Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth

By metalgreymon2

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Sonic entered the Cyberspace of EDEN for the first time. However, he ends up draged into the core of EDEN, Ko... More

Deep into EDEN! The Digital Monster program!
The Black Monster of EDEN!
Cyber body? The Kuremy Detective Agency!
Welcome to Hudie!
EDEN Syndrome!
Compassion and Bravery!
A Determinated Battle!
Chasing Mephisto!
Armor Digivolution!
The Black Winged One!
Roar! MetalGreymon!
Dark Reflection!
Sayo, the Night Claw of the Digital World!
Light of Hope!
Avalon Server!
K's Invitation!
Disapearing people!
Storm of flames, Vritramon!
Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!
Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!
The Noble of Darkness!
Raidiant Moon, Crescemon!
Team Dreamin!
Burning Courage, Fladramon!
Roaring Passion, Dynasmon!
The Sistermon Sister's Gym!
Security Hack
Hybrid Digimon!
Jogress! Shakkoumon!
Violet Moon, Dianamon!
Matrix Evolution!
CEO Kishibe? The Eater's evolution!
Deep into the Digital Sea!
Light of Life, Ofanimon!
Flame Dragons! KaiserGreymon!
Speed of Light, MagnaGarurumon!
Seven Hells, BlackSeraphimon!
Take Dive, MetalSeadramon!
Idol or not? Fly, AncientIrismon!
Protect the future, KaiserKnightmon!
Break into the Secret Room!
Warp Ultimate! Nokia's Decision!
Account Server!
The Tenth DigiDestinated!
The Final Presage
Akari's Decision! Awaken Rosemon!
VS Zaxon! The Holy Knight, Omegamon!
Beyond Ultimate! Burst Mode!
The Digital Wave Trap!
The Paradise Lost Plan!
Rescue Yuuko! The Dimensional Door!
Chaos, War, and Arkadimon!
Lost Digimon!
Trap Ryuji!
Memory Bug! Burst Mode of Honor!
The Truth of The Eaters!
Hackmon's Ordeal!
Arata's Betrayal!
Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!
Knight of Avalon! Craniummon!
The True K!
The Eater Network!
Gluttonous Case!
Parallel World! VS Barbamon!
Dragon's Island! VS Examon!
Gulus Realm Burst!
Tower of Digital Waves!
Chasing Ryuji!
Cut the Heavens, SlashAngemon!
Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!
Hudie to the Rescue!
Hudiemon, awaken the dreams!
Long Lost Memories!
LordKnightmon's Final Stand!
Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!
Digital Hazard! Dukemon!
Defeat Duftmon! DigiDestinated United!
The Will of Yggdrasil!
Into the Digital World!
The Mother Eater!
The Ture Enemy! Ragnamon!
The Final Miracle! Lunardramon!
From the New World!

Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!

99 1 1
By metalgreymon2

Opening - Mikakunin Hikousen

Oh yeah! Tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Oozora kidou wo koero

Osaekirenai maenomeri na speed
Miraneta machi ga diorama ni naru

Futoumei na sora tsukinukerunda

Nayami toka fuman toka futtobashite

Manual doori no tabi nanka irane
Mayottemo furuetemo koudo agete

Oh yeah! Igigatte shikujitte tatchiagatte
Kimi to mitsumeru michi naru chiheisen

Saa tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Asu wo terasu taiyou mejirushi ni shitesa

Tonde ike jiyuu na GLORIOUS WORLD!

Episode 52 – Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!

The DigiDestinated's fight against Millenniummon ended in victory, thanks to Dynasmon's Burst Mode. However, Kishibe revealed one final trap, and managed to capture Kamishiro Yuuko with it. But that wasn't the worst. 


The Digital Waves called an order of Eaters that absorbed the Mental Data of lots of hackers in the server. And one of those victims was Chitose.

