Від mingienthusiast

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"i will kill you if you ever talk to me again." "you'll have to catch me first." san and wooyoung had never m... Більше

why do you smell like piss?
who...? asked.
worst adventure of my life
just like a princess
candies ...?
the king of dodgeball

the show must go on

138 14 3
Від mingienthusiast

the young man voice was barely above a whisper as he climbed up his best friend's bunk bed, trying not to disturb the others sleeping in their cabins. "yeo, i need the perfect revenge plan. you've got to help me," he implored.

yeosang groaned, slowly opening his eyes and blinking several times. "why do you ask me that in the middle of the night?" he grumbled.

"because i gave him too much freedom! we're still at war," he complained. he had been thinking about how to get back at san for waking him up with a glass of water a few days ago, and he was determined to come out on top.

yeosang couldn't help but roll his eyes at his friend's dramatics. "you're so annoying, i hope you know that," he muttered, but he still made room for wooyoung to crawl into the bed next to him.

"yet you love me," wooyoung teased with a grin.

yeosang couldn't help but chuckle. "even though you're annoying at times, you are amusing," he admitted. "but you know. sometimes revenge isn't always the answer you know? sometimes it's better to just move on."

wooyoung stared at his friend for a moment, looking unimpressed. "but i can't just let him get away with it. he needs to know not to mess with me!" he insisted. "plus, it's the perfect time because he must think i won't do anything."

yeosang sighed, considering wooyoung's request. "okay," he relented. "but let's make sure it's something harmless, okay? we don't want to cause any real harm."

wooyoung grinned, feeling relieved. "thanks, yeo. you're the best," he said.

his bestie laughed, giving him a playful punch. "yeah, i know i am."

the two boys huddled together for half an hour, brainstorming ideas with the limited resources they brought to camp. they wanted to come up with something that would be amusing but wouldn't cause any real harm. finally, they landed on what they thought was the perfect plan.

"okay, this is it. we've got it," wooyoung whispered excitedly.

yeosang nodded in agreement. "yeah, it's perfect. let's get some rest before someone catches us and we get in trouble," he said as he nudged wooyoung towards the ladder.

wooyoung climbed down, trying to be as quiet as possible as he headed back to his own bunks. in this camp, sleeping in was not an option, so they knew they needed to get some rest before the morning came. as they settled into their beds, they couldn't help but feel excited for what was to come the next day.


as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the cabin windows, wooyoung stirred from his slumber. despite being the last one to hit the sack, he was the first one up, eager to set his plan in motion. with calculated steps, he tiptoed his way out of the dorms, careful not to disturb his sleeping comrades.

as he made his way towards the bathroom, his heart was racing with anticipation. he could hardly contain his excitement. the thrill of getting back at san for waking him up with a glass of water in the face was too good to resist. especially since he was most likely thinking wooyoung wasn't going to take his revenge or anything.

once inside, he locked the door behind him and rummaged through his bag, searching for the washable pink dye he had smuggled in. his eyes fell upon a designer makeup bag left behind by a certain someone. a mischievous grin spread across his face as he gingerly unzipped the bag and retrieved a bottle of shampoo.

replacing the shampoo with the pink dye, he made sure to keep san's shampoo in a safe place. he giggled to himself, imagining the look on his face when he saw his new hair color. the thought of san sporting flaming pink hair was too hilarious to pass up.

satisfied with his work, wooyoung closed the bag and placed it back in its initial spot. he couldn't wait for san to get in the shower and watch his plan unfold. this was going to be a moment he would never forget for sure.

with a mischievous grin on his face, he decided to take a shower to pass the time. the water was frigid, causing him to gasp and yelp as he tried to adjust to the temperature. but as the icy droplets pounded down on his weary body, he couldn't help but feel kind of refreshed and energized. he attempted to keep his composure, but the chill was just too much for him to handle.

"shit- fuck- ouch this is cold" he let out a string of curses and giggles as he danced around in the small space, trying his best to avoid the freezing water.

as he stood there shivering, wooyoung couldn't help but question his decision to take a cold shower. why did he think this was a good idea ?? he quickly shook off any doubts and reminded himself that the end result would be worth it. after all, what's a little discomfort compared to the joy of seeing san's reaction to his newly pink locks being fully awake ?

the cool water droplets had invigorated his muscles and awakened his senses, leaving him feeling renewed and ready to take on the day. with his freshly-scrubbed face and a simple cami and shorts outfit, he felt comfortable and relaxed.

