I Must Stay Within The Tiger'...

By Sweet_Dily

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{If you like the Novel 'How To Get My Husband On My Side' it's similar with a little twist and more antagonis... More

Chapter 2: Puppet
Chapter 3: Psycho's
Chapter 4: Unwanted Marriage
Chapter 5: Lake Room
Chapter 6: Skulled Monster
Chapter 7: Troublesome Wife With A Confession
Chapter 8: The Banquet Of A King And Queen
Chapter 9: A Brotherly Love Song
Chapter 10: The Cliff I Drift
Chapter 11: Soulless Eyes
Chapter 12: Please Ignore
Chapter 13: Punish Me For My Sin
Chapter 14: A Strange Safety
Chapter 15: Lost By Your Trick
Chapter 16: Caught With A Monster Who Saved Me
Chapter 17: Don't Throw Me Away
Chapter 18: A Birthday Disaster
Chapter 19: A Planned Lie
Chapter 20: Ariella V.S Danica
Chapter 21: Suspicion And Drama
Chapter 22: Rupert's Warning
Chapter 23: Blamed
Chapter 24: You Believe Me?
Chapter 25: Bath With My Hubby
Chapter 26: A Vist For The Newly Wed
Chapter 27: Duchess Camilla
Chapter 28: Sierra Has Been Poisoned
Chapter 29: I Have Come To See Ariellia's Side
Chapter 30: Temple Call
Chapter 31: Disappearance Of My Wife
Chapter 32: Only My Fault
Chapter 33: Awakened A Monster
Chapter 34: The Rain Of The Pink Cotton Trees For The Golden Lady
Chapter 35: A Crazy Man That Does Not Abandon His Wife
Chapter 36: A Sea Dragon Who Kidnapped My Wife
Chapter 37: The Sorry I Couldn't Say To You
Chapter 38: A Kiss Under A Romantic Swing
Chapter 39: In This Sweet Embrace
Chapter 40: A Wake-Up Call From The King
Chapter 41: Not Just A Brother-In-Law On A Paper
Chapter 42: A Lesson To Learn Seth
Chapter 43: Congratulations!
Chapter 44: A Difficult Decision
Chapter 45: The Eyes I Saw You With
Chapter 46: A Banquet In Your Name

Chapter 1: Marriage To A Sageion Man

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By Sweet_Dily

***WARNING: This chapter contains abuse, sensitive topics, and harassment.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 1...

"Yeretzy, I have good news. I have found you a husband worthy for you my daughter." (Pope Faust, said)

Pope Faust de Marabey age forty-nine, a tan-skinned man with black combed hair and dark blue eyes that seemed to match his holy priest vestments.

A white long tunic with golden embroidery that consisted of a swirly pattern alongside his dark blue long vest.

Pope Faust sat in the main seat of the dining table.

At his words, Yeretzy who was sitting on the left side of him three seat's away could not help but feel the wave of her anxiety.

On the other side, a quick protest was loudly stated.


Hands slamming down on the dining table.

"Again?!" (Dillion, yelled)

Dillion de Marabey, age twenty-two, a light blonde-haired young man with a left parted hairstyle with some hairs on his right side.

He had beautiful bubble gum blue eyes that complimented his light blonde hair. He was a pretty young man.

"No, she just ended her engagement just two months ago with young marquess Heavens!"
(Dillion, yelled)

"Dillion." (Pope Faust, said)

Pope Faust called Dillion's name with a warning tone as he closed his eyes.

But Dillion did not back down.

"Father, this is not right! Please reconsider Yere's feelings!" (Dillion, yelled)

"I have made my decision Dillion." (Pope Faust, said)

He took a sip of his tea with his eyes closed.

"But he's a Sageion's man, why must we send Yere to that northern land?!" (Dillion, yelled)

"Then would you like to take her place?" (Pope Faust, asked)

He opened one eye to give Dillion a side stare.

'Flinch' (Dillion)


Teacup noise.

He had set his teacup down and opened his eyes to look at Dillion.

"It-" (Dillion, said)

Just as soon as Dillion was to speak again pope Faust interrupted him.

"That was a rhetorical question Dillion." (Pope Faust, said)

"Do you think they will let you have the hand of the young duchess?" (Pope Faust, asked)

"It's the choice I have already agreed on already among the head of the Dameria family and I." (Pope Faust, said)

"!" (Dillion)

'The young duchess...no then that means!' (Dillion's inner thoughts)

He greeted his teeth in anger.

Pope Faust continued to speak.

