We Met Again ~ KNJ FF

By Namjin_spark124

120K 8.9K 1.9K

"To hell with you and your pretentious love, Namjoon! Just leave me alone, will you?!" you shouted, your angr... More

| CHAPTER 10 |
| CHAPTER 11 |
| CHAPTER 12 |
| CHAPTER 13 |
| CHAPTER 14 |
| CHAPTER 15 |
| CHAPTER 16 |
| CHAPTER 17 |
| CHAPTER 18 |
| CHAPTER 19 |
| CHAPTER 20 |
| CHAPTER 21 |
| CHAPTER 22 |
| CHAPTER 23 |
| CHAPTER 24 |
| CHAPTER 25 |
| CHAPTER 26 |
| CHAPTER 27 |
| CHAPTER 28 |
| CHAPTER 29 |
| CHAPTER 30 |
| CHAPTER 31 |
| CHAPTER 32 |
| CHAPTER 33 |
| CHAPTER 34 |
| CHAPTER 35 |
| CHAPTER 36 |
| CHAPTER 37 |
| CHAPTER 39 |
| CHAPTER 40 |
| CHAPTER 41 |
| CHAPTER 42 |
| CHAPTER 43 |
| CHAPTER 44 |
| CHAPTER 45 |
| CHAPTER 46 |
| CHAPTER 47 |
| CHAPTER 48 |
| CHAPTER 49 |
| CHAPTER 50 |
| CHAPTER 51 |
| CHAPTER 52 |
| CHAPTER 53 |
| CHAPTER 54 |
| CHAPTER 55 |
| CHAPTER 56 |
| CHAPTER 57 |
| CHAPTER 58 |
| CHAPTER 59 |
| CHAPTER 60 |
| CHAPTER 61 |
| CHAPTER 62 |
| CHAPTER 63 |
| CHAPTER 64 |
| CHAPTER 65 |
| CHAPTER 66 |
| CHAPTER 67 |
| CHAPTER 68 |
| CHAPTER 69 |
| CHAPTER 70 |
| CHAPTER 71 |
| CHAPTER 72 |
| CHAPTER 73 |
| CHAPTER 74 |
| CHAPTER 75 |

| CHAPTER 38 |

1.3K 119 33
By Namjin_spark124

The feeling you were feeling at moment .... when your brother was sitting across from you .... staring at you with a thousand questions in his mind ...... was scary ...

scared for his reaction what it

would be?

scared ...of what would he feel.... disappointed? disgusted?

you were messing with your full sleeve top you were wearing .... because anxiety you were experiencing was unimageable ...

The topic your brother wanted you to reveal was ... basically ...your biggest secret .... 

never in your wildest dream you saw this situation 

"Y/N" yoongi growled ...

somewhere he was getting vibes that your history with Kim Namjoon is not very pleasant ...

the first time he saw that man ...named Namjoon .... He found him strange ...

strange because ... the beach ...that day was empty ...no one was there ... 

For a person who met ...after long time ...Namjoon was admiring your sleeping figure 

your head was on his shoulder and his arms were around you ...

he was watching you like you were his treasure...

This is what Yoongi found strange .... as Namjoon himself revealed that ...he is your colleague ...

collogues are not meant to stare like that ....

Yoongi immediately stepped out of the car and approached you ...

instincts of protectiveness ...flowed in his veins... because namjoon was not even blinking looking at you ...

yoongi immediately took you in his care and shooed namjoon away 

this was the experience ...what yoongi felt when he first met Namjoon 

now when he again took his name in front of you ...you got frozen ...

who is this Namjoon actually?

'Is he, her stalker?'

negative thoughts were roaming his head ...

"Y/N speak .... or we are sitting like this whole day" his cold voiced shivered you ...

"O-oppa ... I uh..." 

"What Y/n?" 

"He is from my college .... he was my crush ..."

you were helpless ...because there was no escape from this situation ...

yoongi would not sit quietly ... if your older brother wants to know ...he will get to know...

so, you vomited .... vomited out all that frustration .... humiliation ....... and self-loath ...from you which you were keeping for past 6 years ....

a feeling of satisfaction .... could be a word ...that you were feeling 

it felt good... to share your secrets other than Jackson

but that feeling didn't remained any longer 

when anxiety struck you again ....

what was going to happen now?

yoongi was .......angry and disappointed 

angry .... that his sister has to bear this all these years 

disappointed ...in himself...because he was too busy with his life that he forgot about the duties of an older brother 

The coffee mug in his hand ...met with floor ...shattering in pieces

He massaged his eyes as a gesture of calming him down ...but that was not working ...

