Ethereal || Doctor Who

By Izzy_Bleij

5.7K 292 22

Where someone new joins the Doctor's life. A mystery, an impossibility he can't seem to decipher. A question... More

| Authors note |
| Prologue |
| Cast |
Chapter II - Meeting Amelia
Chapter III - Not a goodbye, but a see you later
Chapter IV - Powell Estate
Chapter V - There you are
Chapter VI - Long distance
Chapter VII - Talking rocks
Chapter VIII - A nice cup of tea

Chapter I - The beginning

824 29 7
By Izzy_Bleij


~Italics: Lily's thoughts


Lily Smith loves being alone. She loves that she doesn't need anyone to have fun with, that just her own company is enough. Now this might come from the fact she never had any friends. Always too different to connect with, standing out and never fitting in. Therefore she learned to be happy on her own, learned to find comfort from it. And after many years she isn't too eager to change that.

If you asked her, her little life would never change. But she quickly learned you can't control your own fate, no matter how hard she tried.

But maybe it isn't as bad as she thought.......


For each introverted person there comes a day where for them the impossible happens. They have a need for social contact. It's ironic actually, the one thing that drains their battery, takes their energy, is something that feels needed. So much even they're desperate for it.

For Lily that day came too quickly. But once she was in her car on the way to a little market just out of town she didn't really seem to mind anymore.

Only walking around and looking at the different stalls was enough for her. Not lingering long enough for any unnecessary conversation. Just being around others was perfect for her, watching them enjoy their time just as she was.

There was one stall that catched her eye, making her stop her aimless wandering. She placed the books she was skimming through down and walked over. She had to duck her head a little as scarfs and cloths hung over the stall, but once she did her eyes lit up with what she met.

Little trinkets and jewellery littered the stall, all clearly handmade as little imperfections decorated the metal. You could see the scuff marks and little bumps as it was not smoothly bend. But it all made them even more peculiar to her.

She gazes over a few pieces, her hand lingering above a few she likes, which was nearly all. While she was looking a sudden light appears in the corner of her eyes. She first ignored it, not really noticing it, but as a second passes it seemed to glow brighter, practically begging for her attention.

Lily slightly jumps in her spot, scrunching her eyes shut. Curious, she turns around to the source only to find a necklace dangling right in front of her eyes. She blinked, a bit shocked. It seemed as if the light was further away, but here it is, dangling in front of her.

The heart of the necklace consisted of a beautiful black stone. It sort of hypnotises the one who looks into it, luring them closer until it got them in its grasp. And Lily couldn't ignore its call.

Intrigued, she started to reach towards it. The closer she got, the more the stone seemed to glow. Little white specks appeared in the stone. She could have swore she was staring into the night sky.

And then her fingers touches it.

Small sparks flow up her arm, warming her body up. Tilting her head she stared in confusion at the oh so curious necklace. Wondering how such a simple, mundane object could give her a feeling of home.


~This is what i imagine the necklace to~ look like. If it's not you style you
can chance it.


"That is one of my favourite pieces.", a voice spoke up behind her.

Not having heard anyone come up to her, Lily jumped in suprise.

"Oh, fuck.", she curses, holding her hand over her beating heart. "S-sorry.", she quickly apologises, turning to the woman.

The woman in front of her smiled, the soft wrinkles on her face deepening even more. Big blonde curls framed her face, well more wildly sprung around in all places, but beautiful nonetheless.

A moment passes and the woman just silently grinned at her, not saying a word. Lily softly clears her throat. "Did you make all of these yourself?", she questions to fill the akward silence.

The woman's grin seemed to grow bigger. "Yes, I did. Would you like to try him on?", the woman asks. She didn't wait for a respond and grabbed the necklace of the hook. "Turn around."

"Oh, sure.", Lily blinked in suprise before turning around, holding her hair up.

As the necklace clicks close, Lily got quickly pushed in front of a mirror. "What do you think?", the woman questions with a bit of urgency. Not necessarily weird as she is here to earn money, but the way she said it made it seem like it was a life or death situation if Lily didn't like the simple piece of jewellery.

But as Lily got the first look of the necklace on her she was hooked. Is it weird to feel a connection with an object? It probably should, but Lily didn't hate the feeling.

"That necklace was made for you sweetie", the woman comments while fondly looking down at her.

"How much?", Lily asks, not really really caring how much because she knew this one belonged with her.

"Oh that. It's nothing, free.", the woman lightly laughs, waving the question away as if it was funny.

Shocked Lily turns around, ready to protest. "Oi don't start. It's my decision is it not?", the woman raises her eyebrows, daring her to say another word.

Lily sighs, dropping her shoulder. "Alright. Thank you.", she mutters gratefully to the woman.

A smile made its way on the woman's face again. "No thanks needed, sweetie. Like I said you and that necklace belong together."

