DON'T BLAME ME | scream

By belletastix

37.9K 826 977

"you forgot about another legacy child, and in the wise words of sidney prescott, don't fuck with the origi... More

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๐–บ๐–ผ๐— ๐—ˆ๐—‡๐–พ
001. i have a date
002. is ghostface back?
003. he's making a requel!
004. payback's a bitch
005. you're my best friend
001. dwight style
002. harold the octopus
003. merry christmas
004. we're graduating!
005. happy birthday mads!
๐–บ๐–ผ๐— ๐—๐—๐—ˆ
001. halloween from hell
002. we're in a franchise!
003. another friend down
004. we'll be a fine line
005. don't trust anyone, remember?
006. don't fuck with our family
007. forever and always

006. don't fuck with the original

1.7K 42 55
By belletastix

chapter six
don't fuck with the original

Nick and Madelyn arrived at Amber's house after about ten minutes. They hopped out of the car and made their way inside and through the crowds of people.

"Oh my god, Maddie. Mindy told me what happened." Amber pushed through the crowd, hugging the girl tightly. "Are you all right?"

"I'm good." Madelyn nodded. "I need a drink."

"You know where the kitchen is." Amber smiled at her. Madelyn grabbed Nick's hand, pulling him towards the kitchen, where she poured herself and Nick a shot.

"Shot for the nerves?" She handed it to him.


"It's something me and my dad did, he poured me a shot before I went anywhere to ease the nerves because he wished he had someone to give him a shot before he went anywhere." Madelyn explained. Nick nodded, clicking their glasses together before they took the shot. Madelyn looked at the blue 'for wes' banner that had put up. She smiled at it weakly.

"Hey everyone. Thanks for coming, but the party's over!" Madelyn and Nick heard Amber's voice shout, receiving protests in return. "Time to go!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Hello!" Richie shouted loudly, turning all the lights on. Madelyn and Nick made their way to stand in the hallway. "Can we cut the music, please? Uh, hi... Gen Z. How are you? Um... Both Sam and Tara here have been attacked by the killer twice, and Madelyn over there once. And now they're all here, which makes this place a huge murder target, so... if I were you, I would probably leave."

The crowd booed and someone threw something at Richie. "Okay, I tried to be nice. Get the fuck out! Please, get the fuck out! Sincerely, get the fuck out. Thank you. Thank you all. I'm saving your life. I promise. Thanks, teens. Thank you so much. Thank you for leaving the cup."

The entire crowd left and Sam followed Tara and Amber. Madelyn and Nick stayed stood in the hallway, watching as Richie walked into the kitchen before they went into a different part of the house.

"So much for taking your mind off things." Nick commented.

"We should've gone home and had a movie night." Madelyn stated.

"This was your idea." Nick told her.

"I thought it would be fun." Madelyn defended herself. "Maybe we should head home."

"Yeah, let's go." Nick grabbed Madelyn's hand as they walked towards the exit. The two stepped into the hallway, seeing Sam staring out of the door with a scared look on her face. "Sam?"

"This is Stu Macher's house." She stated.

"How did I never know that?" Madelyn asked herself. A scream cut through the conversation and Madelyn was the first to move, recognising the voice almost immediately. "Mindy!"

They ran into the living room to see Mindy on the floor, Ghostface above her, their knife above her chest. Sam grabbed the lamp off the counter, throwing it at Ghostface so it smashed over their head. The killer looked at the trio before running through the house in the opposite direction.

Madelyn rushed over to Mindy, holding her hand over her shoulder wound. "Mindy."

"That's a lot of blood, Mads." Mindy observed.

"No, Mindy, stay with me." Madelyn demanded as Sam crouched down the other side, holding her hands over Madelyn's.

"What did you do to her?" Amber screeched at Sam from behind them, her and Tara walking into the room.

"No, I didn't do anything. The killer, he—" Sam tried to defend herself as she stood up, leaving Madelyn to put pressure on Mindy's wound.

