Ethereal || Doctor Who

By Izzy_Bleij

5.8K 292 22

Where someone new joins the Doctor's life. A mystery, an impossibility he can't seem to decipher. A question... More

| Authors note |
| Prologue |
| Cast |
Chapter I - The beginning
Chapter II - Meeting Amelia
Chapter III - Not a goodbye, but a see you later
Chapter IV - Powell Estate
Chapter VI - Long distance
Chapter VII - Talking rocks
Chapter VIII - A nice cup of tea

Chapter V - There you are

407 29 1
By Izzy_Bleij


'The christmas invasion'
|Part I |


.......There he is.

A wave of emotions crashes into me, the sudden impact making me stumble back. Too much of everything swims through me for me to even comprehend.

Mickey quickly stabilised me. "You okay?", he questions me right away, his eyes filled with concern as he looks me over, wondering what was wrong.

His worried words falls deaf on my ears. Everything around me seems to fade away, the noise dampening into a dull ringing. Only thing I could hear, only thing I could see was him.

''Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. We did it. Jackie. Mickie. Blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say. There was something I had to tell you, something important. What was it?'' The Doctor rambles out in a rush, not noticing the third person yet.

He stumbles up to the group, throwing his arms around Jackie and Mickey. "No, hold, hold on. Hold on, shush I feel...", his sentence comes to a stop when his eyes found hers.

His arm slowly falls down to his sides, his mouth agape. He starts walking, well more stumbling his way to me. Never once breaking eye contact.

My muscles lock up as his eyes lock into mine. I watch frozen as he comes closer, not moving a single muscle when he is right in front of me. Not even when his hands fly up to my face, holding it oh so delicately in his palms.

His eyes take their time and travel around my face, almost as if he wants to memorise every bit of it, but that couldn't be right. Mine stayed locked on his, the deep brown luring me in.

A few seconds passed, which felt more like a lifetime, before he dared to come even closer, making our noses brush against each other.

"There you are.", he breathes out, a small smile tugging at his lips.

A new wave of emotions crashes into me, making my knees buckle into it. I would have fell if it wasn't for the hands catching me at my waist.

I grasped his jacket, holding it tight in my grasp as I needed something to ground myself.

The Doctor didn't move his hands, letting them stay on the curves of my waist. He only moved even closer until our foreheads touch. My eyes closing immediate at the contact.

Incoherent whispers comes out of his mouth. The only thing I could hear was the slight waver in his voice.

His eyes closes aswell, not that I could see. But as my face had a look of tranquil over it, his was scrunched up in pain.

What am I doing?! What is wrong with me?! Act normal. Stop feeling like this!

My eyes spring open, a shocked gasp escaping my mouth when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. The soft kiss igniting sparks on my skin.

And the sudden touch, the sudden scare from it made me just in time to catch a falling Doctor.


Mickey and Jackie both watch the scene play in front of them with wide eyes. Neither had the strenght to look away, but what was weird is they wanted to look away.

It seemed too private, too vulnerable. A sight they weren't supposed to witness.

A second passes and they succeeded in pulling their eyes away. And when they dared to look back, they were just in time to see a falling Doctor, right in Nova's arms.

Rose finally managed to climb out of the Tardis, slightly stumbling as she catches her feet.

"Who is that?", she asks her mother and Mickey as she looks at the stranger, who is holding an unconscious Doctor in her arms.

Mickey clears his throat, he himself recovering from the weird moment. "That's Nova.", he softly breathes out.

"Who?", Rose questions, her stare hardening as she looks back at the girl.


I hadn't been close to the Doctor since he's been brought inside the flat. Now snapped out of whatever trance I was in before and utterly horrified of myself.

I had been hiding in the living room, wanting to put as much distance between me and him as possible. As I was still a bit, well actually a lot, unnerved from the 'incident'.

I couldn't sit still. If I wasn't pacing around the length of the room, I was fidgeting on the sofa or on one of the chairs.

Ever since the Doctor had succumbed to the ails and fell into the coma, I have this ache on my chest, slowly spreading and straining every breath I take.

