Secret Love - A Nischa Fic

By Mxlo_Olxm

8.2K 117 418

So I don't really know if this fandom is really a thing anymore, from what I know it is. But I don't really c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 (for real this time!)

Chaper 5

724 19 53
By Mxlo_Olxm

This chapter will have child neglect and drugs use. If you are sensitive don't read or skip those parts!

Monday, September 5th, 2022. 8:45 am

Mischa's Pov
I keep hearing this buzzing sound. It stopped for little but now it's back. UGH! JUST STOP! I open my eyes. It's my phone that's buzzing, that makes sense. A bunch of texts from the choir, mainly Noel.

Gruber <3

Noel: Mischa where are you?? We were all supposed to meet up! Don't tell me you forgot!!!

Noel: Ocean won't stop bothering me, please hurry!!
Noel: If this is some joke this isn't funny! You know I can only handle Ocean for so long!

Noel: Mischa where the hell are you? Class is starting!!
Noel: Father Harris keeps asking where you are!

Noel: If you're skipping again just tell me.
Noel:Remember what happened last time you got caught, you had detention for like a month!

Shit! I'm gonna be in so much trouble. I rush getting ready and run out to my car. I was probably speeding but I couldn't be more late. I didn't want to have to deal with an backlash.
I ran into the school and straight to my class. Luckily no teachers were out to question why I was late or why I was running through the halls.
I opened the door to my class, everyone turned to stare at me.

"Mr. Bachinski where have you been?" Father Harris asks as he walks over to me.

"I overslept sir...." I started to walk to my set but he stopped me.

"Well you will have detention on Saturday with me. Now you may go sit." He walks back up to the front and goes back to teaching.

I take my seat. I lay my head down on the desk. I was still pretty tired and the lesson was almost over. I'll just get the notes from Noel.

The bell rings waking me up. I got my things and walked our of class. Noel ran after me.

"Mischa! Wait!" He quickly caught up to me. "Are you okay?"


"You don't look like yourself. You look tired, I mean I get you woke up late, but it's not that."

"Oh... well I had trouble sleeping this weekend." That and I was so hungry. I still haven't gotten food and I ran out of snacks. But I wasn't gonna tell him that.

"Oh well you should have just skipped the whole day then. Stayed home and slept."

"I would have gotten in to trouble."

"Well you can call me next time you have trouble sleeping." He smiled after saying that. I was glad he wanted to help.

"Okay thanks Gruber, see ya later." I walked to may next class.

My class was going by so slow. I was getting super bored. What if I.

Gruber <3

Noel I'm bored :Mischa

Noel: I can't talk right now.I'm taking a test!

Meet me in the bathroom. :Mischa

Noel: Mischa seriously. I cant talk.

Then why do you keep answering me :Mischa

Noel: Bye Misch

I sent them a few more text. I guess he really couldn't talk. Ugh! I guess I'll just go by myself. I just stayed in the bathroom until class ended.

I rush out of the bathroom and go to the lunch room. I saw Ocean and Penny at our usual table. They are always the first ones there. I didn't want to get any shit from Ocean, not by myself at least. I'll just wait for someone else to show up.

"Mischa why are you just standing there?" I turned around to see Constance.

"Ocean is gonna give me shit for not showing up this morning."

"I'll try and see if I can get her to calm down. Even if it's just a little." She had a slight smile on her face.

"Thanks." We walked over to the table.
I hadn't even sit down before Ocean started yelling at me.

"Mischa where were you? You know that the fall fair is coming up! We need to discuss and practice as much as we can!" And she keep going on and on. I saw Constance look at me, I know she wanted to help. Ocean just won't shut up."

"Ocean will you shut up!"
I hear Noel chime in. Thank god! Him and Ricky sat down.

"But Noel he-"

"I don't care. Now shut up! You're gonna ruin lunch for everyone."

"Ugh! Fine!" She turned to Constance and started talking to them. Ricky and Jane started there own conversation. I turned to Noel.

"Thank you!"

"She really needs to know when to shut up!"