"Mindy!" Tara exclaimed.

"What the fuck?" Richie asked, dropping his beer bottle so it smashed on the floor.

"Richie, where the fuck were you?" Sam asked.

"I went into the basement to get beer." Richie gestured behind him.

"You went to the basement alone?" Amber asked, a hand on Tara's shoulder.

"I asked her to come with me! She said no!" Richie pointed to Mindy, who still had Madelyn crouched next to her.

The door slammed and they all jumped. "Fuck!"

Nick put his hand on Madelyn's shoulder, sending her a look. Madelyn look back at Mindy, who was now unconscious before she stood up slowly, holding onto Nick's hand as Liv came rushing into the room.

"Stay the fuck back." Amber held her hand up.

"Jesus Christ!" Liv cried, taking one look at Mindy on the floor.

"I was with Tara but the rest of you were wandering around." Amber accused them off. "One of you is the fucking killer!"

"Fuck you, Amber. Fuck you!" Liv shouted through gritted teeth.

"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam questioned.

"What?" Liv looked down at her blood stained hands. "I found Chad. I found Chad and he's—"


"Oh my god." Nick breathed out, tightening his grip on Madelyn.

"You're fucking lying." Amber accused once more. "You're the killer."

"No, I'm not." Liv shook her head.

"Liv, stop."

"Fuck you!" Liv shouted.

"Liv, just stop!" Amber exclaimed.

"Fuck you, Amber. I'm not the fucking killer!" Liv seethed.

"I know." Amber sighed, taking a gun out of her trousers and shooting Liv in the head. Liv fell back, her blood splattering on the wall behind her. Madelyn gasped taking a step back and grabbing Nick's arm as she stared at Amber in betrayal. Amber turned so the gun was facing her, Nick and Sam. "Welcome to Act Three."

"Run!" Richie screamed. Tara pushed Amber's arm as she fired the gun, it shooting up in the air as Sam, Richie, Nick and Madelyn ran out of the room and through the kitchen. The gun went off again and Richie guided Sam into the basement while Nick and Madelyn ran up the stairs, hiding in one of the bedrooms.

"Oh my god, oh my god." Madelyn ran her hands through her hand when she heard more gunshots going off. She rushed towards the window to see her mum on the grass outside, her hands on her abdomen while Sidney shot someone on the patio. "Mum. Oh my god."

"Hey, Mads, she's going be okay, they're all going to be, okay." Nick soothed her.

"There's always two killers." Madelyn whispered.


"There's always two killers." Madelyn stated. She turned and looked at Nick as they both came to the same conclusion.

"Richie." They breathed out in unison. The two listened to the commotion going on outside, hearing Amber and Richie shout at Sidney and Sam.

"Nick, we have to—"

"We have to stay here until they need us." Nick cut her off. "Just a few minutes."

Madelyn looked out the window, seeing Amber pick her mum and drag her inside. "Nick—"

"A few minutes."

They waited one minute before leaving the room and making their way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. They listened for a moment before they heard Amber making their way towards them. Nick looked towards Madelyn, sending her a look before he ran off. Madelyn closed her eyes, placing her hand over her mouth to stay quiet when she heard Amber grunt before the familiar sound of a knife hitting flesh and Nick groaning in pain.

She then heard a door open in the distance, Amber calling back to Richie. "Uh, she's not here."

"What the fuck do you mean, 'she's not here'?" Richie asked.

"She's not here!"

"I untied her." Madelyn heard Sam admit. "Guess you're not as persuasive as you thought.

The phone then rang but Madelyn couldn't hear what Richie said as she made her way through the house towards the living room where she found Amber throwing Tara over the sofa.

"Sam! Where you going? Your big scene's coming up!" Richie's voice boomed across the house.

Amber looked up, walking back into the kitchen as Madelyn rushed towards Tara, helping her up from the floor and onto the sofa. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good, I'm okay." Tara stood up with the help of Madelyn.