«JUNE 11, 2018, 9:20AM»

Akari was at the Central Hospital. She went to check on Erika, and to learn what happened to Chitose. On the way, she came across Ryuji, who was talking with a nurse

Ryuji: EDEN... Syndrome... (falls on his knees) Damn it... Damn it all! (punches the ground) It's happening again... Everyone... Everyone I love dies...!

Akari looked at Ryuji who was on the ground. She heard everything he said. And she wasn't the only one. Erika was behind Akari. And Akari wasn't surprised at all. Erika reached for Akari's hand, an Akari to was holding hers.

Erika: I've never seen Oni-chan like this.

Akari: A lot has happened yesterday. Anyway, how are you feeling?

Erika: I'm alright. They should discharge me "soon".

Akari: Huh?

Wormmon: Erika... 

Erika: Wormmon, did you do it for me?

Wormmon: I did, but... 

Palmon: Wormmon, what did you do?

Wormmon: Ummm... to get Erika discharged... I ummm... had to change the test's results.

Palmon: What?!

Akari: Erika-chan, you know you're not making it any better for yourself, right?

Erika: After I heard what happened to Oni-chan, you think I'd stay here doing therapy? Besides... once Kishibe turns her back on him... how much long will it last anyway? There's no point in me staying here anymore.

Akari: Erika-chan... 

Erika: I want you guys to do something for me. I... I want revenge for Chitose and Oni-chan!

Wormmon: You don't mean...?

Erika: ... Kishibe Rie... I will take her out!

We now do a bit of a time skip. We're back in Erika's room at Hudie. Erika and Akari were looking into EDEN data, preparing to attack the Avalon Server.

Erika: How are things in EDEN, Wormmon?

Wormmon: After yesterday's events, they did some emergency maintenance. They're still making adjustments to the background. Thanks to Chitose's Malware, we got the info we need!

Akari: I assume this might put the security in the Avalon Server might be a bit slack, while the maintenance is on going, right?

Erika: Precisely. We'll be breaking through the backdoor of the Avalon Server. We gotta get proofs of Kishibe's connections with the cops!

Akari: The data erased in the Cyber Crimes Investigation Unis Server... But... are you ure we'll be fine on our own? Erika-chan, we'll be breaking through the Kamishiro Enterprises's fortress!

Erika: I'm aware of that. However, I'm aware that Sonic invaded that place twice. I called him, and sent him the link of the backdoor to the Avalon Server.

Palmon: He and Gaossmon-sama will meet us there, right?

Erika: Precisely! We'll meet there in two minutes! We gotta reach a hidden area in the Avalon Server! That area must have plenty of dirt on Kishibe's crimes. Hee hee, she just set the rope to hang herself with.

Wormmon: Yikes! I've never seen you this angry!!

Akari: I share your anger, Erika-chan. Let's put an end to Kishibe Rie! We can't afford any mishaps with security restrictions!

Erika noded. Two minutes later, they managed to log into the Avalon Server through the back door, and were inside the main area of the server.

Akari: This is the spot. (Sonic and Gaossmon meet up with them) Oh, Sonic-san!

Sonic: Just call me Sonic! Good to see you, Akari! And nice to meet you, Erika!

Erika: Oh, right. I'm aware that you helped me back in Shinjuku the other day. Thanks for that, buy the way.

Sonic: No problem. Ok, we have to break through the Secret Room. We need the password. But it changes daily.

Akari: How exactly are we suppoused to get it?

Gaossmon: We had to hack Kishibe's terminal the other day, and we had Yuuko's help with that part.

Wormmon: Don't worry, I'll hack the terminal, and get the password! I can hack into the terminal, and get the password!

Erika: Wormmon... Alright, I'll leave it to you.

Wormmon nodes and leaves. Erika smiles, remembering how much of a clutz he used to be. However, he suddenly started t oget chased by Security Digimon. Erika face palmed.

Sonic: I guess we now have to wait.