"The best way to stay at peace is for Yeretzy to marry the young duke." (Pope Faust, said)

He had now set his elbows on top of the dining table and glasp his arms together resting his chin on top of them.

"Unless you wanna start a war with the barbarians?" (Pope Faust, asked)

He raised his brow as he looked at Dillion.

It was not Marabey's fight but they too could be swept up with the fight between the Sageion kingdom holy paladins and the barbarians trying to cross the borders.

"Father, there are plenty of reinforcements on the Sageion kingdom, they can manage themselves against the barbarians!" (Dillion, yelled)

"The holy paladins are the best knights out there so why should they need our help when there's no need for us to get involved!" (Dillion, yelled)

"We are an independent land we don't need to follow their rules just because they say so, we don't belong to them father!" (Dillion, yelled)

"Stop talking Dillion you're making me displeased." (Pope Faust, said)

You could see that pope Faust was starting to lose his patience.

Yeretzy watched the father and the son strongly disagree.

'I should step in...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"Father, I'm curious what kind of man is my husband?" (Yeretzy, asked)

She asked like an excited little girl.

Yeretzy age twenty. She had long pale blonde hair with loose waves that reach down to half of her thigh length. She had lilac purple eyes with a candy pink shade to them.

Her eyes were very beautiful and with her long feather pale blonde eyelashes were enough to give her a fairy princess look.

Immediately pope Faust's attitude lightened up and looked at her.

"He is Sageion's strongest northern paladin and the nephew of the king." (Pope Faust, said)

He continued to add praise.

"He's a very handsome young duke, I'm sure you'll take a liking to him." (Pope Faust, said)

Without a thought, Dillion intervened again in the conversation.

"No father do you know how bad his reputation is?!" (Dillion, yelled)

"He's a cruel man, especially to women, there are so many vicious rumors all over. They have even gotten as  far as spreading here in Marabey doesn't that tell you something father?!" (Dillion, yelled)

"Dillion, I am not talking to you." (Pope Faust, said)

He closed his eyes in annoyance.

You could clearly hear pope Faust suppressed angry voice.

"..." (Dillion)

'The handsome man they are talking about is the same man that will destroy this family.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She looked down at her green fluffy dress as she clenched onto the hem of the skirt.

Suddenly that voice came close to her right ear.

"Itzy?" (Rupert, asked)

That disgusting sweet voice.


Chills ran down her spine.

'Him... those chills again..' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


Soon his cold callus hand landed on top of her closed fist.

His index finger pointed down on top of her fist.

It made a circular motion around her fist as if caressing her.

'Don't touch me...please' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

It was as if their surroundings were surrounded by black fog where she and he were the only ones stuck inside.

'It's repulsive...I want to escape..' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

His index finger hand now caresses her fists in a linear motion.

'Please get away from me, please....' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Rupert de Marabey, the oldest son of pope Faust and her stepbrother from the same father.

He was the true embodiment of a psycho.

In this clouded fog, no one had seemed to notice. Dillion who was looking down at his empty dinner plate furiously holding onto his anger. Salma de Marabey a forty-four-year-old lady and the first and official wife to Pope Faust.

A cruel wicked lady just like her son Rubert.

She had brown wavy hair tied up in a bun with green eyes.

She had sat right next to pope Faust left side before Rupert.

She had dark blue excessive jewelry and an exaggerated dress with a fake smile directed towards their direction.

Just the sight of that woman her stomach felt like a web, remembering all the things that women made her go threw just like her mother in her first life.

She had to speak up if not Rubert would continue doing as he pleased.

If not Dillion would suffer again if she didn't respond soon.

She lifted her head as if everything was okay.

She smiled brightly at pope Faust.

"Father, it's perfect Thank you!" (Yeretzy, said)

"I know that father cares much for Yere so you must have found a worthy husband." (Yeretzy, said)

She continued to smile as she spoke with fake words.

"Haha, that's my daughter." (Pope Faust, said)

He laughed along with Salma relieved, as if he was a caring father.

While pope Faust and Salma seemed to enjoy their laughter Yeretzy was left dealing with Rubert.

He inclined his head and reached towards her again as his fingertips got a clasp of Yeretzy's head.

His palm seemed to rub her hair. Within seconds he's lips were touching the top of her head as he softly kissed her hair roots inclining her head with his hands.

"Be a good girl my little Itzy." (Rupert, said)

He smiled softly at her leaning away from her after his parted kiss.

'Can this end so I can puke till my heart's content?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Yeretzy closed her eyes smiling at Rupert.

