Chapter 7

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This chapter will have topics of alcohol/drug use, self harm, and scars. Don't read those parts if sensitive to these topics!

Saturday, September 10th, 2022. 5:37 pm.

Noel's Pov

It's been a couple day since the whole fighting thing happened. Travis, Logan, and Mishca got detention, obviously.

Me and Ricky can walk to lunch without being bothered now. I don't think Travis and Logan are going to bother us any time soon.

I still have some bruises, some are less obvious then other. Luckily the ones on my face can be covered with some makeup. I don't know how I would explain to costumers what happened.

Speaking of costumers I have work. UGH! I hate work, but I need the money so. I get ready and head to work.

I get there at 6:10 just in time. I have to work untill 10:30. It was really busy so time was going by quickly. Buy 9:00 I was the only one working, it's now 10:07. Just a little longer. I decided to clean up. I start to whip the tables when I heard the door open. Great, I was hoping I could just relax until I got to leave but no.

"Wait one second please" I walk to the front and go behind the counter.

"Hey Gruber." I look up and see Mischa. Oh God nobody was ever supposed to see me at work. And definitely NOT MISCHA. I just kinda stare at him and hid my face.

"Hey Mischa" I felt so awkward.

"I didn't know you worked here." And it was supposed to stay that way.

"Yeah I need money, anyway can I get you something?" I was avoiding eye contact. Out of all people why did it have to be him?!

"Whats good?" I cover my mouth to hold in a laugh.

"I'll get you a drink. That's like the only thing I really like here." He nods and I go get him the drink.

"Here." I set the drink down in front of him. He picks it up and takes a drink.

"Yo! This is dope!" His eyes get wider and he takes another drink. He's so adorable some times.

"Yeah I know." I laugh a little.
He grabs some money our of his pocket and hands it to me. "Misch I'm not taking that. I'll cover it."

"What no noel, you just said you needed money. Take it."

"....Fine." I take the money from him and put it in the cash register. I'll put some money in his bag when I get the chance.

We ended up talking until my shift was over, well while i was still cleaning up. Mainly about how shit detention was and how he just came from even more detention. He also brought up how his parents were really mad at him about getting into a fight and getting detention.

"I have a question." I look up from the table I was cleaning.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Do you want to come over to my house?"

"Wait really?!" I put my stuff up and sat next to him.

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