"So, all that weird dream was fucking real ?!" his hand was roaming in his hair .... you can witness his frustration rising ...

"B-rother" your words were stuck in your throat .... because from his reaction ...he was disappointed ...disappointed on you?

"One time ...... you should have tried to tell me ... one-time y/n!"

"All these you were .......suffering ..." he sighed 


"WERE YOU AND MOM WERE EVER WITH ME?" you yelled ...and saw yoongi's eyes widen 

How could you tell this to your mom?

the woman who never took initiative to a mom to you?

she was your mom .... but just for the world ...

she always compared you to your brother ....to be like him ....to talk like him ...him and just him ...

she never saw her daughter......she was too mesmerized with her son

but still you accepted the reality and continued living with her ......as a happy family ...

Your father ...no doubt is the best dad ...he always defended you ...and loved you dearly ...

But for how long ... will you lean on your old dad ...?

How long will your dad keep you out of your mom's taunts?

he has a life too ...other than his daughter ....

so, you kept all those things to yourselves .... hidden from everything

nobody cared anyways 

yoongi was ...speechless ...

It was the bitter truth .... that he and Mom....were never there for you ...

It was true that ...yoongi understood the meaning of being an older brother 6 months ago ...when he moved to Seoul with you ...

6 months ago .... he felt ...what a duty of an older brother experience like....

to protect you ....to care for you ....to love you ...

6 months are more than enough for him to realize ...what he lost ...all these years ...

he lost the precious moments of being an older brother ...

And he had that guilt in his heart ...... he was never there for his sister 

"I-I am so sorry .... Y/n " his voice cracked .... he crouched in front of you and held your hands 

"I-I am very very sorry ......I was never there for you ...." he sobbed badly and buried his face in your palms 

You were crying too ... you managed to take your hand free ...and caress the back of the head softly ...

"It's okay ..." you whispered when your tear dropped on his head ...

yoongi cried ...for at least 10 minutes .... muttering how sorry he was for all these years ....

"D-does Jackson knows about it?" yoongi asked with his horse voice ...

"yes" you whispered 

another wave of betrayal ran in his veins ...... 

'That Kid knew about this ?!' 

"What did he d-do that night? .... He didn't laugh right? I SWEAR I'LL PUNCH HIM--"

"Calm down brother-"

"No Hyung I punched him square on his jaw ...until he was ready to be hospitalized "

you gasped .... screamed a little ...startling your older brother too 

you totally forgot the fact that Jackson was here at your house ....

and it was your idea ....

apparently ...your best friend just had a fresh break up .... he needed support 

you face palmed yourself and sighed heavily

"Are you telling truth?"

"of course, Hyung why would you do that?" Jackson pouted 

yoongi made a disgusting face and glared 

"Maybe because you are a lawyer.... and so far, I know .... lawyers are the biggest liars ..." yoongi shrugged and sat down on the couch again 

he winced he felt something piercing in his feet ...

the coffee mug he smashed in anger ...

"Ahh~" you and Jackson frowned and looked at him weirdly 

"Hyung why are moaning---"


you ran to the kitchen for the first aid kit ...and started treating his foot ..

you were quietly treating his right foot while yoongi was watchhing you carefully 

'How can somone do this .... to an innocent like her...'

"I'll punch him in the throat ...." your eyes widen and you looked at your brother .... who had a serious demeanor around him 

"I'll help you!" you glared at your best friend who smiled sheepishly towards you ...


"no one is opting violence....... oppa you have media behind you.... just think about your image ......"

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" yoongi stood up yanking his injured foot .... he held his pain wisely 


"You made this company with your sweat and blood .... you can't torment that ..."

you sighed and walked away with the first aid kit 

"Whatever you say ......little sister .... Kim Namjoon is getting special attention from me ...."

yoongi smirked .... looking at the smirking Jackson ...



Opps- looks like Namjoon is in double trouble 🌚

Imagine how punching in throat feels like 😹

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I lob you ♥️

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