Chapter 1

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Friday, September 2rd, 2022. 4:27 pm

Noel's Pov

Okay, for some reason Ocean decided that she wanted everyone to hang out after school. Which I am usually fine with. Just not when she sprung this information on my at the last second. To be fair she may have said something before, but I don't really listen to her.

Anyway, everyone is supposed to come over to my house. I couldn't tell you why. I just decided to go along with it, but now I am stuck cleaning up and getting things nice and pretty so my house looks some what decent. I have been cleaning for so long that I forgot that the others may get hungry. Great now I have to find whatever food we have. I should probably go grocery shopping soon.

I go over to the fridge and look for some food. Wow we really don't have a lot. Hopefully we have some chips or something. I shut the fridge door and go to the pantry. I did see some chips. I guess they'll have to do.

I get everything set up and looking nice, as I hear a knock on the door. I open up the door to see all of the choir. They smile when they see me and say hello. I invite them all in.

"Come in." I open the door a little more and motion for them to come in. They do.
"Oh Noel your house is cute." Ocean said. I just rolled my eyes at her.
I shut the door as everyone examines the room. I was kinda embarrassed. But whatever it looks better then what it normally does.

We all get comfortable and settled in. It was kinda awkward. No one was really talking. I guess it was just my house. It is usually quiet. I decided to break the silence.
"So, Ocean why did you want everyone to meet up." I looked at her.

"Well I just thought we should all hang out."

"Yeah  but usually at Constance's house."

I notice Constance open her mouth. "My parents were kinda busy and didn't want people over."

I nod. That happens sometimes. But usually we would just hang out at Ocean's.

I think an hour has already gone by. I guess I was having a pretty good time after all. But I'll never tell them that. I liked hearing everyone's stories, some less than other. If you couldn't tell I was talking about Ocean. But anyway, I liked hearing the others.
Especially Miscah. I don't know why but recently I have loved hearing him talk. Even if it was about that girl. What was her name Natalia, I think. But usually whenever he does I just stop paying attention. And of course he did start talking about her after a little. Guess it's time for me to stop listening.

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