Living Life Large.(NeedlemOus...

By Gameboycolor242

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Two best friends find themselves in a series of events that led them down a dangerous path. More

Case #1- The invisible man.
Case 1: The invisible man
Case 1: The Invisible Man
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 2: The Girl Next door.
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 4: The Tall Man in the forest
Case 5: Friends in high places
Case 6: Co-workers
Case 7: Free Time
Case 8: The crazy bit-I mean lady from across the street

Case 9: Aqua

37 0 0
By Gameboycolor242

A small cup of water is left on the countertop. Rubbling as footsteps approach near it. Kyle grabs the glassware and takes a sip of it. Clearing his throat in the process.


Yes Ma?

Wise your down there. You mind throwing out the garbage. Thank you......

Kyle grabs a small white bag from the kitchen trash and heads out the side door. Not before being hit in the face by a basketball.

Thomas: Sup man.

Kyle: I'm going to get you back for that.

Claire: Well, you shouldn't just be walking out of your house not paying attention. Remember, you still have people looking for you.

Kyle: I know. Don't remind me of that shit. What are you guys doing here anyway?

Thomas: We're going to meet up with Chelsea. Training remember.

Kyle: Yea, I think I'm gonna pass on that. I have a bunch of chores to do, and there's no way mom's letting me put them off for another time.

Claire: Why don't you get Sarah to do them?

Kyle: Me and her aren't on speaking terms at the moment.

Thomas and Claire stare at each other before looking back at Kyle.

What did you do?

Kyle: Nothing, I'll tell you guys about it later.

Claire: See you later than..... What are you looking at?

Kyle: Sorry, it's just. I could have sworn I saw someone standing over there.

Thomas: I don't see anyone. Well anyway, see you later.

An individual standing on the roof of the neighbours house is watching the group have their conversation.

Do you see him?

He has friends. One with the ability of super strength, and the other. Controlling wildlife. You want me to get rid of him.

Not yet, I want you to bring him to me.

Didn't you want him dead?

You question me? 

What about the rest?

Do whatever you want with them. It doesn't matter to me.

Kyle: Huh? Who drank my water? I'm sure I didn't throw it out.

Thomas: Sometimes, I don't get him you know.  I mean dude isn't taking this serious at all. There could a bunch of assassins waiting for his ass, and he cares about is chores.

Claire: Hey, just don't worry about it too much. They haven't tried anything for awhile. Let's try to enjoy the peace while we can.

Thomas: Alright, whatever you say. The weather looks good today.

Claire: We should go to a pool.

Thomas: That would be fun. Maybe we should try to get Chelsea to come.

Claire: Knowing her, She probably won't come. Not to mention, she'll sour the mood. I don't think she even knows what fun means.

Thomas: Yeah, she is pretty hardcore.

Claire plays around  with her drink in her hand.

Thomas: What's the matter?

Claire: I was thinking about what Kyle was talking about. He said he saw someone.

Thomas: Well, Kyle's eye sight isn't too good. It's like he only has one good eye. Told Lily he need glasses for sometime now.

Sorry, I sit here for a moment.

The two look at the blonded hair individual standing right next to them. He's a green hoodie over his head.

Claire: Uh, No....

Thomas: Yeah, b your giving off creepy vibes.

Please, it won't be more than five minutes.

The teen pulls out a seat for himself.

Name's Ben. Nice to meet you.

Thomas: Well, Ben. We were in the middle of an important conversation until you showed up.

Claire looks very disturbed about Ben. 

Claire: Hey, can you give us a moment? We'll be right back.

Claire gets up, and pulls Thomas along with her.

Thomas: Hey, what was that about?

Claire: Keep walking.

Thomas: Are you okay? You look scared.

Claire: Listen, we have to go to Chelsea now. Something just told me to get as far as possible from him.

Thomas: He's one of the assassins.

Claire: No doubt.

Thomas: I thought they don't come until night.

Claire: I thought so too.

Claire pulls out her phone. Just to shocked. Her phone is covered in water.

Claire: What?! Tom let me see your phone.

Thomas pulls his phone out of his pocket to find his phone as well has been soaked.

Thomas: Huh, how did...

Claire grabs Tom's hand and heads into a crowd of people walking down the street.

Claire: Keep your guard up.

A cockroach crawls out the sleeve of Claire's shirt and flies away.

Thomas: That's gross.

Claire: Shut up, I'm too find out where he is.

The same cockroach falls out the sky. Landing on the floor. The head of it is chopped off.

Claire: I can't see him.

Thomas: Just stay close. We're in a crowd of people. He can't attack us in the open.

Hey, are you alright?

The two watched as someone nearby is having some kind of stroke.

Someone called an ambulance!

Another one drops to the floor in the same condition. Soon, many others starts dropping to.

Clarie: He's trying to flush us out.

Thomas: No.

Claire: Hm

Thomas: If he was trying to do that. He would've done at the table. He's sending message. Go around anyone, and they'll get hurt. He's trying to isolate is.

Claire: What do we do? We can't call anyone. We can't go anyone. We can't find him on our own.

Thomas: Just shut up and listen ok. We might be able to fight, but maybe if we hide from him. That might buy us sometime. It takes about thirty minutes to go Chelsea. She might be able to notice something is up. Until then, we just need to slow him down...... Claire?

Tom turns around to find a large bubble of water around Claire's head. Tom tries to put his hand it, but it's solid as rock. Blood starts to sprout from her mouth and nose. It now becomes more clear that the water isn't drowning her. It's crushing her head.

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