But somehow I didn't notice it, didn't feel the weight pressing my chest down, just kept pacing along the room.

Well, of course, until I did notice..........

My feet freeze in the middle of my mindless pacing, my hand innocently laying across my chest, another thing I didn't even notice.

I look down, down at my hand, down at my chest where I could feel the ache, the weight on my heart. A feeling that felt abnormal, unknowing to me. But most of all impossible.

Because somehow I had an inkling it had something to do with the man that was laying unconscious only a room away.



"Who is she mum?", Rose questions again as she grabs the stethoscope out of her mother's hand.

"She is Nova.", Jackie simply answers, making Rose let out a impatient sigh.

"Yeah, I know that now. You keep saying that. But why is she staying her? Doesn't she got her own home or something?, Rose asks with a scoff while she checks the Doctor's heartbeats.

"No, she doesn't have a home here. Not yet at least. And what would you have me do? Leave her out on the streets?", Jackie scoffs out, earning a look from her daughter.

"Oi, don't look at me like that. You should be nice to her, try to get to know the girl before making her a bad guy.", Jackie sternly spoke to her.

"Who is she, mum?", Rose asks once again, baffled at how quickly her mother came to this stranger's defence.

"She is Nova and she will tell you when is ready. All I ask is that you will have an open mind and trust me.", Jackie spoke, but this time more softer.

"Alright, alright. I will back off. AND be nice to her, don't worry.", Rose sighs out. "Both working.", she mumbles to herself, done checking the Doctor's hearts.

"What do you mean both?", Jackie asks in confusion, watching Rose put the stethoscope away.

"Well, he's got two hearts.", Rose shrugs before standing up, about to walk away.

"Oi, don't be stupid. Anything else he's got two of?", Jackie jokes, earning another look from her daughter.

"Leave him alone.", Rose yells to her mother while walking out of the room.

Unknown to the two, the Doctor exhales some of his golden regeneration energy. The golden energy flows through the air, out of the room and passing Rose on the way, flowing all the way to an unaware Nova.

Back to pacing I once again walk the length of the room, panicking inside over this ache that keeps weighing down on my chest.

The golden energy swirls around, slowly reaching her, almost touching her back, only the thickness of a nail away. But before it could reach her it abruptly gets pulled thought the window, lost into space.

The hair of my neck rises. I spin around, a breeze flowing through my hair, but beside that there was nothing, no one else beside me.


Roe walks into the livingroom, holding two mugs of tea in her hands.

"You looked like you needed one.", Rose akwardly explains to me after she saw the questioning look in my eyes.

"Oh, thank you.", I murmur my thanks as I accept the drink and sit back down on the sofa.

"Uhm.... Mum, wouldn't tell me much about you. Told me you would tell on your own time. Maybe want to tell me now?", Rose lightly questions, going straight to the point. She takes a sip of her tea, looking over the rim of the mug at me.

"Oh.. uh... yes, of course. You deserve to know who has been staying in your bedroom.", I stutter out, starting to fidget with my hands, a nervous habit of mine. My tea forgotten on the table.

"What would you like to know?", I softly ask her, feeling her eyes burning in my skin.

"How do you know the Doctor?", Rose immediately asks, distrust shining in her eyes.

"Oh. Started right with the big one, huh?", I blow out a big breath. "Well, to answer that question I pretty much have to tell you everything.", I slightly chuckle, but stop as the hard stare of Rose doesn't change.

I quietly gulp before opening my mouth. "First of all, I don't know know the Doctr. I know of him..... I come from another universe... And before you say anything, yes it is possible. I couldn't believe it myself at first. But it is real.", I quickly rush out the explanation before she could interrupt me.

"Another universe?", Rose asks, skeptically, while narrowing her eyes at me.

"Yes, another universe. I got brought here by this necklace. You see, this world and all its wonders, it was just a tv-show in my world. A piece of fiction.", I explain, begging with my eyes for her to see the truth in my words.

"-that is how I know of the Doctor and you all.", I end. I bite my lips as I nervously await her reaction.

"Fiction?", Rose repeats that part, her voice filled with disbelief. "You want to tell me, me, my mum, Mickey and the Doctor are fiction from a tv-show?", she scoffs, now truly believing her mum brought in a crazy from the streets.

