𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰

By The_Artsy_WereWolf

43.5K 1.1K 565

ᴹʳ. ˢⁿᵃᵏᵉ ˣ ˢⁿᵃᵏᵉ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ In which two of the most greatest, badist, most extraordinary Bad guys the world ha... More

✨Casting roll✨
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
(New years/Christmas Special
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 + epilogue

Chapter 7

2.3K 76 16
By The_Artsy_WereWolf

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞

Swings and kicks were delivered non stop to the police force, some yelled for others to get a grip that none of them were prepared for. Covered arms and legs kicked and made cops soaring, while a single long appendage caused some to squeal and cry in fear of being bit or strangled.
Some lost a good chunk of their teeth, some were thrown, but they all ended up in one place.

Locked in cells, so none could escape or call for back up.

Shark, Webs, piranha, Wolf and Snake all watched in pure disbelief as they witnessed one of the most brutal, yet beautiful fighting style that these two hidden criminals had shown. And undeniably stolen the show.

As the two finished up, they walked and slithered to the unsuspecting gang, who backed away with worried and anxious faces, not wanting to be beat and slammed shut in a cell.

But worry immediately shifted to shock when both of their hidden faces were revealed to be none other than Diane Foxington and (Y/n) (Y/ln).

Both of their names were exasperated out loud.
A certain pare of eyes were caught against the Vice, who caught Snake quickly. A smile had graced their face, one Mr. Snake had to muffle a small surprised puff of air, wide flustered eyes and red scaled cheeks.

"But how do you know how to do all that kick-kick, punch-punch?"
Piranha gaped his jaw, still starstruck at what he had just witnessed.

"Wait a sec, your The Crimson Paw AND The Diamond King?!"
Wolf's eyes widened when Diane and (Y/n) had smiled at their realization.

"The queen and King of cons, acrobatic and swiss army knife, stole the Zumpango diamond twice, once for profit, second time just for fun.
Never identified, never caught."

Diane looked almost impressed, a smirk ghosting her lips while placing a sassy paw against her hip.
"Huh, guess we're still the best bad guys the world has ever seen."
Diane felt her arm being lifted a bit, (Y/n) had inspected the small cut her suit had gained during their battle there.

"Unh, at least we used to be." The female snake laughed at her friends words, shaking her head.

"And you... What happened? You couldn't possibly be the Diamond King.. you-"
A small sigh and a roll of her eyes were more than enough to stop Wolf in his tracks.

"It's a family thing, gave that up a long time ago, the original King, just kinda... Retired?-"
And just before (Y/n) explanation was questioned, the alarms blared. Diane ears were pinned back from how loud everything had gotten, quickly they both brought back their head coverings and masks to not be seen by back up.

Just when they thought they were surrounded, (Y/n) had slithered on Diane's shoulders while the fox jumped against the gangs shoulders and arms to go air born..

Going down to deliver some of the most bad ass exists.


It almost seemed like a whole second, Diane and (Y/n) rounded everyone up in their stolen boat and got away from the now exploding prison.
Diane couldn't hold her smug face when everyone looked in shock.

"You just had to go overboard eh?" The fox looked over at her friend, who smiled happily at the exploding water just behind them, keeping their body curled.

"What? I haven't used explosives in over a year Diane, besides, this just shows that we're still the best~"
They slithered across where Snake was seated, but stopped a moment before pinching the small flame that Piranha failed to notice he had on his fin.
But, he didn't seemed fazed, just looking up at both of the two most legendary bad guys in the world with big round fish eyes.

"Hey, why... Why did you save us anyway?" Wolf asked, eyes narrowed a bit when asking.

"After the gala, I knew something wasn't right. So we did some investigating, and that meteor...-"
Wolf stopped Diane's explanation, having heard this all before from the freak show of a guinea pig.

(Y/n) thought about it, hard. Trusting that mammal would've been easy by how cute and cuddly most guinea pigs were... And she allowed him to kiss her tail!

The nerve!

"Yo, you alright? You look a bit shaken up?"
Sharks eyes followed the female snake in question, not speaking too loud to have everyone else listen in.
But Snake's eyes shifted quickly, not enough to look for too long, but to acknowledge, and listen in.

"I couldn't believe it, the signs. Marmalade set you all up for failure... I just," she took a moment of silence before taking off her mask. Her scales shining against the sun and slight wetness in the air... Though her markings were a different shade, and the wings against her head made her look slightly bigger and scarier, their fangless hiss only looked more endearing to the older snake.

'Man, shut up. Listen to yourself,' Snake rumbled in his head.

'Everything that happened, caused himself and his friends to be in danger...'

Wolf's words caught him at the edge, this whole thing was so stupid. Why in anyone's right mind go for a monster like himself?
Sure, she was one as well, hell she could've had everything under her disposal so why did the King quit?

He didn't understand. He didn't feel like it at the moment, everything happened too fast. Too fast.

That's why, when they hit shore, Snake was the first to ignore Wolf's pleads, then piranha, tarantula, then Shark.

The thought of his friend, his childhood friend... Not ever wanting to be held down by his own family, hurt.

"You wanna know why I hate birthdays, Wolf? Do ya?"

Everyone went silent, waiting for Snakes answer.

"When you grow up a snake, nobody shows up to your party. Birthdays are a constant reminder that out there I'm just a scary, good-for-nothing monster."
His eyes stared down Wolf, hurt laced in both of their eyes, emotions cracked down onto the two.
(Y/n)'s brows crunched in concern, hearing the horrible things that Snake had opened up to.