A few moments later, Wormmon returned with the password. He was breathing hard, because of how much Digimon he had to go through.

Erika: You ok?

Wormmon: Tired... But I have the password.

Erika: Good.

PASSWORD: Rie*total_goddess

Akari: Huh?! What kind of password is this?

Erika: Rie*total_goddess... I think I hate her even more.

Sonic: It's worst the first time I broke into the Secret Room. And trust me, that woman is mad, even in decoration.

Erika and Akari were left confused with Sonic's description of the Secret Room. However, they entered the Password, and logged in the Secret Room. Which shocked Erika and Akari beyond shocking.

Erika: Urgh... this room. Just looking at it makes my head hurt!

Akari: This place sure is discusting! Kishibe's tastes don't match with ours!

Gaossmon: This place is gross!

Sonic: Let's try to ignor the looks... Erika, you didn't tell me. What are we actually looking for?

Erika: We once had a case to hack the Cyber Crime Investigation Unit Server. Ryuji told us it was Yuugo who wanted this, but it turned out to be Kishibe the one pullign the strings. My Brother was one of her puppets...

Sonic: Ryuji was one of her puppets? 

Erika: I'm aware you offered him a therapy to cure me... but because he was with Kishibe, he refused it.

Sonic: No wonder... Alright, once we get out of here, GUN will supervise your therapy, and change into the one I offered. For now-

Akari: GAH!!! What's this?! Kishibe has actual underwear here?!

Sonic: Oh no.

Erika: What did you open?

Akari: The drawer! And it's full of underwear! Wait... What's this?

Erika went to Akari. She looked into the drawer, and pulled out a pendrive. She gave it to Sonic, who scanned it with his Cypherdex. And there was a lot of data on it.

Sonic: I can't believe this! The filles were mixed with the underwear object data! That Kishibe is really smart, I have to admit it! (gives the pen to Erika)

Erika: The Cyber Crimes data. Well done, Akari-chan!

Akari: To bad I had to check the drawer to find it.

??: Arara, what do we have here? Such an unexpected visit!

Everyone turned over to the source of the voice. It turned out that Kishibe was inside the Secret Room, and she didn't seem to be that pissed off at all.

Sonic: Kishibe Rie.

Kishibe: And what were you doing looking into my drawer? Oh my! Have you been looking through my danties?! Eek! I. Am. So. Embaraced!

Erika(whispering): Wormmon, the data.

Wormmon nodded, took the pendrive, and left. Gaossmon and Palmon looked at Kishibe. However, Gaossmon felt something familiar within Kishibe.

Gaossmon(thoughts): This feeling again. What is it that's so familiar about her?

Kishibe: Mishima Erika, right? How's your brother, what's his name?

Erika: You're going to pay Dor my brother, and Chitose!

Kishibe: Chitose? He didn't get his friends mixed up in this, did he? Hee hee! What an oaf! I suppouse you came for revenge.

Sonic: She knows her stuff.

Kishibe: You think you're in any position to do that? After all, you're the reason he's suffering. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to warp him around my fingers. I took Mr. Justice-Warrior Hacker, No. 2 in Judes, and made him do all my dirty work!

Erika: ...! ... You're right. It's all my fault this happened to Ryuji... I'll always blame myself... But... I blame you even more!

Sonic: Your days of manipulating people are over, Kishibe Rie! Once I tell GUN everything you did, you'll be a goner!

Akari: You took advantage of Erika-chan's ilness, made Ryuji-san suffer because of that, and made us Hackers look like dirt! This is where it ends!

Kishibe: Oh... You're Erika's friends as well? Well... Hee hee... Hahahaha... Maybe I'll face you like *this*

Everyone shivered as Kishibe's voice suddenly changed completly, and some sort of shadow appeared over her eyes. She had a maniac grin on her face.

Kishibe: It's been so long since I've taken *this* form.

