Yang: Uh? *gasp* Ruby!

They ran to each other before another girl popped out in the middle of them.

Nora: Nora!!!

Jaune: Its good to see you Yang, Blake.

Yang: You too Jauney.

Blake: Same here Jaune.

Jaune: So who are they?

Yang: Our new teammates.

Blake: The pink out is a bit... crazier than expected. Oh that's Nora and the other is Ren.

Ren: Hi.

Jaune: Hello. So these are the relics we need to return with?

Yang: Yup and I got the pony.

Jaune: Of course you did. Alright I'll grab one. *grabs a king* Alright let's head before-

Then they see a large group of Grimm coming out of the forest now looking at the group with killer intent.

Blake: That's a lot of Grimm.

Weiss: Where did they come from?

Jaune: Doesn't matter, right now we need to head back to the cliff as soon as possible. Everyone form up and get ready to engage.

Everyone: Right!

As they group up close to Jaune they Grimm then charged at them giving Jaune the green light to engage the enemy with the intent to kill.

Beacon cliff

Glynda: That's a lot of Grimm surrounding them don't you think?

Ozpin: I agree but Mr. Jaune is leading the attack against them flawlessly. It's seems he is true skilled in warfare.

Glynda: I still find it hard to believe he's from a different planet much less from space.

Ozpin: Until we find out more about him we will watch him on what he does.

Glynda: Will do Ozpin.


Back at the temple the group is slowly getting overwhelmed but the enormous force of the Grimm attack from all sides. One beowolf tries to launch a sneak attack on Jaune but he sees this and immediately turns the tide against it and kills it easily.

Jaune: We gotta regroup! Take cover now!

They soon follow Jaune up the hill as Grimm chased them from behind. The found a small opening give Jaune an idea in which he got from Rex back on Umbara.

Jaune: I have an idea.

Blake: Make it quick. They will be coming around at any second.

Jaune: Who here has explosive?

Nora: I do!

Jaune: Good. *pulls out a thermal detenator* I want all of you to grab some grenades and detonator and spread them across that corridor. Trap them into the bottleneck. We're going to blow those things sky high.

As they grab the grenades and detonators they spread them along the ground and went to cover immediately.

Jaune: Good now let's play the waiting game.

Then they see the Grimm charging towards them being pulled into the trap.

Yang: Hey over here!

Nora: Hey ugly! Come and get me!

Ruby: Hey hey!

As soon they were on top of the explosive Jaune hit the trigger causing the detonators and grenades to explode.

Jaune: Got you. *click*


The explosion was so big that even Ozpin and Glynda could see the mixture of black and pink smoke in the forest. As the explosion settles down all of the Grimm were dead and no one was hurt.

Ruby: We got 'em? We got 'em!!!

Yang: Yes!

Nora: That. Was. Awesome!

Pyrrha: Nice strategy Jaune.

Jaune: Got it from my Captain. Now let's head back and complete this iniation.

Time skip: Auditorium

Ozpin: Russel thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the Black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as team CRDL. Lead by Cardin Winchester.


Ozpin: Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren. You four retrieved the white knight piece. From this day forward you shall be known as team BRNY (Browny). Lead by Blake Belladonna.

Ozpin: And Finally Jaune, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Pyrrha Nikos. You retrieved the Black King pieces. From this day forward you all shall be known as team JSPR (Jasper) Lead by...

Weiss: 'please be me, please be me, please be me?'

Ozpin: Jaune.


Weiss: What?!

Ozpin: Treat them well soldier.

Jaune: *solutes* Yes sir!

Ozpin: Before you leave I would like to talk to you and your team in my office.

Jaune: Will do sir.

To be continued

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