candies ...?

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tw ( mention of marijuana, if it upsets or triggers you i would recommend skipping this chapter)

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tw ( mention of marijuana, if it upsets or triggers you i would recommend skipping this chapter)


san slowly opened his eyes and sat up in his bunk bed. he took a deep breath and stretched his arms and legs, feeling fully rested and refreshed - a stark contrast to how he had felt the day before. as he looked around the small room, he realized that he didn't remember getting into bed by himself the night before. in fact, he had no memory of going to bed at all.

there was no way he got there by himself – the last thing he remembered from last night was just eating s'mores around the campfire with his cabin mates.

for a moment, san felt quite confused and disoriented. usually when he would forget things he would blame alcohol - but he was certain the camp did not allow such liquid here so this was simply out of the way. he then shrugged off the thought and decided to focus on what was ahead instead.

as he scanned the room, he noticed he was the only one awake at the moment. which meant the horns hadn't sounded yet. woah who would've guessed san would wake up early once in his life. if his parents knew that they would be quite proud of him for that.

yea san was the type of boy to usually sleep super late and spend most of the next day in bed. it was clearly the parties fault but still.

quickly, san got out of bed and picked a bunch of clothes to bring with him to the bathroom, since he was the only one awake might as well use it to his advantage and be the first one to shower.

san stepped into the warm shower, letting the water wash away the sand and salt from his body. after all yesterday he spent the entire day at the beach and he could kind of feel it. his muscles slowly relaxed, the tension of the day melting away. he stood there, basking in the heat, letting it soothe his sore  body. this was surprising that the camp would allow them to shower in such hot water- usually from what he heard most people were forced to take super cold ones.

he was grateful he didn't have to, not that the occasional ice shower was bad but not when you just woke up with sore muscles.

after a few minutes, of letting the water touch his body, he finally reached for his bottle of body wash and began to lather up, scrubbing away the grime of the day.

when he finished showering, san stepped out and dried off, then reached for his skincare products. at first of course he wrapped a towel around his waist to avoid getting caught naked if any of the guys decided to wake up in the next minute.

he turned to his bag and got everyone out as needed. he then applied a light moisturizer to his face, arms, and legs, and put some lotion on his hands, followed by a hydrating face cream to keep his skin looking good. he finished up with a few drops of facial oil to give his skin a natural glow. he was quite satisfied with his routine, feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

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