The rest of the day went by quick. Then it was time for choir practice.
I walked in, I am always the last person to get here.
We did voical warm-ups and all that "fun" stuff. Practice usually goes by slowly, but today it felt like it went by a little faster.

"Good practice today guys! We'll all meet up on wendsday to talk about the fair. And Mischa when I say all, I mean all!"

"Yeah whatever." I honestly couldn't deal with her shit right now. I'm to tired.

Ricky, Ocean and Constance all leave first. So they were gone soon after Ocean's little reminder. Penny and Noel were about to leave.

"Hey Noel wait!" I walk up behind him.

"Yeah?" Him and Penny stop.

"You wanna hang out? I have nothing to do and I'll be so bored."

"I mean yeah, its just penny was my ride home, now I feel bad for making her wait for me."

He looked to Penny. They just waved him off.

"It's fine. Hang out with Mischa~." They said my name in some special accent. What does that even mean? Whatever.

They walk out of the choir room. Noel and I follow behind and go to my car. I'm still really tired and didn't want to drive, I'm scared I'll fall asleep while driving, I don't want to put Noel in danger.

"Noel can you drive, I'll probably fall asleep."

"Yeah sure."

They go over to the other side of my car. We get in and start driving. I put my set back a little, I was already falling asleep. I saw him look over at me. He didn't say anything. We just sit there in silence, but it's not awkward. I feel like if I were if anyone else it would be so awkward, but it's different with Noel.

We get to his house. I didn't see any other car, I guess it's just us. We walk into the house.

"I know you said you're tired, but is that all? You know you can tell me, unless you don't want to." He turned around quickly to make sure I understand.
I really don't know if I should tell them, I don't know what they'll say. Whatever I don't want him to worry.

"Okay, so I really have had trouble sleeping but that's not all. I've had trouble sleeping because I haven't really eaten, a real meal, in like three or four days."

The look on his face tells me everything I need to know. I should have to him sooner.

"Mishc, come with me." He took my hand and leads me to his kitchen. Something about the way he was so quick to care for me made me happy. Also the nickname again! He's so cute.

"A sandwich okay?" He dropped my hand and went to his fridge.
I nod and sit down. He starts to make the sandwich. I really didn't care what was on it or anything. I was just hungry. They set the food in front of me, but before I could pick it up he stops me.

"Wait! One more thing." He grabs a knife and pulls the sandwich back towards him. He cuts the crust off.

"There you go!" They move it back to me.

"Why did you-?" He cuts me off.

"Misch come on, every time you bring a sandwich you always take the crust off. Now eat."

I didn't know he pays attention to that. Whatever I don't have time to think about that. I just need food.

"Thanks" they nod.
I ate the sandwich quick. It helped a lot.

This next section will have topics of child neglect and drug use. Skip to next bold section to continue from there if you do not want ro read.

"Why haven't you eaten?" He sits next to me. I look at him.

I contemplate on tell them or not, but they cared about me before and I trust them.

"My "parents". Sometimes they forget to give me food. I normally have snacks in my bag but I ran out and I don't have money to get more right now." I turn and face him. He looks so sad.

"What do you mean forget... you guys don't eat together?"

"No. They normally just leave food for me outside my door, but sometimes they forget. It normally only last three or four days. So don't worry!"

"Mischa that's not okay. You don't deserve that."

"It doesn't matter Noel. Now I don't want to mood to be all sad. So talk about something else."

"This conversation is over, for now!Just tell me next time it happens, please." I nod.

We head up to Noel's room. His room was just as I expected it to be. A reflection of them. I look around, takeing it all in. I notice that he had a pack a cigarettes on his nightstand. I guess he notice I saw them because he grabbed them.

"Noel, you smoke?"

"Uh... no of course I don't. I don't even know where these came from." He explained holding them up with a shocked look on his face.

"Your a bad lier you know."

"What no i-" He looks at me. "Fine... I do, but mainly when I get really stressed out." He sits down on his bed. I go and sit next to them.

"You didn't need to explain. I don't care."

"Really?" He looks shocked. He sets the pack in his lap.

"For reals. Now." I take the pack. There was only three left. Damn. "You have a lighter?" I take a cigarette out.

