Chaper 5

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This chapter will have child neglect and drugs use. If you are sensitive don't read or skip those parts!

Monday, September 5th, 2022. 8:45 am

Mischa's Pov
I keep hearing this buzzing sound. It stopped for little but now it's back. UGH! JUST STOP! I open my eyes. It's my phone that's buzzing, that makes sense. A bunch of texts from the choir, mainly Noel.

Gruber <3

Noel: Mischa where are you?? We were all supposed to meet up! Don't tell me you forgot!!!

Noel: Ocean won't stop bothering me, please hurry!!
Noel: If this is some joke this isn't funny! You know I can only handle Ocean for so long!

Noel: Mischa where the hell are you? Class is starting!!
Noel: Father Harris keeps asking where you are!

Noel: If you're skipping again just tell me.
Noel:Remember what happened last time you got caught, you had detention for like a month!

Shit! I'm gonna be in so much trouble. I rush getting ready and run out to my car. I was probably speeding but I couldn't be more late. I didn't want to have to deal with an backlash.
I ran into the school and straight to my class. Luckily no teachers were out to question why I was late or why I was running through the halls.
I opened the door to my class, everyone turned to stare at me.

"Mr. Bachinski where have you been?" Father Harris asks as he walks over to me.

"I overslept sir...." I started to walk to my set but he stopped me.

"Well you will have detention on Saturday with me. Now you may go sit." He walks back up to the front and goes back to teaching.

I take my seat. I lay my head down on the desk. I was still pretty tired and the lesson was almost over. I'll just get the notes from Noel.

The bell rings waking me up. I got my things and walked our of class. Noel ran after me.

"Mischa! Wait!" He quickly caught up to me. "Are you okay?"


"You don't look like yourself. You look tired, I mean I get you woke up late, but it's not that."

"Oh... well I had trouble sleeping this weekend." That and I was so hungry. I still haven't gotten food and I ran out of snacks. But I wasn't gonna tell him that.

"Oh well you should have just skipped the whole day then. Stayed home and slept."

"I would have gotten in to trouble."

"Well you can call me next time you have trouble sleeping." He smiled after saying that. I was glad he wanted to help.

"Okay thanks Gruber, see ya later." I walked to may next class.

My class was going by so slow. I was getting super bored. What if I.

Gruber <3

Noel I'm bored :Mischa

Noel: I can't talk right now.I'm taking a test!

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