"Now, off you go. You have much to do today.", the woman suddenly turns impatient, urging Lily a few steps back. She grabs ahold of her Lily's hand and places it around the stone.

"Alright, you ready? Of course you not.", the woman corrects herself with a shake of her head. She breathed out a shaky breath as sudden tears sprung to her eyes.

To say the least Lily was confused. It wasn't everyday you meet a woman who starts to cry in front of you. But what was even more confusing was the goodbye that follows.

"I will see you layer, sweetie.", the woman spoke, before sqeeuzing Lily's hand.

"W-what-", Lily just about sputters out as she feels the stone press down.

"Run you, mad girl." And with those words, warmth spread from the stone, followed by a bright light, encasing Lily whole, and taking her far....... far.......... far away.


She remembered falling, like the tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach as gravity pulls you down. She remembered feeling herself break down cel by cel until reappering. She remembered her conscience being thrown in wild waves of darkness, only stars there to guide her. It felt as if she was gone for hours, but it could have been a mere second.

As she regains consciousness the first thing she felt was her head, and more the raging headache.

Softly rubbing her pounding head, she shakily pushes herself off the ground in a sitting position. Her eyes open hesitantly almost afraid what they would see. It took a moment, and a lot of blinking for her vision to focus. But as it did her headache distracted her from registering her surroundings.


Jumping up was not the smartest decision as the pounding in her head nearly doubled. Shaky hands reach behind her to hold herself up against a wall as she looks around the unknown place.

"Oh no, no, no, no...", Lily murmurs under her breath, panic rising in her chest as not one glimpse of the market place is in sight.

Thinking she must still be unconscious and is dreaming this all she pinches her arm. "Ow...... Wait?! No ow! Why ow?" She pinched her arm again, but again felt the sliver of pain.

Feeling one of her familiar panic attack rise she quickly tried to calm herself down. "Breathe in.....Breathe out..... Breathe in.......Breathe out.......Breathe in...........Breathe out...........", she mumbles out loud to herself.

She hurriedly pulls herself together, knowing she needs a calm mind to figure out what is happening.

Okay, now first where am I? Where did that woman take me?

She slowly started to walk down the street, looking for anything she might recognize. It was quiet, almost too quiet, only a few cars passes her by. Nothing out of the ordinary. Or so she thought.

Looking closer at the cars, more so their license plates made her heart skip a beat. An anxiety high, panic filled skip.

I'm in England. Motherfucking England. A whole ass other country.

"Oh for fucks sake.", she curses under her breath. Yes, she always been drawn to the country, dreamed to one day travel to. But not like this, without her own knowledge.

Not knowing what else to do she started walking again, still going down the street. Maybe something would pop up and tell her where in England she is.

After a while it seemed she reached the center of the town as more people filled the street. But still, no sign on where here is.

So she mustered all of the courage she didn't have and approached a person.
"Uhm excuse me sir, could you maybe tell me where I am?", she asked while trying to steady her shaking voice.

The man only gave her a strange look, making her rethink her whole approach. But luckily for her he answered after a second. "Mm, you're in Leadworth.", the man grunted before walking away

"Thank you....", Lily quietly mumbles. The name seemed familiar. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she remembered it from somewhere.

Once again, she starts to aimlessly wander around, not knowing what else to do. No phone, no money, no way of going home. It was like the day couldn't be more worse, or more confusing.

But alas, the universe wanted to poke some more fun.

Her feet suddenly stop moving. A little, innocent park layes in front of her. It might be a regular park for anyone else, but to Lily it was much more. Now she remembered where the name Leadworth comes from. A little, mad tv-show called Doctor Who.

Was it strange she was in a place that was shown in a tv-show? A show about the secrets of the univers, of time travelling and pocket universes? Yeah, it was. Therefore she jumps back on the idea that this is all just her imagination, and she is somewhere bleeding to death under a car.

She wanders over to a bench and sat down with a sigh. It was quite exhausting even if it was all a dream. Weird how that works. She leans back against the bench, closing her eyes as she enjoys the sun shining in her face.

A few feet away someone seemed to be trying to gain her attention, yelling a name. But the girl, obvious to the yelling, forms a little smile as she enjoys the moment of peace.

Suddenly the sun dissapears. Opening her eyes, wondering where the burning star went she was met with a person, standing right in front of her. But no, it wasn't just any person, that would be boring and today was no boring day. No, this person was different. Might even say special.

And that person was none other than Karen Gillan. An actor, a famous celebrity, was standing in front of her.

"What the fuck", Lily mumbles in confusion, not understanding a single thing. Again.

"Hey Nova, what are you doing here?", the ginger questions with an easy smile.

Lily, like the smart woman she is, looked behind her for this 'Nova' person, but not finding anyone there.

"What are you looking at Nove?", 'Karen' said with an akward chuckle. Now it was her turn to be confused.

"I uhh... s-sorry what?", Lily stutters out as her mind finally catches up.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I would love it if you would vote!

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