"I know it sounds impossible. I still find it hard to believe.... I never intended to go here, never in my life thought something like this could be possible.", I try to explain myself, try to make her believe me, but all I got was another scoff.

I silently huff out a breath, not knowing what else to say. A new idea pops up in my mind, making me lean forward to Rose with a new determination.

"I know you and the Doctor just came back from satellite five, fighting the Dalek Emporer. I know you looked into the heart of the Tardis and used the power of the vortex energy to destroy all the Daleks and save the Doctor. I know that the vortex energy was killing you and the Doctor saved you by absorbing the energy, triggering his regeneration. I know all this, because I watched it, on my tv.", the words tumble out of my with with speed, no breath holding me back.

Rose blinks, still skeptic, as her mind reels for another reason on how I could know all that, but came up with nothing. Somehow my words made sense, and that irritated Rose to no end.

"Okay... And what if you're saying is true-"

"-It is.", I interrupt her.

"If what you're saying is true, what do you plan to do here then? You just gonna sit around at my mum's?", Rose snarls, the distrust seemed to be even shining brighter in her eyes.

My mouth opens and closes as I struggle to respond to that. Luckily to me, an opportunity to leave this conversation walks right in.

I eagerly jump out of my seat. "Mickey Mouse.", I squeak out, announcing his presence. I didn't meant to but the nickname just slipped out.

"Little star.", Mickey greets me back, using his own nickname for me. He smiles confused, but smiles nonetheless at his friend.

He looks between the girls, noticing the uncomfortable look on Nova's eyes and the burning eyes pointed at her.

"Rose, wanna go christmas shopping?", Mickey asks her, breaking her out of her obvious staring. He initially planned for him and Nova to go, but this was fine too.

"Sure.", Rose mumbles, shooting the two a weird look, not understanding how close they actually are. She stands up and shuffles over to the door, not once looking back at me.

Mickey shoots me a wink just before the door closes behind him, chuckling as he sees the embarrassed blush covering my face.

As the door closes with a click I let myself fall back down on the sofa, a relieved sigh falling of my lips as I do so.

My skin still itches from Rose's stare. Shaking the feeling away I grab my forgotten mug and take a sip of room temperature tea.

Oh, that's the worst.

I grimace, the stale taste lingering on my tongue. I stand up, grabbing Rose's cup aswell and go put them away in the kitchen.

Another sigh leaves my lips while I lean against the counter. I could faintly hear Jackie talking to her friend Beth on the phone through the wall, probably informing her that her daughter is back for Christmas.

I huff, my hand going back on my chest as the ache slowly worsens. I bite my lip in thought, wondering if it was safe for me to just check if he was okay. Just to see him safe and alright.

As much as I wanted to ignore this annoying urge to see him, I just couldn't for the life of me. It overpowered every reasonable thought, the want I had to just ignore it away.

So, to somewhat compromise with this strange feeling I went over to check on him, but stayed at the doorway. Not trusting myself to be any closer. And to my utter relief the feeling lessened, the small ache lifting piece by piece at the lack of distance, only a small dull left.

I worriedly bit my lip as I inspect him, noticing how much paler he was than before and the new glow of sweat on his forehead.

As I let the worry brew in me, the ache start to appear again, now coming in the form of sharp stabs. My hand instinctively goes towards my heart, hovering over it. I started to feel lightheaded, the room spinning in front of my eyes.

I lean my body against the doorframe, my toes just over the threshold.

My own face pale, matching the Doctor's almost comically. I take a step forward as to stabilise my shaking legs. My hand grasped the doorway, my nails digging into the wood to hold myself up.

I took another step forwards, now two feet in the room. Not soon after another dizzy spell hits me.

I quickly searches for a place to sit down, scared I will fall down any second if I don't. Preferably it was one out of the room, but the hallway seemed three time longer than it was before. So the sofa in the living room was out of the equation and I wasn't allowing the floor to meet my face.

That left me with one place, the bed. The said bed on which the Doctor was laying on.........

Oh, fuck it.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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