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as soon as the trumpet was heard, wooyoung didn't hesitate to grab yeosang's hand and sprint outside to the main cabin. understandably, he was famished and wanted to get there as soon as possible.

he also took the opportunity to ask his friend the thing that had been on his mind since the first encounter with mr choi san.

"now, could you please explain why i wasn't invited to that party hmmmm?" wooyoung asked, trying not to sound too petty.

yeosang looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, as if to say 'are you serious?' he then explained, "woo, i did invite you. but you said you were wearing a mask and in your pajamas."

wooyoung paused for a moment, trying to recall the scene. he was a big pj and mask night fan, so he did it quite often. he just didn't remember that specific time. plus who cared anyway –

"but you acted like it was the party of the century! i would've come!!"

"i mean it's a good thing you weren't there, the cops ended up showing at the party and since we pretty much all weren't of age for drinking most people ended in jail for the night. i managed to escape but my mom caught words of it and here i am."

ohhhhh. now he vaguely remember yeosang telling him about that night, who would've guessed san was the one who threw it.

"looks like it cursed many people to get sent here" replied wooyoung, still walking towards the entrance of the big cottage.

"and then there's you, here and i must add willingly."

"shut up, i'm only here to keep you company."

"and get to know sannnn~ am i wrong ?" wooyoung hated the way yeosang made his voice linger on that damn name. whatever assumptions he had in his mind were absolutely WRONG.

wooyoung  strongly believed it would be impossible to befriend that spoiled child, as just being or even breathing around him seemed to annoy him. like how was it possible to hate your surroundings that much??

however, wooyoung couldn't deny that he found it amusing to watch him roll his eyes and get easily frustrated. he knew how to annoy people, it was like a natural talent for him.

people had told him before that they believed he was a brat, and he wondered if that was why he had difficulty making friends without irritating them. he was glad yeosang stuck around him tho.

when the two of them arrived at the cafeteria, they took the last table in the corner and sat there in anticipation.

yeosang quietly remarked
"i feel like the food is going to taste like shit" he wanted to make sure no one could hear him this time. cause he would die if he got tasked to do the dishes.

"shut up, i've been waiting for this since the moment i set foot here. don't jinx it"

several minutes later the doors pushed open, revealing tons of children, ranging from 13 to 20 years old. among those people wooyoung quickly noticed san walking, he had his arms crossed between his chest as if he was examining the room to see if it met his criteria.

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