'So I can think about my options here.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I will die at the hands of that northern paladin because Yeretzy committed a crime against the Dameria family.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'After dying from a cliff stunt by my actress mother I hit a rock and let the sea take me away from that miserable life.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

A scene of Haera Chu, Yeretzy's first past life. A nineteen-year-old Korean girl falling off a tall cliff hitting a rock and sinking into the depths of the ocean.

'And just as I thought my miserable life had just ended, I had possessed the body of a fifteen-year-old noble lady." (Yeretzy's inner thought)

'At first, I didn't know who I had become but I soon came to realize that I had become Yeretzy Lidyanna de Marebey, a young lady like me who did too lived a miserable life like me.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)



Throwing up.

Yeretzy clung to the toilet as she sat on the floor flushing away the food she just had eaten.

'I can't seem to control it yet...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Just thinking of the countless of times she had to sneak and throw up without others knowing.

Each time she threw up her stomach seemed to burn, at the countless times, she threw up a day.

This was one of the habits that stuck even after she possessed another's body.

She had anorexia.

She was the child of a single mother, a cruel mother.

Her mother was a famous well know Korean actress who had a one-night stand with a foreign actor.

Of course, the one-night stand was a secret she kept to the grave.

When Chu Chi, her mother from her past life found out she was pregnant with her it was too late to abort so she lied that she was raped to get sympathy from her fans. She was painted as a caring mother who still decided to raise her child. 

My mother Chu Chi became furiously upset when I had inherited more beauty than herself, especially for a Korean pale skin girl with light blue eyes that seemed so light just like a crystal.

My mother hated me with all her might. So much she constantly screamed in agony about how she'd like to pull my eyes out.

As I grew up I quickly gained fame for my talent and beauty, she hated that too. She hated that her own daughter had stolen her source of fame.

So she had put me behind closed doors in the same industry with strict restrictions and draining contracts.

I became a hidden stunt actress, who had many talents thanks to my mother.

From gymnastics, ballet, horse riding, etiquette, piano lessons, choir classes, hairstyling classes, and swimming classes.

I had become the perfect daughter who possessed many qualities. My mother refused for me to be useless in front of others' eyes. That was a two-face lie as well when it came to protecting me in front of others. She was a caring mother in front of the cameras which made my heart hurt more rather than when she was cruel behind closed doors.

She was terrifying.

She made me starve countless times and what I ate she forced me to throw it all up.

She claimed I'd get fat at each moment she got the chance to bring the little self-esteem that remained in me.

'Soon that became a habit to me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

If it wasn't enough she made sure the kids at the celebration parties had their good laughs. She forced me to attend... those kids who were my age had made my existence regrettable.

She would laugh secretly at the corner sipping on a cup of wine as they insulted and humiliated me for being different, for the color of my eyes, or for my different features that I had inherited from my foreign father.

They did not like the fact that I looked different from them, yet when I acted in a certain stunt they pretended to praise me.

All of them were just two-faced people just like my mother.

As time passed, her hate for me got so bad that she didn't care how much she had to exhort me as long as she got a profit out of it.

I was her dog, I was her cattle that only lived by her will, a thing to produce money for her own benefit...at least that's what she'd constantly tell me.

My only way to survive was to follow and adapt to her ways.

Even if I wanted to run away there was nowhere to run to. She had eyes everywhere as she continued to feed off me.

I hadn't even had a bank account to myself, everything was hers. I had to live happily, be cheerful, and continue to be obedient to her.

This too had naturally become a habit because if I rebelled in any way or made her lose face there was a great price to pay.

Now that I have found myself in a different body, I realized that my miserable life will continue to be a living hell.

When I waited for my mother to finish her shoots or her rehearsals I tended to entertain myself with fantasy novels that a few kind staff would bring over for me to read. It was the only way I would escape this reality since she too prohibited me from having any device any less social media at that.

I remembered reading a fantasy novel at age sixteen, it was a novel called 'The Wounds Of Your Heart'

A hurt male protagonist by his mother's death and a female childhood friend who had healed his scarred heart.

However, this story has its own villain.

Yeretzy Lidyanna de Marabey, she was the daughter of a cruel corrupted pope who had immense power.

His influential power was so powerful that the Sageion kingdom had to join forces with a nearby clan, Exels.

They joined forces together to overthrow the corrupt pope and his entire family.

It was a punishment for Yeretzy's crime after she had poisoned the male protagonist's younger sister Ariella to death.

'I, Yeretzy Lidyanna de Marabey will be destined to die at his hands.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

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