"Okay, I'm gonna go help my mum, Nick is the hall, go find him." Tara nodded as the sound of crashing and Gale crying out in pain sounded from the kitchen. Tara sent a look to Madelyn, one that told her to make Amber pay. Madelyn walked into the kitchen to find Amber on top of her mother, her hands around her throat and Sidney on the floor, rubbing her head in pain.

"I was the last thing Dewey saw before he died too. I can't believe I get to do you both." Amber spoke with a sadistic smile. "No last-minute saves this time. Your story's over! Time to pass the torch."

"You forgot about another legacy child, bitch." Madelyn seethed, kicking Amber in the back so she rolled off of Gale. Madelyn grabbed Amber's tee-shirt, throwing her so she hit the counter before punching the girl across the face. Amber grabbed a knife off the counter, shoving it into Madelyn's stomach, making Madelyn bend over in pain.

The brunette quickly recovered, grabbing the knife as Amber held it above her once more. Madelyn tilted her head. "I'm getting some deja-vu here, Amber."

"You're not gonna win this time though." Amber shook her head as she spun them around, Madelyn's back up against the counter.

"You killed my dad, you killed my best friend and for that I'm going to kill you too." Madelyn threatened, twisting the knife so it bent Amber's wrist in the wrong direction, successfully breaking the bone inside and forcing her to drop the knife. Madelyn caught the knife, spinning it in her hand so she had a hold of the handle. "And if there is one thing I've learnt from Sidney freaking Prescott it's... don't fuck with the original."

Madelyn shoved the knife into the girl's side, pushing her off of her and onto the stove on the other side of the kitchen, accidentally turning the gas hobs on.

"You wanna do the honours?" Gale asked Sidney, who had a hold of Amber's dropped gun.

"This one's yours." Sidney told the woman. Gale took a look at her daughter, who nodded. Madelyn stumbled over to her mother, Gale in the middle of Sidney and Madelyn, holding the gun up at Amber.

"No, stop, stop, stop! I'm sorry about Dewey." Amber held her hands up in surrender.

"Fuck you." Gale spoke through gritted teeth, firing the gun at Amber three times. The girl fell back, turning around so she fell face first onto the lit stove, her whole body lighting on fire as she screamed. The girl stumbled around for a moment before falling to the floor, still on fire.

"Enjoy that torch, bitch." Sidney commented.

Gale wrapped her arm around Madelyn's waist, taking some of the girl's body weight. The three stood in silence for a moment before they turned and walked into the hallway, making their way over to Sam, who stood, covered in blood over a dead Richie. They walked over to the girl, Madelyn stood in between Gale and Sam, while Sidney went the other side of the Carpenter girl.

Sam threw the knife she used on the floor, which made Sidney look at her. "Careful, they always come back."

Madelyn stared the boy who tried to hurt her friends, snatching the gun from Gale's hand and shooting the boy multiple times, including one to the head.

Gale tilted her head. "Okay, then."

Suddenly, there was screaming from behind them, the four spinning around to see Amber charging at them with a knife in her hand. However, with one gun shot to the side of the head, she fell to the ground. The three turned to see Tara holding a gun, tears in her eyes with Nick right behind her,

"I still prefer the Babadook." Tara commented.

Sam made her way over to Tara while Madelyn practically ran towards the boy next to her. "Nick."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting out a sigh of relief to see him alive. Nick hugged her back tightly as she held his head. Madelyn screwed her eyes shut, staying in his embrace for a few moments before pulling back, resting her hand on his cheek.

"Don't leave me again." She demanded.

"Not planning on it, sunshine." Nick reassured her, hugging her once more.

The two walked towards Gale and Sidney as the police and ambulances began to arrive. Paramedics rushed into the house as well as police officers to assess the scene. Madelyn watched as one of the doctors ushered Nick, Tara and Sam out the house. The brunette stood on the porch in between her mum and her aunt.