"mornin'," san grunted as he strode into the bathroom, a towel draped over his broad shoulders. wooyoung's lips curved into a wide smile as he returned the greeting, unable to contain his amusement.

"morniing, saaaan," he chirped, his voice carrying a playful lilt. san raised a quizzical eyebrow, seemingly perplexed by wooyoung's jovial demeanor towards him. but with a dismissive shake of his head, he grabbed his makeup bag and disappeared into the bathroom.

wooyoung quickly slipped out of the bathroom before he could burst into laughter, not wanting to arouse san's suspicions. as he made his way back to the bedroom, he found everyone already awake and sitting on their beds, staring blankly at the wall in front of them.

"y'all seem very energetic today," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"i wanna die," came the groggy response from mingi, who yawned widely despite having gone to bed early.

"take me with you," added yunho, hopping down from his bunk and sliding into bed with mingi.

"let's just sleep together," said mingi, wrapping his arms around yunho and pulling him down onto the mattress beside him.

as wooyoung watched he couldn't help but notice the chemistry between the two of them. good for them!

the trumpets had yet to sound, which meant they had some time to kill. wooyoung suggested they go for a walk, knowing full well there weren't any rules against it.

as they chatted, san suddenly burst out of the bathroom with a loud exclamation. "what the fuck!" he yelled, dropping everything he was holding in a clatter on the ground.

wooyoung and yeosang struggled to hold back their laughter, trying to keep straight faces. san had emerged from the bathroom with a brand new look: his wet hair was now a beautiful bright pink that made his features pop. however, there was still some pink dye on his face, making him look like he'd just stepped out of a comic book.

at this point wooyoung couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of san's new hair color, the bright pink dye a stark contrast against his tan skin. "oh my god, san, you look amazing," he managed to say through his laughter.

san scowled at him and rubbed at his face, trying to get rid of the remaining dye. "how did this even happen?" he demanded, looking around the room as if he expected someone to jump out and confess to the prank.

yunho and mingi both burst out laughing, unable to contain themselves any longer. "looks like someone got pranked," yunho said, grinning at san.

san groaned and flopped down on his bed, burying his face in his pillow. "i can't believe this happened to me," he muttered.

wooyoung, still giggling, walked over to him and patted him on the back. "hey, at least you look good," he said with a grin.

san glared up at him, but the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement despite himself. "oh i'm so going to get back at you," he threatened half-heartedly.

wooyoung just laughed and shrugged. "bring it on," he said. "i can handle anything you throw at me love."

san rolled his eyes and simply threw his towel at wooyoung. changbin came down his bed and started shuffling san's hair, making kind of a mess everywhere since his hair was quite wet.

"well at least this is washable!" exclaimed changbin, offering a support pat on the back of his shoulder.

did wooyoung declare a war to san? probably. but he was ready! he had plenty of pranks inside his sleeve. and of course with the help of yeosang he was practically invisible.


the bright sunlight that shone through the cafeteria windows cast a warm glow on the faces of the campers. this day was definitely going to be a good one and a warm one for sure. san was still rocking his new hair and the rest of the campers were quick to notice.

as hongjoong approached their table with the trays of food, he couldn't resist making a comment about san's new hairdo. "love the new look, san," he teased, but san could tell that it wasn't a genuine compliment. rolling his eyes, he took the tray of food from the monitor and began to eat, hoping that the rest of the campers would forget about his pink hair soon enough.

the boys had opted to sit at the far end of the cafeteria, away from the rest of the campers. it wasn't that they didn't like socializing, but sometimes their conversations could be a little too mature for the younger ears around them. san found himself seated beside mingi, who was also sporting a bright pink hairdo, except his looked genuinely good.

the rest of the group found it amusing that the two looked like they were trying to match each other like a couple.

mingi however was less than thrilled with the attention,. "now people either think we're brothers or together," he grumbled as he stabbed his potato with his fork.

san chuckled at the absurdity of it all. he had never expected wooyoung to prank him after almost a week of nothing, and this morning's thing had certainly taken him by surprise. he missed his usual black hair already, but he could still see some remnants of it in certain spots. this was definitely a poorly done job.

wooyoung was sitting across from san, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he shot glances at him every chance he got. san couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. but he had to say this was a great revenge.

as the campers chatted and ate their meals, mark, the youngest counselor, stepped up with a megaphone to make an announcement that instantly grabbed everyone's attention. "listen up, guys!" he declared, his voice booming across the cafeteria. "we have a special activity planned for today. it's time for a talent show!"

the campers erupted into cheers, thrilled at the prospect of doing something different and exciting. even san felt a twinge of excitement at the mention of the talent show. he wondered what kind of talents his fellow campers would showcase and if he had any skills of his own to display. he never really thought of it before... he was definitely great at throwing parties but this definitely wasn't considered a skill.

