เป็นที่รักของฉัน [Be My Love]...

By laydeeshannon

13.2K 906 442

It didn't hit me until a reader mentioned it to me; 50th story! Granted I have incomplete stories but to be w... More

Special Chapter


908 64 27
By laydeeshannon

I turned to see Fort sleeping away. I moved in closer to him and just wrapped my hands around him, feeling his body against mine. But my eyes automatically hardened when I saw the marks on his arms and shoulder.

I knew it wasn't my business and if Fort didn't want to share, I couldn't force him but I couldn't help but feel angry that he was being punished for something that he couldn't control and that he had no one to stick up for him. I refused to want to let this continue but I also knew that Fort was too proud to confide in me.

I sighed as I touched his marks again. Fort woke up when he felt me touching him and he looked at me.

"What time is it?"

"Time to definitely eat."

"Oowh, I need a break. I can't even feel my legs."

"Idiot. I meant the curry. Its almost 8pm. Come on, let's shower and I fix you a plate. But we have to shower together. Fair?"

Fort laughed and nodded. I cannot say shower was a quiet hands free affair but we got out of it soon enough. I fixed us dinner and as we sat down to eat; conversation flowed easily between us. Fort and I had so much to chat about which made it easy to be around him.

Just as we were reaching the end of dinner, his mom called. He looked at the phone and was contemplating answering it when I put my hand on his. He looked at me.

"Can you stay for the night?

"I don't want to impose..."

"You aren't imposing Fort. I am the one asking you to stay. Please." I interrupted him before he could refuse me completely.

Fort looked at me for a bit before nodding. I smiled as we got up to keep the dishes away. His mom called again but this time I grabbed his phone and placed it on top of the refrigerator.

"You don't need to answer that. Just for tonight."

"Boss told you huh?"

"Briefly. But I leave it to you."

Fort didn't say anything but just hugged me from the back as I washed the dishes. Once I was done, we hung out to watch TV where Fort finally spoke about the years of abuse he has been through. My heart just lurched hearing it and I gripped my hands tightly, wanting to get a hand on that asshole who has been hitting Fort all these while. 

"What kind of mother fucking asshole is he?"

Fort jsut smiled bitterly.

"Why don't you stay somewhere else?"

"I only stay there because of my father. Or else I wouldn't. But my dad is a nice man and he doesn't know what has been happening. He's often away and is in the dark and I want to keep it that way."


"I'm used to it. Don't worry. Thanks anyways for being such a nice person. Didn't expect this from you. Guess I can see why you are friends with Boss."

I didn't say anything as Fort's attention drifted back to the TV. I just watched him, my thoughts solely on what he had shared. He really went through a lot but yet never even showed anything, just diffusing everything with that cheeky dimpled smile of his.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Boss.

"Hey is Fort there? I texted him but no reply. I'm worried he went back home."

"Oh he's here. He's watching TV. I actually put away his phone on the fridge as he kept getting calls. You want to talk to him?"

Boss agreed and I passed it over. Both chatted for quite a bit before Fort gave it back to me.

"All OK?"

"Yea. Boss wants to race tomorrow night so we were planning a time and venue."

"Oh, can I come see?"

"You want to see me race? What if you end up falling for me seeing me race? I'm quite hot you know?"

"Shut up fucker. You make me sound like a girl."

Fort chortled and agreed.

The next day, we spent the day together before Fort left around 3pm to go get ready for his race. I went down to the meeting point around 8pm. Both boys were getting ready with a bunch of friends to support them. Some of the girls got excited seeing me and flocked over to me. But for some reason, they didn't excite me at all. I just politely smiled in response but I didn't talk to them and just kept my eyes on Fort.

He looked really alluring in his bike suit and the way his face was so serious during the race. He was focused and the glint in his eyes didn't disappear as he kept his attention on the track. It was a nail biting race but he actually won it this time by a hair's breadth. I smiled and clapped softly for him as he walked over with Boss who was cursing away at him.

"Can't believe you won. That was so close you ass!"

"Too bad. I won. End of story. Ready for my terms?"

Boss nodded reluctantly. Fort just smiled evilly at Boss as he wrapped his hands around me.

"I want to go on a date with your friend here. Make it happen."

Boss stared stunned at us. I just looked stunned at Fort too.

"Date? With Net?"

"Yeap. With him. You have to make him agree."


Before Boss could say anything, I agreed instantly. Fort looked at me shocked whilst Boss laughed his head off.

"That was the easiest punishment ever!"

Fort looked over at me in shock.

"Why the heck did you even agree? I didn't expect you to."

"Why not? I don't mind. I want to. And I want to keep what's under this suit for myself." I whispered the last part to Fort lowly.

He looked at me, his eyes scanning me and a slight blush overtaking his face. He let go of my waist and turned to look at Boss.

"Anotber race, na Fort?"

"Get lost!" Boss chuckled wildly as I glared at him. Both friends went to get changed whilst I waited for Fort near my car. As he came out, I saw this girl walk towards him.

She was chatting with him and he responded by smiling and engaging with her. I couldn't hear what he said but he pointed to me and then smiled apologetically to her. But he took down her number and even let her kiss him on his cheek. My face reddened a bit seeing that and I clenched my jaw in frustration.

He walked over and asked if we were ready to leave. I nodded and we got into the car. I was quiet as I couldn't help it. I was feeling pissed by what I saw and I knew I had no right to do so but I was still feeling all these.

Fort made conversation but realized something was off.

"Is everything ok? You seem quiet."

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Okays. By the way, my cousin wanted me to give you her number."


"I don't know if you saw her earlier. I was talking to her before I just left. She saw you and wants to get to know you. So she passed me her number."

"You mean the one that was kissing you?"

I blurted out before I could stop myself. Fort looked at me amused.

"She's the one. Here you go."

Fort showed me his phone to take down the number. Since we were at the traffic lights, I had time to take it down but all I did was delete the number off his phone, citing that I wasn't interested. Fort just looked at me confused but I just smiled as I continued the ride home.

We got back to my house and Fort got a shower before coming back to the hall. I was on the phone and he just sat next to me. I looked at him and just raised my eyebrows at me, putting the spot on my lap. He raised his eyebrows back at me and just rolled his eyes. I pouted and patted my lap again. I could see the amusement in his eyes.

He just snickered but didn't move. I leaned over to grab his hand and he pulled me towards him instead. Shit. I opened my eyes wide as Fort just lifted me and placed me on his lap whilst I was on my call. He kissed along my jawline as I struggled to keep my composure on my call. He put his hands under my shirt and kissed my neck. Shit. This asshole was just doing me in.

I ended the call quickly only to turn to Fort who pushed me down onto the couch and leaned over me.

"Were you jealous earlier by my cousin?"

"Jealous? No. Why..why would I be?"

"Well you deleted her number off my phone. And you did see us. Why pretend like you didn't?"

I kept quiet, having no answer. But then Fort answered for me instead, flooring me with his reply.

"Well im glad you deleted her number. Not too keen on sharing you."

I fought to keep the blush away as Fort leaned in to kiss me again, making me forget that he even had a damn cousin.

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