"You know tonight was very therapeutic for me." Madelyn stated, making the two turn to in slight confusion but mostly concern. "Which is something Wes would stare at me funny for saying but it was very therapeutic." She then furrowed her eyebrows before shrugging. "Maybe anger management didn't work as much as I thought it did."

Madelyn smiled at her family members before she was ushered towards a paramedic, the nurse wrapped her wound up. She walked over to where Nick sat on the edge of an ambulance, a bandage around his abdomen. She sat down next to him, a small smile on her face.

"Hey." Madelyn greeted.

"Hi, you okay?" Nick turned to her.

"I'm fine." Madelyn shrugged. "Tonight was crazy."

"So much for a casual night to get your mind off thing, hey?" Nick commented. Madelyn let out a soft laugh. They fell into a peaceful silence before Madelyn turned to face the boy.

"Nick," He looked over at her soft spoken words. "I'd like to hangout with you for my whole life."

"It's lucky that I haven't nor will I ever go anywhere then, isn't it?" He smiled at her.

"Have you really liked me this whole time?" Madelyn asked him.

"Been waiting for you to notice, there's a reason I'm only nice to you, sunshine." Nick raised his eyebrows with a small smile.

"I thought it was because of my undeniable charm." Madelyn teased.

"Definitely not." Nick shook his head. The two stared at each other for a moment before Madelyn took his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his. Nick was momentarily stunned before he kissed her back, smiling into it as his hands fell to her hips. After a second, Madelyn pulled away, a soft smile on her face. Nick pressed their foreheads together before his hand moved, grazing her stab wound.

Madelyn winced in pain. Nick looked down to see her bandage completely covered in blood. He signalled to a nearby paramedic, the doctor rushing over to the two with a gurney.

"You need to go and get help." Nick told her as she stared at him. "I'll meet you at the hospital later."

Madelyn nodded, squeezing his hand as the paramedic helped her onto the gurney, strapping her in before wheeling her towards one of the empty ambulances. They pushed her down the road, but Madelyn was quick to stop them as they rolled past two people.

"Hey, wait." She stopped them, holding her hand out. "Mum, can you come with me?"

"Of course." Gale grabbed her hand. "I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere."

The two got into the ambulance and Madelyn sat up slightly to look at Sidney. "You coming Aunt Sid, it can be some sort of fucked up family roadtrip."

Sidney laughed, nodding as she got into the ambulance, sitting on the other side of Madelyn. Gale looked down at her daughter, "So what's with this Nick kid?"

Madelyn smiled. "I really like him."

"What did your dad think of him?" Gale wondered.

"Nick thought dad didn't like him but he did, dad thought he was a bad influence." Madelyn laughed softly. "But I don't think it was because of Nick, I think he was scared I was going to leave. Like if he forced me into his law-breaking ways, I would leave home quicker. He was scared he was gonna lose someone else."

Gale nodded in understanding, sharing a look with Sidney. "He likes you a lot."


"That boy jumped out of a moving truck to come and find you. He created a powerpoint in the lobby to prove to you he didn't hurt you. He cares for you so deeply and the look of relief on his face when he saw you were alive is something I haven't seen on a person since—" Gale cut herself off with a sigh.

"Since your parents." Sidney finished.

"Let's hope Nick and I have better luck." Madelyn joked resulting in laughter from the two adults and they drove down the road towards a hospital. Madelyn let a smile grow on her face, she may have lost people in the last few days but she was just fine now. She had grown closer to her mother and she had found a boy who loved her. All was well in the world.

For now.

( 💌 ) isobel's notes
this marks the end of act one!!
just a chapter of madelyn being a badass
she shot richie for scream 6 reason y'know
might do some filler chapters before we get into
the canon scream 6 because it's like madelyns
birthday etc etc
just nick and madelyn confessing their love with
taylor swift references 🤭😩

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