"you can pair up with someone or even perform alone," mark continued. "there are no limits to what you can do, but each cabin has been given a bag of supplies to help you out. use them however you see fit. oh, and the winner or winners of the talent show will receive a free day in the nearby town and their choice of food in the cafeteria!"

san's ears perked up at the mention of a free day in town. the prospect of shopping and exploring the charming streets was too enticing to pass up. he imagined himself browsing the local shops, picking out souvenirs, and trying out new foods at restaurants. yes, he was definitely interested in participating in the talent show now.

the air was buzzing with excitement as the group of campers discussed their plans for the upcoming talent show. mingi, who had been concentrating on his potatoes, finally looked up and addressed the group.

"okay, guys, let's all pair up together and give the best show the world has seen." mingi declared confidently. "i don't know what y'all can do but i can rap."

changbin's eyes lit up at the mention of rap, and he eagerly nodded his head several times. "i can also rap!"

the two men fist-bumped with wide grins, their camaraderie already evident. the group quickly discussed what kind of act they could put together, and the idea of a musical performance was met with enthusiastic agreement.

san, however, wasn't quite sure about his singing skills. he loved to belt out tunes at casual karaoke sessions, but he had never really considered himself a singer. despite his reservations, he wanted to contribute to the group in some way.

"i think i can sing," jongho spoke up, a shy smile spreading across his face.

"you can definitely sing man. also i can too," yunho chimed in, grinning at jongho.

"i have no idea what i can do, but we can see! maybe sing?" wooyoung added with an infectious smile. "also, yeosang has the voice of an angel."

yeosang hit wooyoung with his elbow, his ears turning red at the unexpected compliment. and san was suddenly intrigued and eager to hear yeosang's voice.

mingi turned to san with a playful grin, wrapping his hands around San's shoulders. "and what about you, San?"

san thought for a moment, his mind racing. he loved to dance, but he wasn't sure if that was enough for the talent show. "i can dance, and sing maybe" he finally replied, still unsure about his abilities but they could at least give it a try.

the group nodded their approval, and mingi clapped his hands together. "alright, guys, let's get to work. we only have a few hours to prepare."

the group dispersed, each heading back to their cabins to start brainstorming and practicing their talents. they were each given a bag of supplies that they could use to help with their act - costumes, props, and other miscellaneous items.

san headed to the cabin first with wooyoung and yeosang, excited to start practicing. they quickly emptied their bags, and san was pleasantly surprised to find a pair of sneakers that would be perfect for his dance routine. yeosang pulled out a few different outfits, suggesting they try on different looks to see what would fit best with their performance. they decided to all dance together to add more effects to their performance.

as they started to practice, san couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious about his singing. hr had never really sung in front of others before, and the idea made him nervous. but wooyoung and yeosang were both encouraging, helping him find the right key and offering suggestions for how he could improve.

and to his surprise, wooyoung and yeosang both had angel's voices. like they sang so well it was almost like he was ascending to heaven while listening to them. and that stupid wooyoung dared to say that he didn't know what he was good at! the young now pink haired man even almost had an eargasm just by hearing the first note.

that wooyoung was really full of surprise eh. now san kind of wanted to know more about him... learning about his background and stuff like that.

over the next few hours, the group spent forever rehearsing and refining their act. they tried out different harmonies and dance moves, experimenting with different costumes and props. mingi and changbin worked on their rap verses, perfecting the timing and flow of their lyrics. jongho and yunho practiced their harmonies, their voices blending together beautifully.

the fact that they all had loads of talents was kind of surprising.

despite some nerves and setbacks along the way, the group was determined to put on the best performance possible. as the time of the talent show approached, they felt more and more confident in their abilities. they were ready to shine.

ateez and changbin 😌yes i love me some binnie rap


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