Chapter 8

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Saturday, September 10th, 2022. 11:53 pm.

Mischa's Pov

I didn't even realize that I had leaned in closer to Noel... until he said something.

"Mischa? Umm what are you doing?"

"What... shit" I pull back. God dammit! "Sorry I- nevermind...sorry" I roll over and face my wall. Noel let's out a sigh but doesn't say anything. Great I definitely just fucked our friendship.

Sunday, September 11th, 2022. 9:48 am.

Noels Pov

I had been up all night thinking about what happened with Mischa. Okay not all night but i didn't really sleep. I just keep dreaming of that moment, well more like what I wanted to happen. I was dreaming about Mischa kissing me. I haven't had a dream about him in like weeks!
I thought I was just getting over this crush, but of course no! I need to get over him and get him out of my head. Though laying right next time him won't help.

He just has to go and do something to make me fall for him again, and I was just telling Penny how I was getting over him. Ugh! I guess now I'll just have to talk to them about it. Penny is always helping me with stuff like this. In return I helped them get with Ricky, but hes wanted to kept it pretty secret seeing how Ocean acted when Mischa said he was with Natalia.

As I was texting Penny to see if I could come over to talk, Mischa woke up. I don't know why but I was really nervous. As he sits up he looks at me. He looks adorable with his messy hair. Wait no, I'm supposed to be getting over him!

"Gruber, I'm sorry about last night..." I look at him. "I didn't mean to mess up our friendship. I didn't even realize what I was doing. I ju-" I cut him off.

"Misch it's fine nothing happened so." Oh how desperately I wanted for something to happen. I want him to say that he wanted something to happen. For him to make something happen.

"Right yes. Nothing happened." If im not mistaken he looks a little sad. Did he? No of course not...

After a little I left Mischa's house and I was on my way to Ricky's. That's where Penny said they were at. I fell bad for bothering them while they are with Ricky. Both of them said its fine, but I don't know.

Sunday, September 11th, 2022. 9:48 am.

Penny's Pov

Me and Ricky were just laying in his bed when I got a text from Noel. He normally doesn't text me this early...

!The poet!

Noel: Hey Penny.... so I was wondering if I could come over soon. Soon as in now. 

Uhh yeah sure... but why so early? :Penny

Noel: I'll explain when I'm there.

Okay! Also I'm at Ricky's not my house. :Penny

Noel: Oh well nevermind then! I'll leave you guys alone!!

No its fine! Come on over. We would love to have you over. :Penny

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