Kishibe suddenly was surrounded by a pink light. And that light turned into a dark clout. She bursted into the air, causing an explosion. Everyone looked up, and saw a storm above them. And from there, Kishibe descended, with a brand new form.

Akari: W-What the?!

Erika: D-Did Kishibe transformed... into a Digimon?

Gaossmon: W-Why...?

Sonic: Huh?

Gaossmon: T...This can't be!

Kishibe?: Are you surprised? This is my second form. But... so far no one else knows about this. You know what this means, right?

Erika: You don't plan on leting us out alive, right?

Kishibe?: Oh, you're so right! You're just like your brother, smart as a whip! I'm actually sad. If you were more meek, you might have dien in an hospital bed. Instead, Erika and friends, I offer you a violent and painfull death!

Sonic: Is that so. I'm not gonna let you get out of this one!! We'll win this no matter what!

Kishibe?: Hee hee... The perfect rose of victory will be taken away, by me, LordKnightmon!

Akari: LordKnightmon?

Sonic: Well, what more info can we get on our enemy? (activates the analyzer)

Alliance: «LordKnightmon, a Holy Knight Digimon. Ultimate Level. One of the Royal Knights.  More than morality, Lord Knightmon is faithful to what it personally regards as "Justice", and that end justifies their means. It's special attack is the Urgent Fear. The Pile Bunker on its right arm unleashes a powerful shockwave.»

Sonic: Y-You've got to be joking! She's a Royal Knight?!

Gaossmon: Sonic, I'm not that kin of guy, but this became personal! I'm taking her head on!

Sonic: I understand. Akari, Erika, protect yourselves. This might get explosive.

Akari and Erika: ...!

Sonic: DIGISOUL CHARGE!!! (charges the Digisoul) OVERDRIVE!!! (unleashes the Digisoul)


Gaossmon's body was surrounded by energy, as he crew into a wyvern humanoid Digimon. The blue light surrouned the wyvern. His wings were released, revealing his white body, with white Chrome Digizoid armor, with yellow spikes.


Dynasmon charged at LordKnightmon. His claws clashed with her Pile Bunker. They pushed eachother back. LordKnightmon could tell that this became personal.

LordKnightmon: So, it came down to this.

Dynasmon: What are you doing here, LordKnightmon? Why did you come to the Human World?

LordKnightmon: So you don't know? I thought you were here to take out Millenniummon. But it seems like you're here for different reasons. And even became friends with the Earthlings.

Dynasmon: Don't try to ignor my question! You've been spreading an ilness, vitimised lot of people, and took advantage of the weak ones! You bring shame to the name of the Royal Knights!

LordKnightmon: I bring shame to our name? You're the one who's protecting the earthlings responsible for the calamity in the Digital World!

Dynasmon: What? How come they're related to the Eaters that appeared in our world? 

LordKnightmon: I'm not going to talk about this. You chose your side. And for such sin, you shall die to the Will of Yggdrasil!

Dynasmon: You don't have the right to say you do anything for our lord! Let the holy light punish you for your crimes! DRAGON COLIDER!!!


Dynasmon used his Dragon Colider that clashed with LordKnightmon's Spiral Masquerade. This caused a massive explosion, and with it a massive shockwave.

Erika: They're no jocking!

Sonic: I told you this would get explosive

Akari: I can't believe Kishibe is actually a Royal Knight! Aren't those Digimon all defenders of justice?!

Sonic: I don't understand either! There's something else going on!

Dynasmon: What are you plan? What is this Paradise Lost Plan of yours?!

LordKnightmon: Ha! Why would a traitor like you do that? Well, I can tell you. It's not to late for you to join us. Let us destroy the human world together.

Dynasmon: What the?! So that's your plan from the begining?! I won't allow it! WYVERN DIVE!!! (charges in)

LordKnightmon: So you betray us until the end... URGENT FEAR!!!

Dynasmon charged in surrounded by a blazing aura. LordKnightmon charged in with her Pile Bunker. The impact caused a giant explosion. The two Royal Knights were still there.