"Yeah... But nothing compares to having the one guy, THE ONE GUY I thought I could trust to have by our side... Say that he doesn't need us anymore."
Wolf couldn't say anything, he knew that what he had said, damaged the only string of connection with his friends...

Snake waited, for something... Anything Wolf could say. But backed up, not wanting to be here longer than what he needed to be.

"Come on, guys. Let's get out of here."

The sound of waves crashing could only be heard as it drowned out the slithers and walking in the sand that was slowly falling away to the distance.
(Y/n) looked to Diane, then to Wolf, before shaking her head with a silent sigh.

"I'll be back, you two head in the car and drive home."

Wolf silently complied, his head down, and his ears pinned against his skull. Overwhelmed by how he had lost every single friend he had, to the mistakes of his words that were lost in the moment.

"What about you?" Diane asked, opening the door to the front of her car.

"Don't worry so much, I ain't that old to forget my way around the city."
And so, the Diamond rattlesnake set forward to the tracks that Snake and his gang went off to. It only took a couple of minutes to actually catch up to them, hearing a second set of trails, Snake and the others looked back to see (Y/n) following them.
Snake's body grew slightly rigid, rolling his eyes when seeing her.

"Why are ya following us? Aren't you goin' with the governor and the traitor?" Snake snapped bitterly, only for a soft tail to wrap against his own.

"I need to talk to ya in private for a moment, you guys can head off. We won't be long."
Shark was the first to nod, his trust for the Vice had grew over time, ushering both Piranha and Webs so the two could have their own privacy.

Once they walked a reasonable distance, Snake looked at the other snake with narrowed suspicious eyes.
"So, you got me alone. Whaddya want Vice?"

"I wanted to ask, why didn't you steal the golden dolphin?"

"What the- how'd you know?!"

"Please, it had to have been some sort of call back plan if that god awful gif of Wolf saying "So long suckers!" was a thing." She rolled her eyes, a small huff of an amused smirk. A grumble made its way past Snakes snout, not liking how pointless it was hiding things from his person.

"It was a last minute decision, that's all that was. It was a mistake that I don't plan on doing again."

Her head tilted, confusion clouded her eyes, that Snake could feel as if she were making him lead himself on.
It almost got to him, almost.
But, the winged snake let him keep his silence as his answer, before he tisked against his chipped fang.

"Why do you even care, and what's with this get up anyway? Why'd you stop being this perfect legend that everyone loved talking about?" He could see her eyes shift to the golden sand, sticking to the dark cloth that kept her back covered.

"It actually... Wasn't my decision to make. Don't get me wrong, I miss the absolute high of stealing something and having absolutely everything in the world...but believe it or not, It was the second most hardest decision of my entire life."

A confused sputter made (Y/n) looked to Snake for confirmation.

"Second? What the hell was the first?"

"Well, aren't you intrusive?"

"I ain't exactly a good guy sweet heart." Snake snapped back at her teasing, he was exhausted by the roundabout he was getting today.
But, his body instantly felt relaxed when she had slightly squeezed the base of his tail.

"It was leaving my family behind."

That wasn't what he had expected, eyes widened when she had kept her calm eyes onto his own.

"My dad, I'm sure you've heard of em'. Greatest thief the desert had ever seen... Met and fell in love. She was his love as much as his partner in crime. They had a little snake pup, soon to take the family line."

"It was a late night, in all honesty, I don't know how they did it, but with me in a small sling, they stole a very precious item: The Titans eye."

Snake knew this article, the Titans eye was a large chunk of a dark Darby red jewel. Millions worth for it's rare and ritch color, on its way to a museum on a train.

"Something happened, the train's railings had caught a snag, the whole thing fell apart...
My father almost didn't make it, but, we left with our lives still intact. At the cost of leaving him... Almost completely without feeling half way down his spine."

The slight coil that (Y/n) had felt relaxed their thoughts.
A small sigh left Snakes nose, the awful feeling in his chest made his thoughts grow soft for a moment.

"Then what?" He asked, breaking the small silence.

"Well. When I was old enough to go on my own heists, I was given the roll of the Diamond King, in place of Cole. He's still alive... Don't understand how people think it's my mother that met her "Denise" or something like that.

It was only a year ago that I had just stopped my roll, along with Diane's... They kept asking why, I answered as best I could, I mean... I'm still me, but on the right side."

Snake made no remark, nor sound of the gesture.
Thinking on what he had just heard.

"Will you ever go back?"

The silence made Snake lift his head to look at the other. He froze when he saw the watery clearness of tears wanting to fall from her eyes.

"I... I don't want to. Not yet."

"Hey.. I didn't just ask ya that so you can start cryin' on me. I understand that shits hard, and leaving can be your only choice. Take it from me, I know."

A few seconds, turned to a minute of comfortable silence with the waves, the sun rising over the horizon. It took the femail snake a second to turn her head to the squinted older snake, staring off into the same golden sand.

"Hey... Remember something for me will you? Sometimes, the world can hold us down by keeping standards on people just because we have a few sharp teeth, or a scary smile... But there are people who will look past that. True friends will have the ones that they cherish most have their back."

Her smile graced the waves, as their body backed up from the others wrapped embrace.
The wind had slightly picked up, as (Y/n) had slithered away and off the coast. Leaving a very wary, but thoughtful Mr. Snake.


First chapter is now out, and hopefully, this new book will be up to your finest taste (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

Aaaand, I have one more sneak peak for any "I don't care" fans~

Have a lovely evening/morning 💕

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