Between the Lines

By E_Walsh

1.1K 168 86

Second born to the King of Asgard, secretly the unwanted son of the king of Jotunheim; forever the spare heir... More

Chapter Pairings
Boys Will Be Boys
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Secrets and Lies
Heavy is the Crown
Little Dove
Not Part of the Plan
Heir to the Jotunheim
The Void (TW)
This Dangerous Weapon (TW)
Thunder and Lightning
Glass Cage
Fork in the Road
Echoes in the Deep
An Unspoken Attraction (TW)
Flight Risk
The True Nature of Chaos
Is This Love?
Call You Mine
A New Direction
Learning to Fall
Everything and Nothing (M)
May I Stay, Said He
Hanging with the Boys
Glorious Purpose
The Price of Power
Rock and a Hard Place

Pronunciations & FAQ

53 5 2
By E_Walsh

   The purpose of this document is to have a localized place where readers can find pronunciations of characters' names, potential trigger/content warnings, and answers regarding frequently asked questions. It will be updated as needed.

Pronunciations (updated 10/7/2023)
        Åge: Awg-eh
        Áine: On-yah
        Bjørn: Beh-YoRN
        Bor: Boar
        Darragh: Daw-ruh
        Dystert: Dis-turT 
        Eibhlin: Ayv-Lynn
        Eir: Ey-uR
        Frida: Free-Duh
        Frode: FrOO-duh
        Hlíf: Liv
        Kåre: Cor-reh
        Ødger: OOd-jeh
        Thyra: Tear-ah
        Tyr: Tear
        Vé: Vay
        Vili: Vil-EE
        Yrsa: Ur-Sah

       Huldra: Who-l-dra 
       Liten Tispe: Lit-on Tis-puh
      Gammel Faen: Gah-mel fAWn 

       Akevittsorbet: Aw-Keh-ViT-Soar-bay
       Brunost: Brew-No-eST
       Daimiskake: Dame-is-cake
       Djevelegg: Jev-la-egk
       Fjellbekk: Fee-yell-beK
       Geitramssaft: Gate-rom-soft
       Gin Løpstikke: Gin Loppa-stik
       Gungnir: Goon-g'year
       Knoppsildre: Now-p-sil-der
       Mjødurtsaft: Mud-urt-soft
       Multekarameller: Moo-tuh-kara-mell
       Pepperkaker: Peppa-CaK-eR
       Pølser I Ølbad: Pol-sir eh Yul-bahd
       Pulla: Pu-luh
       Ribbe: Reba
       Rugbrød: Roog-bruh
       Seiðr: Say-dur
       Settekake: Set-ee-cake
       Sitronfromasj: Ci-tron-Fro-Mag
       Smørbrød: Smoor-Bruh
       Storklokke: Stork-lock
       Strophium: St-row-fee-um
       Tvær Sálir Eitt Hjarta: TwIeV  Sah-leer ate Heh-yar-tah

       Himinbjörg: Him-een-beh-yorg
       Tuatha Dé Danann: Two-hat Day Don-an

        Åkervekking: Oak-er-vik-ing
        Hoppe Ind I Det Nye År: Hope Ind Eh DebT Ney Air
        Jul: Yule
        Lekebryllup: Lake-braile-up
        Nyttarsbukk: Nit-Ors-Book
        Sankthanks: San-kt-hanks

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