Erika: I can't take my eyes of the fight.

Akari: Those two are to strong...

Suddenly, everyone heard an alarm, and thos one gave LordKnightmon a hell of a shock. And the reason for that is because the cops have arrived at the Kamishiro.

Akari: What's that sound?

LordKnightmon: The police are at the Kamishiro?  

Erika: Oh my, I think your secret is out.

LordKnightmon: What?!

Erika: My Digimon delivered your data to a certaain detective. Is it ok for you to do this? Your body is unprotected isn't it?

Akari: Well done, Wormmon!

Dynasmon: You're using Kishibe's body as a vessel! Abandon the body, and give in peacefully!

LordKnightmon: How dare you... I won't let you ruin my plans!

LordKnightmon vanished. She logged out, and returned to her physical body. The gang logged out, and proceeded to the metropolitan building. Matayoshi an dhis crew were already there.

Matayoshi: Sonic, just in time! Oh, Erika-chan, Akari-chan, you're here to! I got the data from your partner, Erika! We're ready to arrest Kishibe!

Sonic: Excellent! Where is she?

Matayoshi: She refused to give in peacefully, and now she's on the run! She has to be inside the building, but the place is huge!

Erika: Let us help! (starts scanning the building)

Matayoshi: Oy, what are you foing?

Erika: Establishing Kishibe's location! She's not a regular human. The area she's in must be giving out lots of Digital Waves. 

Matayoshi: So, where is she?

Erika: I'll tell you, but I'm comming to. I have unfinishe buisness to deal with her. I have to make her pay for what she did! Please!

Matayoshi: ... ... Ok. I can't say no to you, Erika-chan.

Everyone then went to the pinpointed location. It turned out that Kishibe was on the roof. She turned around to see everyone in front of her.

Matayoshi: Kishibe, give up! You have nowhere to run!

Kishibe: You're quicker than I thought, Detective Matayoshi. Was this your doing, Erika-chan? You're a vicious little scamp, aren't you?

Erika: *Huff huff*

Kishibe: Oh my, the real world can be so cruel. Have you been missing your therapy? Oh my, you have! You wouldn't want your poor little brother to be indebted with me, would you? But going on as you are... how long you think you'll last?

Erika: ...!

Sonic: Kishibe, since this is your end, you might as well tell me. What kind of therapy has Erika been taking. I can tell this isn't a regular medical practice

Kishibe: Well... I suppouse I could tell you. It's actually an experiment based on our company's research, a human experiment. This project was only allowed to go foward with my premission. That's what her "therapy" is.

Sonic: So, just another piece in this Paradise Lost Plan of yours.

Kishibe: Sort of. It uses a high-security server in EDEN to monitor Erika's mental Data, and share it with her in real time. By managing the data flow we were able to reduce some of the burden in her brain. 

Sonic: Hm... This is by far a therapy that no other company in the world has done before. The kin of equipments used must be the best in the world.

Kishibe: Do you still want to destroy me, Erika-chan?

Erika: What... What's wrong with you? What even are you?

Kishibe: Hee hee... In a way, I'm a "thing" just like you. I have a physical body, but my memories rely on Digital Data. A warped existance. Like you. The thruth is that you find youself discusting, right? Dragging that pain-filled body of yours. Why should I fear you?

Erika: Here, let me show you why.

Erika walked up to Kishibe. She then did something that shocked everyone arround her. She slapped Kishibe right on the face. Sonic prepared a Sunlock, in cse of Kishibi doing something worst. And the thing is, Kishibi actually felt pain, a bit of a big one.

Erika: That's what real pain feels like. Strong, isn't it? Not like the simulaite pain responce in EDEN. Those are signals that the real human body send out! Way stronger than the fake ones you used! Don't ever mock real human pain again!

Kishibe: I see... thanks for the lesson. (slaps Erika) You thaught me well, so I'm returning the favour.

