Chapter 2

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Friday, September 2rd, 2022. 5:36 pm
Mischa's Pov
I finally shut my mouth after seeing everyone start getting bored. Plus I don't really have anything more to say. I didn't really care about what the others were say. I know that sounds rude but I was more concerned about Noel.

He has been, what is it, spacing out. I think that's what it's called. At least that's what Penny says it is. And I don't think they would lie to me. I hope they wouldn't.

I just want to know what's wrong. He only seems to do it when I start talking. I don't think they know I notice it. It kinda hurts. Maybe it's just a coincidence because he does it to Ocean to, but he doesn't really like to listen to what Ocean has to say. What if they don't like me? Maybe I'm just over thinking it. I'll just ask him later.

After another 10 minutes or so, Noel still was pretty quiet and not paying attention. I am getting kinda worried now. It usually doesn't take this long for him to focus back in. I wonder what's up with him.

I keep looking towards Noel. I was getting more concerned by the second. I don't even know why. I am I'm like this with the others. I still care about then, but with Noel it feels different. Yeah different seems like the right word. But I just want to know why they do this.

I wonder if the others notice this.
I bet Ricky is the only one the does notice. Ocean and Constance are too busy doing whatever they have going on between them. Penny is too busy focusing on, well I don't really know. Ricky pays attention to everything and everyone, so they probably do.

It has been way to long since Noel's said something. Maybe I just miss hearing him talk and his voice. Wait not like that! It's not that I miss hereing them talk or anything like that. I just- I just, aw man I don't know. They have just had me so confused.

I was pulled from my thoughts as Ocean said something.

"Hey guys so I think Constance and I are going to head out." Ocean said standing up as everyone says bye.
I saw her and Constance go to the door. I guess it got Noel's attention because they waved bye to Constance. I'm glad something caught his attention. Just wish it was me. Wait! I mean what? No I don't!

Anyway Ricky and Penny left shortly after. So now it's just me and Noel. I was somewhat happy about that. I didn't want to wait until Monday to ask them. Mostly because I would forget.

I saw him turn and look at me out of the corner of my eye. He was about to say something but I cut him off.

"I have a question?" I turn and look at him.

"Uh okay, what's up?" They looked caught off guard.

"I was just wondering why you always stop paying attention when I talk? I mean you do it with Ocean to but you don't really like her. Do you not like me?"

His eyes open a bit more. They put their hands up and shook his head no.

"No I could never not like you." They whisper something I couldn't hear. "And I guess it's just a um coincidence or perfect timing."

He sounded unsure while answering. I guess he could tell I know he's lieing.

"Okay fine. It's that girl. I just get this feeling, not a good feeling, I just don't like hearing about her. I guess i get jealous is what im trying to say."

I was not expecting that. I never thought he would be jealous of someone. I mean he's always so  confident, or at least he acts like they are. I just don't understand why they would be jealous. I guess they really weren't listening to anything I said.

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