to earth

By kitstudios3

133 1 0

Ava- How could I be so tursting? I let him take me. I let him get close... How could I let this happen? Now... More

wirters note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chatper 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

16 0 0
By kitstudios3

Presnt time

The music loud, The lights moving all over the place. Many people were out having a good time or many of them were at the bar having drinks. Ava making drinks left and right. Not taking time to sit down and get a drink herself. 

It’s almost time to leave. Is what she kept telling herself. She looked at the clock as time moved slowly. Ava hated the night club. There was nothing but sex and alcohol. And dear god, Could they pick better songs? Working here all night makes her want to pull out her hair. She looked over at a man sitting with sunglasses on.  She tilted her head to the side. Why would he have sunglasses on in the night club? She walked over to him as she put her hands on the counter.

“What can I get you sir?” She asked as she batted her green eyes at him. He looked up as he smiled. Her heart stopped as she felt her face turn red. 

God, He is hot as hell. 

“Just a bloody mary.” he requested. Ava nodded as she grabbed a glass. She got all the stuff out to make the drink. She made the drink as she handed it to him.

“Here you are sir.” 

“Thank you.” She smiled a little more. What was it with him? She saw a lot of guys who were pretty. But nothing like him. Just something that made him mysterious. 

“Let me know if you need anything else.” The man nodded as she walked off. She looked over at her co-worker. Walking over with a hop in her step. Ava felt as if she was walking on a cloud. This feeling she never had before. Ava’s co-worker looks over as she smiles.

“Ava, What’s got you all…Well, hoppy?” The girl asked. Ava pointed at the man with the sunglasses on. 

“Him, He is so hot.” The co-worker looked over as she looked back at Ava. She grabs Ava by the arm as she looks into her eyes.

“Ava, Don’t trust him.”

“Why?” Ava tilts her head slightly.

“He could be one of them.” 

“One of what?” The coworker sighs. 

“You are telling me you didn’t see the news?”


“Oh my god Ava. This is why you are going to get killed.” Ava laughed. She looked back at the man as she blushed a little. Ava looked back at her co-worker. 

“I have to show you this.” She pulls out her phone. 

“Come on Anna. He is not going to hurt me.” Anna looked back at Ava as she cocked an eyebrow up. 

“Are you kidding me?” 

“No, He is just a man at a nightclub.” Anna rolled her eyes.

“No, He is an alien.” Alien? What kind of science fiction is this? Ava laughed. 

“Now you’ve lost it.” 

“Ava, I haven’t lost it. Just look.” Anna shows her phone with a news report. The report says.

‘Aliens on earth! They have taken over our home!’

“Alright, I have seen it all with you Anna.” 

“Ava, This could be life or death.” Ava puts up her hands as she sighs. 

“I can't tonight. I am going home.” Ava turns her back as she walks out of the bar. She clocks out as she grabs her backpack and walks towards the door. Before grabbing the door she felt a hand on her arm. Ava turned her head as she saw Anna. 

“Let me go, Anna.” 

“Just take this.”  Anna pulled out a knife as she gave it to Ava. Ava backs up.

“No, I will not have that on me.” 

“I don’t give two fucks. Just take it.” She put it in Ava's pocket as she walks away. Great, Why does she even work here? She turns back and opens the door. She walked out as the cold air hit her in the face. Why must Chicago be cold and windy? Ava walked as she took out her phone. She saw a text from her friend. 

 ‘You out of work yet?’

‘Yes, why do you want to know?’ Ava looked out as she continued to walk down the block. 

‘Well, I wanted to take you out to eat.’ 

‘Sorry, I had a long day at work and just want to go home. Maybe next time.’ Ava put her phone in her pocket as she walked. God the city was pretty when it was night time. All the lights and the smell of food. The only thing she could live without was the people. 

 A guy a few days ago tried to hit on her. Good thing she was on call with her friend or god knows what could have happened. Ava felt her phone go off in her pocket. She pulled it out as she looked. It was her mother calling her. God, what did she want now? She answered it.

“Yes mom?” 

“Oh my god, Dear did you hear about the aliens?” Ava rubs her head.

“Not you too.”

“This alien thing is not real. It’s just a story.” her mother never took no or really as an answer. She always had to worry too much about Ava who was in her 20s. When was her mother going to learn that Ava can take care of herself? Maybe never. 

“But they already took some many people.” 

“Mom! It’s not real.” 

“I  just wanted to keep you safe.” Ava sighed.

“I get it but I’m 24 and I think I can look out for myself.”

“Alright, Well I’ll let you go back to whatever you were doing.” The call ended. She put her phone in her pocket. Ava hated yelling at her mother but it was the only way to get her off her back. She turned the corner as she walked and looked at the lights. There was a reason she moved to this city. She read about it in books. How they wrote the city and the lights made her want to move. It always puts a smile on her face. She heard something behind her but didn’t think of it. Until she felt something on her back. 

“Keep walking and I won’t hurt you.” The hell?

“What do you want from me?” Ava asked. Nothing. Not a word. She put her hand in her pocket as she grabbed the knife. 

Fuck me. Why does this happen to me? 

“What do you want-”

“Keep fucking moving.” She was cut off by the man behind her. 

Someone help me.  She begged as she looked at the sky. Then out of the blue she didn't feel anything on her back.  Ava looked as she saw someone on the floor with someone on top of them. She watched as the person on top stabbed the man. God, What the hell was going on?

  She ran from them and she didn’t look back.  Ava just needed to get home so she can just forget about this day. 

  She ran home as she opened the door and ran in. She locked the door as she fell on the floor. That couldn’t be real. That couldn’t have just happened. How did the person know that she was about to get killed? What the hell is going on?

She cried as she put her knees up to her chest. She rocked back and forth trying to calm down. 

 Everything after that was a blank, All she remembered was laying in bed and crying herself to sleep. 

She didn’t want to leave her house. She didn’t want to go anywhere.

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