Erika felt that one. And this exchange of slaps turned out into one real and personal fight between the two. One that Matayoshi, Sonic, Akari and the cops with them stood out of.

Sonic: Uh, should I get ready for when either one of them gets exausted?

Matayoshi: Just don't step in. This is pretty much one-on-one between those two. And don't think I'm scared of this!

It took a moment, but the two of them eventually stopped fighting. They were both exusted from the slap exchanging. 

Kishibe: Urgh...

Erika: Finished already...? You're more of a whip than I though...

Kishibe: Ha... don't be stupid... you can't keep up with me...  Hmph. This is what's so repulsive about humans... But it doesn't matter. Soon, I'll bif farawell to this body. 

The fight between Erik and Kishibe was a bit of a shocker to everyone around the two. However, Kishibe's next move would shock them even more. She went to the edge of the roof, and prepare to jump off.

Matayoshi: H-Hey! What are you doing?!

Sonic: Is she thinking of...

Kishibe: Forgive me, ladies and gentelmen of the law. To acomplish my ultimate prupouse, I can't let you get in my way. This is where I leave Kishibe Rie behind!

Erika: W-What do you mean by that?!

Kishibe: Erika-chan, let me ask you one last question. Where do you think your true self resides? In the real world of flesh? On the cyberspace of EDEN? Or perhaps... you don't even feel like you have a self.

Erika: ...?

Kishibe(LordKnightmon): Hee hee hee.... Ha ha ha ha ha! I want you to continue to tremble in fear in that space between what's real and what's digital. And when that thin wall finlly crumbles, what will it be of you? I cannot wait to find out.

Calming her true personality down, Kishibe waved at the people in front of her, blew a kiss, and allowed herself to fall of the roof. Sonic and Matayoshi went to the edge of the roof, but they were to late.

Sonic: What has she done? Matayoshi-san, you take over from here! Get back down, and call an ambulance! I'll report back to Kyoko!

Matayoshi: Got it!

Sonic: Akari, watch over Erika!

Sonic dashed out of the building. Matayoshi went with the cops, and they proceeded to call an ambulance. Akari went to Erika. The two of them were actually shocked with Kishibe's last move.

Erika: She... She jumped... Why? Does this mean it's over? Did we get revenge for Oni-chan and Chitose?

Akari: ... I want to think so... But knowing her, she might have done something to escape, and used this to fool us.

Erika: You're probably right... But... can I still consider this revenge for them? ...*sniff*

Akari: Erika-chan?

Erika: I-I'm not crying. My cheek hurts where it got... hit... *sniff sniff* Oni-chan... Chitose... I... I'm sorry!

Erika finally allowed all of it to come out. She ran to Akari, and hugged her while crying. Akari could only hug Erika back. She cariced her hair, and did everything to calm Erika down.

Akari(thoughts): I've never seen Erika this vunerable... she's the strongest girl I've ever met... Kishibe Rie... no, LordKnightmon. I can't prove it, but I'm sure you're still out there. You won't ger away with what you did. That... is a promiss...


Ending - Twill, New World

Sora wo koete, umi wo koete
Chiisana fuan kibou ni kaete

Arukidashita kono sekai de
Dona deai wo sagashi ni ikou

Omoi kuzuresou demo zawameku kokoro osaeru
Kimi no koe ga tsutsumu saki shinjite

Bokura no tabi wa mada hajimatta bakari
Doredake no yume wo kizuna wo tsunaide ikou

Atsumaru kokoro wa tatakau tsuyosa ni naru yo
Yami wo koeta asu no sono saki e

Next Time...

Omegamon finally remembered why he came to the Human World, and reveals the truth about the Paradise Lost Plan. However, they have to move fast. With Sonic attacking the Avalon Server, it's up to the remaining DigiDestinated to stop this plan at all coasts!

Next time, on Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth: The Paradise Lost Plan!

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