"Uh yeah here." He grabs a lighter from off the floor and hands it to me, afterwards he opens a window. Smart.

I light the cigarette and take a few puffs before offering it to them. He takes it. He inhales more slowly, I guess he's taking it all in. I don't have time for that. He offers it to me.

"Nah I'm good for now." I lay back on his bed.
He goes over to the window and flicks the cigarette out. Walking back over to me.

"You're not going to tell anyone right?" He sits back down. I look up.

"No, I wouldn't do that to you."

You can continue the story from here!

I lay my head back down and close my eyes. I was tired, but I would feel so bad if I just went to sleep. I would probably make Noel uncomfortable.
He talks for a little, I mumble a few responses.


"Mhm?" I open my eyes and look at him.

"If your tired you can just say that." They smile.

"You sure? We're supposed to hang out. Plus if I want to sleep ill just go back home."

"Why don't you just stay here. I'm sure my mom won't care, and I want to know you have food."

"Yeah okay." Shit if would have known I would be staying at his, I would have brought clothes.
"Um... could I barrow some clothes?"

"Right yeah let me get some." He gets up and walks to his closet. Even that's organized and clean. They grab a hoodie and shorts. I didn't think he even owns shorts, but whatever.

"Here. You can either change in here or in the bathroom. Whatever works for you."

"I'll just change here, if you don't mind."

"Yeah I'll just turn around." He does just that.
I quickly get changed. The clothes fit perfectly, and the hoodie kinda smells like him. Cute. I may just keep this. Wait no!

"Okay you can turn back around." They do and we still back on the bed.

We talked for an hour or two be we were interrupt. They door opens and we both shoot are attention to the door.

"Noel who's car is-? Oh hello again Mischa."

I didn't know she knew my name. I just wave kinda awkwardly.

"I assume that's your car?"


"Okay just wanted to make sure." She stops talking and stares at me. I notice that she is not look me but at "my" clothes.

"He needed some clothes, so I gave him mine. He staying over, is that okay?"

"Yeah it's fine, but can I talk to you for a second?" He nods and follows her out the door.

I just wait there awkwardly. After five or six minutes he walks back in, his face is all red.

"You okay?" They sit down on the bed.

"Yep don't worry about it." They give me a small little smile.

"Okay." I just brush it off.

We talk for a little longer. I was getting to know Noel so much better. I could listen to him talk about himself for hours but we were both getting tired.

"Shit it's 9:30, I didn't even realize." He says looking at the clock on his night. He gets up and starts fixing the bed.

"Oh shit, it is." I get up and watch him make the bed all nice and ready to sleep in. They get back into the bed, they look at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Well..." I motion to the bed. He looks confused and he realizes what I mean.

"Get in the bed Mishca I don't care."

I hesitate. I can feel my heartbeat rising and my face get red.

"Come on. Im tired and I know you're tired."

"You're right." I get into the bed up against the wall. There is so much room between us. He ignores in for a while but I guess he notices

"Mischa why are you all the way against the wall?"

"I didn't even notice." I hear them sigh.

"Misch." I can't help but tell him whatever he wants to know when he calls me that.

"Well I tend to umm.." I am kinda embarrassed to admit this, but he's been so understanding so far. "I tend to be really cuddlely and clingy when I sleep and I don't wanna make you uncomfortable if that happens." I'm glad it's dark because I can feel my face get red.

"Misch I don't care if you end up cuddling me."

I move away from the wall slightly.

"Promise." I felt him scoot closer as he says that.

I move away from the wall and next to him. My heart is racing and there are so many thoughts in my head. Mainly what that fuck is happening!?

Noel falls asleep first, despite how tired i am. I just couldn't get my mind to shut up, I'm just glad this is happening. There's only one way thing that could make this better.
I decide to go for it. Plus it was going to happen either way. I get a little closer and pull him closer wraping my arms around him. Their back to me. This is definitely going to be the best sleep I will get probably for while.

Omg I'm finally done. This chapter is so long, but I had some much inspiration to write. I just didn't want to put this into two chapters. I have been working on this for multiple days. I am to tired to look for typos, so if you see anything please tell me. Also let me know if you liked this story.

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